Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

A Cash Shop is Being Considered

    • 816 posts
    April 1, 2021 3:17 PM PDT

    If you have basic cable you must support fox news/msnbc because you are paying for them in your cable package... I think we all know that's not how support works. These packages with VR are not toppings on a pizza. They are all or nothing.

    As for the jealousy comment it is laughable. If they have gaudy effects in the game because people will pay for them that makes the game look bad. It ruins the aesthetics of the world.

    Your logic of benefitting the company is the same logic behind p2w games. There will be people who quit when they see the gothic lolita tank.

    Put them on their own server. Let people who want to buy outfits for dress up do it with other fashion focused people. I will laugh at the images of a gaudy $30 neon knight as long as I don't have to play with the out of place PC.
    • 844 posts
    April 1, 2021 9:50 PM PDT

    manofyesterday said:

    A cosmetic-only cash shop is a bad idea because many if not all of the cool-looking cosmetics will have to be bought rather than earned through questing, crafting, killing bosses, etc.


    There is now enough history on cosmetic monetiztion schemes to know that non-paying players will be relegated to bland, routine looking gear.

    Artists best efforts will go into gear-sets, mounts, etc. for monetization.

    The question you have to ask is, are you ok with that.

    This post was edited by zewtastic at April 1, 2021 9:50 PM PDT
    • 25 posts
    April 3, 2021 11:30 PM PDT

    Jobeson said: @Helwithe If you have basic cable you must support fox news/msnbc because you are paying for them in your cable package... I think we all know that's not how support works. 

    Huh? I'm not really sure I followed your cable example. Support is support. Spending money on a lore friendly pick axe skin that has no actual effect on the gamplay experience outside of asthetics goes directly to the artist that created it, the computer and software she used to craft the art, her internet, 401k, health benefits, etc. MMO's are notoriously known for going bankrupt and failing, which is an actual obstacle VR will more than likely face.

    These packages with VR are not toppings on a pizza. They are all or nothing. As for the jealousy comment it is laughable.

    No, they are not pizza toppings, they are literal revenue generators. Again, to reiterate, MMO's rise and fall constantly. This is not a difficult concept. Also, glad you liked my joke!

     If they have gaudy effects in the game because people will pay for them that makes the game look bad. It ruins the aesthetics of the world. Your logic of benefitting the company is the same logic behind p2w games. There will be people who quit when they see the gothic lolita tank. Put them on their own server. Let people who want to buy outfits for dress up do it with other fashion focused people. I will laugh at the images of a gaudy $30 neon knight as long as I don't have to play with the out of place PC. 

    I agree, but this isn't fortnite. Again, lore friendly, tastfully done cosmetics have only positive effects. Someone buys flowery reins for their horse, someone sees it and buys it too, thats $10 of support to VR! No, it's not the Ancient Reins of the Night Mare, that took 2-months of questing, lore seeking, and monster slaying to obtain, and makes your horse run twice as fast AND on water, but it's a $5 cosmetic that someone can buy to make their horse cute. It's not pay-to-win logic, it's a basic understanding of reality. No money, no MMO!

    • 25 posts
    April 3, 2021 11:33 PM PDT

    zewtastic said:

    There is now enough history on cosmetic monetiztion schemes to know that non-paying players will be relegated to bland, routine looking gear.

    Care to share some examples?

    • 248 posts
    April 3, 2021 11:54 PM PDT

    @Helwithe to back up what Jobeson is saying.

    I pledged for Pathfinder because I wanted to support the kind of MMO I've been waiting for ever since Vanguard failed and I wanted to be able to contribute to Alpha feedback, I don't care about the Explorer's Backpack or the Tunic of the Ages.


    It would not be jealously if I saw a rainbow backpack in Pantheon like your example, it would be disgust.

    Guild Wars 2 has been utterly ruined by its cash shop and cosmetic design choices from an aesthetics point of view. It's visual diarrhoea.


    And finally, a bow which shoots rainbow unicorns instead of arrows with an accompanying NEIGH sound every arrow.... puke.

    • 25 posts
    April 4, 2021 12:40 AM PDT

    Ezrael said:

    @Helwithe to back up what Jobeson is saying.

    I pledged for Pathfinder because I wanted to support the kind of MMO I've been waiting for ever since Vanguard failed and I wanted to be able to contribute to Alpha feedback, I don't care about the Explorer's Backpack or the Tunic of the Ages.

    I agree with what you're both saying. I'm not interested in a high fantasy world where bows shoot rainbowcorns, but I also think a cosmetic shop can be done tastefully and generate revenue for a game I support and want to succeed. Just because it hasn't been done before, doesn't mean it can't be done. My issue is the sheer lack of understanding of how a business runs, operates, and survives.

    For starters, Pantheon is a niche MMO. It is catering to a niche group of players that want a modern Everquest, Vanguard, etc. It's already in danger of being in a position of low income, before it even releases. To help remedy a lack of funds VR has to rely on crowd funding, which is notoriously unpredictable, or rely on outside funds, i.e. publishers, investors, etc. Who will likely stipulate as part of a contract that there has to be a guaranteed way to produce ROI. The likelihood that PRotF survives on subscriptions alone is astronomically low. It's not speculation, it's fact.

    Without a steady income updates come slow. The game goes into maintenance mode. People lose interest. MMO dies. It's tried and true.

    The discussion shouldn't be about 'yes cash shop, no cash shop' it should be about 'How can we improve upon the successful cash shop model to make it tasteful, and lore friendly, without compromising the integrity of the game.'

    I'm fine with there being a separate server for people that want to buy cosmetics, heck, add a toggle in the options menu to turn them off. Just as long as the people playing on the non-cosmetic server understand that their fun from expanded content is being fueled by the revenue generated by cute flower horse reins cosmetic items!

    • 2756 posts
    April 4, 2021 3:33 AM PDT

    Helwithe said:

    I agree with what you're both saying. I'm not interested in a high fantasy world where bows shoot rainbowcorns, but I also think a cosmetic shop can be done tastefully and generate revenue for a game I support and want to succeed. Just because it hasn't been done before, doesn't mean it can't be done. My issue is the sheer lack of understanding of how a business runs, operates, and survives.

    For starters, Pantheon is a niche MMO. It is catering to a niche group of players that want a modern Everquest, Vanguard, etc. It's already in danger of being in a position of low income, before it even releases. To help remedy a lack of funds VR has to rely on crowd funding, which is notoriously unpredictable, or rely on outside funds, i.e. publishers, investors, etc. Who will likely stipulate as part of a contract that there has to be a guaranteed way to produce ROI. The likelihood that PRotF survives on subscriptions alone is astronomically low. It's not speculation, it's fact.

    Without a steady income updates come slow. The game goes into maintenance mode. People lose interest. MMO dies. It's tried and true.

    The discussion shouldn't be about 'yes cash shop, no cash shop' it should be about 'How can we improve upon the successful cash shop model to make it tasteful, and lore friendly, without compromising the integrity of the game.'

    I'm fine with there being a separate server for people that want to buy cosmetics, heck, add a toggle in the options menu to turn them off. Just as long as the people playing on the non-cosmetic server understand that their fun from expanded content is being fueled by the revenue generated by cute flower horse reins cosmetic items!

    And you will find people disagree.  You say there's a lack of understanding how a business runs?  I say it is how businesses have been running that has ruined the MMORPG genre (and others).

    There are lots of successful business models that are to the detriment of the customer experience.  They don't much care and people keep paying because it's "good enough".

    There are successful business models that do everything they can for their customers benefit.  They intentional target a niche because in that way they can confidently make exactly what that niche wants.

    People are hoping VR does the latter as, refreshingly, that's what they promised and that's why we pledged.

    We also largely have confidence that people will *join* that niche when they appreciate how good it is and it won't be as small as it currently may seem.

    Businesses used to work that way.  They would make a product they thought was great and people would love.  If they were right, they continued to make that thing and improve it and have loyal happy customers.

    Somewhere along the line businesses decided it was ok to make poop that had enough appeal to everyone to gain a mass market.  Huge sales with low margin and neutral customers is just fine.  The more the better.  Use flashy advertising to hype poop and saturate the market to kill the opposition.  Milk it as long and as hard as possible - widen and dilute as much as possible then advertise Poop 2.0 and persuade people to move onto your next 'big thing' you tell them is great, but is still bland poop of a slightly different shade and texture.

    I'm ranting lol.  Sorry.  Not at you - just went off on one!  hopefully you get my point XD.

    No, I don't think even Cash Shop 2.0 would be a good idea for the reasons lots have stated.  I mean, *maybe*, but with a huge dollop of *I doubt it though*.

    This post was edited by disposalist at April 4, 2021 3:35 AM PDT
    • 25 posts
    April 4, 2021 12:22 PM PDT

    disposalist said:

    And you will find people disagree.  You say there's a lack of understanding how a business runs?  I say it is how businesses have been running that has ruined the MMORPG genre (and others).

    There are lots of successful business models that are to the detriment of the customer experience.  They don't much care and people keep paying because it's "good enough".

    There are successful business models that do everything they can for their customers benefit.  They intentional target a niche because in that way they can confidently make exactly what that niche wants.

    @Disposalist People will always disagree. It's a fact of life that everyone has differing opinions. That isn't my problem. My problem, again, is instead of looking at something objectively, people tend to mix in their emotions and argue selfishly, without thinking outside of their own perspective. I'm basing my argument on reality - if VR runs out of money they won't be able to pay their employees, they won't be able to pay their investors, and the company you hold dear will be sold for parts.

    People are hoping VR does the latter as, refreshingly, that's what they promised and that's why we pledged.

    We also largely have confidence that people will *join* that niche when they appreciate how good it is and it won't be as small as it currently may seem.

    Businesses used to work that way.  They would make a product they thought was great and people would love.  If they were right, they continued to make that thing and improve it and have loyal happy customers.

    People make promises all the time. If I promised my nephew a weekend of playing games and watching movies at my house and my house forcloses, sorry nephew!

    Don't forget, I'm also a supporter of this game, and probably want a lot of the same things that you want. A fun, immersive MMO that is challenging, socially oriented, and rich with lore. I'm not immune to hype. I'm also not so deluded to think that an MMO can thrive and expand on subscriptions alone.

    Somewhere along the line businesses decided it was ok to make poop that had enough appeal to everyone to gain a mass market.  Huge sales with low margin and neutral customers is just fine.  The more the better.  Use flashy advertising to hype poop and saturate the market to kill the opposition.  Milk it as long and as hard as possible - widen and dilute as much as possible then advertise Poop 2.0 and persuade people to move onto your next 'big thing' you tell them is great, but is still bland poop of a slightly different shade and texture.

    I'm ranting lol.  Sorry.  Not at you - just went off on one!  hopefully you get my point XD.

    No, I don't think even Cash Shop 2.0 would be a good idea for the reasons lots have stated.  I mean, *maybe*, but with a huge dollop of *I doubt it though*.

    A little bit of a tangent, but I agree. In large, a lot of businesses exist to make money. I'm with you and everyone else that is hoping VR holds up it's promise. I'm also hoping they thrive and find success in an industry that is largely unsuccessful. 

    Yes, I do think Cash Shop 2.0 would be a great idea, for the reasons I have stated. 

    To recap: A cosmetic only shop, that is lore friendly and tastefully done, that focuses on keeping the company and thier IP's integrity intact, will generate revenue which will afford VR the funds to thrive and continue to expand their game.


    • 42 posts
    April 4, 2021 4:00 PM PDT

    I think even a cash shop with cosmetic only items still poses an issue. Part of the appeal of MMOs is seeing that higher level player with cool items and aspiring to obtain them yourself. If you have a cosmetic only shop where you can just transmog a rusty sword into that really good raid sword, what's the point? Sure, the stats, but it diminishes the effect IMO. And if you do cash shop only cosmetics, as in nothing else in the game looks like that, you're essentially telling people that they HAVE to use the cash shop for cool looking cosmetics. And then there's the obvious visual nightmares that come with a lot of cash shop cosmetics, the ones that either don't fit properly in the game or otherwise just look like hot garbage.

    That being said, you'll never please everyone. There will be people upset whether there's a cash shop or not, the ones that absolutely want a P2W cash shop, those that are alright with cosmetics only, and the opposers. I don't like cash shops at all, but if it truly was cosmetic only, and fit in the game visually, I can't complain because I just wouldn't spend money on it and if others did, it's not my business.

    • 25 posts
    April 4, 2021 5:47 PM PDT

    I'd love to see people's creative ideas on how an MMO company might generate revenue outside of a cash shop. I'd also love to hear about a relevant MMO that doesn't have a cash shop. I'm seriously asking! How do you expect a company, especially a niche MMO company, to survive without a constant revenue stream? Because the only arguments seem to be:

    "If I'm paying for the game all content should be available to me!"

    If you bought a AAA game for $59.99 and they released a DLC would you expect to be able to play the DLC just because you bought the base game? No. The reason a lot of single player games only have a one time fee is because they don't have to maintain expensive servers or worry about expanding the game outside of DLCs. Games like Minecraft work because it's a one time fee to play, players can pay for their own servers, or host their own local games to play with friends. Yes, your $50 game purchase, and $15 sub helps maintain the server, but if you want more content the company needs a way to make money. You can't have something from nothing.

    "That person didn't have to work for that cosmetic, all they had to do was buy it in the cosmetic shop! While I had to quest for 200 hours for my legendary horse reins!"

    A cosmetic shop doesn't have to be all or nothing. It doesn't have to be filled with items like legendary angel wings that make glory sounds every time you jump. They can be simple, inexpensive, and tastefully done cosmetics, that support growth and make investors wallets happy.


    • 77 posts
    April 4, 2021 6:29 PM PDT

    Helwithe said:

    I'd love to see people's creative ideas on how an MMO company might generate revenue outside of a cash shop.  

    What about uncreative ideas?  What about basic, uninspired, bland ideas.   I may not be smart enough to contribute anything but dumb ideas like this one:


    Consider Iron Gate Studio.  An indepdent Swedish developer that made a dumb game with a dumb 5-person team that they sold for a dumb box price of $20.  Their dumb game was a niche sandbox survival MMO built in Unity.  Since "niche" "sandbox" and "survival" are basically a death sentence for an MMO they were really dumb to not include a cash shop.  Now their dumb company is bankrupt and their families are starving it's tragic...wait...hold on...

    ...apparently 6 million dumb people bought their dumb game in the first 6 weeks.  Even dumber is that if people want to play this game with other folks they have to host a server themselves or they have to pay more money to rent a server.  And dummies are doing this. 

    I guess...I suppose...Visionary Realms could make a good game and then make people pay a subscription for the game?  That's my dumb idea.  But it's probably better to have a cash shop since that's the only way a game can survie these days (according to an article I read from Activision Blizzard and Electronic Arts CEOs Bobby Kotick and Andrew Wilson).


    Edit: I'm so dumb that I don't even know the name of that dumb game from those 5 Swedes at Iron Gate.  A much smarter friend of mine told me it was Valheim. 

    This post was edited by Olympeus at April 4, 2021 6:31 PM PDT
    • 844 posts
    April 4, 2021 8:17 PM PDT

    Olympeus said:

    Helwithe said:

    I'd love to see people's creative ideas on how an MMO company might generate revenue outside of a cash shop.  

    What about uncreative ideas?  What about basic, uninspired, bland ideas.   I may not be smart enough to contribute anything but dumb ideas like this one:

     Consider Iron Gate Studio.  An indepdent Swedish developer that made a dumb game with a dumb 5-person team that they sold for a dumb box price of $20.  Their dumb game was a niche sandbox survival MMO built in Unity.  Since "niche" "sandbox" and "survival" are basically a death sentence for an MMO they were really dumb to not include a cash shop.  Now their dumb company is bankrupt and their families are starving it's tragic...wait...hold on...

    ...apparently 6 million dumb people bought their dumb game in the first 6 weeks.  Even dumber is that if people want to play this game with other folks they have to host a server themselves or they have to pay more money to rent a server.  And dummies are doing this. 

    I guess...I suppose...Visionary Realms could make a good game and then make people pay a subscription for the game?  That's my dumb idea.  But it's probably better to have a cash shop since that's the only way a game can survie these days (according to an article I read from Activision Blizzard and Electronic Arts CEOs Bobby Kotick and Andrew Wilson).

     Edit: I'm so dumb that I don't even know the name of that dumb game from those 5 Swedes at Iron Gate.  A much smarter friend of mine told me it was Valheim. 

    Not really sure what point you're making here.

    Plenty of tiny studios have made financially successful games. Unity has made it very easy for those with the motivation and skills to turn a good idea into $$.

    And don't let the 'indy' term mean too much. Those two founders of Iron gate I suspect cut their teeth at Dice (EA) long before they decided to do their own thing.

    Blind hype is a driving thing these days in gaming. So many thirsty wannabe streamers looking for the next big thing to break out with. They buy just about anything that gets released, early access or otherwise.


    • 25 posts
    April 4, 2021 8:43 PM PDT

    Olympeus said:

    Helwithe said:

    I'd love to see people's creative ideas on how an MMO company might generate revenue outside of a cash shop.  

    What about uncreative ideas?  What about basic, uninspired, bland ideas.   I may not be smart enough to contribute anything but dumb ideas like this one:


    Consider Iron Gate Studio.  An indepdent Swedish developer that made a dumb game with a dumb 5-person team that they sold for a dumb box price of $20.  Their dumb game was a niche sandbox survival MMO built in Unity.  Since "niche" "sandbox" and "survival" are basically a death sentence for an MMO they were really dumb to not include a cash shop.  Now their dumb company is bankrupt and their families are starving it's tragic...wait...hold on...

    ...apparently 6 million dumb people bought their dumb game in the first 6 weeks.  Even dumber is that if people want to play this game with other folks they have to host a server themselves or they have to pay more money to rent a server.  And dummies are doing this. 

    I guess...I suppose...Visionary Realms could make a good game and then make people pay a subscription for the game?  That's my dumb idea.  But it's probably better to have a cash shop since that's the only way a game can survie these days (according to an article I read from Activision Blizzard and Electronic Arts CEOs Bobby Kotick and Andrew Wilson).


    Edit: I'm so dumb that I don't even know the name of that dumb game from those 5 Swedes at Iron Gate.  A much smarter friend of mine told me it was Valheim. 

    Valheim isn't a multi-million dollar MMO. I see what you did, but you skirted the outline of the topic. Is Valheim an MMO? No. Does Valheim have to sustain servers? No.

    PRotF failed it's kickstarter. It's crowd funded, and has been in development since September 2013. While I did enjoy the read, your comment didn't really add anything to the discussion - Cash Shops.

    • 155 posts
    April 4, 2021 9:00 PM PDT

    Helwithe said:

    Olympeus said:

    Helwithe said:

    I'd love to see people's creative ideas on how an MMO company might generate revenue outside of a cash shop.  

    What about uncreative ideas?  What about basic, uninspired, bland ideas.   I may not be smart enough to contribute anything but dumb ideas like this one:


    Consider Iron Gate Studio.  An indepdent Swedish developer that made a dumb game with a dumb 5-person team that they sold for a dumb box price of $20.  Their dumb game was a niche sandbox survival MMO built in Unity.  Since "niche" "sandbox" and "survival" are basically a death sentence for an MMO they were really dumb to not include a cash shop.  Now their dumb company is bankrupt and their families are starving it's tragic...wait...hold on...

    ...apparently 6 million dumb people bought their dumb game in the first 6 weeks.  Even dumber is that if people want to play this game with other folks they have to host a server themselves or they have to pay more money to rent a server.  And dummies are doing this. 

    I guess...I suppose...Visionary Realms could make a good game and then make people pay a subscription for the game?  That's my dumb idea.  But it's probably better to have a cash shop since that's the only way a game can survie these days (according to an article I read from Activision Blizzard and Electronic Arts CEOs Bobby Kotick and Andrew Wilson).


    Edit: I'm so dumb that I don't even know the name of that dumb game from those 5 Swedes at Iron Gate.  A much smarter friend of mine told me it was Valheim. 

    Valheim isn't a multi-million dollar MMO. I see what you did, but you skirted the outline of the topic. Is Valheim an MMO? No. Does Valheim have to sustain servers? No.

    PRotF failed it's kickstarter. It's crowd funded, and has been in development since September 2013. While I did enjoy the read, your comment didn't really add anything to the discussion - Cash Shops.

    But he did mention that there will be a subcription. Whether it be $15 or $30 a month, whatever sub they decide it takes for us to support their servers and their team.

    • 25 posts
    April 4, 2021 9:26 PM PDT

    Taledar said:

    But he did mention that there will be a subcription. Whether it be $15 or $30 a month, whatever sub they decide it takes for us to support their servers and their team.

    I can see a higher subscription fee working, or even adding incentives for paying for higher tiered subscriptions that give cosmetic shop tokens. So instead of people complaining that they can't get the cosmetics, they are given more tokens per month with higher tiered subscriptions.

    This post was edited by Helwithe at April 4, 2021 9:27 PM PDT
    • 72 posts
    April 6, 2021 1:40 AM PDT

    The only way I'd be really okay with cash-shop, is if they sold things like lore complaint vanity pets or extra skins for things people ALREADY have.
    For example, a vanity pet wolf or an extra skin to change your generic brown arabian horse to a palamino with a beautifully braided mane--Maybe a skin to change an iconic weapon from red/black to gold/silver.

    Basically if its:
    A. Pointless little thing for fun while not breaking immersion
    B. Adds to the value of a particular item that a player already earned through gameplay.

    For the most part I'd just rather not have a cash shop as almost all cash shops become pretty egregious over time. I'd pay more in subscription to avoid a cash shop if possible.
    I'm not sure how subscription prices of subscription based games haven't increased over the years. $15 back in 1999 was worth about $23 in 2021 when accounting for inflation.

    This post was edited by Turnip at April 6, 2021 1:51 AM PDT
    • 25 posts
    April 9, 2021 4:51 PM PDT

    Turnip said:

    I'm not sure how subscription prices of subscription based games haven't increased over the years. $15 back in 1999 was worth about $23 in 2021 when accounting for inflation.

    This is partly why cash shops, DLC, and other paid content was initially developed. Game development is not only difficult, but requires funding.

    Also - 

    If anyone is still interested in this topic I highly suggest watching this video of Asmongold reacting to Steven Sharif's reasoning behind a cosmetic only, no pay-to-win, cash shop.

    Steven Sharif does a fantastic job of explaining things I've iterated in previous posts, from the standpoint of a developer.

    Although it's in regards to Ashes of Creation, a competing MMO, I think everything he has to say applies to Pantheon and is on topic with the theme of this forum thread. I can't recommend the entire video, as I'm not particularly interested in Ashes of Creation, but if you rewind to the first part of the question he discusses why the subscription model works well when it's augmented with a well done cash shop.

    Watch here:

    "Game development is hard, especially MMO's. Content needs to be created, and that requires money."

    • 220 posts
    April 10, 2021 7:06 AM PDT
    Can't believe this is still open and not lock yet.
    First of I supported PROTF because they say the game will have NO cash shop. Hence why I did the pledge. To read that the team even consider cash shop dishonor their credibility, the pledge community, and Brad.

    What? you pledge hundreds of dollars for cosmetic cash shop? I'm already "considering" to cancel my pledge and Pantheon even when it's release.
    There plenty of games out that has that feature already. I'm not interested in "another cookies cutter" mmo.

    Let's hope this was just to test the community response how many against and for this cometic garbage. No white knights "financial" response please I can't take you seriously no offense.
    • 220 posts
    April 10, 2021 7:06 AM PDT
    Can't believe this is still open and not lock yet.
    First of I supported PROTF because they say the game will have NO cash shop. Hence why I did the pledge. To read that the team even consider cash shop dishonor their credibility, the pledge community, and Brad.

    What? you pledge hundreds of dollars for cosmetic cash shop? I'm already "considering" to cancel my pledge and Pantheon even when it's release.
    There plenty of games out that has that feature already. I'm not interested in "another cookies cutter" mmo.

    Let's hope this was just to test the community response how many against and for this cometic garbage. No white knights "financial" response please I can't take you seriously no offense.
    • 220 posts
    April 10, 2021 7:08 AM PDT
    Dang it. Posted on my phone with bad signal. Posted two .
    • 220 posts
    April 10, 2021 7:21 AM PDT
    Had to go back to read..and brows over. If there is a toggle to turn off the cash shop store and it's cosmetic it might change my mind. I rather have a $30-maybe $60 sub than a cash shop.
    /Bowing out
    • 220 posts
    April 10, 2021 7:35 AM PDT
    I would pay extra sub $$$ if Pantheon has a "no cash shop" server!!
    • 729 posts
    April 10, 2021 9:51 AM PDT
    I would pay more to ensure the creative element, the art team, is the final word on all visuals.
    • 1860 posts
    April 10, 2021 12:37 PM PDT

    Brad said:

    "The revenue model needs to match the game.  If you've designed a game - let's say it's a mobile game - you need to bring people in, you need to expose it to as many people as possible because only a certain percentage are going to monetise, then I agree, it becomes about getting as many people playing as possible because you know some will spend more money.

    But if you're making a game that is meant to be played for a longer period of time, then I think you should have a target audience and you should spend the time making the best game for them because you want to keep them around. Every player is important - not just the 3% or 5% that monetise. And especially if you're using the sub model, keeping them around and keeping them happy and making it more than a game and more of a home, that's what's important."

    • 46 posts
    April 10, 2021 1:11 PM PDT

    I hope thire is no cash shop at all. If there is I hope there is a server that has no cash shop. I would rather pay more per month to keep a cash shop out.