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Hmm, what should I wear?

    • 9115 posts
    June 5, 2017 3:55 AM PDT

    If you could create clothing or armour for your character in Pantheon what would it be and what colour would you choose?

    • 29 posts
    June 5, 2017 4:26 AM PDT

    I've always been a stats guy.  I never really cared for the look of armor.  With some games allowing "transmog" options (allowing a piece of armor to look like a different piece of armor), this is something that would appeal to a stats guy like me.  Not only can I focus on the epic stats piece, I can also look for that epic look piece to transmog it with.  Not sure how that would impact performance though.

    Back in the day, it was irritating for me to find an amazing piece of armor stats wise that looked like a pink frilly sun dress.  On the flip side, it was equally irritating to find a piece of armor that looked like it would kill you just for looking at it wrong and it came with little or no stats.

    Lately in my PnP sessions, I've been focusing on a rogue in DnD 5e.  I love the secretive nature of dark colors but I also love the famous pieces like boots/cloak of elvenkind.  In the nature of roleplay, some types of rogues come with alternate identities like a pompous aristocrat or feeble elder.  In both cases, the appearance should fit.


    • 624 posts
    June 5, 2017 4:42 AM PDT

    I'll bite.  You know we bards have to look good while making the group look good.  Clothing IS armor for a minstrel.  Day-to-day attire would be linen shirt, bright white, with a deep red sash (think ruby or carmine). Black dungaree trousers (though leather will do). Gray leather boots - bard feet do a lot of traveling at high velocity, need to protect them well.  Overall look is similar to traditional swashbuckler / pirate.  Oh and a foppish hat, feather optional.  Not for practicality, merely to entertain the audience.

    For royal command performances (or sometimes in fancier taverns - i.e. at higher levels) the well dressed bard should have mainly silks, lots of them, in rich colors and patterns of azure and gold, or vermillion and chartreuse.  Something to make the dragon twist her head and wonder "why oh why silly troubadour do you look so extravagant?".

    Please, no plate, ever - we are lovers not fighters.

    This post was edited by Kumu at June 5, 2017 4:44 AM PDT
    • 2130 posts
    June 5, 2017 4:50 AM PDT

    dylarian said:

    Not sure how that would impact performance though.

    As in like frames per second? Zero.

    I definitely want this in Pantheon as well. Dye at the very least, full appearance customization would be ideal.

    As for the topic of the thread, depends on the class. Of my mains:

    Rogue: Darkest black everywhere it's practical with some minor silver embellishments. I personally prefer robes on my Rogues as opposed to leather armor. All the utility of a cloak without a cloak.

    Ranger: I have a thing for cloaks/robes if it isn't obvious, so probably a washed out green cloak/robish thing with dark brown leather belts, etc.

    Monk: Varies greatly. Ideal for me would be violet or light blue robes with light tan wraps where applicable. Robes have always been my preference with Monk.

    • 24 posts
    June 5, 2017 5:01 AM PDT

    I play casters types a lot and I am tired of the robe look.

    Cloth shirt, pants, leather belt, shoes and either cloth or leather gloves.

    A hood of cloth unless wearing a hat of some type like a metal band or crown.

    The item that would give it a caster like would be a cape/cloak.

    The cape would flow as you walked or rode a mount.

    The cape could move when casting spells in some way.

    The character could have an animation for shelid like protection buffs.  The mob cast a spell or trys to hit the caster, if the protection buff sucesses in protecting the caster, the animation would show the caster bring his cape up as a sheild.  Like when you see the old time vampire movies were the vampire grabs the edge of his cloak/cape and brings it up in front of him.

    The cape/cloak would have symbols that may glow when casting spells or have the symbols glow all of the time.

    The colors would be any color cloth and be for the time period.

    P.S. Give me something like what Dr Strange wears and I would be very happy caster. (Movie, not cartoon)

    This post was edited by rkwiles at June 5, 2017 6:17 AM PDT
    • 16 posts
    June 5, 2017 5:23 AM PDT

    What a lovely, short question to which I can't imagine writing an answer shorter than the average novel haha. First a question however, are we allowed to post images in this particular thread? If you don't wish to see an image influx then perhaps even one picture per post? This isn't the image/art dedicated forum so I dareth not post before arsking first ;).


    Attempt at a short answer first without a picture:


    I am a great big fan of "realism" as it comes to armors, so my character's armor design would be modelled after some medieval heavy plate/chain set like the Churburg's style for example (image search on google brings it up if anyone's curious).


    I actually like it when the metal rings, scales or plate parts have a grey, metallic hue to them, silver or mithril could have a lighter, more shining colour and something like darksteel could be darker grey, almost black. One might imagine looting/crafting similar sets of armor from different metals that would change the looks and represent the level of the set or so, accordingly.


    I'd add navy blue colour to the inlays, the padded cloth parts that are visible for example in armpits, elbows, perhaps collar and such. My character's armor would probably have a cape and/or overcoat with a coat of arms which would also add colour to the otherwise metallic looking set.

    • 9115 posts
    June 5, 2017 5:53 AM PDT

    Some nice detailed responses here folks, i like it, keep them coming :)

    • 112 posts
    June 5, 2017 6:07 AM PDT

    As a paladin, I would go for the classic polished titanium armor with a modest gold filigree.  Simple in design as a paladin does not need anything more than his convictions to impress.  Countless rows of divine script etched into the armor by the paladin record his travels, and in the heat of battle illuminate with holy righteousness.  A simple tabbard of house colors on a white field to finish the look.  

    • 62 posts
    June 5, 2017 6:15 AM PDT

    a plain threadbare silk raiment if monks get more powerful as they carry less and less

    • 3237 posts
    June 5, 2017 6:24 AM PDT

    Blood red platemail.  Always loved my rubicite set ... even loved having to farm for it!

    • 129 posts
    June 5, 2017 6:28 AM PDT

    As a Necro, I would wear a hooded ragged robe colored with the darkest black, long enough to hide my feet.

    This robe would grant a worn effect Dead (wo)Man Floating, making me floating above ground and turn my skin to gray color.

    I would also have with a skull-face mask with glowing red eyes, rest of my head being hidden by the hoodie robe.

    Of course, I would use nothing else than a two-handed scythe with that outfit :D

    • 16 posts
    June 5, 2017 6:33 AM PDT

    I tend to lend toward a hybrid play style. That being said, I would love to see options on the fly for some classes and other things set in stone (so to speak).


    You see a charging knight with a gaint lance heading your way astride his mighty armored steed. In the final moment before impact he leaps from his mount and bam you eat a fireball in the face. The glamored wizard laughs your way. 


    Maybe for a high level druid, for a alt form a direwolf. When he shifts back to his humoniod form he has a living bramble shield and wood and cloth armour that seems to moving reacting to the enviroment shifting to let the breeze through but nothing else. 


    Also I would love to racial and class armor that actualy fit for RP. Maybe Ogre armor would have the tales of glory and honor emgraved in it (or his family name). Gnomes could have the types of cloaks mentioned by rkwiles. Archai could have detailed stone armor showing that slaves can rise up....

    • 2130 posts
    June 5, 2017 8:12 AM PDT

    oneADseven said:

    Blood red platemail.  Always loved my rubicite set ... even loved having to farm for it!

    Rubicite was dope. Both in EQ and in EQOA. Looked equally great in both games and was equally hard to acquire.

    Rubicite is honestly once of my best argument for appearance gear. As long as the acquisition is comparable, being able to display it full time doesn't take away from it in the least. Not in my opinion.

    I'd love to see it make a comeback in Pantheon, both as a nostalgie throwback and a bit of a homage to the games that indirectly brought us Pantheon in the first place.

    • 3237 posts
    June 5, 2017 8:23 AM PDT

    Liav said:

    oneADseven said:

    Blood red platemail.  Always loved my rubicite set ... even loved having to farm for it!

    Rubicite was dope. Both in EQ and in EQOA. Looked equally great in both games and was equally hard to acquire.

    Rubicite is honestly once of my best argument for appearance gear. As long as the acquisition is comparable, being able to display it full time doesn't take away from it in the least. Not in my opinion.

    I'd love to see it make a comeback in Pantheon, both as a nostalgie throwback and a bit of a homage to the games that indirectly brought us Pantheon in the first place.

    For sure man.  Farming rubicite in EQOA was one of my favorite memories from that game.  I was a platemail connoisseur.  It took me forever to get my full set and I would proudly put it on display even after it's stats were far from relevant.  I agree that appearance gear should totally be a thing in Pantheon.  We're not talking cosmetic gear that can be purchased in a cash shop.  Just good old fashioned armor that is aesthetically pleasing to look at, armor that jumps out as special.  When you saw someone rocking a full set of rubicite you knew they either farmed their tail off to get it or they spent a pretty penny buying it from someone else.  Either way, I am definitely in favor of having appearance gear in the game and always felt that collecting matching sets was like a mini-game inside the game.  It was always annoying swapping my gear out for appearance purposes.  I remember a fight or two where I forgot to switch and would get annihilated because of the stat decrease.  My other favorite appearance gear in EQOA was the ceremonial vestment and spectre robe.  Never got to wear either but I remember them from my original server (Direns Hold) and being mega jealous when I saw other people using them on the test server during beta.  Nostalgiac throwbacks for the win!

    • 1714 posts
    June 5, 2017 8:44 AM PDT

    A monk in full rubicite. 

    • 3237 posts
    June 5, 2017 8:50 AM PDT

    Krixus said:

    A monk in full rubicite. 

    I'm not completely against allowing tanks to wear robes or wizards to wear plate.  It should be done with taste though.  The ceremonial vestment and spectre robe in EQOA were extremely valuable because they bent the rules on allowing tanks to wear a robe.  I think it would be pretty cool to see a monk or wizard rocking plate.  These pieces would just need to be uber rare so when you see a monk or wizard pulling it off, you appreciate the effort that went into obtaining it.  These pieces are a nice way to stimulate the economy too.  Rare appearance gear that bends the rules (or appearance gear in general) would be a nice little niche market for people to play with.

    These pieces would be for aesthetic purposes only though.  I wouldn't want to see a wizard wearing plate that has awesome stats for a wizard.  HP/MP/STA/INT/Breeze.  None of that ... we don't need tanking wizards!  Although if I had Zynxs on my server I would definitely farm a few pieces for her ... maybe she would survive a hit if she had a couple pieces of plate?  But yeah, same deal with robes for tanks or melees.  It was really cool in EQOA and I sincerely hope that VR considers adding similar rare pieces in Pantheon.  Their rarity needs to be absolutely absurd though.  I'm talking world loot table.  No farming names to get them.  Just a 0.01% chance to get them from various trash mobs.

    This post was edited by oneADseven at June 5, 2017 8:56 AM PDT
    • 1778 posts
    June 5, 2017 9:27 AM PDT

    What he said lol. Love it!
    • 514 posts
    June 5, 2017 9:36 AM PDT

    LOVE where this is going from a crafters point of view.  Right now I am thinking some sort of insanely high quality silk (Terrorantuala anyone?) reinforced with some sort of hardening agent that wouldn't be too brittle.  Natural form of wax maybe?  Sand worm bile?  Hmmm...  makes a crafter think...

    • 26 posts
    June 5, 2017 10:16 AM PDT

    I always though that it be cool if medium armor had more of a Mongolian flare to it. 

    Sample 1

    Sample 2

    • 2752 posts
    June 5, 2017 10:38 AM PDT

    Anything similar to these:


    • 8 posts
    June 5, 2017 10:59 AM PDT

    Well, belive it or not, I'm still turned on by that red scarf, in some of the screenshots!!! I need it on my Halfling/Gnome! Hopefully it will be good on multiple classes too, because I'm still not sure what I'd go for. :P


    This post was edited by Inar at June 5, 2017 11:02 AM PDT
    • 2886 posts
    June 5, 2017 11:39 AM PDT

    As a Cleric, I want my armor to resemble that of an angel. I keep being drawn to combinations of gold, silver, and purple:

    Image result for angel armor


    Image result for angel armor

    • 29 posts
    June 5, 2017 12:04 PM PDT

    Colour? Of my choosing really. Of course, with dyes and what not. There should be basic colour at the very least.


    Now in terms of what the armour may look like... It really depends on the feel that you guys want to instill.

    Are we talking about an artifact that's used up but still holds up immense powers albeit its looks? Are we talking about items always on the clean side without a dent nor rust?


    As for what it would like...


    In a Warrior, the best example I can come up with is the anime Berserk. I just dare believe that it fits perfectly (in my mind) the looks of a warrior. Mostly silver-esque, the alignment (race+deity) could change the colour of the armor to represent their values.

    Any "cloth" classes, mages and what not. I don't feel like they should necessarily have robes only. I'm pretty sure some would like to have an actual tunic and so forth. It'd be refreshing to see for once.

    Dire Lord, I can just see the Chosen from Warhammer Fantasy going in and just wrecking everything. They've got the magic, they've got the armor to be fighters, they simply have it all. They're sinister, chaotic, it just feels right (to me).

    Bards, I do see the frufru and all the colours to their choices pretty much. Perhaps depending on the instrument they would play, their attire could change colour or the mood of the song if such would apply. Something magical about them, about the way the swoo people with their talents.

    Monks, perhaps I'm biased but I just see the traditional garb with perhaps special effects around them or upon their armor. Something along the lines of focusing their ki. Colours being more earth oriented.


    I didn't post any pictures for clutter purposes. If required, don't hesitate and I will just do so.


    Just my 2 cents. :)



    This post was edited by Nore at June 5, 2017 12:05 PM PDT
    • 729 posts
    June 5, 2017 12:22 PM PDT

    For tank/cleric I have always liked silver plate armor with a dark blue under clothing. Golden armor is nice, but a bit too fancy for my taste :) Dark plate armor is cool too though, for a dark knight!

    For casters, I am always happy when I get some chest clothing other than a robe. Robes are great, sure, but they also hide all the other cool clothing you are wearing!

    I would like to see "civil" clothing (for in-town / roleplay), along with plenty of available dyes.

    On a related question, do you want to see visible rings/earrings/collar items? IMO these would be cool!

    • 190 posts
    June 5, 2017 1:14 PM PDT

    Armor that doesn't show skin would be nice.  I can't go running across the field toward the enemy with my arms, midriff, legs and cleavage exposed in real life.  I'd die so freaking fast from lack of coverage.  :p


    As a lover of Shadowknights and dark classes, dark armor in deep reds, purples, black or deepest blues would be lovely.  I'm a girl who adores jewel-tones.  Stylish, yet functional would be ideal.