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Pantheon: Class and Race Combinations

    • 1860 posts
    February 3, 2017 11:17 AM PST

    Showing me this makes me want to see each race/classes starting stats even more.  What a tease!


    I like the Ogre Druid option.  Monks having more playable races than Clerics seems odd.

    I am quite surprised that Archai can't be Summoners.  Does anyone have a explanation for that pertaining to the lore?

    • 3237 posts
    February 3, 2017 11:20 AM PST

    Love the idea of mixing everything up.  An observation I have ... Ogres are limited to tank/healer, and Gnomes are limited to dps/control.  Hopefully their cities are somewhat close to each other because they are the only 2 races limited to 2 archetypes, and they compliment each other perfectly for the full quaternity.  I think having their cities somewhat close to each other would be very important in the beginning stages of the game so that the characters of that race can experience the full suite of group roles.  It's basically yin and yang ... in archetype, and size.  Ogre/Gnome relationship building for the win!

    This post was edited by oneADseven at February 3, 2017 11:25 AM PST
    • 1860 posts
    February 3, 2017 11:22 AM PST

    Canno said:


    Gnomes have no healers (cleric, druid, shaman) - could *maybe* make a case for them getting clerics based on their arcane knowledge and communal nature. They also have no warrior types but lore wise that fits - in to the arcane and not the physical (literaly! ;) )


    Let's not forget the Secret Class.  My speculation is it will be something like a Bloodmage from VG.  An arcane healer.  That would be a solution for the gnome healer issue.

    • 780 posts
    February 3, 2017 11:24 AM PST

    Enitzu said:

    What strikes me as odd is the fact that Dark Myr can be almost all classes. More so than the Elves. And the fact that the Elves can't be Cleric or Paladin. Didn't think Dark Myr would be Druid or Monk either but that's at least less of a surprise.


    Yeah, Dark Myr definitely have a kind of anti-human feel for me.  Their class flexibility enforced that.


    EDIT: OneADseven,  I wouldn't mind Ogres and Gnomes starting near each other at all.  Mix it up!

    This post was edited by Shucklighter at February 3, 2017 11:30 AM PST
    • 93 posts
    February 3, 2017 12:36 PM PST

    Thanks for the info, looks great!  Human Paladin for me!


    • 65 posts
    February 3, 2017 1:12 PM PST
    Ah this is great! I've been planning on playing a gnome enchanter, but the dwarf enchanter seems so much more enticing! With blacksmithing...oh boy! :-)

    As far as monks and inner piece...I'm usually not one to reference anime as I've seen few the interest me, but for those that have seen Log Horizon...remember Demigos (sp?) much inner piece do you think that guy had lol
    • 308 posts
    February 3, 2017 1:34 PM PST

    Just a few comments,

    1. Why no gnome druids? i have seen some mention that thier bodies are composed of arcane? but i see no mention of that in the lore, and of what i see in the lore its more likely that the gnomes bodies are composed of Elos' Skyfire not arcane magic. It was research into the arcane use of the power of thier star which caused the accident. Having said that the Skyfire of Elos would be linked to nature and possibly allow them to have even more control over the fire type spells of the druids, while thier scientific nature twards magic may have caused a group of gnomes to delve into Natural Magic, and cause and effect. or maybe they stumbled onto the nature magic when arrived on Terminus while trying to understand more bout thier new home?


    2. I also feel that there are too few cleric races and from the lore on the mainpage it seems that the Ember Elves may be a decent choice for cleric.


    3. Halflings have no Shaman? seeing the Wilding type of life they have Shaman seems like it would be a nice fit there.

    • 74 posts
    February 3, 2017 3:32 PM PST

    There looks to be some interesting combos for Druids which is very exciting. I like that you guys are considering Druids to be manipulators of nature and not just those looking to preserve it. I am hoping that means that Druids will be a little more dps viable in Pantheon than how EQ was back in the day. I just don't want them to be mediocre at everything and less desired in the high end game.

    • 2138 posts
    February 3, 2017 4:56 PM PST

    *studies list and thinks/imagines/fantasizes*

    • 12 posts
    February 3, 2017 5:43 PM PST

    I'm glad to see monk has some great options.

    • 82 posts
    February 3, 2017 5:45 PM PST

    Dammit i wanted to be a gnome dire lord ;(

    • 431 posts
    February 3, 2017 5:51 PM PST

    Love the class /race combos .. My favorite classes the shaman /druid .. Archia a given but was great to see dark myr for druid :)

    • 3 posts
    February 3, 2017 5:51 PM PST

    Wow, what a great read!! SO much excitement in one thread!

    I will say, while I understand why humans are kind of the jack of all trades and that is how it has always been, it certainly would be neat to see them excluded from some classes.  Maybe something that other like races are only able to achieve.  

    • 431 posts
    February 3, 2017 5:56 PM PST

    opps double post :(


    This post was edited by Shea at February 3, 2017 5:57 PM PST
    • 595 posts
    February 3, 2017 6:28 PM PST

    All looks in order to me.  Much of this is just business as usual but there are certainly some very cool combos here.  I will be interested to see what, if any, changes occur as we move through testing and toward launch.

    • 26 posts
    February 3, 2017 6:43 PM PST

    I am very happy to see more info coming in and I think there are some cool combo here... I will be playing an ogre/war  and a gnome/necro

    Great job VR

    • 1778 posts
    February 3, 2017 6:56 PM PST

    Gawd said:

    Just a few comments,

    1. Why no gnome druids? i have seen some mention that thier bodies are composed of arcane? but i see no mention of that in the lore, and of what i see in the lore its more likely that the gnomes bodies are composed of Elos' Skyfire not arcane magic. It was research into the arcane use of the power of thier star which caused the accident. Having said that the Skyfire of Elos would be linked to nature and possibly allow them to have even more control over the fire type spells of the druids, while thier scientific nature twards magic may have caused a group of gnomes to delve into Natural Magic, and cause and effect. or maybe they stumbled onto the nature magic when arrived on Terminus while trying to understand more bout thier new home?


      This is reflective of their culture. They are nearly singularly focused in their pursuit of the arcane and hidden secrets.


    I would just take this at face value. The lore makes room for arcane magic and rogues. But not divine or nature sources of magic.

    • 2419 posts
    February 3, 2017 7:00 PM PST

    These are some quite interesting choices to say the least and I'm very glad to see some of them have shaken up the status quo.  Looking at these we see throwbacks to the early DnD days where Humans were the only race that could be all classes and only Humans could be Paladins.  And seeing Clerics and Rangers being very restricted is a great decision.  I really like to see people being force to decide which is more important to them..class or race.

    I hope to see all of us being faced with such choices as this throughout the game...deciding which thing out of several is more important to us.

    • 521 posts
    February 3, 2017 7:24 PM PST

    Vandraad said:

    I really like to see people being force to decide which is more important to them..class or race.

    Glad I only play Humans.

    This post was edited by HemlockReaper at February 4, 2017 1:15 AM PST
    • 39 posts
    February 3, 2017 8:06 PM PST

    Thank you for the update Kilsin - Can't help getting excited planning out my main and alts!  Speaking of which, has there been any word on character slots  at launch? I saw some posts earlier last year but nothing recently suggesting there's been an update.

    • 1281 posts
    February 3, 2017 8:23 PM PST

    Here's my list and a few comments on some of my choices:


    Skar: Savage and vicious to me is not what a Monk is about. A Monk is pure discipline. I have removed Monk from Skar

    Gnome: I can't see Rogue but no other melee, I added Warrior because it's such a basic class. Removed evil classes because they just don't seem evil to me.

    Human: I was tempted to remove Shaman but Human's are supposed to be flexible (like Warrior is to classes) so I left Shaman (this isn't EQ).

    Dwarf: Bard? Might as well do Dwarf Monk if you’re going that far. Enchanter, real classic D&D - Dwarf Illusionist. I’ll keep it.

    Archai: Magical in nature, I was going to remove Monk but after reading the description more I can see how they could be a disciplined race.

    Ogre: I was tempted to put Wizard just because I loved the Ogre Mage's in D&D but it probably doesn't fit.

    Dark Myr – Removed Bard, just doesn’t fit to me. I think of Bards as travelers and loners, which does not fit a Dark Myr IMO. I put on Ranger, resisted though due to the “Drizzt’ factor of being super stereotypical in RP’, but being so more tied to nature than Dark Elfs, I think it’s acceptable.

    Paladins: Paladins need to be put on more traditional races that are civilized enough to take arms against a corrupt church.


    This post was edited by bigdogchris at February 3, 2017 8:23 PM PST
    • 261 posts
    February 3, 2017 8:47 PM PST

    I like the list, now to work out what to play...




    • 436 posts
    February 3, 2017 9:06 PM PST

    Hello all,


    Mine and some notes below. 


    Red square means 'take it out' and the green square means I'm adding it.



    Will try my best to keep it simple.

    Archai Enchanter: Magic involves working with the forces of the elements to me. Not just arcane, but also some of the core elements around us. Elements are kind of Archai's thing, so, it makes sense to me they could embue the essence of elements into other things just as they know the essence of elements is inside them.


    Archai Summoner: If elemental pets are a thing then Archai Summoner could be a thing. 


    Dark Myr Druid: I don't think its a good idea to summon lightning storms underwater...


    Dark Myr Monk: personal choice, I just didn't get it - ignore this, or, re-envision it and ask yourself does it 'really' make sense? To me it didn't, again this is a, take another look suggestion. I will also take another look myself, but for right now this is #opinion


    Dark Myr Shaman: Speaking to the spirits, cursing ...sounds very Dark Myr.


    Dwarf Druid: Earthquakes and Lightning ... yea, I can totally see that from a Dwarf. Especially earthquake.


    Dwarf Monk: The largest and strongest of the small races. I can see their dedication to any craft may being slow but it yielding solid results every time. The study and disciplin this race gives to perfection is really unique, and when tied to warfare its probable they would delve into wrestling and inevitably other unarmed combat techniques. Have you ever wrestled with a boulder? I think Monk would be a great fit. Think of the 'masters' with their long flowing white beards and calm solid demeanor.


    Hafling Enchanter: It just seems fun to think of a hafling 'messing' with peoples stuff. And yea, I said it.


    Hafling Cleric: Don't they like some silent god dude? I might need to re-read lore for this one.


    Hafling Warrior: Too small, doesn't make sense to me. #randomopinion 


    Ogre Ranger: Because on their home world somebody had to bring home the bacon and know the ways of the land.




    -Edit, changed word choice



    This post was edited by tehtawd at February 5, 2017 9:55 AM PST
    • 316 posts
    February 3, 2017 10:14 PM PST

    philo said:

    Let's not forget the Secret Class.  My speculation is it will be something like a Bloodmage from VG.  An arcane healer.  That would be a solution for the gnome healer issue.

    This seems very sensible! And it'd address the "few Clerics" issue.

    • 3 posts
    February 3, 2017 11:58 PM PST

    Thank you VR for posting this list!

    Personally I am a player who enjoys playing to the lore of each race and class; with Pantheon as a brand new game with its own lore all the unique and untraditional race/class combinations on the list make me incredibly excited. Furthermore, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the Dark Myr bards! I can not believe I got exactly what I was hoping for: my dark bard wish to (likely) be fulfilled, be it at launch or thereafter.

    This post was edited by Phyre at February 4, 2017 12:38 AM PST