Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

Official Discord Approval Thread

    • 1 posts
    February 10, 2024 7:59 AM PST

    May I get access to the discord please?



    • 0 posts
    February 10, 2024 8:08 AM PST



    I'd like my discord role please :)


    Thank you

    • 38 posts
    February 10, 2024 8:34 AM PST

    Requesting Discord Role.  


    This post was edited by Ozmani at February 10, 2024 8:36 AM PST
    • 11 posts
    February 10, 2024 8:44 AM PST

    I'd like my role when you have the time.



    • 1 posts
    February 10, 2024 8:49 AM PST

    Requesting access. supporter pledge. Name on discord is Casly so will need a nickname

    • 10 posts
    February 10, 2024 9:52 AM PST

    Requesting Discord access plz (100 pledger)

    This post was edited by MissRaven at February 10, 2024 9:52 AM PST
    • 1 posts
    February 10, 2024 10:17 AM PST

    I would like access please

    • 1 posts
    February 10, 2024 10:30 AM PST

    Requesting Discord access please.

    • 1 posts
    February 10, 2024 10:41 AM PST

    Requesting permission for discord for OneEyedLouie. I have the champion pledge. 

    • 6 posts
    February 10, 2024 10:49 AM PST

    My Discord name and forum name are the same, please update access. Thank you.

    • VR Staff
    • 542 posts
    February 10, 2024 10:52 AM PST

    A few of you cannot be found on our Discord server. As a reminder, you have to join our server first and provide me with your Discord name.

    • 15 posts
    February 10, 2024 11:08 AM PST

    Requesting discord access please. alpha pledge. thank you!

    • 1 posts
    February 10, 2024 12:04 PM PST

    Requesting Discord role. Thanks!

    • 1 posts
    February 10, 2024 12:48 PM PST

    I am requesting acess to the discord please.   




    • 1 posts
    February 10, 2024 12:50 PM PST

    Deleted until I fix some things!

    This post was edited by Elindar at February 10, 2024 12:50 PM PST
    • 1 posts
    February 10, 2024 12:57 PM PST

    Looking for Keeper access please for Discord user swann


    This post was edited by yvonne007 at February 10, 2024 12:58 PM PST
    • 2 posts
    February 10, 2024 1:04 PM PST

    Hello could I have access to discord please.  Pledge level Pathfinder. 

    This is the second time I have asked.

    This post was edited by ladylyonese at February 10, 2024 1:04 PM PST
    • 3 posts
    February 10, 2024 1:22 PM PST

    Requesting access for Karien, thanks!

    This post was edited by Karien at February 10, 2024 1:34 PM PST
    • 1 posts
    February 10, 2024 1:43 PM PST

    I would like access to the discord channel please. For username dirsceol .

    This post was edited by jdriscoll at February 10, 2024 1:46 PM PST
    • 3 posts
    February 10, 2024 2:12 PM PST

    I would like access to the Pantheon Discord server as a pledge member

    • 3 posts
    February 10, 2024 2:12 PM PST

    I would like access to the Pantheon Discord server as a pledge member

    • 3 posts
    February 10, 2024 2:13 PM PST

    I would like access to the Pantheon Discord server as a pledge member

    • 15 posts
    February 10, 2024 2:19 PM PST

    I can haz access? UwU

    • 2 posts
    February 10, 2024 3:30 PM PST

    Requesting access.

    • 2 posts
    February 10, 2024 5:14 PM PST

    Hi. I would like member access to the discord server, please.