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Artifacts - One drop per server

    • 44 posts
    December 4, 2015 3:03 PM PST

    1.What are your thoughts on items that only drop once per server for the first guild or group of people that kills a "special" mob?

    2.How frequent should these items show up in the world? only on special server events or more frequent?

    example of such item in EQ2:

    This post was edited by Gelax at December 4, 2015 3:04 PM PST
    • 1778 posts
    December 4, 2015 4:05 PM PST
    Dont like it. Not everyone should get every drop. But this should be up to skills, determination, etc. Given enough time skill and pursuit you should be able too get any sought after gear. And that will mean not everyone will be able to obtain everything. But it shouldnt be because its a one off.
    • 12 posts
    December 4, 2015 4:40 PM PST

    I like the concept of this idea, but I think one is a bit too extreme.  Considering that it will probably take quite a few people for a raid, it's tough to determine just who would deserve such an exclusive item.  Deciding loot is hard enough as it is.  Then there's the eventual attrition of players.  Losing the one single drop of an item simply because someone stopped playing kinda sucks. 

    I do think that exclusivity and value for being the among the first to defeat a raid boss is a good thing.  As I posted in the End Game Content thread, I would love to see dynamic content, where the raid encounters actually change over time.  When one raid boss ceases to exist, that loot will no longer drop, thereby creating the exclusivity.

    • 2419 posts
    December 4, 2015 5:10 PM PST

    Amsai said: Dont like it. Not everyone should get every drop. But this should be up to skills, determination, etc. Given enough time skill and pursuit you should be able too get any sought after gear. And that will mean not everyone will be able to obtain everything. But it shouldnt be because its a one off.

    Exactly my thoughts. Artificial barriers like that only serve to alienate the playerbase.

    • 1281 posts
    December 4, 2015 5:35 PM PST

    Aritifact type items should be handled as "Lore" (1 per character) and likely No-Drop -things like epic quest reward items.

    This post was edited by bigdogchris at December 4, 2015 5:36 PM PST
    • 1434 posts
    December 4, 2015 8:08 PM PST

    I like the idea of the artifact that only drops once. I don't think it should be anything too over the top, but a special unique item is cool. I thought that was one of the few good ideas in EQ2.

    • 753 posts
    December 4, 2015 8:20 PM PST

    For me: Ultra, ultra, ULTRA rare - that could amount to one single person having an item across even 100 different servers (if the game ever got that big) - fine.  That still means that everyone has a chance to get that item if they put in the work and get lucky. One item period?  I don't see that as community building.  I wouldn't like it.  


    • 261 posts
    December 4, 2015 8:52 PM PST

    Not a good idea in my opninion. Lets say I was skilled enough to get one of these with my guild. Then 2 weeks later things change in life and I quit playing. This special item would then have gone to someone who doesn't play anymore. After a few years they may not be seen anymore due to other players commitments.


    Hard to get yes, 1 per server no.


    • 753 posts
    December 4, 2015 8:57 PM PST

    If anything - my implementation of an "artifact item" would be: 

    - Extremely hard to get (need a LOT of invested time, effort, skill, and help from others)

    - But you will get it when you complete all of that.


    Something like epic weapons in EQ - but on steriods.

    • 19 posts
    December 4, 2015 9:28 PM PST

    My idea would be for like a players epic weapon quest.  I would like to see 100+ quests with periodic turn-ins of your weapon to get the next upgrade of ituntil it eventually epic/mythical/whatever you want to call it.  This would be ungradable even more through the expansions and somewhere way down the line maybe 500 quests in and countless raid kills the final turn in Names the weapon specific to the character.  Now that would be an epic journey.

    • 86 posts
    December 4, 2015 9:50 PM PST

    Deuce said:

    My idea would be for like a players epic weapon quest.  I would like to see 100+ quests with periodic turn-ins of your weapon to get the next upgrade of ituntil it eventually epic/mythical/whatever you want to call it.  This would be ungradable even more through the expansions and somewhere way down the line maybe 500 quests in and countless raid kills the final turn in Names the weapon specific to the character.  Now that would be an epic journey.

    Hm, I kind of like the way Blade and Soul have gone about this as well. Not only are you required to "enhance" your soul weapon by feeding other weapons to it (there are weapons out there better than your soul weapon, but few and far between). Once it reached a certain point, you had to infuse items only gained from quests to progress it further. Not only this, but at further points you were required to apply certain weapons to it which could only be gained from dungeons/raids. A pretty neat concept, if you ask me.


    Something like Relic weapons, or Epic weapons would be interesting, I think.

    • 725 posts
    December 4, 2015 10:41 PM PST

    I don't like the idea of items or mobs that only exist once (or in the case of mobs, cease to exist once killed). Kind of wasted dev time IMO.

    However, I could imagine a mechanic that would allow such items to exist. For example, the uber ring of invisibility: Your group/raid kills the evil overlord, and the ring drops...lucky day for the winner. But, such items have a tendency to get lost, and so this item will just disappear from your inventory after a given amount of time, and reappear as loot item on another mob (can be a boss mob or any mob, really). So anyone could have a lucky chance to get the item. This would also solve the problem of the player stopping to play, and the item being lost.

    Probably more LOTTERY than ARTIFACT, but still, might be a twist to the original idea :)

    • 1434 posts
    December 5, 2015 1:39 AM PST

    Boulda said:

    Not a good idea in my opninion. Lets say I was skilled enough to get one of these with my guild. Then 2 weeks later things change in life and I quit playing. This special item would then have gone to someone who doesn't play anymore. After a few years they may not be seen anymore due to other players commitments.


    Hard to get yes, 1 per server no.


    Why does it have to be nodrop?

    • 75 posts
    December 5, 2015 2:04 AM PST

    I like this conversation.  I fully believe that there should be some gear that only a few people will have.  I am tired with the "everything is available to everyone" approach to gaming.  Would i hope to be one of the lucky ones to get something? of course i would.  Do i expect i will ever? don't know, but i like the goal.  There are many posts around the place taht touch on gear, how much of it available? how diverse will it be in regards to stat composition? will all players of a single class all end up wearing exactly the same thing cause its BIS? 

    I am really hopeful that there are things, whether it be mythical weapons or armour that will be limited to a very small number - even one off.  I also would love to see server achievements that proc a world event when something is obtained.  I also want this to manifest its way into crafting - extremely rare crirtical ingreidents or recipes that will actually mean that crafting matters.

    Link these things to epic quest lines, have some linked to small % drops, have some linked to mobs that once killed are gone forever (yes loot distribution would suck - maybe link to gear to class/role and then just randomly distribute or make them guild bound (for a defnied period) so you can't just ninja and leave) i don't care (and i fully expect i will never get them but god i would love the idea of something magnificent over the horizon (or maybe in chest linked to a treasure map).....

    somethings should be special and not everyone should be able to get them....

    anyone play wow in TBC get the glaives to have the feeling of OMG i am now special - only to have them made redundant when the riads were triviallised by expansions and soloable.  I never got them (didn't want them i was a priest) but gee i hated how they were linked in chat by every third person later in game.

    This post was edited by Narben4 at December 5, 2015 2:06 AM PST
    • 671 posts
    December 5, 2015 9:24 AM PST

    Amsai said: Dont like it. Not everyone should get every drop. But this should be up to skills, determination, etc. Given enough time skill and pursuit you should be able too get any sought after gear. And that will mean not everyone will be able to obtain everything. But it shouldnt be because its a one off.


    WoW, you completly nix your own argument within the "gear" thread.

    Time, skill & determination..? 



    An Artifact should be such. Nobody else will have it. But being so, it should not have any restriction on ownership within the game world (ie: no drop, bind on equip, etc)

    • 671 posts
    December 5, 2015 9:29 AM PST

    Boulda said:

    Not a good idea in my opninion. Lets say I was skilled enough to get one of these with my guild. Then 2 weeks later things change in life and I quit playing. This special item would then have gone to someone who doesn't play anymore. After a few years they may not be seen anymore due to other players commitments.


    Hard to get yes, 1 per server no.



    NO... before you leave you could have a massive guild gathering (role play a little) and during a Ceremony GIVE that Artifact to another in attendance. An adlib, ritualistic handing down of their artifact to another.

    Years latter there will be "I can remember when Big John use to wield that, during the Orc crusades in 2018. But Meklar made the most use of it for the guild on the Dragon raids of 2020...



    • 122 posts
    December 5, 2015 9:39 AM PST

    I'm all for "one time event" items, but I think they should be "special" for being unique, not for being uber. Classic EQ had a few of these, but they were mostly cosmetic items. Or, if they were good, they were "better than average for a non-raider," not "top raid gear" good. That way you could have a fun item for being somewhere at an event, but it wouldn't be an unfair advantage just because you happened to be online at a certain time and didn't show any particular skill. Even if it was a top raid event level of difficulty, where only one person got the item, that still has a luck component to it, because maybe a European guild on an American server had an advantage over the time zone and got there first. That stuff used to happen on my server in EQ.

    Now one thing I thought was cool were the "Fabeled" items they started doing in EQ for the anniversary of certain expansions. They were limited time raid mobs that gave gear similar to the top raid gear, but the mobs were top raid mobs so it was fair. They were of course temporary, so limited numbers of people got the gear, but it was still skill based and not just luck.

    • 1778 posts
    December 5, 2015 10:00 AM PST
    @ Hieromonk

    I dont get what you mean. Maybe you just arent understanding me clearly or Im not being specific enough? Either way I can promise Im not contridicting myself. There should not be only one of a thing in the world. This is my stance. Dont know what that has to do with time skill and determination. If there is only one and someone else gets it then you will never achieve it. Differing greatly from a hard to get super rare that with time skill and determination you have a shot at getting.
    • 2419 posts
    December 5, 2015 10:07 AM PST

    Dullahan said:

    Boulda said:

    Not a good idea in my opninion. Lets say I was skilled enough to get one of these with my guild. Then 2 weeks later things change in life and I quit playing. This special item would then have gone to someone who doesn't play anymore. After a few years they may not be seen anymore due to other players commitments.


    Hard to get yes, 1 per server no.


    Why does it have to be nodrop?

    To prevent guilds from farming the mob and monopolizing the market. Not to mention the possiblity for RMT.

    • 671 posts
    December 5, 2015 10:23 AM PST

    Amsai said: @ Hieromonk I dont get what you mean. Maybe you just arent understanding me clearly or Im not being specific enough? Either way I can promise Im not contridicting myself. There should not be only one of a thing in the world. This is my stance. Dont know what that has to do with time skill and determination. If there is only one and someone else gets it then you will never achieve it. Differing greatly from a hard to get super rare that with time skill and determination you have a shot at getting.


    That is correct as an artifact, there should only be one. 

    Why do you feel others, or everyone should have the same oppertunities on such a rare thing...? Also correct, if another has something I don't and it is the only one, I will never have that. That is life. Perhaps I will go on to have something nobody else will have..   


    Your logic is contradictory to you other post, in that Player crafted items, even rares can be had by those who spent the TIME, have the Skill, and are DETERMINED to follow threw on having a peice of high-end equipment crafted.  Just having the know-how, or Social Status to bring together many GrandMasater crafters to make what you want is a process. The rarity of the outcome is no less singular & rare.

    The idea that you will own a rare, or an artifact is a dream. 5,000 people on a server and 10 known artifacts..  Coincidentally, One does not "acheive" an Artifact, you aquire it. One can not strive for an artifact, then accomplish and acheive that goal. An artifact is unknown, until found.


    You seem afraid that others will have what you don't. And they will...   If so.. then why do you NOT support high end crafting gear, where even if you fail, the crafter gear is still unique, just not as powerful as intended.



    • 1778 posts
    December 5, 2015 10:51 AM PST
    I see where the confusion is. I agree that crafting can take time skill and dedication. I just dont like the idea of it from a lore, aesthetic and even nostalgic standpoint. Im not afraid of not having what others dont. Im afraid of not having a shot at it. If its super rare and hard to get you can still get it even if it takes years. Its a goal. But 1 shots cant be goals. I do acknowlege that crafting can be though. Just dont like it but can deal with it. Like I always have. But this there can be only one idea...... this isnt something that is good at all. Agree to disagree I guess......
    • 2130 posts
    December 5, 2015 10:58 AM PST

    No, things like this are pointless and only encourage bot crews to **** up the whole game to farm the item in question. Rare is cool, once in a lifetime is dumb. Honestly, I think things that are too rare are also detrimental to the game. Mechanics that reward luck suck.

    This post was edited by Liav at December 5, 2015 10:59 AM PST
    • 39 posts
    December 5, 2015 11:01 AM PST

    Liav said:

    No, things like this are pointless and only encourage bot crews to **** up the whole game to farm the item in question. Rare is cool, once in a lifetime is dumb. Honestly, I think things that are too rare are also detrimental to the game. Mechanics that reward luck suck.

    If there was a like button it would be checked a number of times for this statement.

    • 12 posts
    December 5, 2015 11:17 AM PST

    I'm rather confused, how would bot crews be encouraged if there are "artifact" type drops from a raid encounter?  I think we're all mixing up different aspects of the game.

    Raid/epic encounters are just that, epic and require a large amount of people to complete.  The achievement is winning.  The reward is loot. 


    Goals were mentioned here.  I personally have never had a piece of raid loot as a "goal".  It shouldn't be in my opinion.  Completing a quest for a certain item can be a goal.  Reaching a certain level to unlock a certain ability can be a goal.  Defeating a raid boss can be a goal. 

    The loot from a raid boss should be amazing, rare, and exclusive.  It really shouldn't be known/expected what will be in that dragon's treasure trove (except in the case of searching for a known item for a quest).  When raid encounters turn into "farming" because they get too easy, and then everyone gets every item from that boss's loot table, that's what ruins the game.  Raid encounters should be removed completely before that point, creating the "exclusivity" of the items that had dropped.  A new raid encounter is introduced, with different loot, and the cycle continues.

    I've never liked the trend of MMOs trying to become single player story-line rpgs that happens to have a bunch of people playing it at the same time.  I don't want there to be a guide online that says, if you pick this class, you have to max this stat, you have to choose these abilities, you have to get this certain set of gear, and then congrats you've beaten the game.  I want to play an open-ended game that's constantly evolving.  I want to try to be the among the first to complete some raid and have a reward that I can show off that eventually will no longer drop.  I want to be teased, I want to be enticed, I want to be surprised, I want to be amazed....repeatedly.  I want my choices to shape my experience, and then I want my experience to shape my choices.


    • 1778 posts
    December 5, 2015 11:26 AM PST
    But personal progression so you can better support your group/raid is important. It would be negelegent to not have that as a goal. So while I think you are saying some neat things. There will be dungeons and raids and there will be sought after gear and there will be guides for everything eventually. I cant see the devs giving random loot or switching up loot every few months.