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Lockout Timers on endgame raid content.

    • 411 posts
    June 25, 2018 7:06 AM PDT

    The more I read these suggestions the more I think back to some previous thread's suggestions on claiming "rights" to raid bosses through alternative processes. I think open world competition is great, but I think 24/7 competition should be doable with smaller group sizes, so as not to require batphoning. I would enjoy if spawning raid bosses were done using items looted from rare world spawns that were raced to and killed, but only took 6 max level characters to kill. Some other raid bosses would require a rare resource to tempt them out (dragon's gold or some such), which requires a highly trained player harvester to race to. Maybe some raid bosses require sacrificing a rare drop in order to get them to spawn and that just requires farming of a certain mob type. Maybe something else or a combination of those.

    I don't like it when entire raid forces are asked to wait for random timers to pop, kill excessive amounts of "trash" to reach their target, or be on call during unscheduled hours. The competition and time sink have to be preserved though. Guilds would race for the rare spawns and rare resource nodes to claim the triggers or just farm mobs, then have relatively fast raids to kill the targets they found triggers for.

    • 168 posts
    June 25, 2018 8:46 AM PDT

    Ainadak said:

    I would enjoy if spawning raid bosses were done using items looted from rare world spawns that were raced to and killed, but only took 6 max level characters to kill. Some other raid bosses would require a rare resource to tempt them out (dragon's gold or some such), which requires a highly trained player harvester to race to. Maybe some raid bosses require sacrificing a rare drop in order to get them to spawn and that just requires farming of a certain mob type. Maybe something else or a combination of those.

    I too think that "Farming items" to spawn mobs is a good answer. Maybe around 25% of all bosses are "popped" from aquired items. Maybe they can be summoned only in certain spots or anywhere in a given zone. I also am a fan of  "getting Keyed" for zones or areas.

    • 191 posts
    June 25, 2018 9:01 AM PDT

    Ainadak said:

    I would enjoy if spawning raid bosses were done using items looted from rare world spawns that were raced to and killed, but only took 6 max level characters to kill. Some other raid bosses would require a rare resource to tempt them out (dragon's gold or some such), which requires a highly trained player harvester to race to. Maybe some raid bosses require sacrificing a rare drop in order to get them to spawn and that just requires farming of a certain mob type. Maybe something else or a combination of those.

    I endorse these good ideas.

    • 483 posts
    June 25, 2018 9:17 AM PDT

    Ainadak said:

    The more I read these suggestions the more I think back to some previous thread's suggestions on claiming "rights" to raid bosses through alternative processes. I think open world competition is great, but I think 24/7 competition should be doable with smaller group sizes, so as not to require batphoning. I would enjoy if spawning raid bosses were done using items looted from rare world spawns that were raced to and killed, but only took 6 max level characters to kill. Some other raid bosses would require a rare resource to tempt them out (dragon's gold or some such), which requires a highly trained player harvester to race to. Maybe some raid bosses require sacrificing a rare drop in order to get them to spawn and that just requires farming of a certain mob type. Maybe something else or a combination of those.

    I don't like it when entire raid forces are asked to wait for random timers to pop, kill excessive amounts of "trash" to reach their target, or be on call during unscheduled hours. The competition and time sink have to be preserved though. Guilds would race for the rare spawns and rare resource nodes to claim the triggers or just farm mobs, then have relatively fast raids to kill the targets they found triggers for.

    Something like this would be great, it makes grouping and important part of the endgame (I know it already was but with something like this even more) and it will make farming certain bosses that don't drop anything worth while for your class that much more attractive, because you're getting something that contributes to your guild.

    • 1860 posts
    June 25, 2018 9:24 AM PDT

    If we are going to have non-contested raid mobs I like the idea of doing some type of quest that allows you to acquire an item that will spawn the boss.  That seems favorable to lockout timers or instances.

    • 844 posts
    June 25, 2018 9:25 AM PDT

    Kargen said:

    zewtastic said:The problem could have been solved with more Raid Bosses respawns that did not operate like clock work.

    Kargen said:

    Yup this and batphones is the cause of raid boss camping. Inny and CT in casic EQ had it right with they ridiculously large margin of error (days) in spawn time. I believe the keys to keep guilds from poop socking is randomness, difficulty, quality, duration, quantity.

    Randomness: Make it near impossible to predict when (possibly even where) a boss will spawn
    Difficulty: Make it so even the best geared people might still wipe if they aren't on their toes
    Quality: Ensure all bosses drop highly desired gear by at least one or two classes
    Duration: Make the raids long, make it an investment, put lots of mini-bosses with some chance to drop a decent item along the way, in case we need to log out early we still get the chance for loot.
    Quantity: Give loads of options to choose from, so even if the hardest of hardcore raiders spent all day every day hitting these mobs, there are still plenty left for others.

    The interesting thing here Kargen, is that back in the early crazy days of EQ1, there was no social media, no cell phones, no instant internet. There were barely forums, people still used BBSs a lot. And most people had only one phone line at home, which had to be used as their primary connection to the internet, with a modem.

    There was no VOIP. The very early days of voip just came into being in the early years. it took much more tech and savvy in those days to get that stuff working.

    In todays world of instant communication, Discord, Streaming. Lots of new types of issues will exist and those old systems are largely passe and with them the same issues.

    I still remember 70 player raids in EQ1 where all communication was in chat. There was no voip. Sounds crazy by todays standards.

    This post was edited by zewtastic at June 25, 2018 9:26 AM PDT
    • 55 posts
    June 25, 2018 12:12 PM PDT

    Porygon said:

    I would actually support 1ad7's idea,  even though it's not perfect I think it gives both camps a compromise. 

    I was going to PM this to you but your set to private so I could not.

    Thank you for having the intellectual honesty with yourself to admit that someone else's solution (for the end game raiding problems most of us see coming) might be a better fit for Pantheon than your own previously stated solution.

    To admit it publicly is just a fine example of integrity.




    • 1120 posts
    June 25, 2018 2:49 PM PDT

    Talonguard said:

    I was going to PM this to you but your set to private so I could not.

    Thank you for having the intellectual honesty with yourself to admit that someone else's solution (for the end game raiding problems most of us see coming) might be a better fit for Pantheon than your own previously stated solution.

    To admit it publicly is just a fine example of integrity.



    Thanks, and I didnt even know private vs non private was a thing lol.

    However.  I've said it before.  Personally. I do not care what method is used.  I have been in the high end raiding scene in every game I've played... I just cant play as a casual.  I really honestly and truthfully am looking out for the players who wont be #1.  I want a healthy and vibrant community for years and years... I dont want to see people quit over not being able to access content they want.

    I also like the idea of some bosses (very few)  being spawnable via quests and such to give some guilds that "schedule-ability" of raiding.

    • 55 posts
    June 25, 2018 2:56 PM PDT

    Porygon said:

    I also like the idea of some bosses (very few)  being spawnable via quests and such to give some guilds that "schedule-ability" of raiding.

    That could be fun, and the item to spawn them could be super rare or even easyish to get depending on the boss it would spawn, gives VR wide range of flexibility to get the balance just right.

    • 844 posts
    June 25, 2018 3:38 PM PDT


    I dont want to see people quit over not being able to access content they want.

    Like being blocked by lockout timers? Because it's the same thing.

    • 55 posts
    June 25, 2018 4:12 PM PDT

    zewtastic said:


    I dont want to see people quit over not being able to access content they want.

    Like being blocked by lockout timers? Because it's the same thing.

    No....actually it's not.

    Lockout timers don't keep you from killing things any less or more than they would be without, they just allow others to access the content as well. If there are no lockout timers there would be long re-spawn timers to keep 1 group from just using the boss as a loot pinata.


    • 1120 posts
    June 25, 2018 4:15 PM PDT

    zewtastic said:


    I dont want to see people quit over not being able to access content they want.

    Like being blocked by lockout timers? Because it's the same thing.

    Im not following you. 

    Are you saying Theres no difference between being unable to access content due to content denial from another guild and killing a boss and being locked out for a pre determined amount of time. 

    Cause that seems silly. 

    • 1120 posts
    June 25, 2018 4:18 PM PDT

    Talonguard said:]

    No....actually it's not.

    Lockout timers don't keep you from killing things any less or more than they would be without, they just allow others to access the content as well. If there are no lockout timers there would be long re-spawn timers to keep 1 group from just using the boss as a loot pinata.


    We actually agree on something <3

    • 752 posts
    June 25, 2018 4:58 PM PDT
    The biggest thing for me is i want to see things like ring 10 in eq1 velious. Even if you werent part of the guild that spawned the instanced raid it was open to everyone to enjoy. Getting loot wasnt even part of it. Most people helped to learn the event for when they had a shot down the line. Or for faction. The lockout timer was built into how long it took to complete the quest. But the person that spawns the quest needs to be to only one that gets the reward. No multiquesting. No kill stealing. Perception lockouts.

    I think 187 is onto something with the “ghosting”. I’ve never played a game with that kind of feature. Why not just split hairs and call it Wraith of Boss#1 until the real thing spawns.

    In the end, i think if there was a lockout timer it should be so that guilds cant just perma camp not just the boss but his wraith. I would say a 1-2 day lockout after killing either version and that way when your timer is up you can pretty much go find either version and kill him. I would much rather see this kind of implementation instead of instanced zones. There should only be instancing to abate overcrowding in a zone.

    Now as far as a lockout timer that ticks down and only gives you a certain amout of time to complete an event. That should be an event scripting thing. If you dont kill Boss#2 in a certain amount of time he just keeps spawning mob after mob. This will be a situational type deal so every encounter will be different and tuned differently. But i think this should be more of an AI handled function over a raid timer. I dont want to zone into Raid Zone Alpha and only have 3 hours to kill everything before the loot is locked out. This was done because EQ game content is so well known and it was an instanced version. If they decide on adding instances then thats a different thing. Absolutely put a timer on an instance.
    • 22 posts
    June 29, 2018 12:52 PM PDT

    We have all lived through the days of EQ1 non-instanced Raids and the Race to lock down mobs. lets be honest this was a exteramly shitty experiance. when the technology for instancing raid zones was implamented the game became alot more fun!. You knew on Firday night you where running PoT.

    • 1120 posts
    June 29, 2018 5:30 PM PDT

    Disscord said:

    We have all lived through the days of EQ1 non-instanced Raids and the Race to lock down mobs. lets be honest this was a exteramly shitty experiance. when the technology for instancing raid zones was implamented the game became alot more fun!. You knew on Firday night you where running PoT.

    I agree with you.  I loved instanced raids on the progs. But so many people feel it eliminates socialization.  So well see.