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Launch Day

    • 1020 posts
    May 28, 2018 1:41 PM PDT

    God help us.  


    Bless is a mess.

    • 162 posts
    May 28, 2018 1:51 PM PDT

    Kittik said:

    God help us.  


    Bless is a mess.

    Ain't that the truth, 3 servers, all full with over 600 people waiting in queue in each one to get on. I don't understand these developers ideas of launching with as little as possible. When EQ came out MMO's weren't even that popular yet, but they still launched with i think it was 30 servers. 

    It's so dumb, and these guys supposedly have degree's. Guess it doesnt take much to get one of them. How many games need to launch like this til these people understand that THIS IS NOT HOW YOU LAUNCH A GAME!

    Also, for those of you who are impatient, already found many bugs, this is what you get when you can't wait. Welcome to Mess Online.

    • 2756 posts
    May 28, 2018 5:23 PM PDT

    Well, it is Early Access, no?

    Still... not good.

    Personally, when I heard it was mandatory universal PvP I decided against it anyway...

    Hope it gets better for you!

    • 162 posts
    May 28, 2018 6:02 PM PDT

    disposalist said:

    Well, it is Early Access, no?

    Still... not good.

    Personally, when I heard it was mandatory universal PvP I decided against it anyway...

    Hope it gets better for you!

    It is still early access, that just means it will only get worse in a few days when it's full access. You shouldn't launch early access if you aren't ready for full access, or early access at that lol. 

    • 3852 posts
    May 29, 2018 7:02 AM PDT

    Good luck getting on (I won't even try for Disposalist's reason),

    If I was trying a new temporary MMO it might be Black Desert Online (many issues including mandatory pvp but it is said to be unusually attractive and that might keep me going until we get to alpha) or Project Gorgon (not very fleshed out and with a two-person team working on it I may die of old age before it is but still might keep me going until alpha here).

    • 162 posts
    May 29, 2018 1:37 PM PDT

    dorotea said:

    Good luck getting on (I won't even try for Disposalist's reason),

    If I was trying a new temporary MMO it might be Black Desert Online (many issues including mandatory pvp but it is said to be unusually attractive and that might keep me going until we get to alpha) or Project Gorgon (not very fleshed out and with a two-person team working on it I may die of old age before it is but still might keep me going until alpha here).

    Yeah this was a really bad launch, i requested my monry back and for steam to remove it until they pick up a bit, guess i will see... I tried BDO but there was way too much going on in that game

    • 62 posts
    June 1, 2018 2:30 PM PDT

    Seriously? they knew how many were interested - THREE servers? blah
    With it being PvP, I knew that I wouldn't even try it out. but ... 3? omg!

    Mind you, I remember Rift's start - ugly! same problems not enough servers, too many people. But at least the bugs weren't even noticeable. Yes they were there, but they didn't stop game play.

    I also tried BDO - the graphics are stunning! but all in all, I didn't like the game play very much.

    This post was edited by Koala at June 1, 2018 2:31 PM PDT
    • 62 posts
    June 3, 2018 12:01 PM PDT

    After this post, I thought I'd check out the comments from the streamers/pod casters who were spruiking the game (hopeful souls that they were) and what they were saying about it now. And they are seriously laying into the devs for how the start was managed.

    I was very worried when I first heard that it was coming out to the west. I remember the issues they had on the other 3 regional releases - Japan, Korea & Russia. Seems they didn't learn their lessons - or maybe they did ... the cynical bit of me is thinking "CASH GRAB" while they can! I am always ultra wary about a failed mmo in one region starting again in another, much less 3 times!

    I don't expect to see this even still running in 6 months unless they do F2P.

    Good on the STEAM people for allowing a full refund even though people had played for more than two hours. I also hear that they're also allowing refunds on the special packs ($150 type). YAY for some integrity!

    Please - VR - please take note! LOTS of servers - the premis of OUR game is "social" and that's why I'm here waiting with the rest of you.
    The last thing I want to see happen is what's been the real nasty fly in the ointment about the bless release. They started off with one server. Oh yes, ONE! Whole pvp guilds were preparing to log in. Most couldnt log because of the queues and the restarts, when they did, the first server was full, so then they started on the next server, some didnt make that because of time zones, and managed to log in to another server. OMG - guilds, friends, groups that had planned to play together were unable. Those that had bought the special packs had opened their stuff, soul bound now to that character on that server, but they have no friends to play with because they're on another server!

    Also VR, don't promise and not deliver like bless has. There were so many examples of "furfys" told by the devs! Apparently (like most mmos these days - and another reason why I'm here with the rest of you), those that did manage to get on and stay on pushed through the levelling and got close to end game found that there was NO CONTENT for them. Not just not there, NOTHING. Can you imagine it, this is basically a PvP game, and there was no PvP action! And then there was the non-existent special combination of action & tab combat. It only got to one character class, none of the others. Then there was the problems with some of the quests, etc.

    One thing that I found abhorrent was that there is an exploit in the game that is well known in the other regions. The NA release still had that exploit in it! And now their economy is in a mess. The only way out of that is "fix the bug" and do a server wipe asap! But ...

    Yeah, it was a very very sad day for the MMO genre!

    This post was edited by Koala at June 3, 2018 12:03 PM PDT