Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

Gameplay You Want to See

    • 112 posts
    March 29, 2015 5:09 AM PDT

    I do not envy the dev's if they consider these things, because trying to come up with something that is balanced and makes sense for the race/class, and at the same time is useful-but-not-good-enough-to-be-a-requirement-for-said-race/class is not easy.  At the same time I am not sure if it's entirely necessary, back in EQ there wasn't much for alternatives other than playing a console on a tv or watching something on tv, neither of which were great for response times in-game.  These days there's tablets, phones, or even a second computer isn't anywhere near as rare as back then.  That being said, I am sure it'd be easy enough to *coughripoffcough* a popular app concept for people to play while gaming.


    I have zero issues with any form of in-game distraction implemented for inbetween groups.  If they wanted to throw in some board games or something more avatar-involved like a challenge in the arena by npc's, or maybe a game of hide and seek with children in a town, etc. I think there are many options that could be faction-based for rewards.

    • 1434 posts
    March 29, 2015 7:01 AM PDT
    Lokkan said:

    I do not envy the dev's if they consider these things, because trying to come up with something that is balanced and makes sense for the race/class, and at the same time is useful-but-not-good-enough-to-be-a-requirement-for-said-race/class is not easy.  At the same time I am not sure if it's entirely necessary, back in EQ there wasn't much for alternatives other than playing a console on a tv or watching something on tv, neither of which were great for response times in-game.  These days there's tablets, phones, or even a second computer isn't anywhere near as rare as back then.  That being said, I am sure it'd be easy enough to *coughripoffcough* a popular app concept for people to play while gaming.


    I have zero issues with any form of in-game distraction implemented for inbetween groups.  If they wanted to throw in some board games or something more avatar-involved like a challenge in the arena by npc's, or maybe a game of hide and seek with children in a town, etc. I think there are many options that could be faction-based for rewards.

    I don't think its necessary to make filler gameplay race/class specific.  Just fun things that serve as an alternative to going afk.  Anyone could play a board game, or sharpen their weapons.


    Another form of gameplay I really enjoyed was the music and composition system in ArcheAge.  You could write or upload midi music and play them with various instruments in game.  Amateurs would miss the occasional note, but once you got good you would play them perfectly.  We would do this a lot sailing around in boats or while doing trade runs in between fighting or turning in packs.

    This post was edited by Dullahan at March 29, 2015 7:02 AM PDT
    • 338 posts
    March 29, 2015 7:58 AM PDT

    Please no "shinies" ala EQ2 ... they are dumb...



    • 25 posts
    March 29, 2015 8:55 AM PDT

    I enjoyed the shinies and I enjoyed them a second time when Rift used an almost identical system. Having more things to do is never a bad thing. It kept people in zones long after they had out leveled them and it gave low level characters an opportunity to make some money.

    • 338 posts
    March 29, 2015 10:04 AM PDT

    OK to elaborate... ground spawns are a good idea and how they worked in EQ1 was fine although I'd like them to have many more spawn locations possible.


    Just littering the ground with "shinies" is immersion breaking and dull... Collection items should be obtained from mob drops, rare harvests, and some quests.


    As far as giving zones longevity through "shinies" all that really happens is you give a higher level player an excuse to come back and grief a zone.


    Collection quests as they were implemented in EQ2 were extremely shallow... Instead your collections should tell a tale of what you have killed and accomplished. Like a set of dragon teeth or some finely carved figurines obtained from completing different dungeons quest lines.



    This post was edited by Angrykiz at March 29, 2015 10:53 AM PDT
    • 2138 posts
    March 29, 2015 1:56 PM PDT

    I think a card game would be good, the Italian game 'Scopa" (Scopone?) comes to mind, or even something like  mille-bourne ( heh, remember THAT?), something that has a fairly quick turn resolution- to allow you to figuratively kick the table over and scatter the cards in suprise because the monster just spawned or a train is coming through. But what would be the incentive? I would not want to put up money while adventuring, but maybe for every win a gambler point accrual could be had, so when you reached a certain amount, you get like free ale in certain cities, or get "comped" at an inn to rest in certain cities, or use them to get discounts, and once used up, you need to get some more- so more adventuring!

    • 366 posts
    March 29, 2015 2:08 PM PDT
    Angrykiz said:

    OK to elaborate... ground spawns are a good idea and how they worked in EQ1 was fine although I'd like them to have many more spawn locations possible.

    Just littering the ground with "shinies" is immersion breaking and dull... Collection items should be obtained from mob drops, rare harvests, and some quests.

    As far as giving zones longevity through "shinies" all that really happens is you give a higher level player an excuse to come back and grief a zone.


    Collection quests as they were implemented in EQ2 were extremely shallow... Instead your collections should tell a tale of what you have killed and accomplished. Like a set of dragon teeth or some finely carved figurines obtained from completing different dungeons quest lines.


    Much better post lol! That is how MMOs develop -they take ideas and improve upon them!

    • 1434 posts
    March 29, 2015 6:03 PM PDT
    Angrykiz said:

    OK to elaborate... ground spawns are a good idea and how they worked in EQ1 was fine although I'd like them to have many more spawn locations possible.


    Just littering the ground with "shinies" is immersion breaking and dull... Collection items should be obtained from mob drops, rare harvests, and some quests.


    As far as giving zones longevity through "shinies" all that really happens is you give a higher level player an excuse to come back and grief a zone.


    Collection quests as they were implemented in EQ2 were extremely shallow... Instead your collections should tell a tale of what you have killed and accomplished. Like a set of dragon teeth or some finely carved figurines obtained from completing different dungeons quest lines.



    I didn't want to rain on anyones parade, but I actually agree.  It was honestly stuff like "shinies" (I feel ridiculous even typing that) that made EQ2 feel shallow to me from the jump.  I actually really appreciate lore, I just didn't like how they did it there.  I'm the kind of guy that collects and reads the books in Elder Scrolls games, just to give you an idea of what thats saying.

    • 48 posts
    March 31, 2015 6:15 AM PDT
    Gurt said:

    What additional gameplay do you want to see in Pantheon?  Things other than combat.


    Personally I'd like to see more downtime-based gameplay so that you always had something minor to do.  Warriors can sharpen weapons, rogues can disarm traps and unlock doors or make poisons to give to the other party members, rangers scouting ahead and setting snares or tracking a boss through the dungeon.  I would like it so that during downtime the group is actively preparing for the next combat or next group of combats rather than just sitting down.  These activities would need to require only a light amount of input from the players so that conversation wasn't impeded by the need to always be doing something but have even the smallest thing to do can keep the game engaging, especially when you find yourself in a mute group.


    What do you want to see?


    I think this sounds a lot like out idle animations discussion we had a few  months back, but the general concencus was that it would be nice to have them in the game, but we mainly want the game in a working condition over having fluff stuff in the game. I would agree with you and would like to see something other than idle mannequin standing.

    • 384 posts
    April 1, 2015 1:44 PM PDT
    I always enjoyed the fun spells. Things like the enchanters minor illusion in EQ that turned you in thinks like beds and tables. lol Of course there were all the race illusions that were fun but could also serve a purpose. Tinkering for gnomes was cool. I remember something similar in EQ2 that my monk got but I don't really remember why. It was a summon wisp ability (I think) the wisp was just a little white ball of light that floated nearby. Looked kinda cool is all.