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Thirst/Hunger - Auto-Eating/Consumables

    • 206 posts
    November 17, 2023 12:44 PM PST
    During last night's Q&A, on the question of "Will the food/water auto eat?" VS the fact that some foods will be manually consumed. I propose a solution that could be considered.

    What if on your character sheet there are two equippable slots, one for food, and one for drink, that are used for auto eating. For example, lets say you have no food and no drink on you and you go to a vendor to buy a stack of "carrots" (x20) you can then drag that from your bags into your character sheet slot for food to auto-eat. The same would go for "water" or "milk" (x20). If you make a consumable stack of "Gasbat Crunchies" that gives you levitation for example, then you can manually click to eat those from your bags like normal.

    Just something to consider. Thanks.


    You could go further and add a tool tip if you hover over your auto-eating slots that tells you the duration left before consuming another (just like a ticking time stamp or CD counter). Again, things to consider for the future.
    • 560 posts
    November 18, 2023 1:04 AM PST
    I like your suggestion. If food really is something you just need to eat from time to time I see no reason to make it take up inventory space or your time.

    Another option would be to just remove the need to eat food and instead have food only used to give small bonuses. If you have not eaten recently you just lose any bonuses the food might have given you.
    • 1289 posts
    November 20, 2023 9:29 AM PST

    There are so many things in these kinds of game that some people like and some people don't like.  The things that make the world feel alive can be annoying to some,  or feel worthless, while for others these little things add up and really draw them in.  For me, eating and drinking is one of those little things that connects me to my character, makes it feel more like a world than a game.  I know some people will give the exact opposite argument using the same exact example. 

    • 1404 posts
    November 20, 2023 10:36 AM PST
    I’m closer of the opinion of Ranarius here. I was a bit let down hearing they were considering auto eating at all. One of Brads key quotes, if not his most popular was “I want to make World’s, not Games” I feel auto eating does Brads vision a disservice in it takes QOL too far out of the “World” vision and into the hand holding “Game”.
    I understand a need for QOL but I don’t understand taking the responsibility of keeping your character fed out of the players hands (handholding)
    I don’t understand why they would take this layer of travel, battle, out of the equation and at the same time claim to be trying to make battle engaging.

    In the name of QOL I could see making a button available on the UI (edit #1) that the player need click for eating (his food he’s eating can be displayed in the icon) but to eat it for him… THIS is one of the things I consider violating Brads vision, and I think it would take brads own words to convince me otherwise.

    IF anyone can provide those, a old quote from Brad justifying something like this compromising world for hand holding, I’d be open to reading it.

    Edit #1 instead of having to open their bags.
    This post was edited by Zorkon at November 20, 2023 10:40 AM PST
    • 31 posts
    November 20, 2023 10:47 AM PST
    No sorry, i don't like the thought of auto eating at all. and if you need it it should take up space in the bags

    - why implement consumables at all, if you don't have to interact with 'em!?

    To sit down and eat makes one vulnerable in some situations, if it's on auto a bit of the immersion takes away.
    • 167 posts
    November 20, 2023 11:14 AM PST
    What about a hybrid system, that gives both sides what they want.

    You have to store your food and drink in the inventory. But you have 2 options:

    1. You can double click on a stack of food to eat/drink.

    2. You can right click on a stack of food/drink to enable auto-eat.
    • 31 posts
    November 20, 2023 12:17 PM PST
    Prevenge said:
    What about a hybrid system, that gives both sides what they want.

    You have to store your food and drink in the inventory. But you have 2 options:

    1. You can double click on a stack of food to eat/drink.

    2. You can right click on a stack of food/drink to enable auto-eat.

    So number 1 gets downtime sitting and eating?

    and number 2 keep on running without downtime?

    If that is what you mean, you don't see any problem with that?

    It would be like saying to someone that don't want flying mounts ingame, to simply not buy one.

    - It's in human nature to take the less resistant way..
    This post was edited by Nivea at November 20, 2023 12:22 PM PST
    • 206 posts
    November 20, 2023 12:33 PM PST
    All good comments, I don't know how eating/drinking will work in the game. but just don't run out while in a dungeon or a raid. Also, I like the thought of having to go back to the Inn to buy food, maybe sit in a chair, and visit with the locals for a little bit.

    I feel like if I'm running somewhere I don't want to see a text pop up that says your out of drink then have to sit down, click it, and wait. That's where the auto-eating would be handy imo.
    • 167 posts
    November 20, 2023 12:34 PM PST
    Nivea said:
    Prevenge said:
    What about a hybrid system, that gives both sides what they want.

    You have to store your food and drink in the inventory. But you have 2 options:

    1. You can double click on a stack of food to eat/drink.

    2. You can right click on a stack of food/drink to enable auto-eat.

    So number 1 gets downtime sitting and eating?

    and number 2 keep on running without downtime?

    If that is what you mean, you don't see any problem with that?

    It would be like saying to someone that don't want flying mounts ingame, to simply not buy one.

    It's not even remotely close to the importance of your example about flying mounts. You're comparing oranges to helicopters. Almost literally.

    Personally, I don't see an issue with it, but that's because I personally hate the idea of having to sit down and manually eat and drink my food.

    I don't know where the Pantheon community sits on a topic like this, would have to take a poll to find out numbers. I'd be EXTREMELY surprised if the vast majority didn't vote for auto eating at LEAST being an option, if not the default.

    I'd always right click on say a stack or Iron Rations and a Flask of Water so it would always be on auto eat, but any buff food/run speed food, etc, I'd manually eat, so it doesn't get wasted.

    In a raid, I'd have my resistance/hp/def food, set to auto eat, as well, so it was running throughout the raid, so I don't forget about it.
    This post was edited by Prevenge at November 20, 2023 12:36 PM PST
    • 31 posts
    November 20, 2023 12:52 PM PST
    Prevenge said:
    Nivea said:
    Prevenge said:
    What about a hybrid system, that gives both sides what they want.

    You have to store your food and drink in the inventory. But you have 2 options:

    1. You can double click on a stack of food to eat/drink.

    2. You can right click on a stack of food/drink to enable auto-eat.

    So number 1 gets downtime sitting and eating?

    and number 2 keep on running without downtime?

    If that is what you mean, you don't see any problem with that?

    It would be like saying to someone that don't want flying mounts ingame, to simply not buy one.

    It's not even remotely close to the importance of your example about flying mounts. You're comparing oranges to helicopters. Almost literally.

    Personally, I don't see an issue with it, but that's because I personally hate the idea of having to sit down and manually eat and drink my food.

    I don't know where the Pantheon community sits on a topic like this, would have to take a poll to find out numbers. I'd be EXTREMELY surprised if the vast majority didn't vote for auto eating at LEAST being an option, if not the default.

    I'd always right click on say a stack or Iron Rations and a Flask of Water so it would always be on auto eat, but any buff food/run speed food, etc, I'd manually eat, so it doesn't get wasted.

    In a raid, I'd have my resistance/hp/def food, set to auto eat, as well, so it was running throughout the raid, so I don't forget about it.

    As i said - It's in human nature to take the less resistant way..

    So with other words option number 1 in this scenario will most likely be put out of game "short" after release.

    It's simple, it just don't work that way - either or, not both.

    But i guess we just have to wait and see :)
    This post was edited by Nivea at November 20, 2023 1:10 PM PST
    • 1289 posts
    November 20, 2023 1:23 PM PST

    People tend to want the game to automate the things they don't enjoy.  Understandable for sure, but if we give the option to automate everything that someone doesn't enjoy we would end up with a game that plays itself.  I'll be willing to sacrifice a few of my own preferences so that we end up with an amazing world, even if some things annoy me.

    • 167 posts
    November 20, 2023 1:32 PM PST
    Nivea said:
    Prevenge said:
    Nivea said:
    Prevenge said:
    What about a hybrid system, that gives both sides what they want.

    You have to store your food and drink in the inventory. But you have 2 options:

    1. You can double click on a stack of food to eat/drink.

    2. You can right click on a stack of food/drink to enable auto-eat.

    So number 1 gets downtime sitting and eating?

    and number 2 keep on running without downtime?

    If that is what you mean, you don't see any problem with that?

    It would be like saying to someone that don't want flying mounts ingame, to simply not buy one.

    It's not even remotely close to the importance of your example about flying mounts. You're comparing oranges to helicopters. Almost literally.

    Personally, I don't see an issue with it, but that's because I personally hate the idea of having to sit down and manually eat and drink my food.

    I don't know where the Pantheon community sits on a topic like this, would have to take a poll to find out numbers. I'd be EXTREMELY surprised if the vast majority didn't vote for auto eating at LEAST being an option, if not the default.

    I'd always right click on say a stack or Iron Rations and a Flask of Water so it would always be on auto eat, but any buff food/run speed food, etc, I'd manually eat, so it doesn't get wasted.

    In a raid, I'd have my resistance/hp/def food, set to auto eat, as well, so it was running throughout the raid, so I don't forget about it.

    As i said - It's in human nature to take the less resistant way..

    So with other words option number 1 in this scenario will most likely be put out of game "short" after release.

    It's simple, it just don't work that way - either or, not both.

    But i guess we just have to wait and see :)

    I don't agree.

    It can easily be both, as you can see in my example above.

    People don't want their buff food eaten automatically, that would be silly :)
    • 1404 posts
    November 20, 2023 2:03 PM PST
    I do agree with Nivea, senseless to have an opinion, everyone would/should take the
    Option of least resistance. If auto attack caused the most DPS would it make sense to cast any spells or use any special attacks?

    I don’t understand where the “sit” to eat or drink came into the conversation. Did I miss something or did someone just add that in to make being aware and clicking a button seem like more of a hassle?

    I can drink and eat while walking, well then again depends what I’m drinking and how long I’ve been at it. There ARE cases I should probably sit!

    This post was edited by Zorkon at November 20, 2023 2:05 PM PST
    • 167 posts
    November 20, 2023 2:04 PM PST
    Ranarius said:

    People tend to want the game to automate the things they don't enjoy. Understandable for sure, but if we give the option to automate everything that someone doesn't enjoy we would end up with a game that plays itself. I'll be willing to sacrifice a few of my own preferences so that we end up with an amazing world, even if some things annoy me.

    Oh automating everything would be truly awful, I agree. Then we'd get Throne and Liberty and look how that went.

    Good thing we are only discussing food in this example.

    In the long run, I don't mind any of them. My preference would be auto eating, though. I don't like when games turn things into chores and eating seems fun at first but gets old pretty quick (for me personally)
    • 902 posts
    November 20, 2023 2:08 PM PST
    I think if the food gives your character a bonus of some kind, it should be down to the players to make sure it is eaten and therefore, active. There should be some graphic to represent hunger, but thats all. Having said that, with this mechanic, you don't want to be eating after every fight either. Maybe twice in a game day.
    • 167 posts
    November 20, 2023 2:11 PM PST
    chenzeme said:
    I think if the food gives your character a bonus of some kind, it should be down to the players to make sure it is eaten and therefore, active. There should be some graphic to represent hunger, but thats all. Having said that, with this mechanic, you don't want to be eating after every fight either. Maybe twice in a game day.

    Good point, in my head I'm thinking "I don't want to click on a food item once an hour, how annoying" but if it was much further spread apart with a food icon that said I was hungry, I wouldn't mind so much.

    I didn't mind how BoTW did their food, you had to manually eat, but it had a purpose. You were eating for cold resistance, eating for heat resistance, to heal yourself, you name it. But the rest of the time you didn't have to eat.

    If I have to eat regular food and water just to fill a hunger meter, it's going to annoy me every single time I have to do it.

    I'm curious, what is it exactly that you guys like about manually eating and how often do you picture having to do it?
    This post was edited by Prevenge at November 20, 2023 2:15 PM PST
    • 1921 posts
    November 20, 2023 2:44 PM PST

    ... I'm curious, what is it exactly that you guys like about manually eating and how often do you picture having to do it?


    I like nothing about manually eating, and would prefer the EQ1 system of the topmost food/drink (in your containers) is consumed.  It doesn't need to be more complicated than that.
    How often do I picture having to do it? Never, ideally.  It should just automatically consume whatever is the topmost food/drink in your containers.

    If you want to create a dedicated UI slot for food & drink, that's fine, but the mechanism should still be the same.  Whatever is in there is auto consumed, and you gain the benefit from it immediately & ongoing while that's true.  In this case, entirely, the EQ1 system is sufficient.

    If you want to add a feature?  Produce a message when either food or drink is removed/consumed (as in, when the stack size is reduced by one), optionally, in the chat/log.  I created that feature/message on my eqemu server, and it's a handy optional notification.  It also overtly highlights metabolic temporal benefits, if such exist, for your race/class/char.

    • 97 posts
    November 20, 2023 2:55 PM PST
    Ranarius said:

    There are so many things in these kinds of game that some people like and some people don't like. The things that make the world feel alive can be annoying to some, or feel worthless, while for others these little things add up and really draw them in. For me, eating and drinking is one of those little things that connects me to my character, makes it feel more like a world than a game. I know some people will give the exact opposite argument using the same exact example.

    Yes, this right here. Completely agree. It's a world we're playing in, not a game.
    • 1404 posts
    November 20, 2023 3:19 PM PST
    Prevenge said:
    I'm curious, what is it exactly that you guys like about manually eating and how often do you picture having to do it?

    Like what was said above it’s the realism of the world, the character being alive and needing to sustain himself, the gratification of being out front in the traveling because I never forget to eat or drink as opposed to the one lagging behind in speed or DPS because they haven’t eaten. It’s another layer of travel and combat.
    As for how often, in keeping with realism, and assuming a natural 3 meals a day, what is a day/night cycle for the game? Eat and drink accordingly.
    • 167 posts
    November 20, 2023 3:35 PM PST
    Zorkon said:
    Prevenge said:
    I'm curious, what is it exactly that you guys like about manually eating and how often do you picture having to do it?

    Like what was said above it’s the realism of the world, the character being alive and needing to sustain himself, the gratification of being out front in the traveling because I never forget to eat or drink as opposed to the one lagging behind in speed or DPS because they haven’t eaten. It’s another layer of travel and combat.
    As for how often, in keeping with realism, and assuming a natural 3 meals a day, what is a day/night cycle for the game? Eat and drink accordingly.

    Perfect. I was hoping you'd say something like that. Now read my ACTUAL examples I put. Not what Nivea misconstrued them to mean.

    You have to store your food and drink in the inventory. But you have 2 options:

    1. You can double click on a stack of food to eat/drink.

    2. You can right click on a stack of food/drink to enable auto-eat.

    Literally lets both camps exist at the same time. You can wait for that hunger buff to pop up and consume your food manually, or turn it on auto if you don't like having to manage food. Play the way you want.
    • 1404 posts
    November 20, 2023 5:02 PM PST
    Prevenge said:
    Zorkon said:
    Prevenge said:
    I'm curious, what is it exactly that you guys like about manually eating and how often do you picture having to do it?

    Like what was said above it’s the realism of the world, the character being alive and needing to sustain himself, the gratification of being out front in the traveling because I never forget to eat or drink as opposed to the one lagging behind in speed or DPS because they haven’t eaten. It’s another layer of travel and combat.
    As for how often, in keeping with realism, and assuming a natural 3 meals a day, what is a day/night cycle for the game? Eat and drink accordingly.

    Perfect. I was hoping you'd say something like that. Now read my ACTUAL examples I put. Not what Nivea misconstrued them to mean.

    You have to store your food and drink in the inventory. But you have 2 options:

    1. You can double click on a stack of food to eat/drink.

    2. You can right click on a stack of food/drink to enable auto-eat.

    Literally lets both camps exist at the same time. You can wait for that hunger buff to pop up and consume your food manually, or turn it on auto if you don't like having to manage food. Play the way you want.

    You have no point here. I DID read your actual examples and disagree that is a solution or work around. Players, myself included will take the path of least resistance. 99.9 if not 100% of the players would activate the auto feed.

    And that would be one more blow to the immersion. I don’t want me to auto feed, I’ll remember and never have a hunger or thirst effect to worry about, I want you to need to manually feed so I have something to crack jokes about when you’re hitting for -10 or 20%, or getting left behind the group as we’re running to the dungeon because your parched from not drinking enough fluids.

    I understand your options, I say they won’t solve the issue. They may as well just not have a need for food and drink under your auto feed system, why bother with a token food/drink system? I would rather they just drop it all together, or build on it.
    • 167 posts
    November 20, 2023 7:32 PM PST
    I don't find being forced to eat food, immersive, in the slightest. I've always found it a hassle, in every game I've played that included it as a mechanic.

    Ok, setting our opinions aside, I like your last point.

    How would you build on it, if that was the only option? How do you make a food system modern and fun and worth doing?
    • 560 posts
    November 20, 2023 7:48 PM PST
    I am not advocating for this system to be implemented in Pantheon but I love food in Valheim. It is rewarding when you eat it right away and if you do not it has a downside but if you are just running around your base no worries. This makes it part of your preparation for battle or adventure but all other times you just ignore it.

    If food just keeps you alive it is not immersive to me it is just a pain. Something I have to do other then what I am playing the game for. But I get it that I am myself and that other will get that immersive aspect of it. It is just one of those choices the deves will have to make.

    On a somewhat related topic food in EQ was just wired. You ran around with a stack of 20 food and water and ignored it. In the years I played I only ever ran out of food a couple times. I really have no idea why it was in the game at all. It just took up 2 bag slots that was about it.
    This post was edited by Susurrus at November 20, 2023 7:48 PM PST
    • 1404 posts
    November 20, 2023 9:00 PM PST

    I’ve seen the EverQuest auto feed system mentioned a couple of times. As an early EverQuest player (early 1999) as I recall (disclaimer: I’m 64 years old and that was 24 years ago, I could be wrong) it was originally click to feed. The auto feed came as a quick easy way to patch the annoyance.

    My point is that “patch” was the easy way out, the potential is there for it to be an integral part of the game. Just as pvE meaning player against the Environment, can actually mean something to the game. I know most people are all about ++++ of buff food, but I think there should actually be the opposite - - - negative effects of failing to eat at all. These negative effects could be slower movement speed, less damage on spells or abilities, less endurance while climbing or swimming, shorter sprint distances.

    Just seems to me like that would kind of fit as an action or lack there of in

    9. All actions (or lack thereof) have consequences
    • 31 posts
    November 21, 2023 2:22 AM PST
    Zorkon said:
    Players, myself included will take the path of least resistance. 99.9 if not 100% of the players would activate the auto feed.

    And that would be one more blow to the immersion. I don’t want me to auto feed, I’ll remember and never have a hunger or thirst effect to worry about, I want you to need to manually feed so I have something to crack jokes about when you’re hitting for -10 or 20%, or getting left behind the group as we’re running to the dungeon because your parched from not drinking enough fluids.

    I understand your options, I say they won’t solve the issue. They may as well just not have a need for food and drink under your auto feed system, why bother with a token food/drink system? I would rather they just drop it all together, or build on it.

    The potential is there for it to be an integral part of the game. Just as pvE meaning player against the Environment, can actually mean something to the game. I know most people are all about ++++ of buff food, but I think there should actually be the opposite - - - negative effects of failing to eat at all. These negative effects could be slower movement speed, less damage on spells or abilities, less endurance while climbing or swimming, shorter sprint distances.

    These are great examples why there should not be autofeed ingame,

    i bet there is a lot more suggestions/examples like this.

    And also, this will make cooking so much more important ingame.
    This post was edited by Nivea at November 21, 2023 2:27 AM PST