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What is the size of Pantheon's Quality Assurance team?

    • 19 posts
    April 14, 2018 3:48 PM PDT

    Has anyone read or know about the size of the QA team working on Pantheon?

    Is there one at all?

    Was just sitting around thinking about the $1,000 barrier to get into Pre-Alpha to be a tester which seems a little backwards.

    If people get in game by paying the cash to see content in early development that's fine, more power to them.

    But if people are expected to actually test and submit good/useful/well written bugs for the dev team, it seems like just trying to get some bang for the buck (which almost all games certainly do, but alphas/betas are free).


    I diverge, I suppose the questions I am curious in hearing real answers for are:

    • How big is Pantheon's QA team?
    • Is there an outlet for other certified testers to participate without having to pay to lend their services? (or does this fall into conflict of interest?)
    • 139 posts
    April 14, 2018 4:11 PM PDT

    According to linkedin they have 19 employees. Even if its more I dont think they have the man power for dedicated payed testers. I think they all test the game as they build it. 

    • 1281 posts
    April 14, 2018 4:31 PM PDT

    The purpose of pre-alpha is to get as many different scenarios as possible during testing.  They can only test against their own systems.  Getting others in tests against a variety of conditions.

    That said, the $1,000 "buy-in" is not a payment to get to be a pre-alpha tester, even though it's poorly worded.  The $1,000 pledge is a donation for the development of the game.  The game is largely crowd funded with some seed funding thrown in.  Becoming a pre-alpha tester is a "perk" of donating that much money.

    There aren't "certified testers".

    • 1480 posts
    April 14, 2018 4:52 PM PDT

    As Kalok said, this is no "open pre alpha" with package. It's crowdfunding.

    • 801 posts
    April 14, 2018 5:14 PM PDT

    The 1000, is because it is rather expensive to setup a pre testing enviroment too. I will not word it from others, as that is private info. Once alpha testers like myself get involved i will gladly offer up any bugs, exploits i find on the server. I havent asked yet, and maybe now is the time to see if there is anything ready for it. Where we can report or if anything is being setup for alpha testers. The real testers btw... they need us in numbers.

     So the real answers to your question is 100's of us alpha testers, then the math testers come out in grooves to tell us this and that does not parse... I know of a few that would find ways to parse lol....

    Yes word is there will be alpha, and beta forum setup like the pre alpha forums for testing. <....just confirmed.

    This post was edited by Crazzie at April 15, 2018 5:25 AM PDT
    • 287 posts
    April 15, 2018 1:41 PM PDT

    Those who dropped $1,000 to join pre alpha testing are truly decicated to making sure Pantheon is an amazing game.  Not to say other aren't as dedicated who couldnt afford it.  It is my veiw and I am so glad we have hundreds of them in the community.  I would say most aren't wealthy by a long shot, but are so dedicated to the games success that they made the big financial decision. They probably put off other purchases etc to come up with $1,000.  The most i could get away with pledging is $250. So I will wait until later testing but I have a lot of confidence in the pre alpha testers and their ability to give quality feedback.  


    • 2138 posts
    April 15, 2018 8:43 PM PDT

    dauthi said:

    Is there an outlet for other certified testers to participate without having to pay to lend their services? (or does this fall into conflict of interest?)


    I didnt know there was such a thing a certified game testers.

    I am interested i finding out information on how to become one- are there like classes? or formalized education? Like a CPA?. like a certified game tester would have a publicly recognizable credential as a certified public accountant- that is granted by an accredited institution available to all members of the public but granted only to those that fulfil the rigorous requirements.


    Any info would be appreciated! sounds kinda neat.


    • 19 posts
    April 16, 2018 9:59 PM PDT

    Sure, I'm certified, Advanced Level and I've been in Quality Assurance since 2011 for another company, but recently moved on to software development engineer in test :)


    Here is an official tester certification organization:

    • 27 posts
    May 6, 2018 5:37 PM PDT

    I am a professional Performance and QA engineer, and happily paid to participate as a tester, submit detailed and exhaustive defects.

    I am lucky enough to be paid to something I truly love. Enough to pay to do it some more :)

    • 3016 posts
    May 8, 2018 4:51 PM PDT

    Information: ;   Just remember this game world isn't funded or backed by large publishers,  such as Sony, Blizzard, Activision, or Electronic Arts.

      Therefore their crowd funding budget is directed toward world building and such.   



    This post was edited by CanadinaXegony at May 8, 2018 4:54 PM PDT