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Hmm, what should I wear?

    • 7 posts
    June 5, 2017 1:54 PM PDT

    Chain mail and leather in green, brown, and grey earth tones for my ranger, and an all black set of chain mail and leather for night missions or if I want to go viking.  For my monk a simple pair of kungfu pants with a gi or just a bare chest, and some hand and foot wraps.  Also maybe a black ninja suit for the monk, if the monks are able to go the ninja route with weapons and access to some rogue skills.

    • 1778 posts
    June 5, 2017 1:55 PM PDT
    A Gypsy/Roma type look for a Bard would be fun too.
    • 189 posts
    June 5, 2017 2:10 PM PDT
    I would like to see dark class/races get dark armor and clothing, like if a Robe of the Caster dropped and any caster could wear it, it would be jet black/grey on a necro and blue with white frills for lets say a wizard. Or Chestplate of Tankage jet black and gold for the Dire Lord and silver and gold for the Paladin. My 2cp
    • 17 posts
    June 5, 2017 3:11 PM PDT

    For my Summoner I don't know how limited the armour type, cloth would be so I will just throw this out there.

    Caster Robes: Blueish base, indigo trim, gold accent (for like symbols/ runes and have a summoner symbol on the back.

    The Charcoal color is for the fur around the hide/leather armour.

    The Hide or leather will be color Pullman Brown and will mostly be used for gloves, footwear, and shoulder pads.(places that a caster would wear to add character and protection without being overwhelmed by a lot of hide/leather.)

    Here is the color scheme I would aim for (i don't know if it is a good color scheme,but something along the line)



    • 58 posts
    June 5, 2017 4:50 PM PDT
    Not sure if it was mentioned but tight revealing clothing and armor for any race... lol it can bring out spot of good laughs and fun evening.

    I play Swtor at the moment and they have the best selection of armor skins that I've seen in any other games.

    Another suggestion have designed per class like warriors would have a a line of similar armor that could be modified. Just like character customization armor should have this option too.

    Again example
    Warrior chest piece could have different looks could be you need to add a chain mail to the plate to have a chain and plate look. Then be able to put dents and add scratches and also coloring or rust look. Then leg plate add leather to have a leathery plate look. I think this type of customization is essential

    • 470 posts
    June 5, 2017 5:19 PM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    If you could create clothing or armour for your character in Pantheon what would it be and what colour would you choose?

    Plate mail and it would be colored a darker silver and royal blue or the same silver and scarlet or crimson red. May add some black in there as well. All depends but those are a few of my favorite colors to mix.

    This post was edited by Kratuk at June 5, 2017 5:21 PM PDT
    • 801 posts
    June 5, 2017 5:27 PM PDT

    Kilsin, as a Mage i like robes. I would rather like armor on my Pet, as i summon it.

    So you see, I like armor shoulders, and breatplate but with cloth armor behind it.

    I dislike leather armor look on a caster.

    • 2134 posts
    June 5, 2017 5:54 PM PDT

    I've usually found armor that I liked in the games I've played, so just some general preferences here.

    As a previous poster asked, please let my caster wear something other than robes. Not asking to eliminate robes, but give me choices beyond just a robe. They get very boring to me over time, as well as tending to obscure all the the other pieces that I'm wearing.

    One style that has bothered me greatly is the tendency to make shoulder pieces HUGE. I've endured shoulder armor on characters that stood up taller than the character's head. It always looks vastly out of proportion to me. Please include at least some choices that don't appear to be a folded-up stepladder being carried on my character's back :)

    Now and then I get a piece or suit of armor I love the looks of. When I do, I'd really love it if I could keep the appearance of those pieces when I eventually replace it. It would be so great to be able to just 'lock' the appearance of a given slot (or the entire suit) to whatever is currently in it, and keep that appearance when replacing with higher level pieces.


    However it works out, I'm sure I'm going to love it! Keep up the good work.

    • 5 posts
    June 5, 2017 6:18 PM PDT

    Black, black and more black. With purple and silver. Never gold! I go for a look that's as gothy as possible, and will carry an outfit with me to change into post-battle if I think my armor is too ugly. I will go to the far ends of the world and take on the most random and dangerous quests for a cute item of clothing.


    Armor should appear functional and fierce, I want those monsters to think twice before messing with me. Not too clunky, surely there can be sleek armor. 


    Casual clothes are a totally different matter. Impractical is A-OK, I want to look cool. Leather and corsetry and flowy bits. Did I mention black?


    I would love to be able to dye anything, any outfit. And while we're at it, the ability to change my hairstyle for different outfits would rock. Clothing is one of the things that really amplifies immersion and roleplay and I love to play around with it.

    • 1618 posts
    June 5, 2017 6:27 PM PDT

    Black, purple, and silver is where it's at.

    • 47 posts
    June 5, 2017 6:49 PM PDT

    Socks.  Just socks.  Old, dirty, itchy, hot, wool socks.  That way, the NPC's won't want to kill you, because you have nothing but lousy socks.  Or, if they're really hard up for socks, they will kill you thinking: Ooooh, Yeah! Got me some socks!" 

    But then they put them on.   And they are really itchy and hot.  Not to mention dirty and old.  And the joke's on them.

    • 17 posts
    June 5, 2017 7:49 PM PDT

    Long flowing black/gray hood and cloak.  

    • 9115 posts
    June 6, 2017 3:09 AM PDT

    Awesome stuff folks, some great examples and combinations there! :)

    • 200 posts
    June 6, 2017 5:04 AM PDT

    Without going into a style or genre of armor type how about something that looks battle worn but functional with the possiblity of showing a rune or dent that could be identified to a specific epic quest line, raid or event.

    So say you beat an event, you get a flag/token/rune that you either loot or is registered to your account and you take your armor to a smith or rune keeper to etch the story of your victory into your armor,  so that fancy Green armor gets a specific colored (gold for example) inlay on the spaulder when you beat T1 of an event with a specific design.

    This would allow a bit of customization variation depending on peoples preferences if/when we get to the situation where the look of someones armor can really tell a story of the hero walking by without having everyone running around in the same color and design..

    If it's a hassle to do on armor, maybe do tattoos? the title what should I wear isn't definitive enough to not rule out Tats as an option... 

    For events that are a once in a life time thing (epics)  have the rune be an aug type thing you could move to armor/weps/shields, but for events that can be repeatable make it a consumable.



    • 11 posts
    June 6, 2017 8:31 AM PDT

    Image result for cloth and plate armor for clerics


    I always liked the Cloth/robed /Plate look for Clerics.   I think it gives them that battle ready look with a dab of scholar.  

    This post was edited by Brofeus at June 6, 2017 8:32 AM PDT
    • 129 posts
    June 6, 2017 9:01 AM PDT

    Depends. If I have the opportunity I will change it almost daily using appearance items. SWTOR was fantastic in this regard, so many options to wear what I felt like at the time. Otherwise, shimmering chainmail colors for my light tanks, shaman, and rogue please. No oversized shoulder pads, gloves, or boots pls.

    • 431 posts
    June 6, 2017 9:07 AM PDT

    Agree with many saying more then just robes for casters , perhaps pantaloons . EQ mage had a pair of pantaloons with moons and stars very cool looking .

    Even if they only do robes please have the races use different styles/cuts/colors , nothing worse then every caster wearing the same purple people eating robes (EQ2) .

    No over sized shoulder pads :P

    • 21 posts
    June 6, 2017 10:18 AM PDT

    When it comes to appearence items in game; I am quite the avid collector. Have always loved trying different combinations with any gear.

    I guess it really depends on what the Devs believe how it should be done - Most games are "can only be what you can actually equip".

    For instance in SWG; You could use any armor/peice of gear for appearence no matter your class. My elder jedi had the red and black jedi quest robe with red tone bone armor. It looked awesome. Even though he could not normally use the bone armor, he was still able to use it for appearences. 

    Only reason I can see not being able to allow players to utilize any combination of gear type for appearences is because of PvP. Obviously this is why most games do not allow it. If you see a plate class wearing a robe with a staff in PvP, it can be a bit misleading. 

    The only way to allow players to utilize any peice of gear for appearences is to only allow body parts to be equipped with any type of gear THEN only allow weapons to be changed to whatever the class can wear. This includes dual-wielding/sword&board/two-handers - You should not see a rogue with a huge two-hander back stabbing mobs. 

    Let's take EQ1 for example; I very much disliked how most of the robes looked on characters with the Luclin models but because my main character was a wizard, I had no other choice if I wanted to ride on a mount. Loved the class but did not love the look. 

    I have always liked wearing a hood on my plate armor classes. Gives that type of "dark hero" look. 

    All in all, it does not really matter. I would still play the game regardless. If you are in a high fantasy setting, than I guess that is how it should be. You would not see a wizard wearing plate armor and a warrior wearing a robe and staff. 

    • 2138 posts
    June 6, 2017 10:38 AM PDT

    Differences in textures might be cool, like Samurai style armor, or death mask/carribean style woven armor.  woven reeds or bamboo kind of thing. Being magically imbued it would look flimsy but be as sturdy as most european style metal armors.

    I think it would be neat if, in a tough fight one of the armor pieces a shaman uses is a mask that is a full body mask- the image of a man-sized face with his arms waving out the side from behind, feet noticible behind the base, as armor. Or each of the pieces of the armor when assembled look like a huge mask. 

    • 30 posts
    June 6, 2017 10:51 AM PDT

    European folklore style, like EQ1 had and AD&D artwork.

    • 2752 posts
    June 6, 2017 10:57 AM PDT

    If I could equip anything this awesome, I'd roll whatever class it was in an instant:


    • 13 posts
    June 6, 2017 1:13 PM PDT

    I think one of the things that EQ did well was to have highly recognizable sets for each class. I really like being able to tell how far along a character is progression wise by just looking at them. I could honestly care less about the appearance itself but I tend to like a minimalist approach to armor design aesthetics.

    • 89 posts
    June 6, 2017 3:06 PM PDT

    Probably something like that.

    This post was edited by sdcord at June 6, 2017 3:09 PM PDT
    • 190 posts
    June 6, 2017 4:47 PM PDT

    I really do enjoy the armor art style from EQ2.  Granted, as the game has aged, the insertion of the "larger than necessary shoulder plates" have snuck in.  Some quick examples:







    • 189 posts
    June 6, 2017 5:47 PM PDT
    Oh I forgot about the female Halfling Skirts, would like to see (as posted above) more of them!