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Sunhunter Pledge Information - Update

    • 9115 posts
    April 6, 2018 5:27 AM PDT

    Hey folks,

    I just wanted to pass on to you all that the Sunhunter pledge ($1k USD) now also includes Pre-Alpha, this includes anyone who has purchased it prior to the special deal, It will end on May 1st so be sure to take advantage of this offer if you want in on the Pre-Alpha action!

    Yes, you can upgrade to this SUnhunter pledge for an existing one and still get Pre-Alpha if you do so before May 1st, 2018.


    • 40 posts
    April 6, 2018 9:32 AM PDT

    Without any information on how long Pre-Alpha is going to last, this is pretty much and unclear if it would be worth it.

    • 11 posts
    April 6, 2018 9:53 AM PDT

    I agree with Oukbok, I know the information can not be released but, if i signed up to upgrade from where I am at for a month and then Alpha opened up I'd be a little upset. We don't know obviously when the gate will open but, it's hard to equate more value into something we don't know time tables for. I'm still really excited for the game and can't wait to hear the news from this weekend but, going from where I am at now to Pre-Alpha isn't worth it for me unless it is going to be a longer cycle than a month or two. Which if is the case, it would be a bit of a let down for me in some cases as well as a hype killer. I am sure all of us not in Pre-Alpha are dying to get into the game and help test and make the game what we the community at large needs to revitilize MMO's for the older and younger crowd's alike.

    • 2752 posts
    April 6, 2018 11:52 AM PDT

    It's up to the individual to decide if it is worth it to them. One could argue the pre-alpha part of the package (and the alpha/beta testing of others) is the most worthless as it's the only thing that doesn't carry over beyond release, and leading up to release it quickly depreciates in value with each step up in testing. To another it's the biggest part and supporting Pantheon as well as being in on the ground floor helping with in-game features etc is priceless regardless of duration of pre-alpha. 

    • 2886 posts
    April 6, 2018 11:59 AM PDT

    Iksar said:

    It's up to the individual to decide if it is worth it to them. One could argue the pre-alpha part of the package (and the alpha/beta testing of others) is the most worthless as it's the only thing that doesn't carry over beyond release, and leading up to release it quickly depreciates in value with each step up in testing. To another it's the biggest part and supporting Pantheon as well as being in on the ground floor helping with in-game features etc is priceless regardless of duration of pre-alpha. 

    Agreed. And there are other perks to pledging at that tier, other than Pre-Alpha. One could also say that even at the beginning of Pre-Alpha, VIPs had no idea how long it woud last. There will always be those uncertainties, so you can't really calculate "worth." It just depends on how important it is to you and how much you want to support the game.

    • 1404 posts
    April 6, 2018 12:11 PM PDT

    Yep, it's "worth" like most anything, is based on what's important to any given person. If what you want is simply game time, it's probably not worth it.

    If you want to be a "part of" and you want to be in the root of that NOW instead of later, and that's what's important to you, then this amount probably isn't that much.

    • 3016 posts
    April 6, 2018 12:23 PM PDT

    I would assume when pre-alpha "ends"...that your participation doesn't end there.  Alpha will come up and then beta.  Pretty sure it continues to next phase. :P

    This post was edited by CanadinaXegony at April 6, 2018 12:24 PM PDT
    • 763 posts
    April 6, 2018 11:27 PM PDT

    It is hard to either quantify or justify something like a VIP pledge towards Pantheon, since it is a highly subjective thing! Primarily, it is about you wanted to support the development of the game, but it would be foolish to say that the game's supporters were not interested in getting hands-on experience of the game, or a nice bag of shinies!

    However, there are a few things that you can look at (in terms of milestones) that may help inform your decision:

    1. Pre-Alpha #1 started 13-Dec-2017
        (Rough announcement at SD comic Con panel, date relayed closer to then)

    2. Pre-Alpha #2 started '... a few short weeks' after 14-Feb-2018
        (Released February's Newsletter by Chris 'Joppa' Perkins - Creative Director)

    3. Pre-Alpha #3 (?) to start sometime around/after 01-May-2018
        (Guesstimate based on end date for VIP upgrade with PA access to end on this date)

    On this basis:
        PA #1 duration 8-12 weeks
        PA #2 duration 6-8 weeks

    Glass Half-Empty perspective:

    From a doom sayer's perspective, you could say it is possible you might only get 2 months (or perhaps 4-6 months if it runs to PA #4 or #5) of testing time in the Pre-Alpha window before the Alpha phase is set to start....
    ... though I know of many, many Alpha pledges who are actively hoping it is nearer the 2 months!

    Glass Half-Full perspective:

    From an optimist's perspective, you could say "you will gain access to testing Pantheon on/after 1st-May-2018", i.e. within about 4 weeks from now ...
    ... as opposed to some of the lengthier estimates a few Alpha-supporters have been suggesting in the forums!


    Hope that helps any aspiring upgraders out there with their decision. I would say to those considering it :

    VR said:
    8.2 Can you explain Pre-Alpha and the other testing phases?

    Pre-Alpha means that the game is still under heavy development. Some mechanics may not be in the game yet, and everything you see could be changed before release.

    Then in Alpha, we plan on having the entire continent of Kingsreach ready for testing. Afterwards, there will be beta testing.

    We stress the semantics because we have Pre-Alpha, Alpha, and Beta access available at different pledge levels. Traditional testing occurs in these development phases, rather than an ‘early access’ program.



    Evoras, suggests finding a supportive significant other before using your childrens' college funds to upgrade to VIP ...

    • 166 posts
    April 7, 2018 2:32 AM PDT

    Using four assumptions, I made a little calculation. The assumptions can be completyl wrong, what will lead to a completly wrong calculation, but everyone can wage the assumptions on his own.

    #1 PA3 starts like Evoras suggested at 01.05.2018

    #2 PA2 started at 14.02.2018 (also taken from Evoras posting, without having any further knowledge)

    #3 There are 5 PA phases (hered this rumor somewhere)

    #4 In average each PA phase last the same time

    Now we have 63 days between start of PA1 (13.12.2017) and start of PA2 (14.02.2018)

    And 76 days between start of PA2 (14.02.2018) and start of PA3 (01.05.2018)

    In average this are 69,5 days between the start of one testing phase and the start of the next one.

    Adding 5 * 69,5 days to the start date of PA1 (13.12.2017) we have a start date for the Alpha of 25.11.2018

    Again seid, there are a lot of assumptions, speculations and guesses in this, but maybe this is not that far from the real date, who knows.

    • 1 posts
    April 8, 2018 2:39 PM PDT



    Could you perhaps update the description for the Sunhunter Pledge on the website, as that currently doesn't say that it includes pre-alpha tester access? I believe this may cause some confusion for those that'd like to (change their) pledge. See here:


    Thank you!


    • VR Staff
    • 367 posts
    April 9, 2018 1:02 PM PDT

    The Sunhunter pledge is currently not available for purchase but will be back after the PAX Special ends. All of the current Sunhunter pledges will receive Pre alpha access. If you would like to upgrade from an existing pledge to the PAX Special, we can assist you if you open a support ticket. 

    • 64 posts
    April 9, 2018 1:44 PM PDT

    Wow, talk about a shameless cash grab.

    Very disappointing.

    • 363 posts
    April 9, 2018 2:01 PM PDT

    Taken from the VoT write-up on Pax East:


    Brad announced planned timeframes for Alpha & Beta, should they be ready!

    Alpha - End 2018

    Beta - 2019

     Edit: So, no, not really a cash grab if pre-alpha will last until the end of the year.


    This post was edited by Anistosoles at April 9, 2018 2:02 PM PDT
    • 202 posts
    April 9, 2018 7:57 PM PDT

    nscheffel said:

    Wow, talk about a shameless cash grab.

    Very disappointing.

    You may call it a "Shameless Cash Grab" others see it as another opportunity to experience and help with Pre-Alpha.  The price point is to weed out the unhelpful players that wish to troll and not really help. 
    The value of the pledge also varies from person to person. You may see it as a shameless cash grab and think its not worth it. WELL newsflash buddy everyone values things differently, maybe they want the Pre-alpha access to help, maybe they just want the items and titles, but who are you to shame the company and players?

    • 17 posts
    April 10, 2018 5:07 AM PDT

    Anistosoles said:

    Taken from the VoT write-up on Pax East:


    Brad announced planned timeframes for Alpha & Beta, should they be ready!

    Alpha - End 2018

    Beta - 2019

     Edit: So, no, not really a cash grab if pre-alpha will last until the end of the year.


    If this is true, the wait for Alpha is a lot longer than I anticipated and it sounds like the game is not as complete as I thought.

    • 1315 posts
    April 10, 2018 10:06 AM PDT

    Flintheart said:

    Anistosoles said:

    Taken from the VoT write-up on Pax East:


    Brad announced planned timeframes for Alpha & Beta, should they be ready!

    Alpha - End 2018

    Beta - 2019

     Edit: So, no, not really a cash grab if pre-alpha will last until the end of the year.


    If this is true, the wait for Alpha is a lot longer than I anticipated and it sounds like the game is not as complete as I thought.

    I feel like VR has been really up front about the state of the game.  They made the exceptional decision in my opinion to use Unitiy and not reinvent the wheel by creating their own game engine.  There is an astronomical amount of work that has gone into the fundamental design that is currently in the fine tuning stage in pre-alpha.  What is still relatively on the light side is world content.  Fundamentally world content is a simple but labor intensive process to create. As long as the fundamental design is done well new content can be blended directly into the current build.  There are a number of video game graphics companies out there that specialize in doing contract work on world assets that could be brought in if the time/cost ratio makes sense which could rapidly accelerate finishing the world content.

    While the game is far from done content wise the bones look really good and as always the passion of the developers is infectious.  If I could justify the extra $750 to join in pre-alpha over everything else waiting in line I would but sadly I cannot and must wait till alpha rolls around.  My hope is that many more fans are able to join the pre-alpha and give the VR team even more financial breathing room.


    This post was edited by Trasak at April 10, 2018 10:08 AM PDT
    • 17 posts
    April 10, 2018 10:30 AM PDT

    I understand that creating a game takes time lots and lots of time and money.  I also appreciate the time everyone has given to create Pantheon.  I guess I, like many are just ready to get my hands on the game. I also understand that Brad and everyone will not release an unfinished product.   So I will patiently for Alpha.. but not too patiently.  I work in Carlsbad and live in Esco, so I may just have to go visit VR and see what the hold up is.  Though to be honest, I would really love to visit VR, just waiting for an invite.

    Keep up the great work everyone.   

    • 2138 posts
    April 10, 2018 11:49 AM PDT

    Is my assumption right? 800 pre-alpha testers that have paid for the right to test in pre-alpha?

    800 highly motivated testers?... I feel the love!

    • 30 posts
    April 10, 2018 12:37 PM PDT

    I for one am grateful for the opportunity offered to upgrade my pledge from Cohort to Sunhunter / PAX Special as I had missed the deadline to get in on pre-Alpha in December. The money raised goes towards helping to fund the game to completion. The various "rewards" offered to those who donate is a way of thanking the community for their generosity in helping to fund the game. It's up to everyone to decide if they wish to donate and to what extent. It's not mandatory to donate now in order to play the final game. Anyone who is butt-hurt over the pledge system needs to take some time to learn what the pledge system being used here and being used by other people on other platforms such as go fund me and kickstarter really means and why it's used these days. 

    • 12 posts
    April 10, 2018 12:56 PM PDT

    I upgraded to the sunhunter on the 7th butit is not is showing in settings that i have does this take a while or should i open a ticket?


    And i am gratefully for the extra chance at pre alpha After a good check up and the fear of not being able to work again is gone ,i just now had the confedence to spend the extra.

    • 2752 posts
    April 10, 2018 1:27 PM PDT

    Madass said:

    I upgraded to the sunhunter on the 7th butit is not is showing in settings that i have does this take a while or should i open a ticket?


    And i am gratefully for the extra chance at pre alpha After a good check up and the fear of not being able to work again is gone ,i just now had the confedence to spend the extra.

    If it doesn't update by the end of tomorrow then submit a support ticket, its a small CSR team and with all the PAX chaos things might be backed up a bit. 

    • 64 posts
    April 10, 2018 2:49 PM PDT

    LeonSanborn said:

    nscheffel said:

    Wow, talk about a shameless cash grab.

    Very disappointing.

    You may call it a "Shameless Cash Grab" others see it as another opportunity to experience and help with Pre-Alpha.  The price point is to weed out the unhelpful players that wish to troll and not really help. 
    The value of the pledge also varies from person to person. You may see it as a shameless cash grab and think its not worth it. WELL newsflash buddy everyone values things differently, maybe they want the Pre-alpha access to help, maybe they just want the items and titles, but who are you to shame the company and players?

    Guess what buddy, I am a paying customer who is well within his rights to express my opinion on any matter I see fit.

    Who are you to scold me? Are you married to Brad or something? Or just another rabid fanboi with blind loyalty?

    This post was edited by nscheffel at April 10, 2018 2:50 PM PDT
    • 1479 posts
    April 10, 2018 3:03 PM PDT

    nscheffel said:

    LeonSanborn said:

    nscheffel said:

    Wow, talk about a shameless cash grab.

    Very disappointing.

    You may call it a "Shameless Cash Grab" others see it as another opportunity to experience and help with Pre-Alpha.  The price point is to weed out the unhelpful players that wish to troll and not really help. 
    The value of the pledge also varies from person to person. You may see it as a shameless cash grab and think its not worth it. WELL newsflash buddy everyone values things differently, maybe they want the Pre-alpha access to help, maybe they just want the items and titles, but who are you to shame the company and players?

    Guess what buddy, I am a paying customer who is well within his rights to express my opinion on any matter I see fit.

    Who are you to scold me? Are you married to Brad or something? Or just another rabid fanboi with blind loyalty?


    Hello no. You're not a paying customer but a paying pledger.

    • 14 posts
    April 10, 2018 3:44 PM PDT


    Agreed. And there are other perks to pledging at that tier, other than Pre-Alpha. One could also say that even at the beginning of Pre-Alpha, VIPs had no idea how long it woud last. There will always be those uncertainties, so you can't really calculate "worth." It just depends on how important it is to you and how much you want to support the game.


    The greatest benifit is being able to play an amazing MMO again everything else is just icing on top

    • 3237 posts
    April 10, 2018 3:45 PM PDT

    I don't view it as a cash grab.  There has been a high level of interest from folks who wanted to get involved with pre-alpha who missed the cutoff for whatever reason.  If VR is able to field more players during the earliest stage of testing, that's a good sign for server stability.  Personally, I appreciate seeing a company that is responsive to community interests especially if it furthers funding potential.