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What is your preferred role?

    • 9115 posts
    June 7, 2018 4:04 AM PDT

    What is your preferred area of expertise, Tank, Healer, DPS or Crowd Control and why? #PRF #MMORPG #MMO #communitymatters

    • 411 posts
    June 7, 2018 4:14 AM PDT

    I try to pick whatever role seems to have the highest skill cap, because video games for me are a way to challenge yourself mentally in a fun environment. That said, I'd never choose DPS... cretins. :P

    • 1479 posts
    June 7, 2018 4:31 AM PDT

    Usually tank or melee dps. I tend to love the toe-to-toe fighting with high risk high reward.

    • 261 posts
    June 7, 2018 4:41 AM PDT

    When playing with my wife, I tank and she heals. When with others I like to play the cleric.

    • 178 posts
    June 7, 2018 6:11 AM PDT

    I love being a jack-of-all-trades kind of a role. A utility role. A support role. I guess in that regard, as defined in the question, DPS or Crowd Control.

    I remember back in the DAoC days when the guild I was with was rotating through the realms and in the one realm I had chosen a mercenary type of warrior (sorry, can't remember the actual role). I believe it was the King Arthur guys. While they could deal out damage and had some range-blocking capabilities, they were horrible at toe-to-toe melee and would routinely get crushed. So I would hide back from the front lines and stand with the clerics. When a rogue or some other sneaking class would get in close to the healers I could smack them silly. At the time this was a tactic that only our group implemented and it was a fantastic method to play. Mostly because it wasn't a tactic encountered routinely so would also take other groups and realms by surprise without being able to counter.

    I like the element of not necessarily being the focus of attention and getting all the glory but more of being in the background and saving the day when it matters most. Or of supporting the group such that when in the group it isn't necessarily recognized as being much of a contributing factor until not in the group and the group has a harder time or a longer struggle and then the utility is much recognized and people are thankful when present.

    • 42 posts
    June 7, 2018 6:15 AM PDT

    Healer because they are calm, holy and necessary .

    • 1921 posts
    June 7, 2018 6:46 AM PDT

    The Monk page currently offers Off-Tanking and Utility as Group roles..

    Ranger page currently offers Ranged DPS and Utility as a Group role..

    Rogue page currently offers Utility as a Group role..

    So I'm torn.  But I'll go with Utility for now. :)

    • 40 posts
    June 7, 2018 7:06 AM PDT

    Always support or healer.

    • 724 posts
    June 7, 2018 7:15 AM PDT

    I don't have a single prefered role anymore, I like dps, support and healing all very much. I guess my least favorite role is tanking, but even that I like somewhat. It's really hard to narrow down on any of the classes yet, I can tell you :) Hopefully once we learn more about the classes, choosing will become easier.

    • 111 posts
    June 7, 2018 7:30 AM PDT

    played a sworddancer (tank) in WAR...specced him for 2hand and full dps

    played a cleric (healer) in vanguard..specced him towards dots....


    i just cant fight it....i'm a DPS...i want to be at the top of the dps-meter....*i could cast another fireball but i might pull aggro off the tank* *pulls aggro off the tank* *nooooo*  :P

    what's wrong with me?!?


    This post was edited by Nandor at June 7, 2018 7:35 AM PDT
    • 434 posts
    June 7, 2018 7:32 AM PDT

    Kilsin said:

    What is your preferred area of expertise, Tank, Healer, DPS or Crowd Control and why? #PRF #MMORPG #MMO #communitymatters


    I gravitate towards roles which help. I usually Tank but I thrive in a role when I can both tank and heal to some extent. Why: I am an Advocate and a protector in real life. I care a lot for people, even people ive never met.



    • 780 posts
    June 7, 2018 7:43 AM PDT

    I was mainly a Ranger in EverQuest, but I have healed in every game I've played since.  I guess I like the whole health bars mini game.  I may still end up being a healer in PRF, but I'm planning on Enchanter as long as CC is truly meaningful again.

    • 1785 posts
    June 7, 2018 7:45 AM PDT

    I almost always end up with a paladin main.

    I also almost always have a healer that is practically a second "main".  Usually a cleric-type.

    (Note:  In Vanguard my disciple was arguably my main and the paladin was my second).

    Then I'll have at least 2-3 alts doing other roles, because, altaholic.  The only reason I don't end up with one of everything at some point is because of limited character slots and my obsession with crafting :)

    • 1404 posts
    June 7, 2018 8:01 AM PDT

    I prefer a dps class. Wizard to be precise. 

    I will also alt a tank.

    This post was edited by Zorkon at June 7, 2018 8:01 AM PDT
    • 191 posts
    June 7, 2018 8:29 AM PDT

    Crowd Control because I enjoy adapting to dynamic situations and using a diverse set of tools to skillfully bring order to choatic encounters.  There's a certain zen to it.

    • 145 posts
    June 7, 2018 9:09 AM PDT

    Like Zorkon I am a Wizard type player. I like pushing DPS to it's aggro limits. I don't mind being a utility either because it makes finding groups easier. Never been much on healing, I have been main tank in raid settings in EQ and I enjoyed that a lot. But the funnest times I've ever had was early EQ (release-PoP)playing a Wizard. After that Wizards kinda fell behind some to rogues then eventually zerkers.

    I was always flirting on the hairy edge with aggro on raid mobs.

    • 190 posts
    June 7, 2018 9:11 AM PDT

    Most often, my main is a healer with a secondary as a tank (of shadowknight-style). Then I have a million alts of all different flavors so I can understand the classes/races better.

    Previous mains: EQ - SK Iksar, SWG - Dancer/Teras Kasi/Sniper Human, EQ2 - Warden Dark Elf/Shadowknight Dark Elf, Rift - Cleric/Justicar/Sentinel Kelari, SWTOR - Sith Inquisitor/Sorcerer (healing branch) Pure Blood.

    Also, I enjoy pure healers over the DPS healers if given an option.

    • 6 posts
    June 7, 2018 9:35 AM PDT

    A bit  of  all but  tank . Based  on memories from eq1 / 2 necro : you send dot  while with  lich form you try to mana feed your  heal, at the same time you cast,  check your root  or snare / fear  for the CC  part and  you try not to forget to cast some lifetap and check  your  pet :p

    • 769 posts
    June 7, 2018 10:04 AM PDT

    Tanking, provided the classes are interesting and approached in an innovative way. And I gravitate towards the least played class, or the "harder" and more "broken" class. It gives me joy to be chosen as tank, playing the "broken" tank, over the other guy who plays the safe bet. 


    • 612 posts
    June 7, 2018 10:12 AM PDT

    Puller :-) EQ1 Monk puller for life :-)

    In D&D I always played fighter both as tank or dps.

    In MMO's I usually play dps or tank. When I play tank I love to play non-traditional tanks that are not sword and board, for example druid or monk tanks in WoW rather than warrior or paladin.

    When I play dps I enjoy all the different classes both range and melee :-)

    I've also played healer but don't enjoy the playstyle as much since it's much more reactionary rather than pre-emptive. Tanks do have reactionary elements but not quite as much as Healers.

    Crowd Control seems more like babysitting. A very important role, but seems like it would get boring after a while and in some ways it's just too much responsibility cause if you screw up everyone dies.

    • 769 posts
    June 7, 2018 10:15 AM PDT

    GoofyWarriorGuy said:

    Crowd Control seems more like babysitting. A very important role, but seems like it would get boring after a while and in some ways it's just too much responsibility cause if you screw up everyone dies.

    Agreed. The idea of playing Crowd Control myself scares the crap out of me. 

    • 644 posts
    June 7, 2018 10:33 AM PDT

    Crowd control, first and foremost.  Why?  I love truning hopeless chaos into tidy orderly battling.  Pulling a disastrous wipe out and turning it into a win.  Right on the frantic edge of disaster.

    Utility second : pet pulling, sneaking, etc.


    • 1714 posts
    June 7, 2018 11:23 AM PDT


    Sturdy front line melee DPS. 

    This post was edited by Keno Monster at June 7, 2018 11:24 AM PDT
    • 626 posts
    June 7, 2018 11:51 AM PDT

    Healer Life = Thug Life

    • 209 posts
    June 7, 2018 11:52 AM PDT

    I've never been able to pick just one. I enjoy tanking, dps, and cc equally...anything that lets me deal directly with the enemy. The only thing I'm not fond of is being a main healer because I'd rather fight than heal. :P But I have great respect for healers and know what a tough job it can be.

    I'm also always a fan of classes that can do a little bit of everything.

    This post was edited by Gyldervane at June 7, 2018 11:55 AM PDT