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You Can Only Choose One!

    • 902 posts
    December 15, 2021 4:45 AM PST

    Bow. Ranger through and through. It just fits with me. Keeps mobs at more than arms length and a decent arrow dagger when the needs must. Utility and weapon all rolled into one. Light the way ahead with flaming arrows. Fire a few arrows into a tree and you get a ladder. Air bombs, land bombs, you name it, it can be done with a trusty bow and a handful of arrows.

    Ode to bow

    There was a time when I tried sword and cutlass and staff, 
    But whatever the style they always looked naff,
    I also tried axe and club and a dagger or two,
    But there was something not right and a little askew,
    I was never happy with the weapons I chose,
    Until my hand alighted on a selection of bows.
    I suddenly realised that my favours were narrow,
    All I needed was a recurve and a solid true arrow.


    This post was edited by chenzeme at December 15, 2021 4:56 AM PST