Forums » General Pantheon Discussion


    • 24 posts
    October 10, 2018 1:28 PM PDT

    What are the chances of adding bounties into the game?   Whether it be to have a higher character read a message board and come kill a mob for you but will allow you to loot the mob?   Or on the flip side putting a bounty on a PC who is just being a pain and you want to bring them down a notch?

    I know you could just do these in game without being developed as an add-in, but seeing a bounty over the players head would be kind of cool and to collect said reward on the spot would be nice

    This post was edited by Jaced at October 10, 2018 1:34 PM PDT
    • 3852 posts
    October 11, 2018 8:41 AM PDT

    Words fail to express the level of my disagreement if you are suggesting a means for one player to have another player killed on a pve server. And words do not fail me that often.

    This post was edited by dorotea at October 11, 2018 8:41 AM PDT
    • 2419 posts
    October 12, 2018 8:42 AM PDT

    Jaced said:

    What are the chances of adding bounties into the game?   Whether it be to have a higher character read a message board and come kill a mob for you but will allow you to loot the mob?   Or on the flip side putting a bounty on a PC who is just being a pain and you want to bring them down a notch?

    I know you could just do these in game without being developed as an add-in, but seeing a bounty over the players head would be kind of cool and to collect said reward on the spot would be nice

    I would take the opposite approach, actually, if the intent is to further encourage player interactions.  Have high-level players place bounties on named or other notorious NPCs that they have experienced leveling up.  Low level players then get further encouragement to go into places they might not usually consider or even know exist.

    • 752 posts
    October 12, 2018 10:01 PM PDT
    I am ok with this thought on two levels. No griefing or pvp on pve server. And mentor grouping target specific groups, yes please. No afk farming crap tho. You better show up if you request the kill.
    • 23 posts
    October 13, 2018 6:45 AM PDT
    PvP bounties never work; griefer goes out and griefs noobs, gets large enough bounty, griefer alt/ friend kills griefer and collects bounty, griefer is now effectively being paid to grief by those he is griefing.
    • 1921 posts
    October 13, 2018 8:05 AM PDT

    There have been systems designed that try take into account things like the griefer taking his own bounty with an alt, but they're all imperfect and silly.

    Personally, I like the idea that you can pay an NPC guild to insult, harrass, mug, beat up, and eventually kill another player, under these conditions:  It's entirely for flavor, the target never loses anything, it's obscenely expensive for the one who pays the NPC guild, and it's temporally limited.  But yes, I would love the ability for my friends and enemies to pay street urchins to insult me as I pass by, and/or street thugs to casually push me down into the dirt, or even "beat me up", with the opportunity for me to do the same in return, all in fun.  Harms nothing, trivially easy to implement, and all the animations are already there from combat or normal NPC interactions & dialog.

    Call it "Social Bounties" if you want.

    • 646 posts
    October 13, 2018 9:06 AM PDT

    Vandraad said:I would take the opposite approach, actually, if the intent is to further encourage player interactions.  Have high-level players place bounties on named or other notorious NPCs that they have experienced leveling up.  Low level players then get further encouragement to go into places they might not usually consider or even know exist.

    The OP's idea is a hard Nope for me, but I really like this one! There'd probably need to be some encouragement for the higher level players to place the bounties, or I don't imagine it would get much use, but it sounds fun!

    • 363 posts
    October 13, 2018 10:32 AM PDT

    This idea is riddled with exploits. If you aren't trolling and are serious, sure it may sound like an interesting idea, but people being what they are love to find loopholes and get away with things they know are wrong. If there is a way for it to work keep this on PvP servers. Strong no.

    • 1785 posts
    October 16, 2018 8:40 PM PDT

    I do not agree with the concept of PvP bounties in a PvE game.  Though I would support such on PvP servers.

    However, can I channel this discussion in a different direction?

    What if:

    - Periodically, and randomly, unique monsters spawn in the world.  There might be 2 or 3 per zone that can spawn, though spawns will be set up so that there's never more than 2 or 3 up on a continent at any given time.

    - These monsters are powerful, boss-class encounters, appropriate to the level range and difficulty of wherever they spawn in the zone.  Some may even be raid targets.

    - Some of the monsters hide in their lairs and must be tracked and triggered, or baited out.  Others gather lesser creatures and monsters to themselves, creating additional challenge for would-be bounty hunters.

    - Once a monster is killed, it's guaranteed not to respawn again for several months (although other monsters could spawn).  Spawns would be spread out and randomized so that it would be unlikely, though not impossible, to see more than one monster spawn (per continent) in a week

    - In major NPC cities there exists an NPC who might give cryptic clues as to which monsters happen to be active on his or her continent.

    - When killed, the group (or raid) receiving kill credit gets a trophy item - such as a scale, or claw, or fang, or etc.

    - Players may return their trophies to an NPC on the appropriate continent to receive their reward for defeating the nefarious beast.

    - Rewards include a fair amount of coin, and a special title for having killed that particular monster.  Players who manage to take down several of these targets can gain additional titles, for example a continental title or even a world title.


    My question:  Would *this* sort of a bounty system be a fun addition to the game?  Would it help create additional content and challenge for adventurers looking to distinguish themselves from others?

    This post was edited by Nephele at October 16, 2018 8:41 PM PDT
    • 316 posts
    October 17, 2018 2:18 AM PDT

    vjek said:

    Personally, I like the idea that you can pay an NPC guild to insult, harrass, mug, beat up, and eventually kill another player, under these conditions:  It's entirely for flavor, the target never loses anything, it's obscenely expensive for the one who pays the NPC guild, and it's temporally limited.  But yes, I would love the ability for my friends and enemies to pay street urchins to insult me as I pass by, and/or street thugs to casually push me down into the dirt, or even "beat me up", with the opportunity for me to do the same in return, all in fun.  Harms nothing, trivially easy to implement, and all the animations are already there from combat or normal NPC interactions & dialog.

    Call it "Social Bounties" if you want.

    Cool idea! And great terms to keep it from being abused. Fun stuff!

    • 9115 posts
    October 17, 2018 2:28 AM PDT

    There are some really good idea's floating around in this thread, while I can't promise this is something we will implement, having this kind of info available is helpful, so please feel free to continue building on something like this that you think would suit Pantheon and our tenets.

    • 645 posts
    October 17, 2018 3:24 AM PDT

    vjek said:

    There have been systems designed that try take into account things like the griefer taking his own bounty with an alt, but they're all imperfect and silly.

    Personally, I like the idea that you can pay an NPC guild to insult, harrass, mug, beat up, and eventually kill another player, under these conditions:  It's entirely for flavor, the target never loses anything, it's obscenely expensive for the one who pays the NPC guild, and it's temporally limited.  But yes, I would love the ability for my friends and enemies to pay street urchins to insult me as I pass by, and/or street thugs to casually push me down into the dirt, or even "beat me up", with the opportunity for me to do the same in return, all in fun.  Harms nothing, trivially easy to implement, and all the animations are already there from combat or normal NPC interactions & dialog.

    Call it "Social Bounties" if you want.


    THis is a great idea.  Clever and reasonable and adds to the immersion.  I think this is brilliant.



    • 2138 posts
    October 17, 2018 5:26 AM PDT

    fazool said:

    vjek said:

    There have been systems designed that try take into account things like the griefer taking his own bounty with an alt, but they're all imperfect and silly.

    Personally, I like the idea that you can pay an NPC guild to insult, harrass, mug, beat up, and eventually kill another player, under these conditions:  It's entirely for flavor, the target never loses anything, it's obscenely expensive for the one who pays the NPC guild, and it's temporally limited.  But yes, I would love the ability for my friends and enemies to pay street urchins to insult me as I pass by, and/or street thugs to casually push me down into the dirt, or even "beat me up", with the opportunity for me to do the same in return, all in fun.  Harms nothing, trivially easy to implement, and all the animations are already there from combat or normal NPC interactions & dialog.

    Call it "Social Bounties" if you want.


    THis is a great idea.  Clever and reasonable and adds to the immersion.  I think this is brilliant.



    I think the basic mechanics for this are already in a certain game, at least two pieces that could be combined?

    One is the mechanic that when you are attacking a monster they make you sit/put  in a FD state but you dont know it. From your perspective you heard your death cry, but are unable to cast or move yet you are not charmed but still getting beaten- thats when someone yells STAND! and you click stand and you realize you can fight and cast spells etc.

    The second is the NPC mechanic where they are angrily disposed to you and hunt you out wherever they spawn/roam (some will remember a certain Holly Windstalker having this ability) just because you killed ONE bear in that zone. SO once you entered a zone, if Holly was up, she would make a bee-line to you from wherever she was and kick your butt.

    - This is kind of like what someone described in these forums a while back on NPC disposition embedded in an anti-leashing thread,  specifically on undead or skeletons how it makes sense that if you disturbed them, they would be disposed to haunt you (chase after you) to the end of the zone out (you had to zone out)

    Maybe these two can be combined? like if a bounty is called or paid for, once soandso the ranger walks into a bar (LOADING PLEASE WAIT- haha sry couldn't resist) the NPC's would harass and smack her down where she would have to stand to go about her business, or briefly stunned with stun emote. Also if she leaves the zone and comes back days later those same NPC's who normally hang out in the bar by the docks but are roaming about in their day-to-day would shout insults to her if they saw her AND/OR make a small bee-line to her (limited range in town but clearly going out of their way) to insult her or knock her down. A time limit on the bounty?

    Maybe the NPC's would have to be bought with booze? or maybe a drinking contest to prove you are one of the gang before they accept your bounty. alchohol tolerance check- if you get smached drunk that means you cant hold your liquor and are not one of the gang! and YOU get knocked down and insulted (mechanic if you fail is you essentially call a bounty on yourself- hehe)

    and maybe based on faction. Like I could try to call the bard guild to sing hilarious and insulting songs (brave sir robin ran away..) on my friend, but they wont because my friend has higher faction with the bard guild than I. OR- in the bounty request process- have the Player type/provide the text of the insults. Like the NPC would flash the header with blanks and you have x number of characters to fill in. the header could be "oh, there goes !,  that [%R] (fill in the blank)" so the NPC would say oh! there goes ! that [Ogre] (didn't turn the boss and wiped the raid!)" or ("left our group and said nothing!).

    While we're here, maybe there can be a temple or peacefull sect that can sing praises? and instead of knocking you down could find you and give you a small blessing/buff like a 1min speed buff, or disease boost- and the check would be against begging skill, if your begging was high enough you coudl beg from the sect to bless you or your friends. So walking into the town  you would hear "Oh! there goes !, that [Ogre] (didn't turn the boss and wiped the raid!) from the docks and then.."hey! there's! that[Ogre] ('s cat jumped on the keyboard!) from the priests.

    The only problem I see is the cacaphony of NPC shouts if an entire guild saunters into town from a competing guild, probably worse than EC tunnel spam lol.  

    and of course, begging would be the harder skill to improve muahahahaha. 

    • 696 posts
    October 17, 2018 7:55 AM PDT

    Vandraad said:

    Jaced said:

    I would take the opposite approach, actually, if the intent is to further encourage player interactions.  Have high-level players place bounties on named or other notorious NPCs that they have experienced leveling up.  Low level players then get further encouragement to go into places they might not usually consider or even know exist.

    I like this idea.

    I think it would be cool to put bounties on named bosses, or even npcs you've had a run in with and got killed by (Holly Windstalker in EQ) and want to get them killed.

    I don't know how it would be implemented though. You still run into the problem of placing a bounty and having an alt kill it for the reward. The only way I would think it would be implemented is if you had to put your own money, and or gear you have in your bank, up as a bounty. Like at a bounty bulletin board or something that lasts 2 - 3 days. People can go there and look at what npcs people want killed and then can adventure out to that area, if they are a good level, and try to get a group together to kill it. Of course this will breed compeition, which is good, but you run into the problem of high level players farming bounties and will probably have to ban third person programs that can gather bounty info outside of the bulletin board, which I wouldn't know how you would police.

    I guess for the high level part you could allow players to put a level restriction, so only players as high as lvl 25 or something can do it.

    Anyways, sounds fun over all to me.

    This post was edited by Watemper at October 17, 2018 7:57 AM PDT
    • 470 posts
    October 17, 2018 8:11 AM PDT

    Vandraad said:

    I would take the opposite approach, actually, if the intent is to further encourage player interactions.  Have high-level players place bounties on named or other notorious NPCs that they have experienced leveling up.  Low level players then get further encouragement to go into places they might not usually consider or even know exist.

    How about this: Allow each crafting profession to craft Bounty writs of varying degrees. They then take those to the bounty board for other players to carry out. The item is consumed and the bounty mission is made. Once a player/group completes the bounty, they get rewarded with whatever reward is tied to it and the bounty writ crafter also gets a little something on completition. This could be a little coin, crafting mats bag, gear, ect.

    The detail of the crafting is up for debate here. If you put the extra effort in maybe you could target something specific with the higher rarities.

    • 1921 posts
    October 17, 2018 8:58 AM PDT

    Manouk said: ... and maybe based on faction. Like I could try to call the bard guild to sing hilarious and insulting songs (brave sir robin ran away..) on my friend, but they wont because my friend has higher faction with the bard guild than I. OR- in the bounty request process- have the Player type/provide the text of the insults. Like the NPC would flash the header with blanks and you have x number of characters to fill in. the header could be "oh, there goes !,  that [%R] (fill in the blank)" so the NPC would say oh! there goes ! that [Ogre] (didn't turn the boss and wiped the raid!)" or ("left our group and said nothing!).

    While we're here, maybe there can be a temple or peacefull sect that can sing praises? and instead of knocking you down could find you and give you a small blessing/buff like a 1min speed buff, or disease boost- and the check would be against begging skill, if your begging was high enough you coudl beg from the sect to bless you or your friends. So walking into the town  you would hear "Oh! there goes !, that [Ogre] (didn't turn the boss and wiped the raid!) from the docks and then.."hey! there's! that[Ogre] ('s cat jumped on the keyboard!) from the priests.

    The only problem I see is the cacaphony of NPC shouts if an entire guild saunters into town from a competing guild, probably worse than EC tunnel spam lol.  ...

    It would be easy to limit it so that there wouldn't be a huge temporal overlap, if that was a design goal.  You could say, in this region/area, only allow say 4 social bounties to happen at once, or one of each, sequentially.
    As far as faction, I agree, using NPC guilds as the starting point would be ideal.  So, if you go to the Rogues guild, you can do the insults, but if you go to the healers guild, you can gift buffs.  Similarly, if you gain a lot of faction with an individual NPC, say through the item sacrifice system, you could bribe, encourage, or pay them to do either unique tasks, or many tasks, including what you've outlined.  Perhaps you do a lot of tasks for a friendly bard.. now you can compensate them or bribe them to follow your frenemy while in town singing songs that mock them. 
    Once you've gained enough favor with a guild to pay for their members to perform tasks either for or against your friends and enemies, there are a few options.  You could leave it at money for tasks, or have it consume faction for tasks, so if you want to use your faction this way, you can, but it will cost you in time, at the very least, to recover.  That would be an effective throttle, if tuned appropriately.

    If every NPC in the world has something they want, and those wants can be fulfilled through crafted item sacrifice, or dropped item sacrifice (by giving it to them) you have a great item sink.  In short, it puts meaning behind and purpose to every NPC in the world, if desired.  Part of the reward for sacrifice can be personal, public, group or raid buffs of varying length, depending on the value of the sacrificed item, in addition to faction/favor.

    • 3016 posts
    October 17, 2018 9:06 AM PDT

    Jaced said:

    What are the chances of adding bounties into the game?   Whether it be to have a higher character read a message board and come kill a mob for you but will allow you to loot the mob?   Or on the flip side putting a bounty on a PC who is just being a pain and you want to bring them down a notch?

    I know you could just do these in game without being developed as an add-in, but seeing a bounty over the players head would be kind of cool and to collect said reward on the spot would be nice


    IF..that is implemented it would only be on the Pvp servers. :)    Pvp balancing, and Pve balancing will be separate,  this has already been stated by the VR Devs.   No cross overs.   And human nature being what it is ...bounties on PCs.."could" end up as griefing, bullying, stalking etc.    Hopefully VR won't encourage this..specifically on PVE servers. 



    This post was edited by CanadinaXegony at October 17, 2018 9:11 AM PDT
    • 2138 posts
    October 17, 2018 10:16 AM PDT

    Watemper said:

    Vandraad said:

    Jaced said:

    I would take the opposite approach, actually, if the intent is to further encourage player interactions.  Have high-level players place bounties on named or other notorious NPCs that they have experienced leveling up.  Low level players then get further encouragement to go into places they might not usually consider or even know exist.

    I like this idea.

    I think it would be cool to put bounties on named bosses, or even npcs you've had a run in with and got killed by (Holly Windstalker in EQ) and want to get them killed.

    I don't know how it would be implemented though. You still run into the problem of placing a bounty and having an alt kill it for the reward. The only way I would think it would be implemented is if you had to put your own money, and or gear you have in your bank, up as a bounty. Like at a bounty bulletin board or something that lasts 2 - 3 days. People can go there and look at what npcs people want killed and then can adventure out to that area, if they are a good level, and try to get a group together to kill it. Of course this will breed compeition, which is good, but you run into the problem of high level players farming bounties and will probably have to ban third person programs that can gather bounty info outside of the bulletin board, which I wouldn't know how you would police.

    I guess for the high level part you could allow players to put a level restriction, so only players as high as lvl 25 or something can do it.

    Anyways, sounds fun over all to me.

    This would be great,- and be an in-game tool to aid/allow players to make their own quests.

    Older players could put a nice piece(s) of armor/weapons/spells or coin as the bounty, and call a bounty to a level range to slay such monster to get bounty. Higher end guilds could also use this as a kind of player tracker/scouting tool. Like a level 9 boss in a newbie dungeon, guild places nice pieces of armor for a level 7-10- or nice piece of graduating armor(that increases as you level skill) to slay that level 9 boss. If they claim the bounty the bounty giver gets a notice who achieved it. if the bounty is not claimed in a certain number of days the giver has to reclaim his bouny reward and start another. Plus- its level specific, so a group of level 5's cound try it and fail, but if they leveled up they could get the bounty again and try and win. But if they are level 8 they cannot claim the bounty- this would make ding-ing to level 8 while in the bounty awkward. Highly competative guilds could use this as a guideline for applicants as to minimum number of bounties claimed to apply or whatever to asses playerability. Obviously with some flexibility. The guild could even encourage their own members with bounties, maybe those that cant make raids but can group to get some nice group/multi-group stuff.

    • 363 posts
    October 17, 2018 10:43 AM PDT

    vjek said:

    Personally, I like the idea that you can pay an NPC guild to insult, harrass, mug, beat up, and eventually kill another player, under these conditions:  It's entirely for flavor, the target never loses anything, it's obscenely expensive for the one who pays the NPC guild, and it's temporally limited.  But yes, I would love the ability for my friends and enemies to pay street urchins to insult me as I pass by, and/or street thugs to casually push me down into the dirt, or even "beat me up", with the opportunity for me to do the same in return, all in fun.  Harms nothing, trivially easy to implement, and all the animations are already there from combat or normal NPC interactions & dialog.

    Fun idea. I would also add having NPC's throw tomatoes and various foods at the person as they entered any town. I specially like the idea of beating them up. Paying NPC to drag them into an alley and pummeling them to 25% health. 


    • 168 posts
    February 10, 2019 8:49 AM PST

    vjek said:

    There have been systems designed that try take into account things like the griefer taking his own bounty with an alt, but they're all imperfect and silly.

    Personally, I like the idea that you can pay an NPC guild to insult, harrass, mug, beat up, and eventually kill another player, under these conditions:  It's entirely for flavor, the target never loses anything, it's obscenely expensive for the one who pays the NPC guild, and it's temporally limited.  But yes, I would love the ability for my friends and enemies to pay street urchins to insult me as I pass by, and/or street thugs to casually push me down into the dirt, or even "beat me up", with the opportunity for me to do the same in return, all in fun.  Harms nothing, trivially easy to implement, and all the animations are already there from combat or normal NPC interactions & dialog.

    Call it "Social Bounties" if you want.

    I am all for this idea.  As you had mentioned though "insult, harrass, mug, beat up, and eventually kill".  These all sound like tiers of service to me!  

    Tier 1 - 1 gold (10 instances) - Hiring the locals of a town to dislike, avoid, and talk negatively amoung each other about a certain PC on your Enemy List (opposite of friends list?)
    Tier 2 - 1 plat (10 instances) - Hiring the locals to throw rotten food and yell at PC on your Enemy List
    Tier 3 - 10 plat (1 instance) - Hiring a local gang to "beat up" a PC on your Enemy List (they get jumped and summoned to a random alley in town and are in an FD state while gang beats them down to 25% health)
    Tier 4 - 100 plat (1 instance) - Hiring a local gang to "mug" a PC on your Enemy List (they get "beat up" and have one item at random stolen for 1 played hour where it then shows up in their mailbox when the gang found out who you really were)
    Tier 5 - 1000 plat (10 played hours) - Convince the local guards that target PC on your Enemy List is evil (If they are in agro range of a guard they are expelled from the town)
    Tier 6 - 10000 plat (1 instance) - Hire an assassins guild to track down and kill target player on your Enemy List (to avoid grief would have to restrict this to open areas without a lot of KOS mobs, because assassins like killing you when you are all alone.  Player also has the chance to defeat the assassin if they can, but dont worry, more will come... a contract is a contract)

    This post was edited by Kargen at February 10, 2019 8:56 AM PST