Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

Getting rid of the simple named/boss mobs

    • 578 posts
    March 3, 2016 9:34 PM PST

    Too many times I can recall adventuring with my group in EQ1 and VG where we would come across a named/boss mob where it was a straight tank and spank mob. They were found ALL over those two MMOs. Too many times we'd come across a boss and litterally kill it without even thinking. I HOPE Pantheon does away with this.

    A great example would be flipping temples in VG. There were maybe 3-5 named mobs INSIDE the temple before you even flipped it which none gave a challenge and none really required any strategy to defeat them and then once you finally flipped the temple and fought the nameds outside there really wasn't any challenge there either. I feel like in VG and possibly even EQ1, the REAL danger from level 1-cap was in having a bad pull or just getting too many mobs at once, rather then coming across a named mob or a boss.

    I hope Pantheon takes a page from the Griffon questline from VG where there were many single group bosses that were VERY difficult. If I'm fighting a 'named' mob I would hope for that mob to be a little more 'special' and there would be more of a challenge to it.

    • 9115 posts
    March 4, 2016 1:20 AM PST

    NoobieDoo said:

    Too many times I can recall adventuring with my group in EQ1 and VG where we would come across a named/boss mob where it was a straight tank and spank mob. They were found ALL over those two MMOs. Too many times we'd come across a boss and litterally kill it without even thinking. I HOPE Pantheon does away with this.

    A great example would be flipping temples in VG. There were maybe 3-5 named mobs INSIDE the temple before you even flipped it which none gave a challenge and none really required any strategy to defeat them and then once you finally flipped the temple and fought the nameds outside there really wasn't any challenge there either. I feel like in VG and possibly even EQ1, the REAL danger from level 1-cap was in having a bad pull or just getting too many mobs at once, rather then coming across a named mob or a boss.

    I hope Pantheon takes a page from the Griffon questline from VG where there were many single group bosses that were VERY difficult. If I'm fighting a 'named' mob I would hope for that mob to be a little more 'special' and there would be more of a challenge to it.

    Yeah, temples were a tad boring but you did need a decent group of 5-6 in at least Swamp Armour to flip them properly and someone to have done the prerequisite quest.

    Griffon questline is still my all time favourite quest in any game to date, absolutely loved it! (and loved my 7 Venerable Raid Griffons!) :)

    • 157 posts
    March 4, 2016 5:38 AM PST

    Meh ... I'm a fan or rare spawns/tougher than normal mobs.  One of the things that the OP pointed out was the lack of "danger" in pulling static spawns in camps.  Hell, why not add some deviation in mob spawns - you never know how tough the next mob will be, so you better damn be prepared.  It's not like every animal you come across is the same in nature, so why not have 3-5 "difficulty levels" from one single spawn point?

    Wouldn't it be great ... you've all been camped at the same spot, pulling mob after mob ... everyone is falling into the routine ... then the tank pulls a mob and the tank's health takes a huge dip.  Right away the healer knows something's up.  He has time to alert the group when BAM, the add(s) spawn.  Now the CC is on his/her toes, and the tank is corralling the loose add wailing away on the healer.  The group finishes the encounter, and is resting/medding up ... but the fight was so intensive that now the regular spawns are back up, and the party is playing catch-up on resources ... 

    Might be a way to mix it up.


    • 511 posts
    March 4, 2016 6:42 AM PST

    If the temple was a simple tank and spank then you had a very good team. If boss pulls from groups in early EQ up through maybe PoP were simple tank and spanks then you had a good group. Now if you're talking about rarer spawns like the barkeeper in soul A and some other places those are not really bosses just named NPC's. Most real bosses (Efreeti that drops boots in Sol b, Giant King and mage, jailor etc in permafrost) did require strategy and if your team had it pop on you when you were otherwise engaged with trash, or half health or 2 members AFK you really struggled to finish the encounters.

    • 1778 posts
    March 4, 2016 9:40 AM PST
    I cant really speak from an EQ perspective. But isnt that just basically the difference between a true boss mob and something like elite mobs in other games? I mean I dont think every named needs to be a hardcore challenge. I think its fine but the difficulty needs to reflect the purpose of that mob. So in an open world goblin camp the chief might be named and he might be a good deal harder than the regular gobs but not dungeon boss hard
    • 2419 posts
    March 4, 2016 5:35 PM PST

    NoobieDoo said:

    Too many times I can recall adventuring with my group in EQ1 and VG where we would come across a named/boss mob where it was a straight tank and spank mob. They were found ALL over those two MMOs. Too many times we'd come across a boss and litterally kill it without even thinking. I HOPE Pantheon does away with this.

    What about where it naturally makes sense?  Why shouldn't Orc Warlord Grraark be a warrior and be limited to just warrior skills and abilities?  Sure, he probably has lots of guards and whatnot all around his fortress but when he's the last guy standing, doesn't tank and spank make sense?

    • 1095 posts
    March 4, 2016 5:42 PM PST

    Vandraad said:

    What about where it naturally makes sense?  Why shouldn't Orc Warlord Grraark be a warrior and be limited to just warrior skills and abilities?  Sure, he probably has lots of guards and whatnot all around his fortress but when he's the last guy standing, doesn't tank and spank make sense?

    You are correct. OP had some some bad experiences with crap content.


    • 2138 posts
    March 4, 2016 6:45 PM PST

    I misread this, I thought you meant "simply named" boss mobs, like, hey we're going to raid the powerfull and mighty....BOB.

    • 1434 posts
    March 4, 2016 8:02 PM PST

    I don't think every named has to be a special snowflake, but I would like to see a bit more variation. I think even within the confines of a particular class, you could give different spell sets or different strategies to certain mobs without having to give them completely unique skills. Perhaps Dark Priest Melundar has a seething hatred for paladins and clerics, and as such has a tendancy to focus those classes. Perhaps any ability used by those classes receives double threat. That sort of thing could go a long way without having to make each named mob totally unique or turning encounters into Dance dance revolution.

    That said, I would totally like to see named mobs of particular classes have a special ability that players could actually add to their skill or spell books. Whether its dropped, can be learned when used upon the player (ala vanguard), or perhaps just a progress bar that slowly fills up each time a player encounters the mob, named mobs could be used to broaden a class' ability repertoire beyond the old Class Trainer system.

    • 1468 posts
    March 5, 2016 12:41 AM PST

    Dullahan said:

    I don't think every named has to be a special snowflake, but I would like to see a bit more variation. I think even within the confines of a particular class, you could give different spell sets or different strategies to certain mobs without having to give them completely unique skills. Perhaps Dark Priest Melundar has a seething hatred for paladins and clerics, and as such has a tendancy to focus those classes. Perhaps any ability used by those classes receives double threat. That sort of thing could go a long way without having to make each named mob totally unique or turning encounters into Dance dance revolution.

    That said, I would totally like to see named mobs of particular classes have a special ability that players could actually add to their skill or spell books. Whether its dropped, can be learned when used upon the player (ala vanguard), or perhaps just a progress bar that slowly fills up each time a player encounters the mob, named mobs could be used to broaden a class' ability repertoire beyond the old Class Trainer system.

    Some great ideas there. I'd love to see this sort of thing added to the game it would add so much more depth to enounters. Especially when first fighting a named and not being sure of the best way to proceed and then having to play it by ear.

    • 308 posts
    March 5, 2016 5:51 PM PST

    I dont want to get rid of the "Simple" bosses. but if they are direct Tank&Spank then the HP and or Dmg of the mobs should be more than the mobs with tricks making the difficulty overall about the same.


    my reasoning behind this is simple, if every mob is a special flower then it lowers the specialness overall.

    This post was edited by Gawd at March 5, 2016 5:52 PM PST
    • 578 posts
    March 6, 2016 10:35 PM PST

    Aich said:

    Vandraad said:

    What about where it naturally makes sense?  Why shouldn't Orc Warlord Grraark be a warrior and be limited to just warrior skills and abilities?  Sure, he probably has lots of guards and whatnot all around his fortress but when he's the last guy standing, doesn't tank and spank make sense?

    You are correct. OP had some some bad experiences with crap content.


    It's really not that hard to follow along guys lol. Yes in cases where it makes makes sense. You ARE correct. But in casees where it doesn't make doesn't make sense. Amazing right?? What does having bad experiences with crap content have to do with anything?

    I have killed COUNTLESS nameds without batting an eye. Maybe I'm just that good. I don't know. But if it's a named I'd like for it to be a little more challenging whether it's crap content or not.

    edit. When I say 'tank and spank' for 'named' mobs I mean 'faceroll my keyboard asleep and wake up without a scratch on me and my group'. As I stated elsewhere, if it's a named Warchief Orclord or a High Priest Goblin then it better be noticeably tougher than the orc Guard or goblin Sentry. Because if it is not tougher then how the hell did it become a Warchief? I would think to become Warchief you would have to pass a handful of tests and requirements and only the best of the best would be considered for the job. Or maybe what I'm experiencing is Bob's father was Warchief and Bob was the rightful heir once his Pa passed away. Bob really isn't Warchief material, he is more of a family man and politican and therefore can be facerolled by small groups of adventurers without him putting up a fight. I don't care if all he has is more hit points. I just want the nameds to be noticeably, not even harder, just different than the regular mobs around them. If the regular mobs require around 30 seconds to kill and Warchief Bob has no special skills to set him apart from these regular mobs only more hit points and only requires 37 seconds to kill then he really ain't no different than those regular mobs and doesn't deserve to be Warchief.

    This post was edited by NoobieDoo at March 6, 2016 11:31 PM PST
    • 578 posts
    March 6, 2016 10:41 PM PST

    xtnpd said:

     Hell, why not add some deviation in mob spawns - you never know how tough the next mob will be, so you better damn be prepared. 

    Might be a way to mix it up.


    I like the idea. A lot of the times 'nameds' or bosses or found at a set location. But what about just fighting mobs out in the wilderness like an area filled with orcs roaming around. Maybe out of the blue you come across an elder or a champion fighter that is tougher than the others. Not found at any set location just randomly spanws and wanders the area.

    • 578 posts
    March 6, 2016 10:59 PM PST

    Cromulent said:

    Dullahan said:

    I don't think every named has to be a special snowflake, but I would like to see a bit more variation. I think even within the confines of a particular class, you could give different spell sets or different strategies to certain mobs without having to give them completely unique skills. Perhaps Dark Priest Melundar has a seething hatred for paladins and clerics, and as such has a tendancy to focus those classes. Perhaps any ability used by those classes receives double threat. That sort of thing could go a long way without having to make each named mob totally unique or turning encounters into Dance dance revolution.

    That said, I would totally like to see named mobs of particular classes have a special ability that players could actually add to their skill or spell books. Whether its dropped, can be learned when used upon the player (ala vanguard), or perhaps just a progress bar that slowly fills up each time a player encounters the mob, named mobs could be used to broaden a class' ability repertoire beyond the old Class Trainer system.

    Some great ideas there. I'd love to see this sort of thing added to the game it would add so much more depth to enounters. Especially when first fighting a named and not being sure of the best way to proceed and then having to play it by ear.

    I'm using your post because it has the two of you responding which touches on a few points but I'm responding to a handful of the responses with this.

    Yeah, I don't want EVERY single named to be a complex challenging fight. There has just been TOO MANY nameds that I have come across where I could faceroll my keyboard and wake up with not a scratch on me or my group. If you played EQ and/or VG you know named mobs are litterally everywhere. Yet, not a lot of them are really that much more challenging than the mobs they are found with.

    If a mob is a named mob yet there is practically no difference between it and the regular mobs around it then what's the point? It's named for a reason, not just because its ID says its government name is Bob. It's called a 'named' because it is the Warchief Graz'bob or the High Priest Orclord. I feel like if the Warchief or High Priest isn't noticably tougher than the Orc Guard or Orc Sentry then get rid of it. It's 'crap content' that I don't need to have bad experiences with as someone else has noted lol.

    I loved how VG had those abilities you could find off the mobs and would love to see a feature like that in Pantheon. It could give named mobs and good reason for existing. And depending on the skill to be learned they could give variation to the named based on that skill.

    This post was edited by NoobieDoo at March 6, 2016 11:14 PM PST
    • 2756 posts
    April 13, 2016 3:08 PM PDT

    As things stand, if an experienced adventurer see something that looks familiar but has an interesting name they either a) instantly attack it for the phat lewtz it must have or b) run off to find help for this clearly tough monster.  It's a bit ridiculous.  Just because it has an interesting name?  Why is "Jeremy the Orc" likely to be 'better' in any way than the last 200 Orc Drudges?  Usually it's for a particular quest you don't have and doesn't need to be special just needs to exist for the quest.

    Having said that, yes, if devs are bothering to make 'different' monsters, why not actually make them, you know, different.

    I'm liking the ideas that have been prompted by this thread: -

    Throw random 'toughness' levels into common monsters.  Just, yeah, why not?  Doesn't have to be wildly random, just enough to keep you on your toes a bit more.

    Throw special skills in that you might even be able to 'collect' in some way.  If that orc cast a spell at you perhaps there's a chance it has a spellbook?

    Have monsters use items they drop.  If you're hoping that Orc Shaman has a fireball wand drop, maybe you should also be worrying he has a fireball wand!

    • 147 posts
    August 11, 2016 8:02 AM PDT

    What if the "boss" mobs learned from defeats and evolved thier tactics? ie changes its skills/spells and strategy.

    Have players who defeated a boss be flagged for beating that version, and if enough players were in the group/raid force, the boss would change its approach to fighting those players.



    • 279 posts
    August 11, 2016 10:14 AM PDT
    Anything that drops loot worth having should be able to wreck a group or raid if they play poorly.

    • 514 posts
    August 11, 2016 10:44 AM PDT

    I totally disagree with the OP.  Where would we all be today if it weren't for Fippy?  There SHOULD be "boss" mobs splattered all over Terminus.  Or maybe we shouldn't call them "boss" mobs.   Maybe something like "middle-management" mobs...

    • 112 posts
    August 11, 2016 10:54 AM PDT

    as others said, it can be on a case by case basis.

    the named Wolf alpha, the leader of its pack, doesnt need to be anymore than bigger and stronger than the rest. perhaps, there is talk of an unnaturally smart alpha wolf, that has an appropraite ability or two that seperate it from the rest - one that perhaps will actually try to disarm an opponent, something like that.

    the chieftan of orc camp A may be the same , just bigger and stronger (tank and spank). but the chief of camp B could be more skllied, have a few more abilities, as well as being a little bit stronger than the norm (needs more strategy to defeat). or it could be the rare orc sorcery of some sort.


    also in favor of some variation in regular mobs. every level 10 orc warrior doesnt have to have a club, 200 hitpoints, adn use his 'smash' ability once every ten seconds. why not have some that use a sword, with weapon appropriate skills? or some with a shiled that have better defense, or some with a hammer that can stun, whereas the others dont, etc. adds some variety, and strategy "gonna pull these 2 orcs, one has a hammer, make sure he gets CC'd so i dont get stunned' or "that one with the two handed axe will do a lot of damage, CC him first or the damage from the 2-3 of them will be too much" so on and so forth.


    there is unlimited potential to make named mobs more interesting. lets hope VR has the inclination to do so :)


    This post was edited by werzul at August 11, 2016 11:01 AM PDT
    • 432 posts
    August 11, 2016 10:54 AM PDT
    I would like named mobs to perform in a way you won't forget their names.

    Sent via mobile

    • 1778 posts
    August 11, 2016 11:09 AM PDT

    The word you are looking for is Mid-Boss. ^.^

    But I think if there were a need to separate them then probably Named Boss vs Named Elite
    • 60 posts
    August 11, 2016 11:59 AM PDT

    I think we should be weary of asking too much from the devs. 


    I'd rather have a good amount of tank and spank in game, then have very unique but very few named in world.


    Dont forget.. named are the drivers for community developed 'camp' spots.  I think thats a good thing.  Everyone should be able to find a place to camp with a possible named spawn.  Named break up the monotony of a grind.  Even if they arent very unique in abilities, the goal is to get that unique loot they carry.


    That said, yes named with unique abilities are more interesting than tank n spank.  Just one unique spell or ability should not be too difficult to implement but also make named 'special' besides the loot.


     It would also be nice if named are visually unique.




    Two offshoots from teh topic I wish to also add here:

    1) I hope some unique and rare named loot is droppable/sellable/tradeable.  I realize this causes issues with classes unable to equip farming loot and making these items/s harder to aquire for those in need.. but this drives economy and community imo.

    2) Differentiate named into those which can be found in lore and questlines, and the rest.  Obviously all raid named are in lore, so they have a special/unique name.  Lore should determine if raid named have a placeholder or spawn on a set timer without placeholder.  Non-raid named should also have unique names if they are found in lore or questlines, but may not have a unique name(an elite orc bruiser, or an infected wolf) if they are not special for any other reason then more difficult with unique loot.  Non-raid, aka group, named should mostly have placeholders.  They should be random spawns in areas expected to be used by groups to grind experience.

    • 40 posts
    August 11, 2016 1:15 PM PDT

    I feel that named mobs should be challenging. Anything that isn't doesn't deserve a name unless it is some kind of questmob. I also think that trashmobs is a waste of our time (yeah, slightly off topic). If I wanted to kill tons of incredible easy mobs I would play TERA or another Korean game.

    My beef with most MMOs is that they are way too easy and solo centred. Pantheon seems to be different and that is why I am funding it.

    Don't pull the punches on us. :)

    • 363 posts
    August 11, 2016 2:47 PM PDT

    Nephretiti said:

    I totally disagree with the OP.  Where would we all be today if it weren't for Fippy?  There SHOULD be "boss" mobs splattered all over Terminus.  Or maybe we shouldn't call them "boss" mobs.   Maybe something like "middle-management" mobs...


    Yeah, but Fippy was kinda like "Here's your introduction to a slightly tougher, named mob that you will see more of later on in the game", wasn't he? I mean, he was harder to kill than a regular gnoll, but he wasn't going to slaughter the entire Qeynos populace.

    I get what the OP is saying, but maybe it's just me in this...I seem to recall running across quite a few badass named mobs in EQ1 and VG. Heck, even EQ2 before they watered that game down. Again, maybe my barbarian shaman was just not that good?


    As far as having mobs spawning that were slightly tougher than normal...EQ1 had that already. You could be in a group kicking the snot out of Drolvargs outside KC and in comes this dark blue con rager that just about whoops your butt. Kept me on my toes, that's for sure.


    Again, maybe I played a different ruleset server or something, but I seem to remember the game(s) a bit differently then the OP.

    • 363 posts
    August 11, 2016 2:50 PM PDT

    loke666 said:

    I feel that named mobs should be challenging. Anything that isn't doesn't deserve a name unless it is some kind of questmob. I also think that trashmobs is a waste of our time (yeah, slightly off topic). If I wanted to kill tons of incredible easy mobs I would play TERA or another Korean game.

    My beef with most MMOs is that they are way too easy and solo centred. Pantheon seems to be different and that is why I am funding it.

    Don't pull the punches on us. :)


    Exactly. I mean, in most other MMOs these days, you can kill your opponent in 2 to 3 hits. The only game that I have played that was not this way was LOTRO.