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Age poll

    • 96 posts
    August 26, 2016 5:21 AM PDT

    Just turned 35 and I started with UO in high school at 16 or 17.  I've played several MMOs since, except for the last 2 years or so, due to there just not being anything that catches my interest at all.  It looks like that is about to change, there are a few interesting MMOs coming out over the next 2 years, Pantheon chief among them.

    • 334 posts
    August 28, 2016 7:04 PM PDT

    I'm 25, will be turning 26 soon. Moved to the Pacific Northwest to finish my degree and I also work doing consulting and business development/planning.

    I've played a few MMOs, started with EQII, then SWToR, GW and finally GW2 before leaving that a little over a year ago. I primarily play single player RPGs now like The Witcher and Dark Souls series. For the most part, just experiencing and enjoying the world and life and doing what feels right in the moment. I'm excited to see such a well-rounded group of players looking forward to Pantheon.

    This post was edited by Sicario at August 28, 2016 9:27 PM PDT
    • 763 posts
    August 29, 2016 2:19 AM PDT

    Demographics, so far :


               <---- Number of players in Age bracket ---->

    AGE    |    05    10    15    20    25    30    35    40    45

    00-00 +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+

    00-09 +

    10-19 +

    20-29 +----+----+----+                                                (15)

    30-39 +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+---       (43)

    40-49 +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+                  (35)

    50-59 +----+----+-                                                      (11)

    60-69 +--                                                                    (02)

    Median (middle)=38, Mode (most common)=38, Mean ('average')=37.75 (37 yrs 9 months)

    Range (highest - lowest)=40 years


    -Evoras, playing EQ since 1999: you do the Maths!


    • 67 posts
    August 29, 2016 6:03 PM PDT

    I am 44 .... played Eq long time ago. Work retail so my hours are wacky but im use to it. Right now going to enjoy Legion in Wow and enjoy some battles in Total War Warhammer.

    • 109 posts
    August 31, 2016 6:39 PM PDT

    29, fom Florida selling medical equipment

    • 21 posts
    September 6, 2016 3:40 AM PDT

    36 from Sweden, working at college as resource person for people whit adhd, asperger autism etc. 

    • 294 posts
    September 6, 2016 4:44 PM PDT

    52, Moved back to Maine after working at a children's ranch in Fl. Working with children again in an elementary school now. Think I'm gonna stay in Maine for a while. This is where I was born and raised. The place is beautiful and endearing, and home.

    This post was edited by Klumpedge at September 6, 2016 4:45 PM PDT
    • 112 posts
    September 8, 2016 12:39 PM PDT

    32, currently working as a CMM programmer for an aerospace company in CT.  I have a 7 year old who is getting his feet wet with a little world of warcraft this past summer.

    • 86 posts
    September 8, 2016 1:35 PM PDT

    47 but will defenatly be 48 early in Alpha (June). Been playing MMOs since UO in 97 When I was stationed at Luke AFB in Arizona. Spent 7+ years in EQ.

    This post was edited by Koreno at September 8, 2016 1:35 PM PDT
    • 320 posts
    September 11, 2016 9:02 AM PDT

    68 here. Been playing computer games since 1993 and online eq in 1999 . Hope to play many more years now that retirement has me.

    • 166 posts
    September 11, 2016 9:15 AM PDT

    I'm 35 now and I started playing MMORPGs with vanilla World of Warcraft shortly after it was released in the EU somtime in 2005. Tested some other MMORPG in the meanwhile, but never found a new home untill now. Looking forward to find this in terminus.

    • 42 posts
    September 16, 2016 9:29 PM PDT

    I'm 50 years young *wink* playing many online games since  1999.

    This post was edited by Tonei LaVae at September 18, 2016 9:32 PM PDT
    • 23 posts
    September 16, 2016 10:42 PM PDT

    32 y/o male, wife is being trained on easier MMOs as I type this (SWTOR), daughter is also in training, 'System Analyst' for time management software... the vague title seems to be a way of getting me to do stuff from QA testing to system audits to general help desk stuff.

    It pays for the ale so I'm not complaining.


    Did this thread remind anyone else of the "A/S/L?" stuffs from chat rooms... are there still chat rooms? If so, is this still used?


    • 10 posts
    September 16, 2016 11:10 PM PDT

    37y9mo. I'm dead on average!

    • 78 posts
    September 17, 2016 12:07 AM PDT

    35 y/o Aussie male. Wife likes fps', hoping she will pick up my 2nd copy and play with. Been gaming since the early - mid 90's, with EQ being my first (and best) MMO.

    • 264 posts
    September 18, 2016 1:33 PM PDT

    52 y/o Male , fabricating one-off tooling and performing non-destructive testing in the Aerospace Industry.

    I first started gaming on a Commadore 64 back in 1984 ish. Started out on computer games playing Wizard of Wor and M.U.L.E . Considered an Old School Gamer now I guess, but I don't feel any different; I just like a little challenge and the unexpected in a game. As far as online mmo's go I have played EQ, EQ2, Earth and Beyond, Starwars Galaxies, Vanguard, World of Warcraft, and ESO. Everquest left a lasting impact on me and hope to recapture even just some of that feeling on Pantheon.

    I am married to a ranger from Surefall Glade, Protector of the Pines or some such thing she calls herself, dangerous with tongue, bow, and swords; nature made her quite beautiful too.

    • 5 posts
    September 18, 2016 2:12 PM PDT

    32 here. Husband to wonderful wife and father to 2 awesome kids (soon to be 3). County job with hours that vary. There is always time for games though. It's all good. 

    • 25 posts
    September 19, 2016 4:10 PM PDT

    let's just say over 50 and leave it that way lol  ....  I'll still be gaming when they move me to the nursing home one day ( far into the future) ---  just give me a computer and pay for my sub, I'll be all set !

    • 172 posts
    September 20, 2016 3:30 PM PDT

    44 years gone, and hopefully another 44 ahead.  Played D&D since 1980, pc games since the 80s, MUDs in the 90s and EQ starting in 2000.  Played EQ, EQ2, VG, WoW, and many others.  Somewhere in there I picked up a wife, two kids and a job in upstate NY.  I guess I got a lucky drop somewhere!

    • 31 posts
    September 20, 2016 3:53 PM PDT

    I'm a 57 year old registered respiratory therapist specializing in emergency and critical care.  Luckily I'm not saddled with a husband or kids so I can do what I want in my home life.  I foresee lots of Pantheon playing in my future.

    • 500 posts
    September 24, 2016 9:23 AM PDT

    I'll be 58 on Oct 30th.  I live in the great state of Texas, have a wonderful wife, seven kids and 8 grandkids.  I spent 6 years in the Navy as a communications specialist, after I was discharged from the navy I spent 25 years as an Emergency/Trauma nurse.  I transitioned over to the IT department 2 years ago where I now work as a clinical informatics analyst.  All those years of computer gaming finally paid off in the real world. :) 

    I started gaming playing D&D in my early teens.  My first mmo was M59, and I have played probably every mmo since.  I have participated in alphas/betas for most of the games that actually made it to release, as well as many that never made it that far.  I would love for Pantheon to be what we all hope it will be.  I'll be retiring in a few years, and I would absolutely love for this to be the game I play well into my golden years.