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Living requirements

    • 1778 posts
    March 9, 2016 11:16 AM PST

    Vaildez said:

    Cromulent said:

    Gadgets said:

    Cromulent said:

    Gadgets said:

    +1 for the awesomness that is coin weight

    I suppose if they made a litre of water weigh 1Kg like it does in real life that would be "awesome" as well? That way you'd only be able to carry small amounts of water and would have to constantly run back to a merchant to get more. Sounds pretty "awesome" to me.

    I never said anything about every item should have a realistic weight factor. I feel that there is a more social dynamic to currency/trade than there is with water and other more mundane items. Giving coin carrying restraints and limitations contributes to that dynamic.

    Despite the fact that I can't think of a single social dynamic that requires coins to have weight other than having to do high value transactions standing next to a banker so you don't get stuck I'm going to bow out of this conversation. It is obvious I am in the minority here when it comes to coin weight.

    I won't complain if they put coin weight in the game but I will feel like it is a rather pointless feature. Been there and done it in EQ. Didn't add anything of value to the game for me. And it certainly didn't add anything to the social aspect of the game despite what you seem to be claiming.


    I think you are missing the point... Coin weight means people have to actually interact with eachother. When you are out adventuring and want to trade up to larger coins for the convenience then you will need to work with other players.  The problem with modern MMO's is they tried to make EVERYTHING convenient for the player which results in the majority playing solo and never needing to communicate.  The Auction Houses are just another example of taking away meaningful player social interaction.


    But does that mean we need to go 180 degrees to the other extreme? I dont think so. Trust me this game will have enough challenge and community interaction without coin weight. From what I have read from dev posts and comments, this wont be an issue. So I dont think coin weight is a make or break issue. Otherwise we have much bigger problems to contend with dont you think?

    This post was edited by Amsai at March 9, 2016 11:29 AM PST
    • 106 posts
    March 9, 2016 1:21 PM PST

    I think this could be solved with the highest denomination being weghtless.

    Relating to EQ this is how it would look

    platinum = 0

    gold = 1 times

    silver = 1.1

    copper = 1.2

    This way you won't punish sellers but if you horde a lot of loot cash you would need to do something about it sooner or later, like get to bank, trade with other playerrs with a commission fee etc.

    I think this should be in, as it promotes immersion, makes people work together, and stops loot whoring because they dont want to load up on all the monies.

    • 1468 posts
    March 9, 2016 1:43 PM PST

    Vaildez said:

    Cromulent said:

    Gadgets said:

    Cromulent said:

    Gadgets said:

    +1 for the awesomness that is coin weight

    I suppose if they made a litre of water weigh 1Kg like it does in real life that would be "awesome" as well? That way you'd only be able to carry small amounts of water and would have to constantly run back to a merchant to get more. Sounds pretty "awesome" to me.

    I never said anything about every item should have a realistic weight factor. I feel that there is a more social dynamic to currency/trade than there is with water and other more mundane items. Giving coin carrying restraints and limitations contributes to that dynamic.

    Despite the fact that I can't think of a single social dynamic that requires coins to have weight other than having to do high value transactions standing next to a banker so you don't get stuck I'm going to bow out of this conversation. It is obvious I am in the minority here when it comes to coin weight.

    I won't complain if they put coin weight in the game but I will feel like it is a rather pointless feature. Been there and done it in EQ. Didn't add anything of value to the game for me. And it certainly didn't add anything to the social aspect of the game despite what you seem to be claiming.

    I think you are missing the point... Coin weight means people have to actually interact with eachother. When you are out adventuring and want to trade up to larger coins for the convenience then you will need to work with other players.  The problem with modern MMO's is they tried to make EVERYTHING convenient for the player which results in the majority playing solo and never needing to communicate.  The Auction Houses are just another example of taking away meaningful player social interaction.

    Oh I get the point alright. I like hardcore games. I just don't think having coin weight makes a game hardcore. Just annoying.

    I'm all in favour of a difficult game but I want to do that by adding or removing things that increase the fun factor of the game such as removing the map from the game so you get to explore the game world without it being ruined for you by a map that someone else drew. Or by making soloing almost impossible so you are forced to group up with people. Or by making raid targets require real skill from all members on a raid so that some people can't just slack off. Or by removing quests that tell you exactly where to go. Or by adding loads of epic style quests that take days or weeks or maybe even months to complete.

    I don't see coin weight adding anything to the game. Give me all of the above sure. But coin weight? Nah. That is just annoying and not difficult at all.

    • 52 posts
    March 9, 2016 2:16 PM PST

    Amsai said:

    Vaildez said:

    Cromulent said:

    Gadgets said:

    Cromulent said:

    Gadgets said:

    +1 for the awesomness that is coin weight

    I suppose if they made a litre of water weigh 1Kg like it does in real life that would be "awesome" as well? That way you'd only be able to carry small amounts of water and would have to constantly run back to a merchant to get more. Sounds pretty "awesome" to me.

    I never said anything about every item should have a realistic weight factor. I feel that there is a more social dynamic to currency/trade than there is with water and other more mundane items. Giving coin carrying restraints and limitations contributes to that dynamic.

    Despite the fact that I can't think of a single social dynamic that requires coins to have weight other than having to do high value transactions standing next to a banker so you don't get stuck I'm going to bow out of this conversation. It is obvious I am in the minority here when it comes to coin weight.

    I won't complain if they put coin weight in the game but I will feel like it is a rather pointless feature. Been there and done it in EQ. Didn't add anything of value to the game for me. And it certainly didn't add anything to the social aspect of the game despite what you seem to be claiming.


    I think you are missing the point... Coin weight means people have to actually interact with eachother. When you are out adventuring and want to trade up to larger coins for the convenience then you will need to work with other players.  The problem with modern MMO's is they tried to make EVERYTHING convenient for the player which results in the majority playing solo and never needing to communicate.  The Auction Houses are just another example of taking away meaningful player social interaction.


    But does that mean we need to go 180 degrees to the other extreme? I dont think so. Trust me this game will have enough challenge and community interaction without coin weight. From what I have read from dev posts and comments, this wont be an issue. So I dont think coin weight is a make or break issue. Otherwise we have much bigger problems to contend with dont you think?

    It's not a make or break issue for me and I would agree that I wouldn't want to see extreme inconvenience either... I'd like to at least see a happy medium.   The goal is really to get people to interact with eachother in meaningful ways. 

    This post was edited by Vaildez at March 9, 2016 2:17 PM PST
    • 384 posts
    March 9, 2016 2:23 PM PST

    I don't think money having weight makes a game more hardcore but for me, it definitely adds to the "believability" of the world. Mo' money, mo' problems! Am I right?! Sorry.

    If I pick something up I expect it to have weight. If not then (I don't wanna say it breaks immersion, that's too strong in my view but) you lose a little something, a little realism or believability. I don't think it's all that difficult to stop by the bank to have my money converted to higher valued currency when I'm in town. I can also see opportunities for the devs to add additional uses for spells (strength spells, or weight reduction spells for example) or maybe an item that crafters could produce (weight reduction coin purse) that would help reduce the problem of money weighing you down within the context of the game world. At the end of the day it's not a deal breaker either way but I would like coins weigh something.

    • 428 posts
    March 9, 2016 2:31 PM PST

    Malsirian said:

    I don't think money having weight makes a game more hardcore but for me, it definitely adds to the "believability" of the world. Mo' money, mo' problems! Am I right?! Sorry.

    If I pick something up I expect it to have weight. If not then (I don't wanna say it breaks immersion, that's too strong in my view but) you lose a little something, a little realism or believability. I don't think it's all that difficult to stop by the bank to have my money converted to higher valued currency when I'm in town. I can also see opportunities for the devs to add additional uses for spells (strength spells, or weight reduction spells for example) or maybe an item that crafters could produce (weight reduction coin purse) that would help reduce the problem of money weighing you down within the context of the game world. At the end of the day it's not a deal breaker either way but I would like coins weigh something.


    I would totally put my coin in belt pouch of extra-holding Jarlaxle Baenre style.  We keep saying we do not want stuff to break immersion.  But ina world with spells and magic how could we not have a belt of diminsional holding.  Look at all the books people read that finds ways to still make you feel like you are in the world.  Jarlaxle could carry entire rooms in his hat.  not to mention have infinite knives from his bracers or the magical steeds.  In a world of fantasy you are only limited to your imaganation for a problem. 



    • 1468 posts
    March 9, 2016 2:33 PM PST

    Malsirian said:

    I don't think money having weight makes a game more hardcore but for me, it definitely adds to the "believability" of the world. Mo' money, mo' problems! Am I right?! Sorry.

    If I pick something up I expect it to have weight. If not then (I don't wanna say it breaks immersion, that's too strong in my view but) you lose a little something, a little realism or believability. I don't think it's all that difficult to stop by the bank to have my money converted to higher valued currency when I'm in town. I can also see opportunities for the devs to add additional uses for spells (strength spells, or weight reduction spells for example) or maybe an item that crafters could produce (weight reduction coin purse) that would help reduce the problem of money weighing you down within the context of the game world. At the end of the day it's not a deal breaker either way but I would like coins weigh something.

    Sorry I'm not trying to be rude but this post made me laugh. You are playing a high fantasy game with dragons and goblins and elves and faires (probably) and you want to to have coin weight because it is more believable? So I guess when you are weighing up your coins and see a dragon wander by you just say "hey look a dragon that is totally believable".

    The whole point of fantasy games is that they don't need to be realistic. It is the same with sci-fi. If this was a game that was trying to be realistic I could understand some of the comments but this is a fantasy game. You could put literally anything in it you wanted and people would believe it as long as it fit in with the story line of the game.

    • 384 posts
    March 9, 2016 2:56 PM PST

    Cromulent said:

    Sorry I'm not trying to be rude but this post made me laugh. You are playing a high fantasy game with dragons and goblins and elves and faires (probably) and you want to to have coin weight because it is more believable? So I guess when you are weighing up your coins and see a dragon wander by you just say "hey look a dragon that is totally believable".

    The whole point of fantasy games is that they don't need to be realistic. It is the same with sci-fi. If this was a game that was trying to be realistic I could understand some of the comments but this is a fantasy game. You could put literally anything in it you wanted and people would believe it as long as it fit in with the story line of the game.


    No, no offense taken. I understand where you're coming from. I didn't do a very good job explaing what I meant.

    I understand that it's a fantasy world and many things exist there that don't in our world, therefore anything is possible. That's true. But there are still aspects of that world that are consistent.  I'm not saying that weightless coins is that far out there but if other metal items within the game world weigh something shouldn't the coins as well? Sure, weight could just be left out (or explained away, say it's made out of some magical weightless metal) but there's an inconsistency there that some people might notice and wonder about. It's not that big of a deal either way but for me, for a game world to feel more believable a lot of the little details add up to create the whole, this is just one of those little things.

    • 1468 posts
    March 9, 2016 3:30 PM PST

    Malsirian said:

    Cromulent said:

    Sorry I'm not trying to be rude but this post made me laugh. You are playing a high fantasy game with dragons and goblins and elves and faires (probably) and you want to to have coin weight because it is more believable? So I guess when you are weighing up your coins and see a dragon wander by you just say "hey look a dragon that is totally believable".

    The whole point of fantasy games is that they don't need to be realistic. It is the same with sci-fi. If this was a game that was trying to be realistic I could understand some of the comments but this is a fantasy game. You could put literally anything in it you wanted and people would believe it as long as it fit in with the story line of the game.

    No, no offense taken. I understand where you're coming from. I didn't do a very good job explaing what I meant.

    I understand that it's a fantasy world and many things exist there that don't in our world, therefore anything is possible. That's true. But there are still aspects of that world that are consistent.  I'm not saying that weightless coins is that far out there but if other metal items within the game world weigh something shouldn't the coins as well? Sure, weight could just be left out (or explained away, say it's made out of some magical weightless metal) but there's an inconsistency there that some people might notice and wonder about. It's not that big of a deal either way but for me, for a game world to feel more believable a lot of the little details add up to create the whole, this is just one of those little things.

    OK. Well if as I said if the developers want coins to have weight I won't complain about it. I guess all we can do is wait and see. Maybe the Twitch stream on Friday will answer this question once and for all. I have to admit I'm looking forward to getting some real concrete information on the game. While I enjoy debating game features with the community it would be nice to know what is actually going to be in the game from one of the developers then we can have something real to discuss instead of just speculating all the time :).

    • 383 posts
    March 9, 2016 5:58 PM PST

    Cromulent said:

     then we can have something real to discuss instead of just speculating all the time :).


    AGREED lol... it can hopefully settle some of the more heated debates here as well. 

    • 119 posts
    September 10, 2016 5:54 AM PDT

    "Now you're just being silly. Money weight doesn't add anything apart from getting stuck unable to move because you sold something and forgot to add up the exact total weight of the money that you sold the item for.

    Making the game difficult because it adds fun to the game is great. Making things difficult because it is a pain in the **** is just boring and annoying.

    I really don't see money weight adding any enjoyment to the game. It is just annoying."

    @Cromulent, I agree completely. +1 to no weight on coin.

    • 114 posts
    September 10, 2016 11:13 AM PDT

    I would prefer no weight on coin, personally. However the suggestion made earlier makes sense to me...


    Have copper be heavier, and higher coins be less weight until plat is at or near weightless. This is a compromise I can deal with :)

    • 2138 posts
    September 10, 2016 12:38 PM PDT

    As I see it, coin weight forced you to bank coin, otherwise you would carry it around all the time. On a PvP ruleset, forgetting to bank coin becaus eiof no impact of weight could be devastating if you lost a duel.  

    I like coin weight.

    • 1434 posts
    September 10, 2016 2:20 PM PDT

    I hope everything has weight, and sizes of items vary. If you have a huge 2h weapon, i think it would make sense to take up two adjacent inventory slots. Should also have a greater weight. Just because someone has 8 bags on them doesn't mean you should be able to carry 30 metal weapons.

    I'm all for the realism and immersion side of design, even if it comes at the cost of convenience.

    • 114 posts
    September 10, 2016 2:25 PM PDT

    Manouk said:

    As I see it, coin weight forced you to bank coin, otherwise you would carry it around all the time. On a PvP ruleset, forgetting to bank coin becaus eiof no impact of weight could be devastating if you lost a duel.  

    I like coin weight.

    Perhaps if you are on a PvP server OR flagged for PvP on a blue server, then by that virtue coin could have weight while you are under those rules. By being flagged, you would automatically have coins weighted.

    Again, to me, I can see your point..but I still don't think we need to deal with coins having weight unless it is under circumstances like this.

    Seems like a good idea to me..but I am not and never have been a PvP player, so not sure how feasible this would be overall.

    This post was edited by Frogz0r at September 10, 2016 2:28 PM PDT
    • 1404 posts
    September 10, 2016 8:17 PM PDT

    Coin weight created interaction between high and low level players in everfrost. Ice giant farmers didn't want to continually run back and forth between town. A barbarian Warrior friend of mine had a pretty profitable racket going on up there making the run for them at a 2:1 exchange rate. Hasten Bootstrutter has already been mentioned, seek out buffs or bring trusted friends to help carry the load. Often finding bags of copper on the roads where people realized that they were incumbered and just dropped it... nothing to a lvl 50, but a "score!!" to a lvl 10. There were many interactions created from the coin having weight.

    And food and water as well, the more even small obstacles the better. One of my ideas of meaningfull travel is getting prepaired before you leave.

    This post was edited by Zorkon at September 11, 2016 12:00 AM PDT
    • 334 posts
    September 10, 2016 10:50 PM PDT

    No to having to always have food and drink, yes to something along the lines of the food and drink system from EQ2 (increased health and mana regen, and higher quality/tier foods offer additional benefits).

    • 1584 posts
    September 10, 2016 11:43 PM PDT

    Niien said:

    Without having to worry about things like food, water, and coin weight I feel as though we are dumbing down the game for no reason other than people find it annoying. 

    I'm guessing we will be able to sprint and jump forever as well due to waiting for stam to regen is annoying. Or needing torches or spells for light. Or needing air for swimming under water.

    Honestly, i think having money weigh nothing is a great idea, for the simple fact if your in a great grp and your over burdened cuase youve been there for so long you have 2000 cp and 1000sp and you dont want to drop it cuase its good cash ( especially if money is hard to come by), than i would hate to feel like i either have to leave and go to a bank or drop it which means you literally just thrown away money and both seem unfair to the player just becuase it like your being punished for exping with a good grp.  now the food and water can obv be in place, there always seems to be somewhere you can go to get these items. cept for iksars in early they didn't have a good time with it but were always taking care of by ppl in there guild or simple just  thought further ahead.  and besides if i went to a desert i knew i wish i remembered my water container if i forgot it lol.

    • 1584 posts
    September 10, 2016 11:50 PM PDT

    Dullahan said:

    I hope everything has weight, and sizes of items vary. If you have a huge 2h weapon, i think it would make sense to take up two adjacent inventory slots. Should also have a greater weight. Just because someone has 8 bags on them doesn't mean you should be able to carry 30 metal weapons.

    I'm all for the realism and immersion side of design, even if it comes at the cost of convenience.

    I understand where your coming from and at times this would seem cool, but honestly if they made this realistic that i would just make a dwarf and know that all the pieces of armor i wore would take up the least amount of space as for the orges gear would easily take up 3x as much if not more which honestly isnt fair to them, just becuase they wanted to be that character, i understand it wegihing more like it did in EQ1 but if it taking up more slot at the same time than that would stop a lot of people even wanting to be them just for this inconvience of them being a biigger race.

    • 1434 posts
    September 11, 2016 3:38 AM PDT

    Riahuf22 said:

    Dullahan said:

    I hope everything has weight, and sizes of items vary. If you have a huge 2h weapon, i think it would make sense to take up two adjacent inventory slots. Should also have a greater weight. Just because someone has 8 bags on them doesn't mean you should be able to carry 30 metal weapons.

    I'm all for the realism and immersion side of design, even if it comes at the cost of convenience.

    I understand where your coming from and at times this would seem cool, but honestly if they made this realistic that i would just make a dwarf and know that all the pieces of armor i wore would take up the least amount of space as for the orges gear would easily take up 3x as much if not more which honestly isnt fair to them, just becuase they wanted to be that character, i understand it wegihing more like it did in EQ1 but if it taking up more slot at the same time than that would stop a lot of people even wanting to be them just for this inconvience of them being a biigger race.

    Ogres could carry twice that of weaker races or casters in EQ. I think it worked fine. It doesn't have to be extreme.