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Are Raids your thing?

    • 211 posts
    December 28, 2018 4:56 PM PST

    Nah. I wasn't interested in raiding when I played EQ in the early 2000s, and I'm not now. My favorite part of the game has always been the 1-Max level journey. If I do any raiding in Pantheon it will have to be an organic situation where my guild is to a point where they'd like to try something, or friends not in my guild ask me to join etc, but I doubt I will seek to raid on my own.

    • 696 posts
    December 31, 2018 8:57 AM PST

    I play MMOs to experience everything the MMO has to offer. So yes, I love raiding, also crafting and leveling.

    • 23 posts
    January 3, 2019 9:38 AM PST

    Yes, I do look forward to raiding.  I just hope that the raid scene in Patheon much better thought out than what EQ did back in the day.  I do not have the time or health to sit for hours waiting for a raid boss to spawn or getting a phone call at 02:00 to login to kill said boss for epic quest drop.  I am very excited for this game, something I have not felt since WoW was annonced back in 2003, but I am concerned how they will handle 'competiton' for raid bosses that could spawn at any moment and be killed before I even knew they were up.  This is my only reservation about Patheon at the moment.

    I will give my opinion on the matter, I would like to see raids instanced to be downed by guild capable of beating them on thier own time and own scheduled.  Not the schedule of other players in the game in a non-instanced encounter.

    This post was edited by sevnptsixtwo at January 3, 2019 10:23 AM PST
    • 431 posts
    January 3, 2019 9:44 AM PST

    I still enjoy raiding , Id go as far as to say 1/3 raiding 1/3 grouping and 1/3 soling .

    • 11 posts
    January 3, 2019 11:57 AM PST
    Regardless of my answer, everyone should expect end game raiding to be similar to what it was in EQ. I loved raiding during my time spent playing EQ. There was no instances, no raid limit like in other MMO's, and a small area with a couple bosses could last hours, depending how many times the raid party wiped, lol. EQ was so hardcore and difficult, everyone had a job. If one person got lazy, the entire party could wipe. I fully expect Pantheon will have end game raiding, and it will be similar to how a structured RPG is created, defeat these end game raids, collect the rarest loot, and basically defeat all the game,,,, for now until new content drops, etc.

    As for me, yes I love raiding and defeating everything the game has to throw at me.
    • 73 posts
    January 4, 2019 12:23 PM PST

    Kilsin said:

    How many of you Fantheons out there are into raiding? #MMORPG #communitymatters

    Twitter Poll for fun:


    I SOOOO enjoyed Raiding in Vanguard....I made a short video of some Raid mobs we had on farm status back 5 years ago, some other area/stuff also. This was just before they shut down Vanguard. If Pantheon is anything like Vanguard, only better?!?, we will gather the gang and be enjoying for years to come.


    ps. if I should not have posted this link...spank me with the flat of your swords sir Kilsin.

    • 15 posts
    January 4, 2019 4:53 PM PST

    Have always thoroughly enjoyed raiding. The part that is important to me is team work and shared experiences. When my gaming friends get together, those shared accomplishments (or more often, lack of successful accomplishments prior to the actual win) are the things most talked and laughed about. The larger the team, the more interesting usually as well (within reason). Our first Fear break helping another guild recover, learning a new zone and raid mechanics, noodling out the flagging, gearing up everyone as much as possible with interim crafting gear. It was all fun and shared effort, work and payoffs.

    I have also enjoyed the now more frequently used public encounters where you just show up and do your thing, no grouping required. The first time I recall the idea was the failed warhammer fantasy MMO but I'm sure it was used before then as well. I'd never want this to be the main source of larger scale content but having it available and very slowly rewarding is a great way to hook people into the idea of larger scaled fights and broad teamwork as well as add strife and conflict to the world.

    • 1281 posts
    January 5, 2019 5:41 PM PST

    Once in a while I may jump into a pickup raid, but no, I don't actively seek raiding or join raiding guilds.

    • 147 posts
    January 14, 2019 7:17 AM PST
    I enjoy raiding.
    A friendly group make it a much more enjoyable experience.

    • 2 posts
    January 14, 2019 11:13 AM PST

    I love Raiding in large numbers. 24 was the last largest number i heard of, sounds pretty good for me.

    • 35 posts
    January 14, 2019 1:09 PM PST

    sevnptsixtwo said:

    Yes, I do look forward to raiding.  I just hope that the raid scene in Patheon much better thought out than what EQ did back in the day.  I do not have the time or health to sit for hours waiting for a raid boss to spawn or getting a phone call at 02:00 to login to kill said boss for epic quest drop.  I am very excited for this game, something I have not felt since WoW was annonced back in 2003, but I am concerned how they will handle 'competiton' for raid bosses that could spawn at any moment and be killed before I even knew they were up.  This is my only reservation about Patheon at the moment.

    I will give my opinion on the matter, I would like to see raids instanced to be downed by guild capable of beating them on thier own time and own scheduled.  Not the schedule of other players in the game in a non-instanced encounter.

    You never played vanguard? This system could work here too and as i know they are thinking about a similiar system (lockout timer).

    • 25 posts
    January 15, 2019 7:29 PM PST

    I plan to approach Pantheon the say way I did EQ1.


    Enjoy leveling up with no expectation of what I'll do later.  

    Maybe join a guild or 2 if I feel like it for fun. 

    Make friends along the way taking notes of what guilds have the coolest members.

    Get excited when I start to get to max level. Maybe doing a pickup raid here or there just to join on the mayhem. 

    If I decide to jump off the deep end and my life permits it, join a top end raiding guild and go full insane-o on end game raiding frenzy! 


    I only quit EQ because so many people left for other games it made it hard to raid the way we liked. I ended up trying other games and in the end, ended up quitting all MMOs because they never had the same kind of community EQ did. That was the main reason I fell in love with the game and MMOs in the first place. 


    I never expected to play another MMO again, till Pantheon that is....

    • 1033 posts
    January 16, 2019 11:53 AM PST

    I did them, I enjoyed the challenge (though I found the only real challenge to be the organizing the large numbers), but I have zero desire to partake in contested raiding. It was the one thing that I greatly disliked about EQ and while I respect that some want to raid contested and Pantheon will provide raiding, I would prefer that it stay focused on group content as it was I remember most fondly in EQ.

    • 103 posts
    January 24, 2019 12:40 PM PST
    Big hell yes to raiding, would like to alot more raids on the way to max lvl as opposed to most raid content being max lvl.
    • 13 posts
    January 24, 2019 1:45 PM PST

    I really enjoyed raiding in pretty much every MMO I've played before. I hope and believe Pantheon will have a very healthy (and not very toxic) raiding scene. That said, I believe my raiding days are likely over and I will only raid if there are raids that are pretty casual and all the others in my guild are interested. For me, what would fit best is probably smaller, shorter raids or smaller raids that you can progress through during multiple sessions.

    But... I'm not sure it's a good idea to design raids for me, it is probably better to build them for the people who intend to raid a lot. I will probably be happy to progeny (progenitize?) over and over again, make tons of alts, manage a guild for newbies and retirees and do tons of group content. Some lower level raids would be cool though C:

    • 1 posts
    February 5, 2019 6:31 PM PST


    • 11 posts
    February 5, 2019 7:41 PM PST

    Absolutely, I miss the competition of open world raiding where you have to compete for the targets.  There is nothing more exilerating than winning a race to an event and overcoming it for the first time.

    • 93 posts
    February 5, 2019 9:36 PM PST

    hell yes

    • 160 posts
    February 6, 2019 8:11 AM PST

    Hell yes. If a game doesn't have raid content, it's not worth playing for me.


    Of course, a guild can have a bad loot system. That doesn't mean that raiding itself is a bad concept. Just move to a guild with a better system.

    A guild can have bad interpersonal relationships, bad leadership, loot policy, whatever. That doesn't mean that raiding in general is not a good idea. Just move on to a better guild.


    I want raid content that will challenge me. Something where people have to work for it, and to be a part of something larger than myself, larger than myself and 2-3 friends.

    Something that proves that you have been there and conquered the place... and conquered yourself in the process, and have some memorable events that will stay with you for a long time.


    You can farm an easy group zone 100 times over... and it will never ever add up to the feeling of 40 (or 60 or 70+) people finally beating that big dragon or god, after putting blood, sweat and tears into it.


    • 99 posts
    February 6, 2019 10:25 AM PST

    Depends on how drunk everyone and I get while playing the game...

    • 1430 posts
    February 6, 2019 10:39 AM PST

    if i need to get a reagent from a raid boss that drops dragon scale so that i can make heat resist potions so that i may voyage into the depths of the volcanoes of kingsreach so that i can get moltenshrooms so that i can be one of the few that can make frost resistance potions so that i be even the fewer to climb the peaks of reignfall and find the mythical airfluff weeds which can then be crafted to allow underwater breathing elixirs just so i can isolate myself in the oceans and pick dark water corals so i can stand in town selling my dark water elixirs that add plus 100 to charisma giving you a bonus to selling your goods at 1000%. i'd go raiding for this.

    • 209 posts
    February 9, 2019 10:26 AM PST

    I'm torn on raiding. I like the challenge of coordinating with other to take down an epic mob, but in my experience playing with that many people usually becomes a social nightmare. I'd generally rather play with a smaller group of friends.

    • 16 posts
    February 9, 2019 8:01 PM PST

    Sure i like raids but i dont live in them.
    To me its like the "Do you like Solo or group PvE" -- Yes! (i like both)

    • 10 posts
    February 9, 2019 10:09 PM PST
    I used to be obsessed with raiding competitively back in the day, but nowadays I have no real interest in it anymore. The main two reasons for my disliking of raiding is that it simply takes up too much time, and that it tends to be the cause for lots of drama.

    If those circumstances change however, then I wouldn't mind doing it every once in a while, but it will never again be any of my main concerns.
    • 75 posts
    February 11, 2019 12:33 PM PST

    It depends on the raid, if the raid is done right then yes i love raiding...if its rince and repeat stuff like wow has become then i'll pass lol.  also if the raid is about more than just Gear than yes ( EG: to get flagged for another zone or for a rare drop ( recipe, crafting matt, epic quest part )Etc then yes all for it.