Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

life or death

    • 321 posts
    June 8, 2018 7:21 AM PDT

    I was curious to see how many players think they can get a few levels before thier first taste of eating dirt.

    I , myself, figure to get solidly 10-20 percent of level 1 before eating dirt. Anyone out there who thinks they can reach level 5 without thier first setback?

    • 411 posts
    June 8, 2018 7:29 AM PDT

    I have a terrible MMO habit of trying to see how much I can take on. One decaying skeleton took 30% of my health so I can probably take on two. Two was really difficult... I wonder what strategies I could employ to take on 3 at once?... Has anyone see my body? In EQ1 this led to slow leveling, many hard lessons learned, and littering the ground with my corpses. In some other more recent MMO's I was rarely if ever punished for this habit.

    You aren't truly pushing your own limits if you don't fail now and again. I don't plan on reaching level 2 without dying first. :)

    This post was edited by Ainadak at June 8, 2018 7:29 AM PDT
    • 15 posts
    June 8, 2018 7:39 AM PDT

    Depends on how dangerous the game is at the beginning.

    • 151 posts
    June 8, 2018 9:03 AM PDT

    Using P99 as a measuring stick... no. I cannot make it to level 5 without dying.

    • 81 posts
    June 8, 2018 10:13 AM PDT

    Ugh ... EQ's Befallen. I certainly remember dying before Befallen, but I don't remember dying quite as much in one place at a low level. It would be wonderful to have a really challenging area early on in the game.

    • 3852 posts
    June 8, 2018 10:45 AM PDT

    I can. I will. Not necessarily my very first character, but early on.

    I've hit level cap without dying in about every major MMO other than FFXIV where the mechanics were not ...friendly ... to such a goal. Its a game within a game for me.

    I will have normal characters that will die often - if you group you die - pretty well guaranteed.

    I will have solo-oriented characters whose goal is to never turn their toes up to the daisies. They may not hit level cap before dying - the game will be too group-oriented - but they darn well will get well past level 5.

    • 2756 posts
    June 8, 2018 11:20 AM PDT

    If you aren't dying at least once per level you aren't trying much or the game is too easy.

    This post was edited by disposalist at June 8, 2018 11:21 AM PDT
    • 1714 posts
    June 8, 2018 1:11 PM PDT

    dorotea said:

    I can. I will. Not necessarily my very first character, but early on.

    I've hit level cap without dying in about every major MMO other than FFXIV where the mechanics were not ...friendly ... to such a goal. Its a game within a game for me.

    I will have normal characters that will die often - if you group you die - pretty well guaranteed.

    I will have solo-oriented characters whose goal is to never turn their toes up to the daisies. They may not hit level cap before dying - the game will be too group-oriented - but they darn well will get well past level 5.

    Did you play EQ or Vanguard?

    • 780 posts
    June 8, 2018 2:09 PM PDT

    I'd like this to be a game where I die several times before Level 5, but I'm dubious.  I hope it happens.

    • 769 posts
    June 8, 2018 3:04 PM PDT

    I hope I die almost right away. Then I'll know I found something new in the world of MMO's. 

    Now, if I die doing something dumb like trying to swim, or accidentally attacking a guard? Then I'll know I'm home. 

    • 2756 posts
    June 8, 2018 3:09 PM PDT

    Tralyan said:

    I hope I die almost right away. Then I'll know I found something new in the world of MMO's. 

    Now, if I die doing something dumb like trying to swim, or accidentally attacking a guard? Then I'll know I'm home. 

    Lol. I introduced someone to P99 not long back and had to explain why there always seemed to be corpses around the Priest of Discord and the guards in the start area.

    • 151 posts
    June 8, 2018 3:11 PM PDT

    Shucklighter said:

    I'd like this to be a game where I die several times before Level 5, but I'm dubious.  I hope it happens.

    I'm amiable. It will happen :)

    • 217 posts
    June 8, 2018 3:28 PM PDT

       I hope to have a long first battle where it takes a bit to kill or be killed but, due to my skills lowly level, that dreadful sewer rat wins the day and I cumple to my death.

       Maybe even repeated a second time, but by my third attempt, my skills have raised just enough to edge out a victory as a scurry back to safety to lick my wounds.

    • 66 posts
    June 8, 2018 3:43 PM PDT

    My first character in a fresh game usually hits the ground creeping. So level five is a solid maybe. Once the timidity wears off and I start wondering what the death mechanic looks like, I'll probably go suicide on the first "Oooo, that's a lot of orcs" that I see.

    • 3852 posts
    June 8, 2018 5:40 PM PDT

    >Did you play EQ or Vanguard?<

    Vanguard quite a bit - EQ no. Back then I picked AC over EQ and when I decided it was far too dominated by buffbots I moved to DAOC.

    While EQ may have been a better choice I can't say I regret that - I had many good times in DAOC over 4 years.

    • 1714 posts
    June 8, 2018 5:53 PM PDT

    dorotea said:

    >Did you play EQ or Vanguard?<

    Vanguard quite a bit - EQ no. Back then I picked AC over EQ and when I decided it was far too dominated by buffbots I moved to DAOC.

    While EQ may have been a better choice I can't say I regret that - I had many good times in DAOC over 4 years.

    Good luck with your quest to not die! I play "hardcore" rules with Diablo and roguelikes and D&D. But yeah, good luck!

    • 2134 posts
    June 8, 2018 6:05 PM PDT

    dorotea said:

    Back then I picked AC over EQ and when I decided it was far too dominated by buffbots I moved to DAOC.

    AC was my first game, for 10 years. I was lucky enough to play it before buffbots were available in every village. It was certainly better when getting buffed as a lowbie was an occasional thrill rather than standard procedure, and finally being able to buff oneself was quite the accomplishment.

    This post was edited by Jothany at June 8, 2018 6:06 PM PDT
    • 287 posts
    June 8, 2018 6:50 PM PDT

    I can't remember the last MMO I died in before level 20.  EQ probably.  It usually happens when taking on a new mob type that does something unexpected or is a lot tougher than their con implies.  But I'm not too proud to run if things look bad.

    • 470 posts
    June 9, 2018 7:11 AM PDT

    Ainadak said:

    I have a terrible MMO habit of trying to see how much I can take on. One decaying skeleton took 30% of my health so I can probably take on two. Two was really difficult... I wonder what strategies I could employ to take on 3 at once?... Has anyone see my body? In EQ1 this led to slow leveling, many hard lessons learned, and littering the ground with my corpses. In some other more recent MMO's I was rarely if ever punished for this habit.

    You aren't truly pushing your own limits if you don't fail now and again. I don't plan on reaching level 2 without dying first. :)

    I'm the same way when learning a class outside of a group. I like to see just what they can take and dish out before too much arrives. So it'll likely happen within the first 10 levels.

    • 1120 posts
    June 9, 2018 8:18 AM PDT

    I almost guarantee my first death will be due to some clown in my group that doesnt know what they are doing.

    I typically can make it to mid levels before eating a death and that's typically due to trying to solo an elite quest of some sort.

    I played ALOT of hardcore diablo. So the act of staying alive is on the forefront when I'm playing anything else 

    • 1404 posts
    June 9, 2018 2:22 PM PDT

    Nearly this entire thread shows the need for a tougher death penalty. Obviously a tad of experience and a simple Corpse run won't have anybody respecting anything.

    I don't expect to die for several levels at the least. 5 is not unreasonable to go without death. But I'm not likely to be solo and see an Orc camp and go plowing into the middle of it with my wooden staff yelling "I have the Powerrr!"

    My approach would be more plan the attack from initial engagement to an escape plan.. would seem pretty obvious at about 1/4 health who's winning and if the escape plan needs exacuted.

    Now if the question was how soon will I train the zone... well that will be a bit sooner.. guarantee it.

    • 2134 posts
    June 9, 2018 4:42 PM PDT

    I've always been the cautions type in games, so didn't rack up a high death count. But given the hopefully 'challenging' nature of Pantheon and it's Death Penalty, I think my approach will be to deliberatly push things as far as possible right in the beginning. Partly to see how survivable each class that I decide to play will be, and also to see how much effect the Death Penalty has and how much effort it takes to get back to 'where I was' before dying.

    Whatever the challenges of the Death Penalty, they should be easier to recover from at level 1 than level 10 or 20, so I want to do my 'learning curve' as early as possible.

    • 29 posts
    June 9, 2018 4:47 PM PDT

    I believe Pantheon should take a more complex approach. The new player should learn what the game will be like at the very first levels (1 - 6). Death should be a common theme at low levels since the penalty isn't that bad...if death suddenly comes at a later level the player will not be used to it and may act a bit more toxic due to the stress.

    Crafting, trading to players, strategic thinking, learning the abilities of every class, relying on others, and exploring should be important immediately to prevent the scourge that is called Death at later levels. Many problems come when non-experienced players do silly things and end up taking out others.

    Personally, I would like levels 1 to 6 to be hard so that players will not pick a class they won't like and all that yummy stuff. At low levels in EQ1 I thought I liked playing a Cleric until I got my first full group and realized the pain of having others wait for me to regen mana.

    • 151 posts
    June 9, 2018 8:22 PM PDT
    I'm going for experience. Death experience is one part I won't have to give much effort to.
    • 612 posts
    June 9, 2018 11:42 PM PDT

    Unless Monks are immune to stun I will probably die a lot. In EQ1 my leading cause of death was getting stunned. Every time I saw those words "You are stunned!" I knew I was in trouble. Almost every single death in EQ1 I could say "If I hadn't have got stunned I would have lived!"