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Alts and knowing who is who

    • 151 posts
    July 2, 2019 7:18 AM PDT

    I don't thinkk you should be able to know the account behind every payer you meet, but I do think you should be able to /ignore a character and all other characters on the account. Unless you only ever ignore one character you would never really know who a character belongs to if you ever run into a toon you have ignored. I also think account wide ignore should be an option for a player not a requirement. Use it how you like.

    • 1584 posts
    July 2, 2019 7:20 AM PDT

    Their isn't really a thing as damaged to much in a mmo though, if you actually did get it their than well who fault is that? It's not the communities fault you were doing all the things you were doing, no one made you become that person only you did, and if you think it honestly in that bad of a state, you can either ask for the communities forgoveness, shot you can even just go around d and start helping people constantly just to show them you are trying to turn over a new leaf, will it take work heck yeah it will, just like it took work for the community to not like you in the first place.

    This post was edited by Cealtric at July 2, 2019 7:20 AM PDT
    • 373 posts
    July 2, 2019 7:20 AM PDT

    So... some of you seen me write that I dislike extreme comments and you're all welcome to bash me for what I'm about to type.  I'm far from perfect. 

    If all of my characters are linked to an account and I don't have this option of privacy, I just won't play the game. I won't be angry or upset; I just won't pick it up. I won't speak for other players or crowds or perceived fan bases (fans base? lol)    ...I just won't play the game.  That's the reality of how simple the decision is for me.   

    This is an opinion that, like many have, can change.  Just sharing current feelings.


    This post was edited by Tigersin at July 2, 2019 7:21 AM PDT
    • 1584 posts
    July 2, 2019 7:32 AM PDT

    Too me the link makes the community stay healthier, you lose a lot of trolls and players trying to do certain things that could be looked down upon like training, KSing, stealing whole camps, saying dumb things in chat like a false rank of a military branch (saw this everyday in wow).  To me the link is important but kot needed, but I believe it would make people think twice before doing things that might seem unfair to other players or trolling in general.

    And as for the devs have said they want us to police after each other to a point, not be the sheriff or anything but to stop bad behaviors amongst each other and having the account linked would help us do that, now will you find people who will simple not like you, yeah that will happen, but you could also just try to be a good person and hope they change their mind through action and not just make a new character and give yourself a free pass, which I think most would do to do the same thing again and repeat the cycle.

    This post was edited by Cealtric at July 2, 2019 7:37 AM PDT
    • 313 posts
    July 2, 2019 7:38 AM PDT

    Tigersin said:

    So... some of you seen me write that I dislike extreme comments and you're all welcome to bash me for what I'm about to type.  I'm far from perfect. 

    If all of my characters are linked to an account and I don't have this option of privacy, I just won't play the game. I won't be angry or upset; I just won't pick it up. I won't speak for other players or crowds or perceived fan bases (fans base? lol)    ...I just won't play the game.  That's the reality of how simple the decision is for me.   

    This is an opinion that, like many have, can change.  Just sharing current feelings.



    Hey, if you want to take that hardline stance, that's fine.  But I almost guarantee if the game comes out and people are raving about it, you would cave and play it.  You can say you wouldn't but you would.  

    • 1584 posts
    July 2, 2019 7:42 AM PDT

    zoltar said:

    Tigersin said:

    So... some of you seen me write that I dislike extreme comments and you're all welcome to bash me for what I'm about to type.  I'm far from perfect. 

    If all of my characters are linked to an account and I don't have this option of privacy, I just won't play the game. I won't be angry or upset; I just won't pick it up. I won't speak for other players or crowds or perceived fan bases (fans base? lol)    ...I just won't play the game.  That's the reality of how simple the decision is for me.   

    This is an opinion that, like many have, can change.  Just sharing current feelings.



    Hey, if you want to take that hardline stance, that's fine.  But I almost guarantee if the game comes out and people are raving about it, you would cave and play it.  You can say you wouldn't but you would.  

    Why? Why would you even write this, this is completely uncalled for, and so what if he did decide to play it anyway that's isn't even the point, he was just saying his opinion, there was no reason to go out of your way and basically try to call him a liar.

    • 216 posts
    July 2, 2019 7:47 AM PDT

    Rather than knowing who's who, I would settle for a global ignore, so if you ignore one of their characters you ignore all of the accounts characters. Then I don't need to know their account name to effectively block them.

    • 521 posts
    July 2, 2019 7:49 AM PDT

    I’m for reputation being on the account level, I don't think makes any sense to tie reputation to character(s) since its the person playing that matters.

    I’d like to see having a bad rep come with a sting. Players with Bad reputations should effect those they're grouping with, and the guilds their member of, they should be shunned so if you choose to help them your just as guilty.

    Additionally, I don't think we need to deny those who want to have a day of crafting or fishing by forcing a surname or account name on the friends list so they can be monitored, just make one guild per account so players cant join several guilds, meaning you can have Guildless characters, but not characters in different guilds. ect..

    • 1584 posts
    July 2, 2019 7:54 AM PDT

    I think your thinking @Kellie but I believe the link would be better because the ignore doesn't actually "stops" people from doing bad things that the link I think would, granted would he be ignored by a lot of the community yes if he did something bad but the question is would he do such a bad thing if is account was actually linked in the first place and knew it would of hurt his repuation to begin with, that the real question, granted probably some would but I would hope many wouldn't because they would want to be part of the community and not be an outsider.

    • 1095 posts
    July 2, 2019 7:54 AM PDT

    People will be people. You will have the trolls and the trainers.

    This post was edited by Aich at July 2, 2019 8:01 AM PDT
    • 247 posts
    July 2, 2019 7:59 AM PDT
    Sometimes people want anonymity just for peace, especially in a group-centric game.

    If I have a level 50 Cleric but I want to play my Wizard alt for a while then it would be nice to do it without getting /tells from people asking for me to play my Cleric.

    At the same time there is a convenience there that would be missed if a friend had a great group they wanted me to join but they didn’t realise I was on an alt.

    We also need to consider how harassment is handled when it is unfortunately necessary.

    So I think the standard system should not share any additional account name.

    But there could be an opt in system with mutual friends where you do share an account name and when they look on their friends list they can see my account name and character name no matter which character I’m playing.

    At the same time /ignore could also work to ignore a whole account to avoid a troll just swapping to an alt to continue harassment.
    • 313 posts
    July 2, 2019 8:00 AM PDT

    Riahuf22 said:

    zoltar said:

    Tigersin said:

    So... some of you seen me write that I dislike extreme comments and you're all welcome to bash me for what I'm about to type.  I'm far from perfect. 

    If all of my characters are linked to an account and I don't have this option of privacy, I just won't play the game. I won't be angry or upset; I just won't pick it up. I won't speak for other players or crowds or perceived fan bases (fans base? lol)    ...I just won't play the game.  That's the reality of how simple the decision is for me.   

    This is an opinion that, like many have, can change.  Just sharing current feelings.



    Hey, if you want to take that hardline stance, that's fine.  But I almost guarantee if the game comes out and people are raving about it, you would cave and play it.  You can say you wouldn't but you would.  

    Why? Why would you even write this, this is completely uncalled for, and so what if he did decide to play it anyway that's isn't even the point, he was just saying his opinion, there was no reason to go out of your way and basically try to call him a liar.


    I'm not calling him a liar at all.  My point is that it's one thing to sit here, years before the game comes out, and say I won't play if they do this or that.  And it's another when you're one button click away from playing it, and everyone is raving about how good it is.  All of a sudden those things you were sure about become a little less important when you see what you're missing out on.   I say the same thing when other people talk about how they wont' play if the game has an auction house or a tools to help you find a group.  The vast majority of these people will cave and play if the game is good.

    • 1584 posts
    July 2, 2019 8:01 AM PDT

    Lol, we'll believe it or not Aich the second one is going to happen whether the it's there or not so what's your point?  I mean if there is nothing to stop bad players from being bad do you really think they won't do bad things?  See how that really doesn't make sense, that's because it doesn't.

    • 1584 posts
    July 2, 2019 8:05 AM PDT

    zoltar said:

    Riahuf22 said:

    zoltar said:

    Tigersin said:

    So... some of you seen me write that I dislike extreme comments and you're all welcome to bash me for what I'm about to type.  I'm far from perfect. 

    If all of my characters are linked to an account and I don't have this option of privacy, I just won't play the game. I won't be angry or upset; I just won't pick it up. I won't speak for other players or crowds or perceived fan bases (fans base? lol)    ...I just won't play the game.  That's the reality of how simple the decision is for me.   

    This is an opinion that, like many have, can change.  Just sharing current feelings.



    Hey, if you want to take that hardline stance, that's fine.  But I almost guarantee if the game comes out and people are raving about it, you would cave and play it.  You can say you wouldn't but you would.  

    Why? Why would you even write this, this is completely uncalled for, and so what if he did decide to play it anyway that's isn't even the point, he was just saying his opinion, there was no reason to go out of your way and basically try to call him a liar.


    I'm not calling him a liar at all.  My point is that it's one thing to sit here, years before the game comes out, and say I won't play if they do this or that.  And it's another when you're one button click away from playing it, and everyone is raving about how good it is.  All of a sudden those things you were sure about become a little less important when you see what you're missing out on.   I say the same thing when other people talk about how they wont' play if the game has an auction house or a tools to help you find a group.  The vast majority of these people will cave and play if the game is good.

    Than why did you even reply to it?  The comment in itself has one nothing to do with the topic and still uncalled for and even though you don't think you called him a liar (which by the way you did.) Doesn't mean you you didn't call him a liar.

    And this conversation is over as it has nothing to do with the topic.

    This post was edited by Cealtric at July 2, 2019 8:09 AM PDT
    • 313 posts
    July 2, 2019 8:08 AM PDT

    Ezrael said: If I have a level 50 Cleric but I want to play my Wizard alt for a while then it would be nice to do it without getting /tells from people asking for me to play my Cleric.


    An option to appear offline would work in this instance.  I don't see any reason why they wouldn't have an appear offline/anonymous toggle.  


    But If you still get someone messaging you, then what's the big deal?   I don't understand the mentality that players are these delicate flowers that must be shielded from anyone asking them something.  If someone is a jerk to you because you're playing an alt and you don't feel like stopping what you're doing to help them out, then you just learned something about their character.  #communitymatters.  

    • 216 posts
    July 2, 2019 8:09 AM PDT

    Riahuf22 said:

    I think your thinking @Kellie but I believe the link would be better because the ignore doesn't actually "stops" people from doing bad things that the link I think would, granted would he be ignored by a lot of the community yes if he did something bad but the question is would he do such a bad thing if is account was actually linked in the first place and knew it would of hurt his repuation to begin with, that the real question, granted probably some would but I would hope many wouldn't because they would want to be part of the community and not be an outsider.

    You're right Ignore does not stop bad behaviour, but a account wide ignore would help a lot when dealing with harassment. And if enough people ignore some one they will find it much harder to get groups or make meaningful connections.

    • 1584 posts
    July 2, 2019 8:12 AM PDT

    Kellie said:

    Riahuf22 said:

    I think your thinking @Kellie but I believe the link would be better because the ignore doesn't actually "stops" people from doing bad things that the link I think would, granted would he be ignored by a lot of the community yes if he did something bad but the question is would he do such a bad thing if is account was actually linked in the first place and knew it would of hurt his repuation to begin with, that the real question, granted probably some would but I would hope many wouldn't because they would want to be part of the community and not be an outsider.

    You're right Ignore does not stop bad behaviour, but a account wide ignore would help a lot when dealing with harassment. And if enough people ignore some one they will find it much harder to get groups or make meaningful connections.

    Very true, they both work in their own way, so I guess both have meaningful impacts they just work in different ways.

    • 3237 posts
    July 2, 2019 8:15 AM PDT

    Kumu said:

    Baldur said: "If I want you to know or you need to know who I am playing, then I will let you know".

    Agreed. Opt-in system (re: Nephele’s suggestion) would be terrific.

    100% agreed.  Pantheon is supposed to have some sort of game-system that helps players find friends with similar interests.  Let this be an option for those who wish to graduate their relationships.

    • 313 posts
    July 2, 2019 8:16 AM PDT



    Your post history makes me not surprised that you're unable to discern the difference between calling someone a liar and saying that they would likely change their mind under certain conditions (i.e. the game being good).

    • 1281 posts
    July 2, 2019 8:18 AM PDT

    Tigersin said:

    So... some of you seen me write that I dislike extreme comments and you're all welcome to bash me for what I'm about to type.  I'm far from perfect. 

    If all of my characters are linked to an account and I don't have this option of privacy, I just won't play the game. I won't be angry or upset; I just won't pick it up. I won't speak for other players or crowds or perceived fan bases (fans base? lol)    ...I just won't play the game.  That's the reality of how simple the decision is for me.   

    This is an opinion that, like many have, can change.  Just sharing current feelings.


    This leads me to believe that you think that your actions shouldn't have consequences, or that you plan on doing things that "the community" won't like.  You seem to disagree with holding people accountable for their actions, no matter which of their toons that they are on.


    Am I understanding this correctly?

    • 1584 posts
    July 2, 2019 8:21 AM PDT

    zoltar said:



    Your post history makes me not surprised that you're unable to discern the difference between calling someone a liar and saying that they would likely change their mind under certain conditions (i.e. the game being good).

    Regardless either way your comment had no reason to be on this forum because it had nothing to with the topic and therefore shouldnt of been said in the first place.  So how about next time stay within the guidelines of the topic and stop going off topic to @ me.

    • 3852 posts
    July 2, 2019 8:23 AM PDT

    Tigersin said:

    So... some of you seen me write that I dislike extreme comments and you're all welcome to bash me for what I'm about to type.  I'm far from perfect. 

    If all of my characters are linked to an account and I don't have this option of privacy, I just won't play the game. I won't be angry or upset; I just won't pick it up. I won't speak for other players or crowds or perceived fan bases (fans base? lol)    ...I just won't play the game.  That's the reality of how simple the decision is for me.   

    This is an opinion that, like many have, can change.  Just sharing current feelings.



    We may be dealing with two different issues here.

    Suppose hypothetically that someone looking at a character sees a family name as in SWTOR or Neverwinter. So if they actually remember the last name of the character that got them upset, they know that you are the same player. Yes I know that in SWTOR there is an option to not show legacy name but that option doesn't always block people from seeing it. This is the OP's suggestion and what you adamantly object to.

    But also suppose that there is an option to be anonymous so that someone that isn't actually looking at the character has no way to know it is on-line. So only people that happen to see you or that you voluntarily choose to group or that you voluntarily talk to know that you are on-line.

    Does this obviate the privacy issues that you mention significantly? I know it doesn't totally eliminate them.

    • 1430 posts
    July 2, 2019 8:44 AM PDT

    Heebs said: Hey so straight to the point - can chat and/or the UI allow users to see which account a character belongs to? MMOs tend to be a genre where people like to roll alts (and of course those alts will have different names) and also a genre where reputation matters, and Pantheon obviously has a good bit of focus on the social aspect of the game - reputation matters. But suppose someone rolls an alt with a different name - unless they give away who they are, their reputation does not follow them. I've also found it confusing at times in MMOs when someone switches characters and I spend a minute or two trying to figure out who I am talking to. Would it be possible for the chat logs to show someone's unique account name next to their character name? I also think it would be nice to be able to see someone's account name through some sort of inspect or who command / UI element. That way people can roll whatever alt they want with whatever name they want, but other folks can still tell who the person is behind the character. Just a thought. Thanks very much.

    doesn't matter for a pvper.  trainers are virtually nonexistent.  griefer will bow out after i crush them.  they might comeback for vengeance, but i'll end up with a good fight.  plus i don't see many people going alt happy.

    a name is just a name.  if anything it'll make me hungry to hunt down someone if i knew their user origin.  probably better for pvpers not to know XD

    • 2138 posts
    July 2, 2019 9:10 AM PDT

    I think the idea is how to draw the line between acting/roleplay and catfishing, as roleplay exists within a framework and catfishing exists outside of a framework (outlaw?). Catfishing intends to be real and is therefore deceptive and as a result is insulting/cruel/worthy of retribution and judgment or ostracism because of the pain caused to the recipient because the recipient does not know its fake. Whereas Acting/roleplay within a framework is considered worthy of praise and adoration and is often willingly paid for, sometimes dearly, by the recipient because the recipient knows it is fake. It's when that line is crossed that it ceases to be roleplay and becomes catfishing and unfortunately like sexual harrasement accusations, is purely subjective unless there is a witness.

    I mean there are boundaries and rules, dwarves drink a certain way... all the time, Ogres don't talk..."gud" They are very general but provide a framework at least in a RP scenario. However where such a scenario does not exist except implied by virtue of the game world itself- like a 3-D interactive dressed up forum (Habbo hotel) the line is not that clear and almost implied that you are intended to hide behind the screen and let parts of the real you come out, if you want, while hiding other parts.


    someone will get their jollies out of re-rolling a character and bilking the same core group or same people out of tons of gold or cash and never stop to think why they aren't the ones with that gold or cash to be able to be bilked out of over and over again and when they do, its usually too late and if history is any judge? usually ends up poorly for them in RL via karma or otherwise. May take a while,sadly, but it comes around, and the formerly bilked are there to see it happen and live on or out-survive happily. 

    • 1095 posts
    July 2, 2019 9:12 AM PDT

    Riahuf22 said:

    Lol, we'll believe it or not Aich the second one is going to happen whether the it's there or not so what's your point?  I mean if there is nothing to stop bad players from being bad do you really think they won't do bad things?  See how that really doesn't make sense, that's because it doesn't.

    Lol, I forgot they don't like gifs on the forums so I editited it out. You be surprised how well not allowing name changes works. 

    What we should be worried about are the gold farmers and the people who box 6 mages and camp a rare drop 24/7 afk.

    This post was edited by Aich at July 2, 2019 9:42 AM PDT