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Scenario - What do you do?

    • 1281 posts
    July 5, 2018 8:05 PM PDT

    azaya said:

    Kalok said:

    How did I get some pllace, where I could be trained, by myself that I couldn't get back to?  

    You got ported into an alter plane (Plane of Hate anyone?), which requires another player to do the port.

    You fell asleep during the raid and didn't wake up until everyone was gone, when you hear a zombie gnawing on your bones. 

    Now your naked and need help to break into the zone, drag corpse, get rez and ported back out before repops :P


    lol Good times.

    This actually happend to me once :P


    Sounds like a Friday night I had in Biloxi when I was in the military.....ROFL


    • 690 posts
    July 6, 2018 8:18 AM PDT

    As someone who plans on soloing/duoing for half or more of his time I can't imagine myself picking a class/race that "can't get back to the corpse". 

    But, to humor you, I would send in a report about the trainer in case he is a griefer (I can't get into the zone apparantly so there's no way I could check that myself).

    Then, I would employ my social prowess to offer large amounts of platinum to rogues/necros/ etc who could get me my corpse, or mages/druids/bards/high levels/etc who could get me to my corpse, or druid/shaman/clerics who could transform me into my corpse, depending on what's possible and available. Naturally, if a guildie is close by and seems bored ill ask for help, but I fully understand that my casual guild may or may not be able to help faster then a nearby high level cleric. 

    I'll have platinum because many good games have a few ways to level. One of them is the wealthy path, which doesnt necessarily provide as much experience or immersion (it may involve camping difficult mobs with high value drops, or sitting next to the AH all day). I'll follow that path, and probably level my crafting asap too...It's just what I enjoy.

    This post was edited by BeaverBiscuit at July 6, 2018 8:24 AM PDT
    • 321 posts
    July 6, 2018 9:10 AM PDT


    first I would look in the zone for a rez.If none were available I wouldhead back to the zone,

     I would try my best to get my corpse back alone. Seeing that i got there alone I should be able to get there again.

    If I didn't get there on my own I would try to enlist the person/or group that got me there.

    I would also write down the name of the trainer for future reference.

    Trains are a fact of life in these games but continually causing the is a bit much. 

    a macro staing the train is coming is a great tool to have ready

    lastly I would hope not to lose a level in this untimely death butif I did I would probably scream a lot to myself.

    • 239 posts
    July 6, 2018 10:21 AM PDT
    I'm sorry, but I dont know what Kilsin is doing here with these bad situations you might find yourself in the game. I mean they are all very likely, so I assume just getting some real reacations from players. I just wish people would give REAL reactions.
    No one here will just shrug it off, or learn to live with it. No one will just shrug anf say " oh well, thats the game " these are frustrating deals and most people would be outraged, but ultimately move on.
    But you just lost your corpse...maybe a few hours of game play time. Not to mention guildy or friends time if they can. This is a part of the games we do miss, but be honest we did not enjoy them when they happened.
    • 12 posts
    July 6, 2018 10:30 AM PDT


             Make all mobs summon and give Clerics FD.   Then it's much easier to train a group and rezz for Plat.   Am I the only one who thinks like this?  You know how many people would play a cleric... I should be a Dev.

    Anyway ... back to playing EQ1.




    • 1785 posts
    July 6, 2018 11:21 AM PDT

    In response to the scenario:

    1) Look for friends/guildmates to help me with CR (or even nice folks in/near the zone I'm in).

    2) Employ secondary forms of CR (graveyard, etc) with the understanding that I won't get the exp back that I would with a player resurrection.

    Though, realistically - I wouldn't be deep into a dungeon to the point where I couldn't CR if I didn't have a backup plan for handling a wipe ready to go :)

    • 1404 posts
    July 6, 2018 12:44 PM PDT

    SoWplz said: I'm sorry, but I dont know what Kilsin is doing here with these bad situations you might find yourself in the game. I mean they are all very likely, so I assume just getting some real reacations from players. I just wish people would give REAL reactions. No one here will just shrug it off, or learn to live with it. No one will just shrug anf say " oh well, thats the game " these are frustrating deals and most people would be outraged, but ultimately move on. But you just lost your corpse...maybe a few hours of game play time. Not to mention guildy or friends time if they can. This is a part of the games we do miss, but be honest we did not enjoy them when they happened.

    You're wrong.

    But now let me take a guess...

    In golf if you slice one into the bunker you break that club over a tree.

    Ultimately it's a GAME, don't sweat the small stuff dude!

    • 2138 posts
    July 6, 2018 3:07 PM PDT

    That would be an "accidental" train to me. No sense in getting upset, maybe the person does not speak the language and was just scared.

    But that thought would come after me asking in general or asking friends I know if  they might be heading down that way sometime. Even worth hanging around in chat and asking every so often for help - because I NEED my stuff!! :(  -

    While I dork around the city, maybe being a guide to newbies or strangers that don't know where things are and taking advantage of every moment to share my plight and hope I can get my stuff before the timer poofs.  But also during this time I will try to convince myself that I can get replacement armors and stuff even if its lower tier or crafted- much of which will probably be shared by friends to hold me over until I can get better stuff but at least will protect me a bit and start working on making or questing replacement armors/weapons. That way if I get my corpse, great! then my only issue is inventory space problems. But if I dont, then I am wall on my way to getting back in the swing of things.

    And then I would realize it was Kilsins' rogue that did the training and instead I would brag about being trained by a DEV and not care at all about losing my armor and just get new stuff- lol.


    This post was edited by Manouk at July 6, 2018 3:09 PM PDT
    • 54 posts
    July 6, 2018 5:46 PM PDT

    Friends.  It's a social game, so call on friends.  That is part of the game, helping friends and getting help from friends throughout your journey.  It's the friendships and shared hardships that make an MMO great.  Adversity must exist for these things to take place, otherwise we don't really have to rely on each other.  Reliance creates strong bonds and builds the memories we cherish.

    It may even be a stranger you meet while recovering that corpse, who becomes your boon companion in future adventures.

    • 1479 posts
    July 6, 2018 6:00 PM PDT

    I'd tell the guy first if he didn't log off. The idea beeing to make him feel culprit and willing to help me in return, it might work, or not, depending of his reasons to train.

    If it doesn't work, well, that's time to get some friends working for me !

    • 1281 posts
    July 6, 2018 6:47 PM PDT

    SoWplz said: I'm sorry, but I dont know what Kilsin is doing here with these bad situations you might find yourself in the game. I mean they are all very likely, so I assume just getting some real reacations from players. I just wish people would give REAL reactions. No one here will just shrug it off, or learn to live with it. No one will just shrug anf say " oh well, thats the game " these are frustrating deals and most people would be outraged, but ultimately move on. But you just lost your corpse...maybe a few hours of game play time. Not to mention guildy or friends time if they can. This is a part of the games we do miss, but be honest we did not enjoy them when they happened.


    Speak for yourself.  Not everyone spazzes out when they die.

    • 73 posts
    July 6, 2018 7:05 PM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    Scenario: A random stranger runs straight past you and essentially trains you, they don't warn you or say sorry and then they leave the zone. You don't have any way to get back to your corpse - What do you do? #PRF #MMORPG #MMO #communitymatters


    I pretty much always have one of my two cats sleeping in my lap constantly. It's taught me to never overreact. Otherwise I would break the cardinal rule of pet ownership: NEVER wake a sleeping pet that is using you as a pillow.


    So my answer to the scenario is "Quietly complain to myself and dream of the moment when I will be able to readjust my numb legs"

    • 189 posts
    July 7, 2018 5:56 AM PDT

    See if the guy would be willing to help me get it back. If he's a general "toxic" player, put him on my hit list. 

    Anytime I see him, I will do everything in my power to make sure he has a hard time retrieving his corpse too. All while politely asking him to apologize for training me the one day.


    That or if the community is mostly as awesome as they have been in the forums, I would ask the community for help and see if they know what this guys deal is. If it's his thing, hopefully the community will agree to not invite him to anything, and he'll be stuck playing the game by himself until he reflects on his poor behavior. :)

    • 147 posts
    July 7, 2018 7:41 AM PDT

    Ask the player if they could assist me in the corpse recovery. Wouldnt really bother me if they helped or not if it was a one time thing.

    Now if they had a track record for being a scrub, post on the server message board in the "Rants & Flames" and move on.

    • 120 posts
    July 7, 2018 8:35 AM PDT

    This is such an interesting question for me because I never played EQ, so training is a new concept to me. Some of the earlier MMOs I played had an emphasis on community, but nothing lately, so it's kind of difficult for me to get in the right mindset for this question.

    I think the best answer is that I would of course, ask my awesome guild to help me out with retrieving my corpse. Knowing them, they'd give me crap the whole way down, but by the end of the adventure, it would be one of those memories that would probably stick with us for a long time.

    "Hey Temmi, remember last year when I was just about to head to bed and you begged us to help you get your corpse back and then AJ fell down that tunnel and we had to go rescue him, and then Khisera kept trolling us and Saffy kept overpulling way too hard? Pretty sure you still owe us all pizza from that."

    • 261 posts
    July 7, 2018 6:20 PM PDT

    Hope that after x amount of days the unrecovered corpse would appear in a place I can get to where I can't get any xp back for rez's but at least a way to get my gear back.

    If not spend the time to shout asking for help or to follow a group going the same way to get it.

    • 200 posts
    July 8, 2018 6:01 AM PDT
    I was immediately reminded of Karnor’s Castle haha. The funniest moments were when there was a train to both sides of the zone in, you’d get hit into Loading please wait, rinse repeat on the other side, rinse repeat on the original side etc. With usually a lot of loading screens, slowly seeing your health drop with no chance to do anything about it and death as a result. Getting to your corpse and then getting it safely rezzed was a challenge at those moments!

    But yeah... if I noticed the name of the person doing the training I’d probably send m a friendly tell to suggest a proper train macro. And then bug friends/guildies to come save me which would most likely be no issue as I’m happy to help them too.
    • 294 posts
    July 8, 2018 9:40 AM PDT

    After my initial responce of saying "Oh Crap" to myself, and then cracking open another ice-cold homebrew. I;d attempt to pick up the pieces if possible, perhaps call a guildmate to help.

    • 612 posts
    July 8, 2018 1:53 PM PDT

    Kilsin said: For clarification: Not being able to get your corpse back just means to try and get it back solo for most classes would be near impossible without more deaths (I wanted to encourage social engagement/thinking to resolve the issue).

    I'm glad you added this clarification because it changes entirely how I would answer your question.

    If a corpse was truely unrecoverable then this would almost be the same as playing in Hardcore mode where "if you die you start over with a new character". I was wondering if VR was planning to include some content that truely was this dangerous, where once you died there is no way to recover your gear, so the risks were just that high and so only the bravest and best players would ever even try it. It reminded me of the Ultima Online days where all your gear was lootable by anyone who came along. So any time you died you had to go get new stuff. So people used to keep all sorts of extra gear in their houses so that they could get back out there. Half the time the really great gear wouldn't even get used most of the time because you never wanted to lose it.

    Since you clarified. I would say that the most important challenge in a game like this is making sure to make lots of great friends and contacts even outside your guild who you can call on to help you in this kind of situation. I think if I found myself playing an MMO where I wasn't making friends to hang out with and get help from when needed, I would probably end up not playing for very long. Which is why I found WoW starting to be less and less appealing. In the beginning we all made friends and had to reach out to make groups and do dungeons. But as my friends moved on to other things/games and I had to try and find new friends and new guild it was very difficult because everyone just did the 'dungeon finder' to make groups and it wasn't important anymore to add people to your friends lists so you could group up with them again. And then they did cross server dungeon finder and it was even less likely people would keep tabs on each other and group up again.

    This is one reason I'm so excited for Pantheon because it brings back that "You need Friends" gameplay, or as Zelda taught us... "It's dangerous to go Alone!"

    As for the training part of your question... The way you explained it there was no indication that it was intentional and if the guy truely just took off out of the zone I'd assume he wasn't targetting me specifically and it was just bad luck. I would probably grumble about it and then forget it.

    • 947 posts
    July 8, 2018 9:45 PM PDT

    azaya said:

    Kalok said:

    How did I get some pllace, where I could be trained, by myself that I couldn't get back to?  

    You got ported into an alter plane (Plane of Hate anyone?), which requires another player to do the port.

    You fell asleep during the raid and didn't wake up until everyone was gone, when you hear a zombie gnawing on your bones. 

    Now your naked and need help to break into the zone, drag corpse, get rez and ported back out before repops :P


    lol Good times.

    This actually happend to me once :P


    Yep... falling asleep in a 2am raid; I had to break into Fear to help someone with a CR with a 3 man group one time but we were overleveled and it was still difficult.  Or something that may be even more common could be just having a late night party disband after completing a dungeon crawl;  All of the casters would gate back to their bind points, the melee DPS sneaking or FD flopping out, leaving the tank(s) to fight their way back out through the respawns assuming they don't get lost or didn't have to scale a mountain to get to where they are with the aid of the other party members.  There are numerous ways to get yourself into a situation that you are unable to retrieve your corpse back (while gearless) without the aid of others and several hours of time.  Several hours of time that many people may not have.  Summon corpse and xp res were such money makers in EQ because it saved people precious time in their real lives.  I really hope there is some kind of graveyard system on a timer of sort.  I'd much rather do nothing in the game (sit AFK to wait out the timer) and spend time with my family compared do nothing in the game except continue to beg people for help for hours to only have to log off at the end of a game session having accomplished nothing, or even worse, be forced to continue "playing" because someone offers to help just before its time for you to do something that is important to your real world responsibilities like tending to your children or maybe you were logged in during your lunch break.  I fear some people are misremembering how difficult CRs were when people had their own goals in mind and couldnt offer their assistance on a CR because they were in a dungeon or otherwise preoccupied.  This was why people paid for rez and corpse summons... and even then, finding an available cleric or necro/SHD that wasn't engaged in something was very difficult until everyone was max level and done obtaining their equipment.  Even guildmembers would be like "I'll help you if you haven't gotten your corpse by the time we finish this dungeon... in 2-3 hours"  

    To answer this hypothetical though, for me it would all depend on what game mechanics are available to us as players.  i.e. corpse summons, graveyards with xp penalties/debuffs, etc.  If there are no plans on CR assistance mechanics then I may play a class that is less likely to get themselves into those situations until the game has been around for some time and people will be more available/willing to help.  There may be a lot of rogues lol.

    • 470 posts
    July 10, 2018 7:46 AM PDT

    Kittik said:

    Rage quit.  Delete the game.  Sulk for 15 mins.  Reinstall game.

    lol Nice. Might I suggest just rage quitting and skip the deletion part. These things take to long to download and reinstall again. Just substitute it with yelling at the screen a few minutes. It's very therapeutic. Just make sure no one is around or they'll think you've lost your mind. ;p

    • 1120 posts
    July 10, 2018 8:29 AM PDT

    This entire scenario should be why any type of training is bad etiquette.  If people know something is wrong,  they are less likely to do it. 

    That way when you do get trained there doesn't have to be an investigation into what happened.   Porygon trained me,  that's strike one. 

    However if this situation did happen.   Well, that's why we're playing MMOs and not single player rpgs!

    • 1714 posts
    July 12, 2018 11:25 PM PDT

    Kalok said:

    Keno Monster said:

    Kalok said:


    How did I get some place, where I could be trained, by myself that I couldn't get back to? 


    If I am re-spawning here alone, that means that my party abandoned me.  That's more of a problem than the train is.

    Certainly does not mean that.