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Server Wide Events?

    • 7 posts
    February 23, 2018 5:28 PM PST

    So I have not read too much on these, maybe if there is a post someone can link it below, but one thing I thought was incredibly fun back in EQ was Server wide events. One example that stands out to me was when I was about 13, they posted a message server wide, saying "Get to (Zone), there will be a massive battle royale, people will be split into groups, Blue Team/Red Team, and it ended up being almost like a 75 vs 75 player battle royale. The most fun part of this was that you had GM's got involved in this as well, where one played the 30 foot giant Red Boss, and the other GM played the 30 foot giant Blue Boss. The winner of each team got some nifty armor, items, and bragging rights. I really enjoyed events like these, especially because not only did you have the server getting involved in these, but you also had the GM's and other people from the game team got involved which made it even more fun. Not all these events were PvP related, but that was one that stood out to me the most. 

    Is this something that would interest others to have some server-wide event like this?

    • 2 posts
    February 25, 2018 7:20 AM PST

    I think most events are something to look forward to in the future. I see alot of multiplayer games doing a ton of events. (I am with you on this one) At the moment, this is a new game that is still in the making and i am sure there will be events on Pantheon. Lets get to the finish line with the completion first. ;) 

    • 20 posts
    February 25, 2018 7:55 PM PST

    Personally I am not a big fan of events (especially drop events).  There have been numerous times that I have missed out on events due to work and other RL events.  Events are not really fair for people in different time zones, or people that cant play the game as often as others.  JMHO...

    • 7 posts
    February 25, 2018 8:40 PM PST

    I appreciate your honest opinion, but because its unfair to people who are in different time zones, or cant play the game as often as others, should this mean it should not happen? Would that not be unfair to those who HAVE the extra time, or are in the proper time zones? Most servers are based off a certain time zone region, so if you are not playing on a server that is appropriate to your time zone, how should that be anyone elses fault? Most of these events happen durring the high peak time of players that are on. This way they get the most out of it, no reason to make an event at 4 in the morning when most people would be asleep, or getting prepared for work. Also, just like guild events in other MMO's, you normally are aware of the event a day or so in advance, so if you cannot make one, its not that big of a deal. There are plenty more to come that would accomodate your schedule.

    • 2886 posts
    February 26, 2018 3:57 AM PST

    20.7 Will Pantheon have GM events to keep the world exciting?

    Not just GM events, but an intricate Event System to keep the world more dynamic and a commitment by the live team to revamp older zones to keep them popular as well.

    VR also talked about this at the following point in the December stream:

    02:35:03 World and localized events and dynamic content

    You may also be interested in these threads:

    This post was edited by Bazgrim at February 26, 2018 3:59 AM PST
    • 30 posts
    February 26, 2018 5:22 AM PST

    Server events can be fun for a change of pace from the usual grind. To address the concerns about time zone differences or not being on at the time, I think this can be handled by running events at varying times and by running many more. The issue I have seen with many of these events, is that they rarely happened so you did have to be lucky enough to be online, be close enough to the event and be level appropriate. I was a guide on EQ and I participated in a couple of events as an NPC. The loot I had was generally mediocre and level appropriate for the zone where I did the event. I alwasy felt that we should have many mnore of these events across the server. It was great fun to be a part of the event and on my play account, was fun to participate in.

    Pantheon should be much more different though. It sounds like there will be a lot of "events" which are triggered by the game itself (seasons, player action triggered, etc) so the world will feel far less static. In addition to this, I am hopeful that the company plans to allow guides and GMs to perform many more small events.. It doesn't need to have major loot (they rarely / almost never did anyway) but just having an interractive NPC is a lot of fun..