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Now that the October Newsletter has dropped...

    • 9115 posts
    October 11, 2018 4:08 AM PDT

    Now that the October Newsletter has dropped, tell us what your favourite part was - Harvesting, Lycanthropy, Summoner review or something else? Let us know below! #PRF #MMORPG #MMO #communitymatters

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    • 470 posts
    October 11, 2018 4:39 AM PDT

    Being an avid crafter I'll have to go with harvesting on this one despite the nifty lycanthropy lore. I was kind of hoping for group harvesting to make a comeback but I can live without it. Now we just need that next phase of pre-alpha to start and wrap so we can get alpha underway...hopefully. ;)

    • 1315 posts
    October 11, 2018 4:56 AM PDT

    I am also on #teamHarvesting.  It was encouraging to see scavenging and salvaging as two different skills/functions even if they can produce similar results as one is an adventuring skill and the other is an inventory management skill. 

    I might suggest tying the salvaging loot table of an item to your crafting profession with higher grade materials/items requiring higher crafting levels to successfully harvest more than the very lowest tier of results.  An example would be when salvaging a magical Ice Iron sword a scribe could salvage an enchantment stone or partially learn the recipe to make one, a high level smith can recover a bar of high quality Ice Iron, a low level smith can recover chunks of low quality ice iron, an outfitter can harvest frost wyvern tendon wrapping from the hilt, and a character without a relevant crafting class will recieve chunks of iron, leather cord or magic powder.

    • 724 posts
    October 11, 2018 5:09 AM PDT

    It's always great to learn more about the world's lore, so I really enjoyed reading about the different factions of werewolves! Please bring more of these lore insights!

    The section about the state of harvesting didn't bring much new, but it's still nice to read about the current state of it and your plans for the skills. I have read some concerns already here on the forum regarding scarcity of nodes, so it will be interesting to learn more about how the system is being implemented. I get that you want to introduce "new" features like scavenging, but IMO going with a tried and true approach isn't wrong.

    Lastly, I was intrigued by the section about the summoner, although it left me unsatisfied that you couldn't tell more :) Hope we get to see the class in a stream soon(tm)!

    • 438 posts
    October 11, 2018 5:11 AM PDT
    Didn’t have a particular. The lore was very nice and the harvesting bit was equally enticing. Just more stuff to daydream about while welding at work.
    • 395 posts
    October 11, 2018 5:26 AM PDT

    I'm really digging the Harvesting too!

    But I would very much like to have more racial specific lore drop.

    • 228 posts
    October 11, 2018 6:09 AM PDT

    I always find it a challenge to read and understand the lore sections. Maybe it's because English is not my native tongue, I don't know. Still, I cannot wait to run into one of those doggies with a red eye...

    Other than that, I enjoyed the "Under Wraps" section. Those sections are the ones I look forward to the most each month, but I wish they revealed just a little bit more of what is actually under those wraps. Following the development process is the next best thing to trying the game at this time.

    • 87 posts
    October 11, 2018 6:16 AM PDT

    i kinda liked the class balance talk with how the classes are going to function what abilites/spells are really neded, i can almost picture 14 white boards with massive writings on them with regular meetings to change and modify all the writings. i know that it is so important that everyone feel his class is important att some point but it is nice to see the work behind it =)

    • 13 posts
    October 11, 2018 6:43 AM PDT

    I love the idea of scavaging, if you mixed that with the perception system properly you could have something incredibly special.  Has a non crafter I'm actually really looking forward to this.

    • 646 posts
    October 11, 2018 7:18 AM PDT

    Ditto on the harvesting article being my favorite (though I really enjoyed the story of Lycanthropy, so please pass on my appreciation to the author). Gathering is a time-honored favorite of mine - there's something just so relaxing about wandering around, searching for plants or whatever to click on, and collecting them. It sounds like y'all are going for a pretty standard implementation of it, which is fine by me.

    • 454 posts
    October 11, 2018 8:32 AM PDT

    I’m also most excited about harvesting, as I think crafting will be a really fun part of Terminus.  The Lycanthropy part is interesting and I really want to see how its implimented.  I could see it as a player choice or as an npc.  I really would like a lot more info on the summoner.  

    • 3852 posts
    October 11, 2018 8:34 AM PDT

    I liked the whole newsletter - very good job. So I am picking from among good alternatives here.

    I am often a crafter but my favorite part of many games is the harvesting more than the crafting. Well. I have never said I was sane. So thank you for sharing your current thoughts on how it would work. As we progress though stages of testing it will get more fleshed out and I am sure you will be receptive to suggestions - I am even more sure that you will get many such. Even if group harvesting stays rejected (I understand your reasoning) you can involve others in the process by having special harvesting tools and equipment as in Vanguard which different crafters can make.

    • 793 posts
    October 11, 2018 8:40 AM PDT

    Aqua said:

    i kinda liked the class balance talk with how the classes are going to function what abilites/spells are really neded, i can almost picture 14 white boards with massive writings on them with regular meetings to change and modify all the writings. i know that it is so important that everyone feel his class is important att some point but it is nice to see the work behind it =)

    The white boards was exactly what I was picturing when reading it.


    • 107 posts
    October 11, 2018 1:13 PM PDT
    Learning more Lore almodt always come first for me, but I have to say that learning more about harvesting comes in an extremely close second. I enjoy harvesting a good deal and will do it for numerous reasons. I particularly like the fact that a character is not limited to just one harvest skill. Thank you, Dev Team!
    • 219 posts
    October 11, 2018 3:47 PM PDT

    I'd say harvesting, but most of the harvesting was...kind of what we already knew or suspsected, and a little of what we fear, lol  XD

    The Lycan lore, though, I was enthralled with.  I guess I had been skimming a lot of the lore bits for a while and was pretty busy the last few months so hadn't payed too much attention to newsletters other than stuff like class reveals.  But the other night I loaded up one and read about the Banshee, and then the Giants, and I gotta say I'm hooked.  The Twin Headed God was pretty interesting to read about, as well as the Lycan themselves.  (Future expansion race/class..?)

    • 645 posts
    October 11, 2018 5:25 PM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    Now that the October Newsletter has dropped, tell us what your favourite part was - Harvesting, Lycanthropy, Summoner review or something else? Let us know below! #PRF #MMORPG #MMO #communitymatters


    Actually, there was no Summoner review.  That would have been my favorite part.   The newsletter actually said:

     Earlier this week we finished up another review of the Summoner and its connected pet system. ...

    I know that seems like a big tease without providing the details of that conversation and that’s not my intent. We still need to put pen to paper on that particular discussion before we let it loose


    So they didn't actually give us anything on the Summoner, other than saying "we can'tyet give you anything on the Summoner"





    This post was edited by VR-Mod1 at October 12, 2018 6:36 PM PDT
    • 125 posts
    October 11, 2018 7:40 PM PDT

    I was never really into harvesting before but now my interest is peeked on several levels. I particularly like the scavenging concept. This could play well into the lore as well... something else which never caught my attention in previous mmorpgs. I for one am getting more and more excited about this game on so many more levels than just the endgame... another first for me lol

    This post was edited by Aatu at October 11, 2018 7:51 PM PDT
    • 2419 posts
    October 12, 2018 8:37 AM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    Now that the October Newsletter has dropped, tell us what your favourite part was - Harvesting, Lycanthropy, Summoner review or something else? Let us know below! #PRF #MMORPG #MMO #communitymatter.

    While Crafting/Tradeskills has never been a significant focus of mine, I am encouraged that the harvesting skills are not going to be limited.  If I want to learn all the harvesting skills I'm glad I'll be able to do that.  This at least will provide some impetus for looking more into crafting/tradeskills as I won't be immediately funneled into just one tradeskill path.

    I actually expected werewolves to exist somewhere on Terminus as this is a high-fantasy world.  I just hope that with two 'factions' of Lycans the players can choose which to support.  Each side could have quests or other actions against the other with rewards of items, skills or even spells.  Perhaps even a right-click illusion item.

    • 431 posts
    October 12, 2018 10:29 AM PDT

    fazool said:

    Kilsin said:

    Now that the October Newsletter has dropped, tell us what your favourite part was - Harvesting, Lycanthropy, Summoner review or something else? Let us know below! #PRF #MMORPG #MMO #communitymatters


    Actually, there was no Summoner review.  That would have been my favorite part.   The newsletter actually said:

     Earlier this week we finished up another review of the Summoner and its connected pet system. ...

    I know that seems like a big tease without providing the details of that conversation and that’s not my intent. We still need to put pen to paper on that particular discussion before we let it loose


    So they didn't actually give us anything on the Summoner, other than saying "we can'tyet give you anything on the Summoner"


     I enjoyed Newsletter , agree Kilsin is such a tease :P 

    Looking forward to next stream , hoping to see summoner in action ! 



    This post was edited by VR-Mod1 at October 12, 2018 6:40 PM PDT
    • 752 posts
    October 12, 2018 10:57 AM PDT
    I like the idea of being a scavanger just picking through things randomly and hoping for a treasure. Thats probably going to be my skill i work on.
    • 9115 posts
    October 12, 2018 6:40 PM PDT

    fazool said:

    Kilsin said:

    Now that the October Newsletter has dropped, tell us what your favourite part was - Harvesting, Lycanthropy, Summoner review or something else? Let us know below! #PRF #MMORPG #MMO #communitymatters


    Actually, there was no Summoner review.  That would have been my favorite part.   The newsletter actually said:

     Earlier this week we finished up another review of the Summoner and its connected pet system. ...

    I know that seems like a big tease without providing the details of that conversation and that’s not my intent. We still need to put pen to paper on that particular discussion before we let it loose


    So they didn't actually give us anything on the Summoner, other than saying "we can'tyet give you anything on the Summoner"





    I meant the fact that one is taking place but I have to limit my characters for Twitter and to be easily read, so I was asking if that was one of the things you guys were excited about it being in the works.

    • 801 posts
    October 12, 2018 10:47 PM PDT

    Yes, i am excited to know more about the summoner. I just would like persistent pets, and not keep casting one to fight every 15 seconds. I hope it doesnt go that route personally.

    • 49 posts
    October 13, 2018 4:14 AM PDT
    The most important part of the news letter was that funding goals have been met. It is great to see that they continue to get enough funding to move forward at the pace they appear to want. I put my support in early for the game, but based on the last few news letters and streams, the game is deviating from/not going to have what I was hoping for from the game. I wish the VR team the best of luck moving to the next stage of development.
    • 645 posts
    October 13, 2018 6:26 AM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    I meant the fact that one is taking place but I have to limit my characters for Twitter and to be easily read, so I was asking if that was one of the things you guys were excited about it being in the works.


    but I am *SO* wanting to see it !!!!!!!! (love the summoner!)

    • 294 posts
    October 13, 2018 10:42 AM PDT

    As always, the news is good.

    I especially enjoyed the harvesting  news and talk about adding the scavenging and salvage options.

    *A note about the possible conundrum with group harvesting adding too much mats into the economy: Rather than adding more from the group harvest, add a special harvest item possibility instead. 

    Alone I can harvest jute. With an added harvesting partner or two I gain the chance to gather a rare silver thread from the jute, or silky patch which can only be used to craft fancy city attire and such. Just a thought.