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Roads and Travel Time

    • 514 posts
    August 2, 2016 3:40 AM PDT

    I would also like to see carriages you could hire to ride from one area to another (read village to village).  While on the carriage there is little chance of interuption (save banditry) so that you can do something else - like gaze into your spell book etc.  Make the travle speed be roughly 200% normal run speed plus benefits.  I would also be cool to allow players to jump off the carriage whenever they want - with no refund on the trvle cost.  Let's say you are traveling from a village to a city a way off.  But while traveling you notice that you just travled through a small gathering of houses that aren't even on the map.  You should be able to hop off the carriage and meander over to Bob's Stall and buy a taco.

    • 2756 posts
    August 2, 2016 5:09 AM PDT

    I always liked the horse rides in LoTRO.  They weren't much faster than regular horses (slower, infact, sometimes because they would follow the paths where you could go direct line) BUT they would run unattended, so you could do other things while you travelled.

    I like the idea of a horse-and-cart ride that you could leap out of if necessary, or fall asleep on (with a slight risk of being rudely awoken by a bandit attack, sure).  It doesn't have to be massively fast, but because you don't have to pay attention so much you can catch up on chat or arranging your UI or packs (or get a coffee IRL).

    • 1303 posts
    August 3, 2016 3:36 PM PDT

    disposalist said:

    Personally I never liked the hoards of SoW beggars and port beggars etc at every gathering. Wasn't immersive for me. Terrain effecting speed would be. I think it would help socially, too; you would bump into way more people if they weren't all dashing in utterly random directions all the time.  There's a reason Inns full of people spring up on crossroads.

    Didnt you love that they would spam for a port for 30 minutes or more, which was about as long as it would take to run to the place they wanted to go? Just wanted to smack em and say "If you would've started running with you started spamming.... "

    • 2138 posts
    August 3, 2016 5:06 PM PDT

    Feyshtey said:

    disposalist said:

    Didnt you love that they would spam for a port for 30 minutes or more, which was about as long as it would take to run to the place they wanted to go? Just wanted to smack em and say "If you would've started running with you started spamming.... "



    • 1281 posts
    August 3, 2016 7:47 PM PDT

    tehtawd said:

    Hello everyone,


    I had a fun idea but I don’t have much to say on this yet, I’d like to ask the forums what they feel. What do you all think about ‘roads’ and ‘paths’ increasing movement speed and mount speed while they are on the road or path?

    This could be an interesting way to use terrain and build a sense of the world of man vs the world of nature.



    That's a good idea. I've thought about that before as well. If the player were in the area of the road they would receive a little 10 or 15% speed boost that stacks with everything else in the game. It could represent an easy to walk path.

    • 2756 posts
    August 23, 2016 2:22 PM PDT

    From the AMA transcript:

    Q5A-8. I can typical only play 2-4 hours per day. I am worried with no quick travel or lfg features I will spend my time lfg and traveling then be forced to abandon my group mid way though.
    First, 2-4 hours is great -- you should in most cases be able to complete something in that time period that you can feel good about, where you get a real sense of accomplishment. As for travel and lfg, please allow me to clarify. First, there will, in addition to mounts, be ways to travel quickly over long distances. These will involve abilities limited to some of the classes. More detail at this time would be premature other than to say that you'll likely have to had explored on foot an area before another class can teleport you to it. LFG features... we will have LFG features galore. Please see my previous reply about how important it is for us to find groups, make real friends, and to keep our players together.

    Q5A-9. Will there be hidden things all over the world? Things that encourage players to travel off the beaten path? Not just for "story" progression, not just for quests, but for the sake of just... adventuring?
    Yes, linked to our Perception system. If your perception skill is not high enough or the wrong type, what may be visible to others will not be visible to you.


    I'd like to see some more info around this.  For me exploration and discovery is key for an MMORPG, but if fast travel is "limited to some of the classes" and encouragement for "travel off the beaten path" is linked soley to a Perception skill then it's going to surely lead to everyone but high-Perception druids being 'gimped' when it comes to the fundamental ability of finding stuff to do in Terminus.

    In EQ it was very annoying/upsetting to level up a melee class and find I was constantly having to beg for ports and binds and constantly have to sit around when they weren't available.  Then you level up a druid and get constantly annoyed by melee classes begging for SoWs, ports and binds...

    In EQ P99 they even set up a guild of professional porters to take advantage of the sore need of those not in the fast travel club.

    I really hope they reconsider the intended similar approach.  Roads (and lay-lines and whatever) should be for *all* to use.  Travel is fundamental to everyone playing MMOs.

    • 14 posts
    August 25, 2016 8:14 AM PDT

    the idea of run speed boost on paths is really intriguing.  Somewhere below mount speed. 

    as a LOTR fan, traveling through LOTRO always captured my imagination.   Their travel system of horses, swift travel to known destinations, worked well, but primarily enabled you to solo the whole game.  Useful, but a bit too easy. 

    A story that has stuck with me was early EQ.  My very first character was a Half Elf Paladin out of Qeynos.  A friend of mine was a human based out of Freeport.   With no maps or memory, and such dangerous travel across continents, there were often people advertising leaving from one city to another in groups.   The group of adventurers I joined left Qeynos, all of us between level 5 and 12, set out together from the Qeynos gates.  Taking in the vastness of the Karanas, sticking to the paths unless we had to avoid a roaming lion or spider.  Barely making it through the dangers of gnoll and Orc infested High Hold Pass.   We sat at the tunnel to Rivervale, not knowing what was inside.  Eventually finding binds at West Freeport gate.  

    The humans were blind at night and had to buy torches and light stones.  

    Then there was sitting on boats, exchanging languages with people.  Fun conversations waiting the docks   

    i also distinctly remember how cool I thought it was the first time I was teleported by a Druid.  I've no problem with this ability. i remember people could be left behind or 'gates' could collapse.  


    This post was edited by mattkwi at August 25, 2016 11:22 AM PDT
    • 1303 posts
    August 25, 2016 8:51 AM PDT

    disposalist said:

    I'd like to see some more info around this.  For me exploration and discovery is key for an MMORPG, but if fast travel is "limited to some of the classes" and encouragement for "travel off the beaten path" is linked soley to a Perception skill then it's going to surely lead to everyone but high-Perception druids being 'gimped' when it comes to the fundamental ability of finding stuff to do in Terminus.

    In EQ it was very annoying/upsetting to level up a melee class and find I was constantly having to beg for ports and binds and constantly have to sit around when they weren't available.  Then you level up a druid and get constantly annoyed by melee classes begging for SoWs, ports and binds...

    In EQ P99 they even set up a guild of professional porters to take advantage of the sore need of those not in the fast travel club.

    I really hope they reconsider the intended similar approach.  Roads (and lay-lines and whatever) should be for *all* to use.  Travel is fundamental to everyone playing MMOs.

    You're assuming at least one thing though, and that's that there's only one kind of perception. In fact, the answers given in the AMA specifically suggest that isnt the case. Brad mentioned "the right kind of perception". What if there's perception of the natural world, which druids might excel at and rogues are wholly ignorant of. There might be perception of the magical world which Summoners and the like excel at, but warriors fail at completely. There might be perception of warcraft, where a warrior would see things almost without thought that a mage, druid or rogue would fail to see even if it were pointed out. 

    Your stance that fast travel should be for everyone is directly counter to the notion that not every class has every ability. It is in direct conflict to the notion of each player gaining benefit by interacting with others.  Now I have been a proponant of a small increase on roads, and yes that should be for everyone. But to suggest that its unfair somehow for druids to have ports but warriors dont is just silly to me.