Hello and welcome,
I continue to see a lot of new faces coming into our amazing community, and I couldn't be more excited! With that I know we tend to see a flurry of questions and posts that have been answered in the past. So I wanted to offer you a welcome kit of sorts to get you started!
First off a little about the community:
Fact 1 - This community is awesome!
Fact 2 - Fact 1 is true.
Where can I follow VR?
Here is a list of Official Links! VR is great about posting all announcements to all platforms (Twitter, Forums, Facebook, Reddit) so make sure you follow at least one to keep up with the latest news!
Other Quick Links you should know about:
So now with the official stuff out of the way, let's talk about the underground!
Where can I find more information on everything?
I love the Lore, so where can I find Pantheon's Lore?
Pantheon's lore is amazing but can be tough for some to follow. Therefore I myself use forum posts and videos like these to help me understand it all!
Also, I highly recommend checking out Chris Kane's series as he reads the Lore for us!
Are there any Dev Interviews I can watch?
First off be sure to check out the Dev Stream on VR's Twitch page every two weeks, but otherwise here are some classic's below!
There have been others, but these are the most recent I recommend watching.
Is there a Pantheon Discord I can join to live chat with others in the community?
Is there any Pantheon Fan made site(s) you recommend Reign?
Tons, but I'll only link a few here so be sure to check out the Fan Site Section on the Forums for more! - https://www.pantheonmmo.com/content/forums/69/fan-sites
There are many many more great sites so be sure to check them all out!
Reign enough about looking into the game. When can I play!?
Well, depending on one's pledge you may be able to test at different stages of development. With that said Pantheon is currently in Pre-alpha testing, and no dates have been given for Alpha, Beta, or Release. So hold tight, enjoy the ride, and make sure to follow Pantheon on those social media links I gave up top to know the exact moment when another phase is announced!
I do want to make sure I was clear above as well. PA, Alpha, and Beta are intended for testing and not to be confused with "early access". We will all get a fresh start come Release, but until then the best we can do is be patiently supportive of this amazingly talented team!
Again, find the latest updates here - http://www.pantheonmmo.com/news/latest_news
Why won't people answer my questions about Pre-Alpha?
Well, community members currently involved in Pre-Alpha testing are under NDA. This includes disclosing their involvement and/or any testing information. In short only VR will be able to answer questions about testing at this time.
*To avoid awkward conversations I try to be polite and not ask other community members of their pledge status. Seems to be a best practice IMO :)
Reign you didn't answer my question!
So sorry didn't see your hand raised there, could you do me a favor and repeat the question below in the comments. I'll do my best to help you find an answer!
Hope this helps you all get started, and don't forget to Introduce yourself here - https://www.pantheonmmo.com/content/forums/5/introduce-yourself
Welcome to the Pantheon Community!
Awesome job Saicred alot of great information for newcomers so they can catch up to the amazing community we have
I know I'm late, but I just wanted to say thanks for doing this Saicred! You know how much I like having a lot of info in one place, especially when it's a big help to new players to get them adjusted quickly. And this does that very well. Come to think of it, it's been almost a year now - there's probably even more stuff by now that could be added to it ;)
snowman301 said:so anyone have any idear when open beta is going to be useable i have a friend thats play it now but i waitting for beta?
There's no public ETA for anything right now. I don't even think we have confirmation that there will be an open beta. Although it's likely.
Thanks @Townsage :)
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