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What Server/Guild did you belong too

    • 11 posts
    December 13, 2018 1:45 PM PST

    I started playing EQ right after Karana Server split and joined Ayonea Ro. My guilds while limited to only a few lasted my entire 8 year run, 1st was Wolves where i met a good core of people, 2nd was Immortal Mercy where i made the most of my friendships(some of them i still see/talk to regulary), then came my 3rd guild, Casus Belli ( i still have some characters in the guild its self), it was here i learned about end game and spent almost 5 years as active raider. My story is simple short and maybe a little plain, but the experiences, friendships and memories will always endure and i long for the feeling of like minded individuals who wish more out of a game than just gear and and achievment points.


    Greysen Blueberrybuffbish 85 Shaman(retired) Casus Belli, Ayonea Ro

    • 438 posts
    December 13, 2018 4:33 PM PST
    Started in 2000. Played ranger on Quellious named Oberyn. Family members switched servers and I couldn’t afford it so started a new ranger there named Azraal, was raiding and guilded with Sanity’s Edge on Povar server. Retired both and am not currently playing anything on PC.
    • 31 posts
    December 14, 2018 3:53 AM PST

    I started not long after EQ launched.

    I was on the torvonnilous server and was in Nexxus of Faith, (NoF). I'm an Aussie that was working nights and NoF was a mainly European guild that raided at times that worked for me.

    NoF was full of great people some of whom i'm still in touch with. We had lots of great shared experiences that took us away from the real world to a wonderful place where different things mattered.



    • 159 posts
    December 17, 2018 11:55 AM PST
    Morell Thule which later merged with Erolisi Marr

    Was in...let's see...Blackgrass Raiders, Moonwolf Clan, PoKS, then Elder Servitor. Moved into raiding with Reviction, Primal Evolution, then Reviction again.

    Best known as Rhyder the bard, Sindarin the elf druid, Xilshale the iksar Beastlord, Rhendor the barb zerker. Wife pretty much stuck to one toon, Brihanna the barb shaman.
    • VR Staff
    • 360 posts
    December 17, 2018 5:23 PM PST

    When I played EverQuest, I was on Veeshan from launch. I was the Guildleader of Outriders of Karana then bounced around a bit until settling into Keepers of the Elements, which was a fantastic guild and guild experience.

    • 8 posts
    December 18, 2018 1:25 PM PST

    Regarding EverQuest, I started on Innoruuk, which was merged with The Nameless, which was merged with Erollisi Marr.


    My main was Aenuu, an opinionated Cleric who has become much more humbled and level-headed, 're-rolled' as a Wizard and currently active on the Coirnav TLP server.

    I really miss the community from the early days of EverQuest <3

    • 190 posts
    December 23, 2018 11:27 AM PST

    Was never guilded in EverQuest. I didn't play often/long enough. Played on the E'ci server from 1998 to 1999. EverQuest 2 I joined Shadow Guard* in 2004 (also known as Obsidian Hand on Lucan D'Lere for a bit.) Shadow Guard played on Lucan D'Lere (later Antonia Bayle after the merge) and Venekor. Once the PvP servers merged, returned to Antonia Bayle and joined up with The Dominion (progression raid guild) and we had Landmark Trailblazers, back when that was a thing. RIP EQ Next. I also had a few characters in Fironia Vie's Champions for roleplay.


    *In classic EQ, Shadow Guard operated on the Sullon/Rallos Zek servers and Erolissi Marr server.

    • 14 posts
    December 26, 2018 8:06 AM PST

    Let's see... I played on Fennin Ro my entire "career". I was awestruck by power guilds on the server like Seekers of Norrath and Dragoons of Asterlazindril. I went without a guild for a long time... up through about level 40. I joined the Guardians of Darkness, a fairly powerful guild. After a schism, we evolved into House of Chop. I was in decent guilds that could clear planes and dragons, but never a true power guild. I had a blast anyway. Wouldn't change a thing.

    • 124 posts
    January 11, 2019 12:49 AM PST

    Oef, now talk about a trip down memory lane . . . started and stayed on the prexus server. As european on an american server this was quite a challenge. during my prime time it was fairly quiet and i was still school going at the time.

    I geuss in somewhat chronological order, as i cannot remember all the guilds i've been in:

    1. Seven Swords (Blackrat, you out there somewhere?)
    2. Dawn Breakers
    3. Birds of Prey
    4. Blood of Prexus
    5. Clan Nan Dreolan
    6. Timeless Destiny
    • 5 posts
    January 17, 2019 8:54 AM PST

    From EQ1

    Druid (and others... but yeah, Druid)

    The Rathe - 1999(?) - 2007

    Ancient Order of Guardians
    Order of Rage 
    Empire of the Forgotten
    Noble Blade

    This post was edited by badassia at January 17, 2019 8:57 AM PST
    • 40 posts
    January 23, 2019 8:40 AM PST

    Started in EQ Beta 1, stayed until level 85. Mithaniel Marr, then Drinal when we were offered the free transfer. The whole guild went.

    Was also a Guide and then Senior Guide for quite some time.

    This post was edited by Malla at January 23, 2019 8:40 AM PST
    • 6 posts
    January 31, 2019 8:37 PM PST

    I started on Rodcet nife. then quellious after the merge and finally povar after that server merge.


    Guilds would have been (well the ones I remember)

    Ordo templi Draconis

    Vis Maior



    Final Empire

    Sentinel Crusaders

    Character is Healerslove (Cleric)

    Currently back to playing on povar


    • 438 posts
    February 1, 2019 5:09 AM PST
    Dang Healerslove, looks like you’re only missing Lotus Cult on the guild list . I love seeing old guilds showing up.
    • 11 posts
    February 1, 2019 8:27 AM PST

    maelfyn said:

    Let's see... I played on Fennin Ro my entire "career". I was awestruck by power guilds on the server like Seekers of Norrath and Dragoons of Asterlazindril. I went without a guild for a long time... up through about level 40. I joined the Guardians of Darkness, a fairly powerful guild. After a schism, we evolved into House of Chop. I was in decent guilds that could clear planes and dragons, but never a true power guild. I had a blast anyway. Wouldn't change a thing.


    Funny I follow your streams on YouTube, keep up the great work.

    • 12 posts
    February 17, 2019 2:02 PM PST

    Started in 1999 on the Quellious server moved to Cazic Server chasing friends at the end of expansion. 


    Artorus Giltanus - Ranger 

    Guilds i was in  - Vis Maor till 2002 ish 

    Moonlight Crusade till 2005 

    Then left the server after RL friends talked me and Mrs to go with them. 



    • 211 posts
    February 25, 2019 7:45 PM PST

    Rodcet Nife. Played from Kunark release till mid 2003. Norrath's Keepers, and then later Carpe Nocturnus (and still in Carpe to this day, though the guild has long since died).

    • 1 posts
    March 28, 2019 2:41 PM PDT

    I played a ranger on Torvonnilous with Thermopylae guild. Tanea, a co worker got me started playing EQ and suggested making a female player, i ended up playing that character for a good 3 years before family life limited my game time to nothing. What a blast that was. Now the kids are grown and I cant wait for this game to get rolling!! Tommorow would be good.

    • 1 posts
    April 2, 2019 4:33 PM PDT

    Played on Xegony server my whole EQ "career".  Had an enchanter, Sienna Crimsonmist, then had a warrior, Unghah Bunghah.  

    Only one guild that I can remember which was Shards of Avalon.  Had alot of good times with both characters.  I'm glad this game is in the works and can't wait to play.