Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

Roads and Travel Time

    • 7 posts
    June 23, 2016 12:58 AM PDT
    Love this idea, it would feel more autentic that you run sligthly faster on road and paths. Considering we don't want a rift system like in VG, you would want to make world travel a ting bit faster for when you want to reach your friends. Totally supportere this!
    • 76 posts
    June 23, 2016 5:15 AM PDT

    I think this is a great idea, to add to it:


    What about in a race's home city/region they were faster on 'those' path's because they were used to the land and it is where they grew up?

    • 769 posts
    June 23, 2016 6:08 AM PDT

    This is one of those ideas that I feel like is an obvious addition to creating a dynamic and alive MMO, and one that I can't really understand why it hasn't been implemented before. When you're creating a virtual world, and a big part of that is drawing from life and making it as realistic as possible, why would you not? Especially when it comes to something that's such a HUGE part of the world - Travel.

    Great ideas on this thread. So much so that I think they should be consolidated in one post to make the dev's job easier.

    I have a question for those that have more game developement experience than I.

    If considering where the team is in the development of Pantheon, is introducing these types of mechanics feasible at this juncture?

    Genuinely curious. Is it too late? Are many of these ideas that we post things that, if taken, would have to be added in subsequent patches?

    • 1303 posts
    June 23, 2016 8:26 AM PDT

    NoobieDoo said:

    If traveling on the main road gives you a speed boost, players might be more inclined to stay on the road than to venture off to areas unknown and explore. 

    I actually don't see that as a downfall. Those who make the choice to venture out off the safe roads, take on the risks and choose to explore gain greater rewards. The greatest treasured moments I've ever had in an MMO have come when I've taken the time to go to a place simply to see whats there, rather than following some prescribed path. 

    • 34 posts
    June 23, 2016 9:11 AM PDT

    I don't think we should get any bonus to running on the path besides it being safer with less chance to run into mobs. The point of the road is safety not convenience. They want us to go explore and find cool stuff in the world. We shouldn't be encouraged to stick to the path to get from point a to b. Before maps came out in EQ people followed zone walls and discovered faster ways to travel from a to b that wasn't along the road.

    • 1303 posts
    June 23, 2016 9:23 AM PDT

    Moarcrits said:

    I don't think we should get any bonus to running on the path besides it being safer with less chance to run into mobs. The point of the road is safety not convenience. They want us to go explore and find cool stuff in the world. We shouldn't be encouraged to stick to the path to get from point a to b. Before maps came out in EQ people followed zone walls and discovered faster ways to travel from a to b that wasn't along the road.

    In EQ running zone walls wasnt about speed. It was about not getting lost, and being much MUCH less likely to get agro (safer). 

    I look at this as the theory of the carrot or the stick. It's encouraging a specific behavior thru positive reinforcement or negative. 

    Travel: The game includes a core tenent of community and group-oriented play. That's gonig to require travel in many (most?) cases. If you make travel painful (stick) then people will enjoy the process of traveling to join a group less, perhaps much less so. If you make travel less a burden by being slightly faster and safer along roads (carrot) people will be more inclined to do so.

    Exploration: If you force people to seek the fastest possible route through content with acceptable risk in order to get from A to B then you might as well not even have a graphic representation of a road, and over time most people will use roughly the same path anyway. So it's not really exploration, it's just a learned lesser or evils (stick). Whereas if you provide bonuses to those who deliberately choose to go out to new places and just kick over rocks because there happen to be rocks then you give them reason and pleasure in doing exactly that (carrots). 

    Travel and Exploration need not be intertwined. In fact I'd argue that they should be deliberately kept in seperate spheres of thought. One is an activity to complete a defined goal (get to "B" so I can do "X"). The other is precisely the opposite; "I wonder what's over thereabouts...Maybe there's something I could do there.... ". 


    This post was edited by Feyshtey at June 23, 2016 9:24 AM PDT
    • 34 posts
    June 23, 2016 9:49 AM PDT

    Feyshtey said:

    Moarcrits said:

    I don't think we should get any bonus to running on the path besides it being safer with less chance to run into mobs. The point of the road is safety not convenience. They want us to go explore and find cool stuff in the world. We shouldn't be encouraged to stick to the path to get from point a to b. Before maps came out in EQ people followed zone walls and discovered faster ways to travel from a to b that wasn't along the road.

    In EQ running zone walls wasnt about speed. It was about not getting lost, and being much MUCH less likely to get agro (safer). 

    I look at this as the theory of the carrot or the stick. It's encouraging a specific behavior thru positive reinforcement or negative. 

    Travel: The game includes a core tenent of community and group-oriented play. That's gonig to require travel in many (most?) cases. If you make travel painful (stick) then people will enjoy the process of traveling to join a group less, perhaps much less so. If you make travel less a burden by being slightly faster and safer along roads (carrot) people will be more inclined to do so.

    Exploration: If you force people to seek the fastest possible route through content with acceptable risk in order to get from A to B then you might as well not even have a graphic representation of a road, and over time most people will use roughly the same path anyway. So it's not really exploration, it's just a learned lesser or evils (stick). Whereas if you provide bonuses to those who deliberately choose to go out to new places and just kick over rocks because there happen to be rocks then you give them reason and pleasure in doing exactly that (carrots). 

    Travel and Exploration need not be intertwined. In fact I'd argue that they should be deliberately kept in seperate spheres of thought. One is an activity to complete a defined goal (get to "B" so I can do "X"). The other is precisely the opposite; "I wonder what's over thereabouts...Maybe there's something I could do there.... ". 



    Here's another thread that you take what I said and changed it. I never said it was about speed. You had 2 options, follow the road and possibly get lost or end up some where you shouldn't be, or follow zone walls and at least have a semi decent idea of where you were. If you got lost, follow the wall back the way you came. 

    You talk about tennents, and a tennet clearly stated they want people to explore, so your line of thinking should be, run speed bonus to all areas outside of the roads to encourage exploration of areas off the beaten path.

    That's dumb. Run speed is run speed on or off the road.

    You bring up the tennent of community and people traveling on roads will bump into each other and want to group. No it will be done the same way as it has in every MMO since EQ, in a large public area using chat channels or in the target zone using chat channels that you're either LFG or LFM. 

    To assume by encouraging people to use roads by offering a run speed buff will increase player interaction more than simply seeing another player run by is ridiculous and is a veil to guise your desire to have a feature you want included. 

    I also never said travel and exploration were one in the same. People who want to explore shouldn't have less advantage by not getting run speed buff by doing so, they already are at a disadvantage by having to deal with aggro mobs being all around. Players who want to get to point b shouldn't have an advantage to get there quicker simply for the sake of making travel more convenient. If thats the case and you're going to speed up travel on roads, make the zones smaller so you can get there quicker. Wait that defeats the purpose of having a "huge vast world" to live in.

    And if you think people won't exploit the run speed on the roads you clearly haven't been around MMOs long.

    Wizard pulls mob to road, gets increased run speed, outruns mob to cast spell, rinse and repeat. Now you're using the roads mechanic to be able to kite as a class that normally couldn't kite. 

    Wait your rebuttal will be "make it so if you have aggro you don't get the boost!" Ok sure let's do that, but also let's remember the road isn't always aggro free so at some point you will end up aggroed, well there goes your speed buff and the point of having it just went away because aggro is zone wide so you're going to end up at base speed, so we end up back at there being no point in having the mechanic in game.

    Congrats you just created more problems than you solved by "fixing" a problem that was never there to begin with.

    • 1303 posts
    June 24, 2016 11:36 AM PDT

    Wow dude... Um, maybe reread what I said?  I wasnt attacking you, but you're sure taking it as though I had. 

    Run speed is not "run speed".  Not in any real-world scenario. I promise you that any runner will be happy to tell you that they can achieve a considerably higher average time over a given distance when the terrain is more suited to it. I own land, and I know that in mid to late summer you physcially cannot run thru the fields at much more than walking speed. The growth is too dense, you cant see variations in the surface where you might twist an ankle, and you get torn to shreds by everything slapping against your skin (including your face). Whereas if you run down the ditch road that we scrape and maintain and keep weed-free you can run notably faster. And if you were to run on a conditioned track designed for running, more so still. So run speed is NOT run speed. Environmental factors make a huge difference. And we own land because we have horses. Traveling by horse is as easily impacted by terrain or enviroment, and in many ways much more so. You simply cannot realistically gallop a horse thru a forest even without the ground clutter without considerable risk of taking your own head off on a branch or injuring the horse.

    Yes, one of the tennents is that they want you to explore. But the underlying premise of my post was that providing incentive to explore and easing travel on specifically prescribed routes need not be at odds. Both can be achieved without detracting from the other. 

    Honestly, nevermind. The more I reread your post to respond to each point the more I realize that you are directly attacking and using negative accusations rather than just discussing the topic. I dont need that crap. You've successfully killed my interest in what could have been an engaging and interesting topic. 


    • 107 posts
    June 24, 2016 12:55 PM PDT

    there is a flip side to this.

    while i love to explore, if there is virtually no fast travel, (ports, very fast run speed/mounts, something) it actually inhibits my ability to explore.

    this may seem counterintuitive, but if my group is in zone A, then i cannot go to any other zone because if i do, my group would have to wait 20 minutes, maybe longer to wait for me. i don't want to make 5 people wait for me because i saw a butterfly the night before. so i log out every night very near my groups gathering point.

    i remember in vanguard myself/friends/guildmates made a toon, spent the first day traveling to the zone where we were gathering and didn't leave it until about level 35. the suggestions i have seen sound as though some want it to be slower.

    seems that out of the very few rez points, no rifts, no run speed boost unless you roll one of 2 classes, everything requires a group. there will be ALOT of down time.

    exploring is fun. running from A to B for 45 minutes while 5 people that have 2 hours to play wait is not so much, imo.

    think of APW: EVERY guild that was far enough along stuffed a couple casters by zaygius. even the players that were arguing against the eventual release of rifts didnt want to fight there way down that 'quick access' tunnel each go. 

    This post was edited by alephen at June 24, 2016 1:07 PM PDT
    • 34 posts
    June 24, 2016 3:35 PM PDT

    Feyshtey said:

    Run speed is not "run speed".  Not in any real-world scenario. I promise you that any runner will be happy to tell you that they can achieve a considerably higher average time over a given distance when the terrain is more suited to it. I own land, and I know that in mid to late summer you physcially cannot run thru the fields at much more than walking speed. The growth is too dense, you cant see variations in the surface where you might twist an ankle, and you get torn to shreds by everything slapping against your skin (including your face). Whereas if you run down the ditch road that we scrape and maintain and keep weed-free you can run notably faster. And if you were to run on a conditioned track designed for running, more so still. So run speed is NOT run speed. Environmental factors make a huge difference. And we own land because we have horses. Traveling by horse is as easily impacted by terrain or enviroment, and in many ways much more so. You simply cannot realistically gallop a horse thru a forest even without the ground clutter without considerable risk of taking your own head off on a branch or injuring the horse.


    Pantheon = RL mechanics.

    • 1303 posts
    June 24, 2016 4:00 PM PDT

    Moarcrits said:

    Pantheon = RL mechanics.

    So then by your definition, Pantheon would indeed have a run "boost" while on a road. 


    • 34 posts
    June 25, 2016 5:06 PM PDT

    Feyshtey said:

    Moarcrits said:

    Pantheon = RL mechanics.

    So then by your definition, Pantheon would indeed have a run "boost" while on a road. 



    Yes and we will not be able to cast spells either because you can't do that in RL but you want RL mechanics in game.

    Hint, it's a game, stop comparing real life with a game.

    Clearly you missed the sarcasm that was that post. 

    This post was edited by Moarcrits at June 25, 2016 5:07 PM PDT
    • 1303 posts
    June 25, 2016 6:15 PM PDT

    Moarcrits said:


    Yes and we will not be able to cast spells either because you can't do that in RL but you want RL mechanics in game.

    Hint, it's a game, stop comparing real life with a game.

    Clearly you missed the sarcasm that was that post. 

    You have a massive chip on your shoulder, and I'm not sure why. Is it really necessary to be combative? 

    This post was edited by Feyshtey at June 25, 2016 6:17 PM PDT
    • 34 posts
    June 25, 2016 6:51 PM PDT

    Not combative bud, just pointing out your lack of forethought for something you're so hard pressed to have in the game.

    • 432 posts
    June 25, 2016 6:56 PM PDT

    Alright you two, am I going to have to start passing out giant todd hugs?


    Giant todd hugs for everyone!


    I forgot to mention at the end of each road are Bitey Turtles.

    #catch 22.

    your move Dev's... your move....

    • 316 posts
    June 25, 2016 7:58 PM PDT
    Sounded cool at first, but I agree with Moarcrits that the theoretical social aspect of the road travel probably wouldn't happen. It'd suck to feel like I wasn't travelling efficiently if not using a road - then, road use sort of becomes a chore, travel is less free fun. Agreed that this is likely an area where real life patterns don't translate into Terminus.
    Cool thinking, though.
    • 578 posts
    June 27, 2016 12:03 PM PDT

    Feyshtey said:

    NoobieDoo said:

    If traveling on the main road gives you a speed boost, players might be more inclined to stay on the road than to venture off to areas unknown and explore. 

    I actually don't see that as a downfall. Those who make the choice to venture out off the safe roads, take on the risks and choose to explore gain greater rewards. The greatest treasured moments I've ever had in an MMO have come when I've taken the time to go to a place simply to see whats there, rather than following some prescribed path. 

    The downfall is that some people may not be inclined to venture off the path. Which is why I suggested that they create ways to pique the players interest.

    • 578 posts
    June 27, 2016 12:21 PM PDT

    Moarcrits said:

    Feyshtey said:

    Moarcrits said:

    I don't think we should get any bonus to running on the path besides it being safer with less chance to run into mobs. The point of the road is safety not convenience. They want us to go explore and find cool stuff in the world. We shouldn't be encouraged to stick to the path to get from point a to b. Before maps came out in EQ people followed zone walls and discovered faster ways to travel from a to b that wasn't along the road.

    In EQ running zone walls wasnt about speed. It was about not getting lost, and being much MUCH less likely to get agro (safer). 

    I look at this as the theory of the carrot or the stick. It's encouraging a specific behavior thru positive reinforcement or negative. 

    Travel: The game includes a core tenent of community and group-oriented play. That's gonig to require travel in many (most?) cases. If you make travel painful (stick) then people will enjoy the process of traveling to join a group less, perhaps much less so. If you make travel less a burden by being slightly faster and safer along roads (carrot) people will be more inclined to do so.

    Exploration: If you force people to seek the fastest possible route through content with acceptable risk in order to get from A to B then you might as well not even have a graphic representation of a road, and over time most people will use roughly the same path anyway. So it's not really exploration, it's just a learned lesser or evils (stick). Whereas if you provide bonuses to those who deliberately choose to go out to new places and just kick over rocks because there happen to be rocks then you give them reason and pleasure in doing exactly that (carrots). 

    Travel and Exploration need not be intertwined. In fact I'd argue that they should be deliberately kept in seperate spheres of thought. One is an activity to complete a defined goal (get to "B" so I can do "X"). The other is precisely the opposite; "I wonder what's over thereabouts...Maybe there's something I could do there.... ". 



    Here's another thread that you take what I said and changed it. I never said it was about speed. You had 2 options, follow the road and possibly get lost or end up some where you shouldn't be, or follow zone walls and at least have a semi decent idea of where you were. If you got lost, follow the wall back the way you came. 

    You talk about tennents, and a tennet clearly stated they want people to explore, so your line of thinking should be, run speed bonus to all areas outside of the roads to encourage exploration of areas off the beaten path.

    That's dumb. Run speed is run speed on or off the road.

    You bring up the tennent of community and people traveling on roads will bump into each other and want to group. No it will be done the same way as it has in every MMO since EQ, in a large public area using chat channels or in the target zone using chat channels that you're either LFG or LFM. 

    To assume by encouraging people to use roads by offering a run speed buff will increase player interaction more than simply seeing another player run by is ridiculous and is a veil to guise your desire to have a feature you want included. 

    I also never said travel and exploration were one in the same. People who want to explore shouldn't have less advantage by not getting run speed buff by doing so, they already are at a disadvantage by having to deal with aggro mobs being all around. Players who want to get to point b shouldn't have an advantage to get there quicker simply for the sake of making travel more convenient. If thats the case and you're going to speed up travel on roads, make the zones smaller so you can get there quicker. Wait that defeats the purpose of having a "huge vast world" to live in.

    And if you think people won't exploit the run speed on the roads you clearly haven't been around MMOs long.

    Wizard pulls mob to road, gets increased run speed, outruns mob to cast spell, rinse and repeat. Now you're using the roads mechanic to be able to kite as a class that normally couldn't kite. 

    Wait your rebuttal will be "make it so if you have aggro you don't get the boost!" Ok sure let's do that, but also let's remember the road isn't always aggro free so at some point you will end up aggroed, well there goes your speed buff and the point of having it just went away because aggro is zone wide so you're going to end up at base speed, so we end up back at there being no point in having the mechanic in game.

    Congrats you just created more problems than you solved by "fixing" a problem that was never there to begin with.

    I agree that I doubt it would increase player interactivity. You might see people on the road but that doesn't mean you are ever going to stop to say hi. I mean when does that even ever happen now? It's not like players never see other players in todays MMOs.

    But the run speed buff isn't a bad idea. It makes sense to have better footing on a clear road where you'd be able to run faster than if you were running on uneven ground through the forest . But as a few others, as well as myself, have stated then any entity using the road should get the boosted speed. A player should not be able to aggro a mob and then outrun it on the road because the player gets the boost and the mob doesn't.

    I have no worry about this little speed buff endangering exploration or the concern that players won't want to venture off the path. With clever art design and the perception system the dev team could easily create ways to catch a player's eye and/or interest them in exploring the area. And just because the road gave a speed boost wouldn't mean that the road would always be the fastest way. Making a beeline through the woods across roads and pathways and over or through ponds could still provide faster means of getting to where you need to be, it's just that using the road could give you a nice alternative as well as giving you a nice means of travel upon first entering a new locale.

    The important thing to remember here is that most of us, if not all, are trying to avoid fast travel. Riftways and portals that instantly port players from one side of the map to the other. And I feel like any little addition such as this speed boost on roadways goes a long way when trying to deter fast travel. Because if you ask me, they ALWAYS find a way to make it into the game.

    • 644 posts
    June 27, 2016 12:47 PM PDT

    I still think there is validity to this idea.  


    Travel on roads/paths should be faster than travel through a dense jungle or mountain range.  Just like it is faster than water travel (swimming).


    I understand the concern that this will make people "stick to the roads" but I dont think thats real.  There isn't any mobs or loot or experience on the roads so people will spend all their time out in the world and their traveling time on the roads.  


    Think about it:  most of your interest is spent hunting, camping, questing, gathering, etcetera.  None of that happens in the middle of a paved road.  The only time players will "stick to the roads" is to travel.


    The incentive would simply be to put less interesting stuff close to the roads that way, people will venture off-the-beaten-path (literally as well as figuratively) and use the roads primarily for long-distance traveling.




    • 644 posts
    June 27, 2016 12:49 PM PDT

    I also think this could then trigger a whole other series of dynamic world ideas like:

    real bandits on the road  

    guards and real toll booths

    route 66 style inns and shops along the way


    • 1303 posts
    June 27, 2016 1:09 PM PDT

    fazool said:

    I also think this could then trigger a whole other series of dynamic world ideas like:

    real bandits on the road  

    guards and real toll booths

    route 66 style inns and shops along the way


    And a more realistic and consistent feel for the gameworld, in that there is travelers on the roads and the wildlands are much less heavily trafficed. 


    • 432 posts
    June 27, 2016 1:38 PM PDT

    Hey P-forums,


    I was reading some of the comments and felt like I had a bit of sudden insight.


    When I need to get somewhere directly I use the roads almost all the time. And the reason why is I don’t want to get attacked by creatures and die and I don’t want to take inefficient routs. And of course there is always the … I don’t want to get LOST. So if they added this feature or not it would not stop me from using ‘roads’ in the game anyway. (and it wouldn’t certainly keep me from exploring the world which is the premise of the game I’m sure.)


    It’s a safe guess to believe when making this game the developers created the roads and intended creatures to either stay away from the roads or to put them directly on the roads pathways. I remember there was a zone where it was safe to travel the roads in day-time but during the night I had to hug the zone wall to get through alive. I think this same gameplay will still be in place because the Roads (with speed increase or not) are going to be a ‘tool’ for the developers to use to make a fun experience for us.


    Is the road going to be safe to travel or not? Does it then matter if I’m off road or not? It would be interesting to have this speed increase happen but then to have players know specific places where ambush parties are located and so the game requires you to stop off road and take a brush trail which provides little to no increase in speed. Better safe than sorry, right?


    You say: “Hail An Orc Highwayman “



    • 1434 posts
    June 27, 2016 2:22 PM PDT

    Moarcrits said:

    I don't think we should get any bonus to running on the path besides it being safer with less chance to run into mobs. The point of the road is safety not convenience. They want us to go explore and find cool stuff in the world. We shouldn't be encouraged to stick to the path to get from point a to b. Before maps came out in EQ people followed zone walls and discovered faster ways to travel from a to b that wasn't along the road.

    You sound like a real city slicker.

    Go out to the country and run off the beaten path. See how fast you run. Even in wide open fields, soft dirt or sand and uneven terrain will keep you from ever moving quickly. Maybe you will throw caution to the wind and run fast anyway, but its a good way to break your ankle.

    • 34 posts
    June 27, 2016 3:31 PM PDT

    Dullahan said:

    Moarcrits said:

    I don't think we should get any bonus to running on the path besides it being safer with less chance to run into mobs. The point of the road is safety not convenience. They want us to go explore and find cool stuff in the world. We shouldn't be encouraged to stick to the path to get from point a to b. Before maps came out in EQ people followed zone walls and discovered faster ways to travel from a to b that wasn't along the road.

    You sound like a real city slicker.

    Go out to the country and run off the beaten path. See how fast you run. Even in wide open fields, soft dirt or sand and uneven terrain will keep you from ever moving quickly. Maybe you will throw caution to the wind and run fast anyway, but its a good way to break your ankle.

    You sound like a real Sims player.

    I'll keep this simple. Go outside and cast a spell. Now go slay a dragon. Couldn't huh? This is a game, not real life. 

    I've already made my case in every post, no one has a counter point to what i said besides "do real life stuff".

    Its. A. Game. 

    Lets talk game mechanics and not real life mechanics, stay on topic.

    • 1434 posts
    June 27, 2016 3:54 PM PDT

    Moarcrits said:

    Dullahan said:

    Moarcrits said:

    I don't think we should get any bonus to running on the path besides it being safer with less chance to run into mobs. The point of the road is safety not convenience. They want us to go explore and find cool stuff in the world. We shouldn't be encouraged to stick to the path to get from point a to b. Before maps came out in EQ people followed zone walls and discovered faster ways to travel from a to b that wasn't along the road.

    You sound like a real city slicker.

    Go out to the country and run off the beaten path. See how fast you run. Even in wide open fields, soft dirt or sand and uneven terrain will keep you from ever moving quickly. Maybe you will throw caution to the wind and run fast anyway, but its a good way to break your ankle.

    You sound like a real Sims player.

    I'll keep this simple. Go outside and cast a spell. Now go slay a dragon. Couldn't huh? This is a game, not real life. 

    I've already made my case in every post, no one has a counter point to what i said besides "do real life stuff".

    Its. A. Game. 

    Lets talk game mechanics and not real life mechanics, stay on topic.

    A lot of the mechanics that make a game or story enjoyable are those that maintain some semblance of reality. Especially in a virtual world, the immersion factor is of some importance.

    I'm not at all suggesting that we make travel fast or easy, but there is a solid argument for making travel somewhat faster on roads from both a realism and a gameplay perspective.