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Crafting importance?

    • 68 posts
    December 14, 2015 6:35 PM PST


    I agree that those who love crafting should have that option and should be cherished by their guild.  It reminds me of SWG and those who helped kill Krayts to get great tissues to make that epic weapon.  I do love a great balance and think crafting itself could be a specialization that can really drive the player economy.


    • 116 posts
    December 15, 2015 7:43 AM PST

    I'm  too late to this thread to quote people, but I want to echo the feeling that Crafting is as risky as the components required. Sure the actual crafting step might not have much risk but the adventurers gathering the material take it (be it the character who would later craft or a third party).

    If componenents require difficult adventuring then the crafted item should match the dropped items. If it requires only mundane materials than the gear should be mundane as well. I'm hoping for a mix of such items. Not all crafted item should be great, but the potential for equivalent quality across spheres should be there.


    • 79 posts
    December 15, 2015 4:16 PM PST

    Going to throw this on the pile, maybe it should have a separate subject - that's up to the mods ;)


    Crafting recipies that are raid acquired should have the option to make it a guild recipe rather than give it to an individual. Once it's a guild recipe the guild leaders would designate ONE crafter that can use it.


    My reasoning is this, and I'm pretty sure we've all seen it happen: Person stays with guild, gathers a lot of recipes,  becomes someone they depend on and then... they leave. Either they leave the guild or game, but they and all the recipies the guild  helped get are now gone also.


    Allowing a guild recipe book like this would reward the guild that organized the raid, securing the recipe for as long as the guild exists. After they secure one subsequent drops could be given out as the raid leads see fit.

    • 83 posts
    December 15, 2015 4:20 PM PST

    Kilsin said:

    How much do you like crafting in MMORPGs, is crafting something you expect to be in-game and how important do you think it is for the game even if you don't craft? :)


    I think crafting can set a game apart, but to often it is just left behind compared to quest/dropped items, would rock if crafting would augment stuff that drops and vice versa, if I knew how exactly I would be telling ya, promise :)

    • 75 posts
    December 15, 2015 11:14 PM PST

    Canno said:

    Going to throw this on the pile, maybe it should have a separate subject - that's up to the mods ;)


    Crafting recipies that are raid acquired should have the option to make it a guild recipe rather than give it to an individual. Once it's a guild recipe the guild leaders would designate ONE crafter that can use it.


    My reasoning is this, and I'm pretty sure we've all seen it happen: Person stays with guild, gathers a lot of recipes,  becomes someone they depend on and then... they leave. Either they leave the guild or game, but they and all the recipies the guild  helped get are now gone also.


    Allowing a guild recipe book like this would reward the guild that organized the raid, securing the recipe for as long as the guild exists. After they secure one subsequent drops could be given out as the raid leads see fit.

    nice Canno - i like and it links in to my thoughts about the soughts after guild crafters!

    • 671 posts
    December 16, 2015 10:38 AM PST

    Wandidar said:

    I didn't craft in EQ. I then resolved to craft in every other MMO I've played.  I've been largely disappointed.  Here's why:


    Crafting while leveling

    It always seems to me that to get something useful at any given level I need to make a major crafting left turn - stop adventuring, etc... IF there is something useful from crafting while you level.


    Crafting at max

    Sort of more of the same.  If I'm a tailor for example, and want to use that to make really good bags for myself.  Quite often in these games I have more than enough money to buy the bag from someone else and am left with the following decision... spend hours farming mats to make those bags, or go buy the bags, knowing that I will regenerate the money used just by playing the game.


    Summing it up

    It doesn't feel worth stopping adventuring to me in order to advance crafting while I level (at least in mmo's like WoW, Rift, etc...) - and at max, I end up feeling like anything I could get isn't worth investing the time in doing.  I would ultimatey be happy with a crafting system that I felt brought me value at max level.  I would be thrilled if there were a crafting system that I felt brought me value leveling it while I leveled my avatar.  That does, at least to me, also mean that at least some gear (for folks who choose professions that craft gear) should be best in game... with maybe that being a limiting factor (it's a piece of gear that is best in game if YOU craft it)

    In terms of how important I think it is.  I know that while my experiences are as listed above, there are players who absolutely LIVE for crafting- and crafting does quite a bit to drive in game econonomies.  Crafting is serious business... and important to an MMO.



    So crafting takes away from exploring..?  Or crafting takes you away from the EXP grind... and you somehow fall behind from those others who are getting exp? (because you feel compelled to craft?)

    What if gaining EXPerience was like Day 1 EQ..?  And the difference between a lvl 12 Warrior and a lvl 14 Warrior was 2 weeks..? And that those single minded folks who were rushing ahead MAY have more acquired EXP, but not not levels on you. Isn't it the levels you fear that might be lost while in a tavern, or at a crafting bench and you can not enjoy it, because "others" are getting ahead..?



    Point of observation: I have played on every Progression server there has been. Phinny is by far the best and everyone is murmering the same thing, because EXP is sooooo hard to get and leveling has slowed down tremendously. Personally I think a Character should a long time to get each lvl... so much so that nobody is trying to get them and are just playing the game. If you can get a lvl a day.. it is no longer a MMORPG but a race. That is what hell levels did, even though someone 5 lvl below you caught up, they will be on a hell level for many weeks (months), fueling new cross section of people, & socailizing within a new peer structure, in a larger lvl range.

    Slow leveling also gives Crafter a chance to peddle wares that are not outgrown easily... and allows for many crafters and many competing markets. If you customer only remains so, for a 1 week window of oppertunity, before he lvls past your warez then crafting is pointless and becomes a race too... to skill up and serve all those stuck at lvl 50.



    Crafting is by far the MOST important aspect of any MMORPG.  What would UO, DAOC, EQ2, VG all be without crafting..? The point here is what direction is Pantheon going in..? How deep will crafting be in Pantheon. (Kilsin?)

    These questions and conversations are what I would like to be engaged with, but are utterly pointlessat the moment, because these conversations will be wiped with the new message boards. So much thrown away already... 

    • 671 posts
    December 16, 2015 10:40 AM PST

    BTW... crafting is part of the triad of any real MMO.


    • Hunting
    • Gathering or Harvesting
    • Crafting