Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

What type of player are you?

    • 9115 posts
    August 13, 2015 4:25 AM PDT

    We hear all sorts of words to describe and categorise gamers from the gaming media but what about you, what category of gamer do you consider yourself to be a part of when you play MMORPG's?


    For example, do you min-max, do you like helping others, do you like to socialise and play casually, are you a more serious or hardcore type of player or are you considered a leader?


    Describe for me in your words the type of player you consider yourself to be.


    • 105 posts
    August 13, 2015 5:03 AM PDT
    Kilsin said:

    For example, do you min-max, do you like helping others, do you like to socialise and play casually, are you a more serious or hardcore type of player or are you considered a leader?





    I've been gaming for a loooong time.  I've followed and led. Min/maxed and played off builds.  Been casual and raided hardcore in two different guilds with two different toons 6 days a week.  I've run RP events and helped newbies out and been antisocial.  I've been addicted to logging in and have been just a raid logger.  I love to group up and kill things and have solo'd and shunned PuGs.  


    Right now I'm pretty much gameless and lost.  We'll see what kind of gamer Pantheon leads me to be. 



    • 9115 posts
    August 13, 2015 5:11 AM PDT
    Marilee said:
    Kilsin said:

    For example, do you min-max, do you like helping others, do you like to socialise and play casually, are you a more serious or hardcore type of player or are you considered a leader?





    I've been gaming for a loooong time.  I've followed and led. Min/maxed and played off builds.  Been casual and raided hardcore in two different guilds with two different toons 6 days a week.  I've run RP events and helped newbies out and been antisocial.  I've been addicted to logging in and have been just a raid logger.  I love to group up and kill things and have solo'd and shunned PuGs.  


    Right now I'm pretty much gameless and lost.  We'll see what kind of gamer Pantheon leads me to be. 



    Nice answer Marilee, you sound just like me! lol

    I like to be the best I can at my class (time permitting) and bring the most I can to the group/raid/guild but I always stop to help the little guys, new players and help with advice where I can, plus I love to sometimes just sit there and chat while watching the world go about their business :)

    I am actually interested to see how my role with Visionary Realms effects my normal MMORPG gameplay more than anything! Brad or Joppa might chain me to a starting area tree and make me say Hi to everyone for hours on end! Which wouldn't be a bad thing mind you, I'd enjoy the interactions but it would slow my grouping and raiding down! lol

    • 23 posts
    August 13, 2015 7:15 AM PDT

    I am the type of player that doesn't deal in idle "threats" when something I don't like is included in the game or something isn't included that I like.  Oh wait....wrong direction for the question?

    I explore.  I find.  I collect.  I do drive-bys.  I sit back and relax.  I get serious when I need to be serious.  I'm a little of this and a little of that.

    This post was edited by Yvyll at August 14, 2015 6:30 AM PDT
    • 9115 posts
    August 13, 2015 7:19 AM PDT
    Yvyll said:

    I am the type of player that doesn't deal in ideal "threats" when something I don't like is included in the game or something isn't included that I like.  Oh wait....wrong direction for the question?

    I explore.  I find.  I collect.  I do drive-bys.  I sit back and relax.  I get serious when I need to be serious.  I'm a little of this and a little of that.

    Definitely wrong direction ;)

    Nice, sounds like you're well rounded, jack of all trades type of player which means you should never be bored!

  • August 13, 2015 7:30 AM PDT

    I am not a min/max guy at all.  I know gamers who love to get every single ounce out of gear/weapon/potion/food/buff stats, but I find it very tedious.  It is the 'grind' I despise as much as some despise the exp/camp grind.  I am a player who truly wants to lose myself in the game world, forget about work and chores, and just really see and hear the game, and it's other characters.  I want to truly experience the game, not win the game.  I want people to have me on their friends list because they know I will spend an entire evening, or even weekend, helping them with a quest or just going out to explore dangerous areas.


    Now, after typing all of that, I will sit with a good group and exp for hours, as long as there is a couple of members socializing.  That group can pull like nobody's business, or casual pull mobs, if the commentary is good.  I will show up early to prepare for a raid, and will stay up until 4am, wake at 8am and go for more, as long as I am getting the socialization fix.  It can be roleplaying, or talking about the football games, or cooking.. whatever, as long as folks are socializing.   Without the socialization, a game becomes very dull and very annoying, imho.   I want people to have me on their friends list because my character is a fun dwarf. :)


    I will also be the best I can at my character's class.  I want to be a cleric who gets tells when he logs in for groups.  I want people to have me on their friends list because I am known to keep my group alive.


    I've led a small guild, but prefer to play as an officer of the guild, or just a regular member who can be counted upon if needs be.


    Yea -  I think that sums me up pretty much. :)

    This post was edited by BloodbeardBattlecaster at August 13, 2015 4:12 PM PDT
    • 89 posts
    August 13, 2015 8:00 AM PDT

    First and foremost I like to explore and the more dungeon exploration the better. I enjoy grouping and am sometimes too accommodating to players others would normally just toss out of a group. I like to play many classes and sometimes that causes me to not excel at one but be decent at many. I am not a leader but do lead pick up groups, mainly so I don't have to solo.

    I do always join a guild but tend to be slower at leveling than the more hardcore people due to the points I have stated above. I am in no rush to end game and like to enjoy the journey.

    • 9115 posts
    August 13, 2015 8:05 AM PDT
    BloodbeardBattlecaster said:

    I am not a min/max guy at all.  I know gamers who love to get every single ounce out of gear/weapon/potion/food/buff stats, but I find it very tedious.  It is the 'grind' I despise as much as some despise the exp/camp grind.  I am a player who truly wants to lose myself in the game world, forget about work and chores, and just really see and hear the game, and it's other characters.  I want to truly experience the game, not win the game.  I want people to have me on their friends list because they know I will spend an entire evening, or even weekend, helping them with a quest or just going out to explore dangerous areas.


    Now, after typing all of that, I will sit with a good group and exp for hours, as long as there is a couple of members socializing.  That group can pull like nobody's business, or casual pull mobs, if the commentary is good.  I will show up early to prepare for a raid, and will stay up until 4am, wake at 8am and go for more, as long as I am getting the socialization fix.  It can be roleplaying, or talking about the football games, or cooking.. whatever, as long as folks are socializing.   Without the socialization, a game becomes very dull and very annoying, imho.   I want people to have me on their friends list because my character is a fun dwarf. :)


    I will also be the best I can at my character's class.  I want to be a cleric who gets tells when he logs in for groups.  I want people to have me on their friends list because I am known to keep my group alive.


    I've led a small guild, but prefer to play as an officer of the guild, or just a regular member who can be counted upon if needs be.


    Yea -  I think that sums me up pretty much. :)

    That sounds like a really good playstyle mate, I will send you tells for groups when you log in! Everyone loves a Cleric, especially mischievous Rogues ;) 

    • 9115 posts
    August 13, 2015 8:06 AM PDT
    Zaketh said:

    First and foremost I like to explore and the more dungeon exploration the better. I enjoy grouping and am sometimes too accommodating to players others would normally just toss out of a group. I like to play many classes and sometimes that causes me to not excel at one but be decent at many. I am not a leader but do lead pick up groups, mainly so I don't have to solo.

    I do always join a guild but tend to be slower at leveling than the more hardcore people due to the points I have stated above. I am in no rush to end game and like to enjoy the journey.

    I am the same when accommodating players like that too Zaketh, I always like to give people the benefit of the doubt and try to help them first instead of just dismissing them because they are new or don;t know something :) 

    Nothing wrong with a slower pace, it lets you enjoy more of the game!

    • 384 posts
    August 13, 2015 8:33 AM PDT

    One that wants Pantheon to Get Here Already!  :)


    I don't do a whole lot of min maxxing... well I guess I do a little.  I like to explore and read up on the lore in-game, and out of game lol... I like to know as much as possible about my class and experiment with different builds. I like helping others with their quests or whatever they may be working on. I tend to stay up waaay later than I should to do "just one last thing" or maybe help with corpse retrievals when I should be sleeping.  :)  I am a notoriously slow leveler. I tend to spend more time taking everything in and "wasting" time. (not wasting to me of course but that's the way one of my good friends looks at it)


    I figure xp is a infinite resource, never runs out and you can always get more, so what's the rush? Sit back and enjoy the world.

    • 557 posts
    August 13, 2015 8:42 AM PDT
    Marilee said:



    I've been gaming for a loooong time.  I've followed and led. Min/maxed and played off builds.  Been casual and raided hardcore in two different guilds with two different toons 6 days a week.  I've run RP events and helped newbies out and been antisocial.  I've been addicted to logging in and have been just a raid logger.  I love to group up and kill things and have solo'd and shunned PuGs.  


    Right now I'm pretty much gameless and lost.  We'll see what kind of gamer Pantheon leads me to be. 



    Lots of times I read posts from folks and generally agree.   I don't think I've ever read a post where I felt the OP was in my head more than this.

    • 557 posts
    August 13, 2015 8:49 AM PDT

    I think an important thread to take from this discussion is that most of us are not simply one type of gamer.   We're human, we have moods, emotions and our energy level and enthusiasm varies over time.


    If a game appeals to only one type of gamer, then it only appeals to me some of the time and I'm less likely to commit seriously to it.   If a game is lush and rich with choices and different types of activities, then the different gamers inside of me will find more to stay engaged with and I'm far more likely to commit that game for the long term.


    • 366 posts
    August 13, 2015 9:01 AM PDT

    I am one who is too modest to talk about myself :)


    But I am really enjoying everyone's posts! I love what you all are writing about how you game and I am looking forward to playing with you all!

    • 595 posts
    August 13, 2015 9:42 AM PDT

    I'm a little bit of all of these answers as well, much like @Celandor described.  I would say that above all I try to be accommodating, whether it be new players, someone I don't know, PUGs, a player with a question, whatever it may be.  There's nothing I hate more than watching someone repeatedly ask a question in /general and either get ignored or trolled.  


    I can lead and often do, but generally on a micro level rather than a macro one (though I have been a guild officer on a number of occasions).  And though I would say that you will rarely find a more welcoming person (with an "innocent until proven guilty" attitude) I have the ability to draw a line in the sand with belligerent, confrontational or irrational people, especially if they're attacking someone who made a mistake (this generally manifests as /ignore but I won't hesitate to let someone know when they've gone too far).  I'm a firm believer that people make mistakes and that's ok... that's part of what makes a game like Pantheon FUN; we're put into situations in which we're expected to fail on some level (at least for a time)!  The people who exploit and degrade those who have made a mistake are truly in the wrong.


    So in addition to many other "play styles" this is one that's at my core and extends beyond gaming.  But then again, some days I just hate everyone ;)

    • 67 posts
    August 13, 2015 9:43 AM PDT

    I'm definitely serious about my gaming.  I want to progress, have great gear and be considered one of the better players at 'x' role.  I want to learn everything there is to learn about the game.  I want to know the lore, the encounters, and some of the games more hidden areas.


    With that said, It's no fun playing without friends who also want some of these things.  I love helping people with just about anything especially if it's giving them more game knowledge, rather than killing a mob for them. 


    I'm not a min/maxer, though It really depends on the game/class on  how much 'min/maxing' i will do. Necromancers in VG  you just put all your points in int/wis/con and put all 20 DoT spells on a mob and gg.  A tank on the other hand was a lot more complicated and required some hotkeys and specific mitigation or constitution levels for some fights.

    This post was edited by Xeravik at August 13, 2015 4:36 PM PDT
    • 1778 posts
    August 13, 2015 9:54 AM PDT
    Personality: Helpful. I want to be the guy you call when the **** hits the fan.

    Play style: trouble maker (for the enemy). Its less about my dps and more about giving the mob a headache.

    Role: to be decided (tank, rogue, utility or hybrid).

    Motto: Fortune and Glory. Thats right Im like Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom.

    According to that MMO test it says Im an Explorer...... which seems pretty accurate.

    I just like going where Im not supposed to and seeking treasure ^.^
    • 453 posts
    August 13, 2015 11:46 AM PDT

    Though I enjoy all spheres and facets of MMORPG gameplay the part I enjoyed in old EQ the most was at the end of a long evening of gameplay I would log out my mains and jump on the Druid and just go around and buff people and port them for free. Was great seeing what a difference  the combination of skin like nature/thorns/chloroplast/SoW could make when cast on a lowbie.


    Also, even though I loved raiding and exploring, once I found a dungeon(s) I really liked I seemed to spend a lot of time there. For example, collectively on all my characters I spent many, many months in Old Sebilis.


    I also usually spend a lot of time trying to discover "emergent gameplay" if you want to call it that, trying to find unique "unintended" ways to use abilities/tactics. If I end up finding exploits in the process I report them.

    This post was edited by Jason at August 13, 2015 4:36 PM PDT
    • 105 posts
    August 13, 2015 12:25 PM PDT

    After reading so many of these posts in this thread and on this forum in general I'm starting to wonder if I'm creating socks and logging them in to agree with myself.  I'm really looking forward to gaming with this community.  





    • 1778 posts
    August 13, 2015 1:18 PM PDT
    @Jason in XI that was ninja as a whole. Nobody used it as intended. Just about every strat for it was emergent gameplay. Later on the devs even started supporting its "unintended tank role" through gear. Then things got really crazy when we started subbing dark knight for stun spam. So you end up tanking gods with high evasion, shadow clones and stun locking with crazy haste. Ridiculous fun!

    @ Marilee Yea ive gotten that impression as well. And Im not even from the same EQ/VG community. But I could swear I must have "raided" with some of you on Sky or Sea Gods?!?! 0.o
    • 211 posts
    August 13, 2015 4:11 PM PDT
    BloodbeardBattlecaster said:

    I want to truly experience the game, not win the game.



    Out of all the great responses, this quote can sum it up for me, short and sweet. Pre-max level is just as important to me, if not more important, than being max level and at end-game.  I enjoy grind groups and making new friends within them. I enjoy strengthening bonds in groups with people who are already friends. I enjoy helping people with things as simple as locating a corpse or breaking a camp, to more time consuming things such as going deep in a dungeon to a specific mob which has a chance to drop a specific item the friend in question has asked for help with. (Yes, I say 'friend' here, cause this type of time investment might require that I already know them hehe.) I am not the type of person who refuses to help someone 'cause there's nothing in it for me'.


    I'm known to play alts, and I enjoy developing a character's skills. For example, in EQ I was working on a iksar monk. When you entered the Field of Bone from Cabilis, if you headed towards the pit, turning left just before you got to it, there was a ruin nearby that I dubbed 'The Gym'. In it was a ramp along the wall that was the perfect height to not take damage running off, but high enough to do a safe fall skill-up check. I would keep a nearby mob targetted so I could use the Intimidate skill, and I would run in circles for a long time working on my Safe Fall, Intimidate, and Feign Death skills while chatting in /tell or in /ooc. I spend a lot of time online, but never accomplish as much as a 'hardcore' player, but play too much to be considered 'casual', so what am I? Maybe 'softcore'? LOL. 

    • 9115 posts
    August 13, 2015 4:42 PM PDT

    They are some awesome replies! I know you are all varied in styles, which is why I was looking forward to asking this question, so I can see all the different types of styles while all still being part of the same community.

    I think that is why MMORPGs are so good when you find one you like, because after the initial testing period for many players, the ones who remain are invested in it, usually emotionally too and that helps build strong communities with varying levels of playstyles, personalities etc. and it is what makes the in-game environment so cool!

    Thanks for taking the time to answer, I really do enjoy reading all of the replies and keep them coming! :)

    • 308 posts
    August 13, 2015 4:52 PM PDT

    I consider myself to be Casual-Core.


    I do not raid every day, but i am seriously plodding along to and thru the end game. the difference between me and a true hardcore player is just that when i need to use the restroom i get up and do it (after letting the group know) there are no excrement buckets (or socks) around my desk.

    • 13 posts
    August 13, 2015 5:55 PM PDT

    I'm a hardcore casual.  I spend many hours on a game, but if there's people I like to talk to I end up sitting in town chatting most of the time... :D

    • 48 posts
    August 14, 2015 12:30 AM PDT

    I am a crafter, and group dungeon delver. I work a lot and long hours, but also don't want things to go by quick, and can appreciate/ enjoy a long haul to the top or end of the game.


    I feel like a big part of an MMO is the journey there, and not the end. I enjoy leveling and getting new abilities. I like tough, and thought provoking encounters with either the world, or mobs.


    I would rather do longer, harder, and more fletched out story missions than the quick kill 10 of this type. My favorite things to do in EQ2 are the heritage quests. Same in VG I loved doing to epic quests, and the longer quest lines as it allowed me to really get a feel for that area and put me further into that world.

    • 724 posts
    August 14, 2015 1:21 AM PDT

    I love discovering the world on my own, and finding things out without outside help (like looking up quests on the web). It really annoys me if I'm going to a new place with a group, and they know their way around already and tell me "now you got to do this, then that.." etc. I want to find that out myself! I want to read the quest texts, smell the roses and enjoy the scenery :) I want to max my knowledge of the world and its lore. To summarize, I'm mostly an explorer type.


    I don't think I have high scores in the other MMO characteristics (achieving, socialising). Of course I love to get things done for myself or with my guild, and I enjoy the social aspect of grouping. But these are not the primary motivation factors for me.


    Finally, I was never truly a hardcore player, although the games I played, I played a lot. Today I don't have as much time anymore as in the "good old days" ;) Still, I'm hoping to find a good guild of players with the determination to do everything the game has to offer, but who don't take things too serious at the same time. Fun and enjoying the game should always come first.