Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

How’s Character Creation going to be

    • 2752 posts
    October 15, 2018 3:12 PM PDT

    I'd be happy with hair style & color/skin tone/moderate height slider and premade faces...maybe an "age" slider. I know there are already a handful of custom facial sliders so thats fine too. 


    All those finer detail sliders tend to be entirely unnoticeable in actual gameplay, including all but the most absurd facial options. 

    • 646 posts
    October 15, 2018 3:19 PM PDT

    Iksar said:All those finer detail sliders tend to be entirely unnoticeable in actual gameplay, including all but the most absurd facial options.

    Speak for yourself. :) I spend an inordinate amount of time taking artsy screenshots of my characters in MMOs (and generally just looking at characters' faces during RP), and I know for a fact I'm not alone!

    • 9115 posts
    October 15, 2018 5:26 PM PDT

    dorotea said:

    No. It is going to be Pantheon.

    Perfect answer :)

    • 190 posts
    October 16, 2018 4:18 PM PDT

    My top three favorite (that I've played) MMORPG character creations were: Star Trek Online - such crazy and creative aliens came from that fairly open system. (I mean, heck, I made a Dark Elf/Zabrak crossover type when the game first came out. Complete with background, history and instructional how-to on their forums. It was awesome.)

    Star Wars: The Old Republic - you have enough variety with the pallate offered that most people looked unique without being too bazaar (until they added some of those purchasable hair/eyes/tattoo options.)

    EverQuest 2 - also enough variety with the offered pallates that most characters looked different enough.

    So I'd be more than happy with something similar to EQ2/SWTOR. 4 body types/height adjustment, 8-ish faces, complete eye/hair color pallate (as in roam the full color spectrum within the race's specifications,) 6-ish skin color options for each race, about 20 hair styles (some race specific), 10-ish tattoos/augments/racial specific markings, some make-up options (even for the guys, guyliner can be sexy,) 5+ voice options.

    • 1618 posts
    October 16, 2018 4:33 PM PDT

    Just as long as all races have acces to true and tall MOHAWKS!

    • 243 posts
    October 16, 2018 6:14 PM PDT

    Thanks for posting that screenshot Baz, it shows how basic the character creation is at this point.  I am hoping for quite a bit more than that, and completely agree with Naunet about hairstyles.  It seems like most of the hairstyles in current MMO's were all purchased at the same discount wig store....the ones that were left over from the 70% off sale.  Usually there are a few cool ones, but too many times most are junk and no one actually uses them in game, and I don't want to be around to see the fallout if there aren't tall mowhawks for Beef.  We have been told that we can expect a character creator that is about the same as most modern MMO's, but that seems a bit vague as there are huge differences out there today.  I advocate for a robust character creation, since it is very important to me, and agree that it would be nice to be able to show the character in different levels of armor at creation.  I really hope that they allow us to give feedback about the character creation when we get to alpha/beta as I'm sure it will be more fleshed out by then. 


    This post was edited by Rominian at October 16, 2018 6:15 PM PDT
    • 200 posts
    October 17, 2018 7:40 AM PDT
    No BDO, I beg you :D.

    I’m not a fan of a million sliders, to me it feels like this huge and very annoying hurdle I have to take before I can finally enter the game. I’d love height and weight sliders up to a point where it’s still ‘sensible’ and I hope the devs won’t go overboard in the boob department. But besides that, I’d be very happy with a nice amount of distinctively different faces per race and gender, the options to pick eye color and skin tone, hair color and decent hairstyles, piercings, tattoos and scars. For me that’d be plenty of customization.
    • 646 posts
    October 17, 2018 8:16 AM PDT

    Nanoushka said: No BDO, I beg you :D. I’m not a fan of a million sliders, to me it feels like this huge and very annoying hurdle I have to take before I can finally enter the game. I’d love height and weight sliders up to a point where it’s still ‘sensible’ and I hope the devs won’t go overboard in the boob department. But besides that, I’d be very happy with a nice amount of distinctively different faces per race and gender, the options to pick eye color and skin tone, hair color and decent hairstyles, piercings, tattoos and scars. For me that’d be plenty of customization.

    That's what presets are for. Nothing forcing you to fiddle with sliders! Though I agree that BDO's particular brand of character customization is lacking. The UI is difficult to interpret and control, and the various points you can adjust rarely seem to do much to change a character's face.

    • 3852 posts
    October 17, 2018 8:20 AM PDT

    I just have one request. No mohawks please!

    Just kidding. I would never use it but Beefcake might as well get the enjoyment.

    • 3016 posts
    October 17, 2018 9:03 AM PDT

    Warlunhardt said:

    WoW or BDO


    How about Pantheon being its own unique self..not a copy or a clone of one of the hundreds of games out there, that we are all tired of? :)


    • 3016 posts
    October 17, 2018 9:04 AM PDT

    dorotea said:

    I just have one request. No mohawks please!

    Just kidding. I would never use it but Beefcake might as well get the enjoyment.


    LOL absolutely positive Beef will have a mohawk least once at minimum :P



    • 696 posts
    October 17, 2018 9:05 AM PDT

    Haha the mohawk..classic. What about the reverse mohawk huh?

    Would never use it, but you know...funny to see.

    • 646 posts
    October 17, 2018 9:13 AM PDT

    Don't forget fauxhawks! And mohawks/fauxhawks for men AND women! Something like this for the fauxhawk:

    VR just needs to google "long/medium/short hairstyles for men/women" and work up models for as many of the results as they can.

    This post was edited by Naunet at October 17, 2018 9:16 AM PDT
    • 1618 posts
    October 17, 2018 9:17 AM PDT
    Mohawks should definitely be available for men & women.
    • 696 posts
    October 17, 2018 9:55 AM PDT

    Would be pretty intimidating to see a female skar with a mohawk...if they even get hair.

    This post was edited by Watemper at October 17, 2018 9:55 AM PDT
    • 3016 posts
    October 17, 2018 10:49 AM PDT

    Vandraad said:

    Warlunhardt said:

    WoW or BDO

    You forgot the ARK character creator.  Holy moly you could get some outrageous body configurations.  Imagine the hilarity of seeing these in Pantheon.

    Oh ick..reminds me of some of the monstrosities I saw in Vanguard,  you could go back during the game and change up your character's physical appearance any time.     Saw lots of short females with boobs so large that I am pretty sure they would have done a lot of face plants in real life...if that was real.  :P        I like to think of my character representing me...hence no ugly, monstrosities in my character select screen.   hehehe


    • 696 posts
    October 17, 2018 11:14 AM PDT

    In ark you can hear people in the game over it was pretty funny seeing some really odd looking characters with a funny personality behind them.

    • 363 posts
    October 17, 2018 12:43 PM PDT

     I'd rather a strong cohesive art style, not something that resembles a fifteen year olds idea of great mod art. Those characters are disgusting and look more like chernobyl inbred mutants than a playable race.

    • 1020 posts
    October 17, 2018 3:23 PM PDT

    Bazgrim said:

    In this thread, I posted a pic of the most recent version of the character creation tool that we've seen in Pantheon. As Ox said, you can probably expect something similar at launch, but presumably with a few more improvements:

    Oh THANK GOD I can adjust my nose size and tilt.  AND MY LIP SIZE (squeels!!)  

    FFS!  Get rid of that useless **** like Nose Size, Nose Tilt, Ear Size, Cheek Size, Lip Size, Eye Size, Brow Height and give us some actual customozations.  

    Torso lenght, Leg lenght, Shoulder slouch, Good posture, Poor posture.  Let us customize our walk.  Things people would actually see.  Things that show when there are 200 of us walking aroud in town so we don't all look EXACTLY the same.

    • 1281 posts
    October 17, 2018 3:43 PM PDT

    How about this as an idea....


    For those that want a fairly basic character creation, the character creator in the game itself, similar to what Bazgrim showed, be there.  That way you can do a fairly "minimalistic" character creation and be on your way, like alot of people seem to want.


    For those that want a fairly "complex" character creation, an "offline creator", like I mentioned in one of my other posts.  It allows you to create a more complex and customized character and then "upload" or "attach" it to the game as your character. also like alot of people seem to want.


    This would satisfy both people's wants.

    This post was edited by Kalok at October 17, 2018 3:43 PM PDT
    • 646 posts
    October 17, 2018 3:48 PM PDT

    Kittik said:FFS!  Get rid of that useless **** like Nose Size, Nose Tilt, Ear Size, Cheek Size, Lip Size, Eye Size, Brow Height and give us some actual customozations.  

    Torso lenght, Leg lenght, Shoulder slouch, Good posture, Poor posture.  Let us customize our walk.  Things people would actually see.  Things that show when there are 200 of us walking aroud in town so we don't all look EXACTLY the same.

    A lot of us appreciate being able to tweak face details. We can have our cake and eat it, too.

    • 1479 posts
    October 17, 2018 4:08 PM PDT

    Naunet said:

    Kittik said:FFS!  Get rid of that useless **** like Nose Size, Nose Tilt, Ear Size, Cheek Size, Lip Size, Eye Size, Brow Height and give us some actual customozations.  

    Torso lenght, Leg lenght, Shoulder slouch, Good posture, Poor posture.  Let us customize our walk.  Things people would actually see.  Things that show when there are 200 of us walking aroud in town so we don't all look EXACTLY the same.

    A lot of us appreciate being able to tweak face details. We can have our cake and eat it, too.


    Pretty much agreeing with naunet. I'm not fond of every inch of detail but it's part of making your character and some really enjoy it. If we have to sit looking at a toon for hundred of hours, if not thousands, let's make it as personnalized as we want. Limbs length won't be seen during animations and battle either, and most of the time people only pick sliders to "minimal/medium/maximum" with tank toons beeing the "height max, muscle max" stereotype. (I'm doing it too).

    • 1020 posts
    October 17, 2018 5:49 PM PDT

    Naunet said:

    Kittik said:FFS!  Get rid of that useless **** like Nose Size, Nose Tilt, Ear Size, Cheek Size, Lip Size, Eye Size, Brow Height and give us some actual customozations.  

    Torso lenght, Leg lenght, Shoulder slouch, Good posture, Poor posture.  Let us customize our walk.  Things people would actually see.  Things that show when there are 200 of us walking aroud in town so we don't all look EXACTLY the same.

    A lot of us appreciate being able to tweak face details. We can have our cake and eat it, too.

    Ok, I can understand that.  We all love doing different things.  But in all honesty why can't true options be included.  Cosmetic features are fine and I'm sure enjoyed by some.  But it doesn't have inpact to how I actually look in game.

    • 646 posts
    October 17, 2018 7:46 PM PDT

    Kittik said:Ok, I can understand that.  We all love doing different things.  But in all honesty why can't true options be included.  Cosmetic features are fine and I'm sure enjoyed by some.  But it doesn't have inpact to how I actually look in game.

    Totally fair. One thing I love about FFXIV is that you can change your character's idle stance (they have like 3 or 4, I can't remember the exact number). Something like that would be doable, I think. Walking animations would be great. If they had a lot of animating time, they could do like 3 "personalities" to choose from that would affect your emotes.

    • 89 posts
    October 17, 2018 8:50 PM PDT

    Kittik said:

    Oh THANK GOD I can adjust my nose size and tilt.  AND MY LIP SIZE (squeels!!)  

    FFS!  Get rid of that useless **** like Nose Size, Nose Tilt, Ear Size, Cheek Size, Lip Size, Eye Size, Brow Height and give us some actual customozations.  

    Torso lenght, Leg lenght, Shoulder slouch, Good posture, Poor posture.  Let us customize our walk.  Things people would actually see.  Things that show when there are 200 of us walking aroud in town so we don't all look EXACTLY the same.


    Those are also the things that would require a massive amount of work from the animators.  There's a very good reason many MMOs basically have none of those.  Different facial options like nose tilt and so on are almost exclusively used in a static manner so are much easier to implement than different postures, walks, and so forth that all require complete animation set-ups...