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Age poll

    • 383 posts
    February 22, 2016 8:00 PM PST

    I'm 34 if I recall right as I don't really celebrate my birthdays. I've been gaming since I was around 8 or 9. I've played many of early console systems like the Atari, Sega Master System, etc. Probably started seriously computer gaming with games like Doom, Heretic, Duke Nukem 3D, and a really small MMO called Odyssey Online.

    Played a lot of games from a company called Engage games where I played my first MUD called Darkness Falls (sucked a good 4-5 years out of my life and loved every minute of it lol), along with a few of their other titles like Magestorm and Spell Binder. I remember when we(my brother and I) would get special invites to alpha and beta tests. We felt soo cool back then haha...

    Either way we couldn't afford to play UO in 97 at the age of 15 mowing lawns. However in 98 I got an internship at a company that afforded me enough money to buy my first gaming computer lol... And I was invited to the EQ beta shortly after that. Gamed what seemed like 24/7 up until Velious. My brother and I would take 12 hour shifts during the Summer gaming. Some of the best times of my life :)

    Looking forward to meeting more people and enjoying a game together that can bring back the feeling of seeing my first hill giant....

    Also my wife games though I will let her decide if she wants to tell her age etc. We play pretty much everything together. (I'm a very very lucky man.)


    Edit: Almost forgot... we do database work for work and we both work from home. So when work isn't busy... we are gaming haha. 

    This post was edited by Niien at February 22, 2016 8:02 PM PST
    • 10 posts
    February 28, 2016 10:39 PM PST

    Welp, I'm a 27 year old bloke currently living in Australia.  Yay for the low end of the curve!

    • 11 posts
    March 2, 2016 10:26 PM PST

    33 in Indiana, currently a sous chef w a wife and 1 kid and 1 cat. Have little time to play but I am hoping Pantheon will be something I can play together with my wife and hopefully one day our kid.

    • 624 posts
    March 13, 2016 8:31 PM PDT

    Double three cubed, aka ancient.  Played most MMOs since 1998, usually in betas and on test servers.  Engineer by trade.

    • 2 posts
    March 13, 2016 11:05 PM PDT

    30 stationed out in NorCal US. Started with EQ1 back in 2000, now have a wife a a few kiddos but still super pumped about this game. Played P99 on and off for quite a bit now but looking forward to this and playing in a world where choices matter and being social and having fun it the world is key. :)

    • 9 posts
    March 14, 2016 9:51 AM PDT

    I guess I break the record for the youngest here at the lowly age of 22! Everquest has spoiled me ever since the first moment I saw my brother play it when I was about 5-6 years old. I started playing shortly thereafter, and still going on Phinigel today! I've hopped around from MMO to MMO ever so often, but I always find myself going back to good ol' EQ. Could not be looking more forward to Pantheon.

    • 67 posts
    March 17, 2016 8:13 PM PDT

    I am 42, which seems to put me in a lot of common company around here! I live in upstate NY... well, lower Upstate, Hudson Valley, if you want to be technical.

    Been playing MMOs since around 2003-ish. Prior to that, I was all about playing on persistent servers for Neverwinter Nights (the Atari/Bioware one).

    My first MMO was either Shadowbane or Asheron's Call 2. I can't remember which was first. A friend then introduced me to Anarchy Online, which I played for a little bit. Then I picked up FFXI on its release day for PC. From the first moments I logged into the game and had no idea what I was doing, it got its hooks into me almost immediately, and that was pretty much it for me for the next 8 years or so lol. Stopped playing a lot when they released Abyssea, because it changed so much about how people played the game, and I really hated it. I also played Lineage 2 during that time, for about 5 years overall... It was my PvP counterpart to FFXI's PvE, and I really enjoyed it, too. Loved the player-driven politics and the ever-changing balance of power between clans and alliances on the server. Never a dull moment. Also loved my main class, Bladedancer.

    Planning on finding my new long-term Home in Pantheon with all you mahhhhvelous people.

    This post was edited by Wolfsong at March 17, 2016 8:15 PM PDT
    • 263 posts
    March 18, 2016 2:00 AM PDT

    35 here from the UK but living in germany, married with 1 great kid!

    I started gaming with the good old Commadore 64 / MMORPGs 2004 EQ2 Beta

    • 219 posts
    March 18, 2016 7:38 AM PDT

    31 Here from Idaho USA. I live w/ my 3 beautiful children Boy-7, Girl-3, Boy-2 and my beautiful wife. I have been gaming since I was a wee lad @ the age of 6. I got hooked on Contra for NES (99 lives anyone). I played every console imaginable until @ around 14 years old I got hooked on MUDS. I boycotted EQ1 to play MUDS (Not sure I should have lol). Back then I thought i was "the more hardcore gamer" opting for text based games. I stayed playing that MUD for years until EQ2 came out. All my buddies that played EQ1 switched to EQ2 and got me to join with them. That was a blast in the beginning. Over time though EQ2 changed so much I lost interest and tried every other MMO imaginable. I would try them for several months or weeks ultimately leaving them for the one fact I couldn't recreate that sense of wonder I felt in MUDs, or even the first time experiences I had when starting EQ2 the day it came out.

    Recently I tried Black Desert Online. The first couple of days I was inthralled by its beauty but found myself steering clear of other players. Almost felt like I was being pushed away from grouping or interacting with others. I even tried to join a guild to create and gain a sense of community. Within the guild no one grouped or talked. There were a few players that would talk on Discord but that was it. Everyone had the one thought. Grind out to 50 solo and then we can group/do stuff together. After 1 week and 200$ later (I bought into the cash shop. I know dumb idea lol) I lost all interest. Still have a level 35 Ranger just sitting there that will never be played again.

    That BDO experience pretty much sums up my experience with MMO's to date since early EQ2 and my mudding days. I am so looking forward to Pantheon, for the one aspect of having a true community game again. Where I can have that sense of wonder I originally felt being dropped into a MUD where no one held your hand. I would read room descriptions for hours to learn more about the game. Adventuring North. South, East, West, Up or Down one room at a time.

    3 Cheers for Pantheon and the Team behind it !

    Pyde Pyper

    P.S. Outside of games you can find me, fishing at the lake, being walked by my 120lb Alaskan Malamute, snow shoeing, snowboarding, hunting, playing with my kiddos or just nerding it out. 

    • 124 posts
    March 18, 2016 8:46 AM PDT

    Glad I'm not the oldest it seems and am in good company, 44 here. A wife, 3 tikes, 2 dogs, a cat, and 5 fish (lol). Why does this feel like an AA meeting??, it's been 18 hours since I had my last drink :).. oh wait that's not good! Anyhow, I live in the states and love to game! Started my adventures on an Atari 2600 and still remember my first time playing Donkey Kong when it came out, fun times!

    I lived for EQ from the first time I played it, testing phase 4. Still remember laughing my butt of fighting orcs outside of Crushbone in Greater Faydark on the hill just in front of the elevator to Kelethin. It was glitchy and they would mob you like crazy, but it was just so much damn fun! Everyone in the zone was happy and helpful; it really felt like we were all just elated to be playing. Prior to this, I was playing UO online (corpor!) and was doing the whole guild thing there, which was fantastic as well, but I didn't look back once I got into EQ. I played it for 10 years and have been looking for something (like everyone else) to replace it ever since. I can't wait to play the game and absolutely looking forward to seeing everyone in game!


    Ps - forgot my trade, 25+ years in IT of various kinds, working on jumping that ship into digital/traditional artistry :)

    This post was edited by Nuemcy at March 18, 2016 8:51 AM PDT
    • 67 posts
    March 19, 2016 8:25 AM PDT

    Nuemcy said:

    Why does this feel like an AA meeting??

    "Hiiiiiiii Neumcyyyyy...."

    • 163 posts
    March 19, 2016 8:55 AM PDT

    42 Male started EQ back in 1999 Played till SOE made it easy cheese! Marine Corps Veteran Guild Leader of Mystique Vision Lanys Tvyl Server before it became seventh hammer and Tunare. Currently Defense Contractor and Military Commissary store worker. North Carolina.

    • 124 posts
    March 19, 2016 10:06 AM PDT


    Nuemcy said:

    "Hiiiiiiii Neumcyyyyy...."


    • 116 posts
    March 19, 2016 11:08 AM PDT

    42.  I started playing MUD's on BBS systems before the internet came around.  I played Gemstone for a while (and racked up a $250 bill doing it).  Command line or not that game was alot of fun.  Then eventually Ultime Online for a few years and then EQ Beta and EQ when it came out.  I actually just stumbled across EQ one day on the internet.  I don't even remember what I was searching for.  I found their website and was stunned by what I saw.  A first person 3d style UO.  I was hooked from that point forward.  As soon as I heard about the beta I signed up.  I still have the origonal orangish yellow beta CD they mailed me.

    IT Infrastructure Manager by trade.  Married with 3 kids.  The oldest is just now getting old enough to consider bringing him along.  I was thinking of giving him the second copy I got with my pledge.  My wife tried playing EQ back in the day but just didn't have the patience for the corpse runs, etc.

    • 180 posts
    March 24, 2016 2:17 PM PDT

    Wow and i thought i would be the grandma of you all, turning 52 at the end of the year :)

    • 130 posts
    March 24, 2016 2:34 PM PDT

    35, started with MUD's back in the 90's.  Played EQ for 14/15 years with two 6 month breaks, retired as top ENC on Xegony.  Can't wait for alpha!

    • 6 posts
    March 24, 2016 2:37 PM PDT

    I turn 46 this year. Everquest was my first online game and I will always be nostalgic about it. Thankfully, my wife has been extremely understanding about my gaming through the years. We did have to have a few reality checks along the way though. During the first 2 years of EQ I literally had the same schedule: Get home from work, eat a quick dinner and hit the pc till about midnight - 1am. Wake up at 6am and get an hour of play time in before work. At lunch, take a nap in my car, then rinse and repeat.

    I had a friend come visit from out of town during those days, I ignored her the whole weekend (she was hanging out with the wife mostly). She would come into the office and ask what I was doing, where I would reply" I'm killing death beetles, duh!". My last birthday, she sent me a picture of an EQ deathbeetle with the caption, "Death Beetle says, "Happy Birthday". :) I wish it could find it, I would post a pic of it. :)

    • 13 posts
    March 25, 2016 2:02 AM PDT

    Will be 51 in a few weeks, started online gaming late at 38. My new coworkers talked me into buying EQ and I was hooked.

    • 71 posts
    March 25, 2016 4:54 AM PDT

    51 and still going...

    • 769 posts
    March 25, 2016 5:59 AM PDT

    32. Practically dead. No wife, no kids, 1 dog, transplant to Charlotte, NC from Austin, TX. Working in the mortgage industry. Can't seem to ever not look at a computer screen.


    Buncha old folks here. Starting to smell like Ensure and loneliness.


    • 22 posts
    March 27, 2016 11:34 AM PDT

    I'm 38 and from Sweden. Gaming has always been my passion, but my MMO journey began in 1999 with EverQuest. Got a family with 3 kids (20yr old, twins 18 yrs old), so I was a young father. Wifey and kids are all gamers too, not sure where they inherited that from though ;)

    I've been working in the IT field since I was 17, currently as a manager and DevOps for a big software company.

    • 74 posts
    March 27, 2016 12:07 PM PDT


    • cohabitate with a poofy cat that's really more like a dog
    • slam my face into science everyday as a Biophysics PhD student
    • super duper raider in EQ2 and Rift, currently MMORPG homeless
    • looking for guild 
    • 57 posts
    March 27, 2016 3:41 PM PDT


    Like many I started back in EQ1 back in 1999 on Luclin server a month or two before Kunark's release (for me it was as I was finishing up my graduate degree in engineering).  Currently I am living on the eastern shore of Lake Michigan.  With luck I am hoping to entice my wife into playing Pantheon with me when I can drag her off the boat.


    This post was edited by DaveBowers at March 27, 2016 5:44 PM PDT
    • 646 posts
    March 27, 2016 4:55 PM PDT

    Early 50's.  Wife and several kids.  Graduate degree and working as Engineering Director for the past 20 years including in 3D software industry.  Lifelong gamer and fantasy genre fanatic.



    • 15 posts
    March 28, 2016 4:58 AM PDT

    30, Systems/Network Administrator with the U.S. Gov. Currently based in  San Antonio, Texas. I'm a big boy who has his very own wife, kids, and mortgage. I played a little EQ back in the day, but didn't get heavily into MMO's until FFXI and DAoC. When I think back on all the time I "wasted" on those games...well, I wouldnt change a darn thing.

    This post was edited by Caduto at March 28, 2016 5:00 AM PDT