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Community Debate - Who should pull mobs for the group?

    • 57 posts
    August 6, 2018 11:07 AM PDT

    In a highly producing exp group, the tank and healer should always be fully engaged and occupied.  Any of the other 4 group members who have the ability and skill should be the ones pulling and stacking up mobs to be next in the meat grinder... err que.  :)

  • August 6, 2018 11:28 AM PDT

    Is there a reason that we can't have dedicated pullers?  Why does it have to take a concerted effort on every pull?  Is there a reason that we can't have pulls that require different approaches?  I would prefer some that require lulls(undead lull), some require or work better with monks, some you can't pull or CC at all, all with different difficulties with maintaining said control.  EQ1 had this perfect in my opinion.  Not to mention that it all should scale with the level of player and the level of the NPCs.  Make some NPCs that can't be lulled, make some groups that can't be pulled single, some partially, some easily.  NPCs can have skills and abilities too that make them immune and or highly resistant to CC or single pulls.

    • 24 posts
    August 6, 2018 11:38 AM PDT

    So for non-raid targets it depends on the level of the mobs being pulled. There are a few I think should not pull.  

    I personally like seeing pullers in this order Monks>Bards>Rangers>Druid>Paladin>SK>Enchanter>Necro>Rogue>Cleric>Shaman>Wizard>Mages>Warrior

    I do agree that monks are too OP as pullers and should be more situational.  If rangers can't harmony in dungeons and pull effectivelly, maybe FD doesnt work outside dungeons? 

    This post was edited by Jaced at August 6, 2018 11:39 AM PDT
    • 1860 posts
    August 6, 2018 11:39 AM PDT
    Whoever can single pull should be the puller when facing difficult content.

    There has been a shift over the last decade or more where the main tank has become the standard puller. That is not the best option when mobs are difficult. If possible, single pulling should always be the first option...whether it is from a monk or enchanter or rogue or tank or whoever.

    Granted you can probably get away with having whoever pull in groups with mediocre challenge like we have seen in the streams...but when you get to challenging content it is often single pull or death.
    • 578 posts
    August 6, 2018 11:45 AM PDT

    I don't think there should be one class that is the end-all class for pulling/splitting. Just like there is no end-all class for tanking nor healing. Pulling/splitting is obviously a thing since having the tank face pull entire groups the entire time should prove quite difficult quite often.

    Certain skills lend to pulling more effectively and the classes with more of these skills tend to be the more effective pullers but that doesn't mean they should be the only classes that can pull. Traditionally, in the games that most inspire PRF, the monk and bard have been at the top of the food chain because they carry an assortment of aggro drops, lulls, roots, mezzes, charms, run speed, low aggro ranged attacks, etc. 

    But pulling shouldn't just be about the monk or bard especially if you have troubles finding one to group with. There should be a number of other classes who can pull well but may not be your first choice for certain situations such as chain pulling. 

    THEN, there should be classes who do NOT pull well but maybe have a very basic pulling/splitting skill set, or none at all, who can combine with other classes with basic to no pulling skill sets and in tandem be able to function well as a pulling unit.

    Just my 2 coppers...cheers!

    • 752 posts
    August 6, 2018 12:09 PM PDT

    I am in the any class can pull group. As long as there is a good group setup it really doesnt matter. There are situational exceptions, but in general any class can pull. 

    • 153 posts
    August 6, 2018 12:18 PM PDT

    I have always been a fan of having a class or 2 capable of pulling, this has made things interesting since I can remember, Then again it really depends on the encounter style the devs have in mind, Do you guys want us trying to keep a maximum experience flow while grouping? Granted no matter how you build it we the players will exploit anyway we can find to do so anyways, but to what extreme? That being said, I dont think that a tank will or should ever have time to even think about making a pull, so having a puller is nice, outdoors rangers/enchanters/clerics/monks/bards could pull in eq, where in doors half of those classes could, being that ive played a few pulling capable classes, from my experience the enchanter was always busy maintaining mezz/cc, the tanks were always busy tanking, the other dps were always busy killing stuff, its just the algorythm for maximum experience, so i think all in all yeah we do need pullers, but i think the pullers should be the ones you guys deem the ones to do it.

    • 23 posts
    August 6, 2018 12:29 PM PDT
    There should be a pulling role assigned to a class. We assign tank, healer, dps (caster/melee) and cc why not puller? People are worried about a pulling class because there won’t be one available? You’re kidding right. That is like not having cc tank healer available. Dps classes are the norm. The other three are more niche because they are higher stress jobs, keeping up Aggro, being well geared, taunting, and timing gcds for tank. Healer has to watch health of tank from spike dmg, keep group free of kos poisons and diseases and aoe dmg. Ccr often slowing and mezzing. Very niche. Bard is a perfect class to make a pulling class because they can’t do anything niche and their dps doesn’t match a monk or rogue. I know the bard will be in the game. Tanks as puller. Might as well gimp the group because you’re constantly having to Rez the tank. At least when there was a bard, if the bard died the group could continue pulling because most classes had abilities that allowed them to pull. Tank pull tank die tank wipe. Good grief. I for one would love to see an MMORPG that makes a new role and establishes itself and sets itself apart from others by creating more roles. People will play classes because they want to always have a group, tank, healer, and ccer, or they will play dpser because they don’t worry about that but to worry that one class will receive preferential selection is ridiculous because it already happens lol!
    • 19 posts
    August 6, 2018 12:45 PM PDT

    Queue the ranger!  If he dies /shrug.  If he lives?  Another day to challenge death.

    • 153 posts
    August 6, 2018 12:58 PM PDT

    KrasnayaSolnza said: There should be a pulling role assigned to a class. We assign tank, healer, dps (caster/melee) and cc why not puller? People are worried about a pulling class because there won’t be one available? You’re kidding right. That is like not having cc tank healer available. Dps classes are the norm. The other three are more niche because they are higher stress jobs, keeping up Aggro, being well geared, taunting, and timing gcds for tank. Healer has to watch health of tank from spike dmg, keep group free of kos poisons and diseases and aoe dmg. Ccr often slowing and mezzing. Very niche. Bard is a perfect class to make a pulling class because they can’t do anything niche and their dps doesn’t match a monk or rogue. I know the bard will be in the game. Tanks as puller. Might as well gimp the group because you’re constantly having to Rez the tank. At least when there was a bard, if the bard died the group could continue pulling because most classes had abilities that allowed them to pull. Tank pull tank die tank wipe. Good grief. I for one would love to see an MMORPG that makes a new role and establishes itself and sets itself apart from others by creating more roles. People will play classes because they want to always have a group, tank, healer, and ccer, or they will play dpser because they don’t worry about that but to worry that one class will receive preferential selection is ridiculous because it already happens lol!

    This is so true, balance ruins games, roles make it flourish!

    • 2138 posts
    August 6, 2018 2:20 PM PDT

    I think there wil be some classes better at splitting than others, because anyone can pull a train. However I want the fight to be so hard the puller cannot just leave the fight when the monster is at 20pct health to pull the next target, maybe at 10 or 5pct or almost dead.

    On the other hand Monster placement could be such that in some situations the group will need to charge in and then get the area or room under control, especially if the monsters have nice large aggro ranges if it cannot be pulled or split.




    • 2756 posts
    August 6, 2018 2:45 PM PDT

    Manouk said:

    I think there wil be some classes better at splitting than others, because anyone can pull a train. However I want the fight to be so hard the puller cannot just leave the fight when the monster is at 20pct health to pull the next target, maybe at 10 or 5pct or almost dead.

    On the other hand Monster placement could be such that in some situations the group will need to charge in and then get the area or room under control, especially if the monsters have nice large aggro ranges if it cannot be pulled or split.

    The kind of consta-pulling groups that sometimes happened in EQ were A) quite quickly exhausting and not really fun (especially for the puller) and B) not really in-keeping with the desire for social downtime that they have for Pantheon (thankfully).

    I too would be quite happy if it weren't possible to constantly have 'incoming' monsters.  That way leads to the game becoming a chore, but also 'the norm' because there would always be a couple of folks in the group pushing for more more more XP.

    I've spoken of this before and I'm glad VR seem aware of the issue.  The pressure to consta-pull, the pressure to be ultra-mana efficient, the pressure to get DPS to 0.0001% from maximum theoretical, pressure, pressure, pressure.

    I know there are competitive players that will be desperate to race to end-game and compare their stats, but I sincerely hope that mechanics, like pulling, will be tailored to de-emphasise any perceived 'need' for ultra-performance.

    • 752 posts
    August 6, 2018 2:52 PM PDT

    I solo'd alot in my days of playing and no matter the class i ended up pulling, obviously, so i just got good at pulling. Sometimes i would 2box a slightly higher level char just to get level pulls and other times i would bring up a caster to Lull or snare/root/mez. And when i played monk there were times it was best for the tank to pull so he could keep aggro, or if we were dungeon crawling it was just easier for him to rush in and set up. When i played rogue i pulled all the time just because i was good at it. So when it comes down to it, let whomever "wants" to pull do the job. Unless they suck at it /shrug

    • 107 posts
    August 6, 2018 3:14 PM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    Community Debate - Who should pull mobs for the group if there is no dedicated pulling class - Crowd Control, DPS with aggro drop ability (Smoke bomb, FD etc.), the main tank or another option? #PRF #MMORPG #MMO #communitymatters

    As the bridge between VR and the community, I expect you draw a fair (perhaps even an unfair!) amount of aggro.

    So obviously, rogues. =)


    Seriously though, most of these answers are based on classes from other games. I expect there will be nuanced differences based on what I have heard Thus the class that should pull or split is irrelevant if they haven't the skills. I really hope there is not a dedicated class for pulling. I really hope that several classes have skills which could be used to pull in the ways listed above. Maybe you get into a situation where because of cooldowns or other considerations, caster with cc pulls group 1, rogue with aggro dump pulls the next group, cleric with a pacify ability splits the 3rd group...

    Even without cooldowns as a considerations, I like having some flexibility. Just like there are usually multiple tank and healing and dps classes, having multiple pulling classes and multiple quicker speed classes* etc. gives needed group flexibility in a takes forever to go anywhere type game.

    (*Tangent: example rangers/druids give + run speed buff, sorcs have a group reduce gravity less weight = less effort buff, clerics have an endurance buff allowing for longer running times - but none stack, or stack with diminished results.) P.S. Yes, I fall into using class names after my opening sentence, but I surely have an excellent reason. 

    This post was edited by alephen at August 6, 2018 3:16 PM PDT
    • 752 posts
    August 6, 2018 4:30 PM PDT
    I like to see team pulls. Maybe not so much teams of monks, but using a monk to test mobs, than using Abilities to split like a snare or root or mez. I think a DL with his aggro and than slow/root on a single target could facilitate someone peeling off an add while he kites for a bit.
    • 1020 posts
    August 6, 2018 4:43 PM PDT

    vjek said:

    I've said it before, and I'll say it again, FD as demonstrated so far is a toxic social tool, can be used to trivially bypass content, is superior to sneak, hide, mez, lull, invis, all of that and removes the need for CC classes entirely.  Why you're continuing to push it as is, I'll never know.

    I could not AGREE with this more!!  It's easy for us inside the community to say it won't happen.  We'll police it, but the issue is this community is small, when the game releases to 200k people and the 2000 of us here aren't going to be enough to discourage or blacklist people who aren't playing the game "the right way".

    I've seen this theroy mentioned many times, but this game is going to be more than the few thousand, even the 10,000 of us who watch the streams and know what we want in the community, but it's not going to work.  Systems have to be in place and introducing a system like FD is just as vjek says, it's toxic.

    This post was edited by Kittik at August 6, 2018 4:44 PM PDT
    • 431 posts
    August 6, 2018 4:51 PM PDT

    Whoever the hell wants to pull lmao .. /:):):) Honestly im used to monks pulling but hey who ever wants too :)

    • 438 posts
    August 6, 2018 4:54 PM PDT
    I’m not sure I understand. If this was a game where soloing is huge and you can hit max lvl by yourself then yea I guess FD would be an issue in bypassing content. But other than that, how is it a problem? By the way I do not play a monk, never cared to play one, still don’t want to play one. That said, an ability like FD makes things easy sure. But isn’t game breaking. And good lord I hope the grieving crap isn’t brought up again.
    • 1714 posts
    August 6, 2018 4:56 PM PDT

    Again, I don't understand the point of these posts. Are we being led to believe that there will be no "pulling" class, or that it will be more spread out between classes than it was at times in EQ? What's the connection to this game?


    I'll say this. If pulling isn't going to be much of a thing, and if people want FD nerfed or removed, then they may as well scrap the monk class entirely. At least call it something else so it doesn't evoke comparisons to the EQ monk. 

    This post was edited by Keno Monster at August 6, 2018 4:58 PM PDT
    • 134 posts
    August 6, 2018 4:59 PM PDT

    Whoever knows the map the best and can run the fastest and efficiently.


    Tanks, Monks, Bards, Rangers are ideal.

    • 249 posts
    August 6, 2018 5:28 PM PDT

    Main tank should never pull. Puller should be going to get the next mob as the current mob is nearing death from the rest of the group. Who the puller should be should be situational. ...outdoors...ranger. in eq they had harmony which was money for splitting mobs. Indoors/tight spaces monks and feign death should pull. Mez pulling can also be done...not very Mana efficient. Can be dangerous with resist mobs.

    This post was edited by Ashvaild at August 6, 2018 5:35 PM PDT
    • 1120 posts
    August 6, 2018 6:32 PM PDT

    disposalist said:

    The kind of consta-pulling groups that sometimes happened in EQ were A) quite quickly exhausting and not really fun (especially for the puller) and B) not really in-keeping with the desire for social downtime that they have for Pantheon (thankfully)..

    I firmly disagree. It was so exciting as a puller trying to time your pulls perfectly... bringing the 2nd mob in right as the first is turning to walk away so the tank can immediately pick it up.

    Some of the MOST FUN I ever had in eq was when I was 6 boxing and trying to be as efficient as possible.  Pulling constant mobs trying to get that 1 extra spawn.

    And eq was ridiculously slow.  Even when me and a friend would 3 box each, and we would still have conversations via text.

    • 612 posts
    August 6, 2018 8:57 PM PDT

    Kilsin says: Who should pull mobs for the group if there is no dedicated pulling class - Crowd Control, DPS with aggro drop ability (Smoke bomb, FD etc.), the main tank or another option?

    This is a trick question... you basically said: who should pull if there is no dedicated pulling class and then listed "DPS with aggro drop ability" which basically means they are designed to be a pulling class.

    What will you ask next?

    Who should tank if there is no Tank class... a player with heals or a player with a taunt ability and high health and armor?

    Who should DPS if there is no DPS class... a player with high defense or a player with high damage abilities?

    You can't include the exclusion in your options.

    • 23 posts
    August 6, 2018 9:47 PM PDT
    To those that are complaining about high traffic pulling teams. As a puller in EQ, my pull speed was dictated by the group, the leader, or the healer not me. I was free to come and go based on my needs and free to go elsewhere based on theirs. Some groups will want to be high exp groups others may want to be social groups. The point made by myself and others isn’t the pace and intensity of pulls - merely that a dedicated role exist and be shared by other classes the same way the warrior is the main tank and the dire lord and paladin as hybrids are peddled as tanks but not a pure tank like the warrior. So take a chill pill, loosen up on the feign death fading memories ruins games rhetoric and recognize that most of you got to top level in groups where someone used those abilities or raided with those who used those abilities and the sky didn’t fall chicken littles. It would be nice for a change for the horizon of the quaternary to be challenged by MAYBE creating another role that will compliment and facilitate more tactics in what appears to be an attention oriented game.
    • 2756 posts
    August 7, 2018 1:39 AM PDT

    Porygon said:

    disposalist said:

    The kind of consta-pulling groups that sometimes happened in EQ were A) quite quickly exhausting and not really fun (especially for the puller) and B) not really in-keeping with the desire for social downtime that they have for Pantheon (thankfully)..

    I firmly disagree. It was so exciting as a puller trying to time your pulls perfectly... bringing the 2nd mob in right as the first is turning to walk away so the tank can immediately pick it up.

    Some of the MOST FUN I ever had in eq was when I was 6 boxing and trying to be as efficient as possible.  Pulling constant mobs trying to get that 1 extra spawn.

    And eq was ridiculously slow.  Even when me and a friend would 3 box each, and we would still have conversations via text.

    Cool story, but I'm pretty sure VR shouldn't pace Pantheon for people who find duo 3-boxing slow.  No offense intended, but I'd rather encounters were tough and involving enough that 2-boxing is too difficult and that downtime is a necessity.