Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

Where do you draw the line?

    • 1404 posts
    February 23, 2018 9:10 PM PST

    I am NOT going to read all these post... but I'm with the most of them I scanned.

    Buy the game

    Pay a sub

    Buy expansions 

    FTP ,Micro transactions, even cosmetic and I'm out. I expect (hate to sound demanding, but I do) FULL Developmental resources going towards making fun.. not paying for the game.

    The only thing in addition to that, and I encourage it, is an out of game store on the wb site where we could buy shirts, posters, mugs (anybody want a full 6 piece set of Stein of Moggokk?), calanders, ect. These can all be commissioned by outside sources.. the Devs just pass them the models.

    This post was edited by Zorkon at February 23, 2018 9:11 PM PST
    • 103 posts
    February 23, 2018 9:57 PM PST

    Zorkon said:

    The only thing in addition to that, and I encourage it, is an out of game store on the wb site where we could buy shirts, posters, mugs (anybody want a full 6 piece set of Stein of Moggokk?), calanders, ect. These can all be commissioned by outside sources.. the Devs just pass them the models.

    I've actually said something about that awhile ago, they said that they had actually put that into conideration but weren't set in stone on it, or something of the likes. But I'd totally be down to buy that kind of stuff.

    Onwards with the question:

    Sub-I'm use to paying subscriptions so pay to play/sub isn't much of an issue, and usually that gets rid of the idiots of the MMO genre, the less serious folks, and the gold spammers (or at least to an extent).

    Buying the game-I'm not too much of a big fan of that concept, seeing that they'd be getting $15 a month already and adding the additional amount to just get the game seems a bit rough. Not to mention that if you buy the game and then pay a month's subcription and then decide that you don't like the game, then that's a waste of money on their end. 

    In-game shop-While I'm kinda against it, I find myself generally laying down $$$ to treat myself to the either way I really don't care about it, but it'd probably hurt the economy and make those who spend money on the game able to sell items for some nice gold or just look dope af without having to do the work to get it...

    F2P-As I said early, having a subscription mandatory limits trolls and overall dumbasses, but if the game's population is dropping then it might be necessary to bring in a f2p system, escpecially seeing how this is a game that needs a good, strong player base to find groups. However, while it shouldn't be done too often, I think it'd be a good idea to give new accounts and old accounts that have been unsubbed a month trial of the game, much like some games on the PS4/Xbox will give people a weekend to a week or two where anyone can play the game. 

    And for DLCs, seeing that Pantheon won't have other forms of making money other than maybe an out of game cash shop, I'd say pay for DLCs, though that admittingly might split up the player base.


    That's essencially all my thoughts :P

    This post was edited by Jacasta at February 23, 2018 9:58 PM PST
    • 13 posts
    February 25, 2018 1:15 PM PST

    I would happily:

    a) buy the game;

    b) subscribe to the game; and

    c) purchase expansions that provide significant new content.

    • 431 posts
    February 25, 2018 2:12 PM PST

    What line ? where is it ?  So  I know whether to jump over it or not :)  Im teasing here ... So long as its not P2W I'm Flexable ...

    I perfer Pay for game , monthly sub and pay for expansion packs .

    This post was edited by Shea at February 25, 2018 2:13 PM PST
    • 801 posts
    February 25, 2018 2:26 PM PST

    I draw the line at added SPAM, cash shops forced purchase windows, if it is free to play popups drive me nuts if you want to go on further a subscription will be required.

    Pretty much everything EQ did turned many of us off.


    Cash shops suck, except for expansions, kronos added to monthly subs, and minor products. I think all items should be able to be found within the world. The only thing i find that helped me out when i was driven to have more then one account was kronos so i could click and add another month of play. I am not going to start another debate at it, but i found it useful if i have a friend who whats to play, trade a krono to them. Simple as that, and no need to make it tradeable for a returned item like coins in game either. Out of game sales can not be stopped on tradeable items and its difficult to stop this microtransaction from poping up all over the web.


    So basically a very limitted cash shop for specific things only.

    • 30 posts
    February 25, 2018 2:53 PM PST

    Kilsin said:

    Season Passes, DLC's, Subscriptions, Free to Play, Buy to Play, Pay to Play, Expansions, Early Access, Micro-transactions, Cash Shops - where do you draw the line in all of this and what is your preferred method to pay for an MMORPG? #PRF #MMORPG #MMO #communitymatters


    I am happy to pay for the full game and would pay extra to get one with extra real world stuff (like a deluxe set).

    I will buy expansions. I think this is a safe revenue stream as all current playewrs would most likely purchase expansions.

    I would (and did) pay for early access to the game. This is a great way to generate some exra revenue for the company and could perhaps help fund some additional development time to add some extra polish or content to the initial game.

    I detest games which keep pushing for more and more money in order to be able to play the game within a reasonable amount of time. While this is not exactly relevant to this discussion, the concept of paying micro-transactions to be able to play the game in a reasonable manner leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

    I'm not too keen of free-to-play as it eats into revenue which then might have to be recovered through other less than acceptable means. Having said that, if this has been a successful vector for games to get more regular players, then I guess it's worth a shot.

    Cash shops.. Ugh, I don't like this but it might solve a problem of people farming items to sell for real world money. If the company sells items for real world cash then it discourages these farmers who camp itmes (preventing others from camping it for themselves). If the company doesn't offer this, they are walking away from money which others will gladly take. I'd rather see this go to the company than to some farmer who runs a sweat shop of low wage players somewhere. I don't think it ruins the game or anything. People who have cash to spare will spend it to get items they want. It's a fact which will never go away. Nobody is forced to buy from these cash shops just as nobody is forced to buy from farmers in the game.

    Real world items. I'd gladly buy real world items from a company run shop. CLothing, nice quality coffee mugs, books of world information, posters, etc. I'd even pay for the in-game music if it sounds good (I sometimes listen to music from EQ1 for nostalgia)

    I'd be fine to pay for DLC. Perhaps some mini zones or something which caters to solo play or some special event zones like for halloween?

    Preferred method to pay for a game is credit card. Digital is probably the cheapest for the company but you should offer some actual real media. I'd buy it! I still have my big collection of EQ game and expansion sets..

    • 1 posts
    February 27, 2018 7:29 AM PST

    I'd prefer

    buy the game

    pay the supscription

    pay for big expansion

    nothing else is needed in an mmo

    if a cashshop is there, it should only be look items


    • 363 posts
    February 27, 2018 9:36 AM PST

    Will: Buy Game, Pay Subscription, Buy Expansions.

    Won't: Buy DLCs, Microtransactions, or P2W garbage.

    DLCs used to not be as bad as they are now, but it's a slippery slope for a game, and I've never seen it turn for the better.

    • 1 posts
    March 1, 2018 9:57 AM PST

    Full game, subscription, full expansions. Sign me up. I would happily but my money on this. 

    RNG lootboxes, pay to win, seasonpasses and microtransactions. Please don't. 

    I would not mind a cash shop, if it's only purely cosmetic and not put in RNG lootboxes. I would however prefer if the best designs went into the gear, dropped from the toughest bosses or was craftable. 

    The value in the game comes, if I have to play, in order to get the best stuff. For me, there is no value in buying everything i need. 

    • 160 posts
    March 1, 2018 10:11 AM PST

    Like most everyone here, I'm fine with: Paying the game (even if it costs more - I don't give a damn), paying the subscription (even $20-25+ a month... $15 today isn't worth what it used to be in EQ 1 times), paying for expansions.

    I can live with DLCs and season passes - it's just a subscription in a different form.


    But any form of selling in-game assets for real money, including purely cosmetic ones, is the line for me - I'm out if that happens.

    No FTP, no pay to win, no buying anything, no buying cosmetic stuff, no microtransactions, nothing of that sort.

    It's not the money - it's that the game itself should be pure, play to win, not pay to win.

    • 60 posts
    March 1, 2018 10:48 AM PST

    Buy game

    Buy Monthly Subscription(Monthly, 6-mo, or yearly options)

    Buy Expansions


    I also think people should be able to buy xp potions.  My reasoning for this is for the people who work hard irl and make money for doing so... but therefore dont have as much time to xp/grind.  These poeple should (essentually) be able to trade that RL time for gametime in the form of xp potions.  This also reduces the likelyhood of powerlevelers running rampant in the game.  Keep that money going to devs instead of a third party.

    A big no-no for me are cosmetics which look like in-game items, or items that allow you to change the look of dropped items.  I dont care if peopel buy cosmetics which are all know are cosmetic items.

    And certainly no items which improve your character ability to give or take damage or CC, etc. .. I might be ok with paid potions/items with long cast times which only improve quality of life.. such as portals, or summoning a merchant to sell trash, or summoning of merchant style expendables like pulling arrows, bandages, shrink, etc


    This post was edited by Defector at March 1, 2018 10:58 AM PST
    • 264 posts
    March 1, 2018 11:11 AM PST

     Personally I would rather see a higher subscription fee of $20 per month. I prefer the subscription model and nothing else...I don't even care for expansions. In my view the expacs tend to cost more than they are worth compared to the original game. I'd rather see more frequent content patches instead of a long content drought and suddenly boom 6 new dungeons etc. Maybe there is a marketing reason for so many companies doing things that way? I won't play any MMORPG with micro transactions or cash shops after ArcheAge, that debacle showed me how bad P2W could get. Yes there are games like Path of Exile and League of Legends but there are far more examples of it being done wrong, not to mention those are not MMORPGs either one is an ARPG and the other is a MOBA. Very different genres that lend themselves better to that sort of model. I suppose GW2's B2P was solid I actually never spent any cash on that game other than the box price and I was able to experience everything.

    • 17 posts
    March 1, 2018 4:21 PM PST

    I think because I loved vanilla EQ so much, I'm biased to favor the style EQ used; buy game, monthly sub, and buy xpac. Although I'm probably fine with some other similar methods, main reason is probably subbing for less (gold seller)spam and a better overall mature/friendly community. I hate to admit that I do have MANY friends that are anti-subscription because they're cheapos. I try to debate with them over this, but there are just so many free games out there, they just settle for a generic/clone games that use P2Win microtransactions.

    Also I agree with HEVIS, while I don't mind devs making profit with non-P2Win methods/items, I don't like illusionary items to cover the gear players are wearing, no one can tell the difference between a veteran epic'ed out player and a new player that way....sad. So while cosmetic stuff may not affect any in-game advantages, I think it can easily ruin the epic atmosphere.


    • 2419 posts
    March 1, 2018 6:45 PM PST

    Kilsin said:

    Season Passes, DLC's, Subscriptions, Free to Play, Buy to Play, Pay to Play, Expansions, Early Access, Micro-transactions, Cash Shops - where do you draw the line in all of this and what is your preferred method to pay for an MMORPG? #PRF #MMORPG #MMO #communitymatters

    Subscriptions only for means of paying for the game.  It allows the developers a good degree of revenue prediction so that projections for future work can be developed.  This is especially true when you can buy long-term subscriptions (6 months, year, etc).  I see DLCs in the same vein as expansions.  Small scale improvements via DLC should be free or quite low cost.  Major expansions that give us a lot of new content should be something we must buy.  Any other type of transactions listed above can just stay away because they only benefit those with lots of disposable income.  At least with subscriptions the bar of entry is equal for everyone.

    • 3 posts
    March 3, 2018 8:32 PM PST

    madmike556mm said:

    ski05318 said:

    I'm always willing to do the following:

    1. Buy the base game

    2. Pay a regular subscription fee

    3. Buy full expansions (Please don't charge me for micro, small content)

    If there is a desire to create other opportunities for money making, I'd prefer to keep them purely cosmetic.  They should not impact gameplay directly.  They should only provide some appearance based component to the game, or provide some other temporary benefit that does not provide a direct gameplay advantage (A good example of this is EQ's XP boost potions [No direct benefit comes to a player that purchases this except saving some time in their leveling efforts]). 

    At the end of the day, I'm eager to see a company make money with a game that I love to ensure that it remains available and evolves for years to come.  The bottom line....I'll pay good money for a game that is worthy of it.




    • 257 posts
    March 4, 2018 6:04 AM PST

    I don't know anyone who does not enjoy developers adding quality content to their game (especially mmo's) as DLC. I hope the government involvement stays focused on the GAMBLING issue of microtransactions, and not use games as a whole (like this nonsense about video game tax for school violence) as a platform to distract, confuse and divide us. Luckily, some politicians know what they are talking about (like Hawaii).


    • 18 posts
    March 4, 2018 2:27 PM PST

    Allow subscribers to PICK THE BILLING DATE and prorate the current billing cycle to that date then go from there. It freaking BLOWS MY MIND that in 2018 I still have 8 monthly bills that the company can't prorate the billing date. Some comes out on the 6th, some the 13th, some the 21st, etc. etc. How much more money is coming out this month for bills? Well I dunno, what's today so I can start calculating... Google is one of them. Google. Google can't manage the digital task of changing the automatic transfer of digital funds from 1 calendar date to another. Mind. Blown.

    • 645 posts
    March 4, 2018 3:38 PM PST

    Zorkon said:...

    Buy the game

    Pay a sub

    Buy expansions 

    FTP ,Micro transactions, even cosmetic and I'm out. ......

    ... I encourage it, is an out of game store on the wb site where we could buy shirts, posters, mugs (anybody want a full 6 piece set of Stein of Moggokk?), calanders, ect. These can all be commissioned by outside sources.. the Devs just pass them the models.


    Agree with every letter of this post



    • 58 posts
    March 5, 2018 11:10 AM PST

    Kilsin said:

    Season Passes, DLC's, Subscriptions, Free to Play, Buy to Play, Pay to Play, Expansions, Early Access, Micro-transactions, Cash Shops - where do you draw the line in all of this and what is your preferred method to pay for an MMORPG? #PRF #MMORPG #MMO #communitymatters


    I draw the line at the pay to win even if its not in the list :-P

    in same idea, micro-transaction should be allowed but for skins and toys in game but nothing that gives an edge to players... 

    What about giving the players that wants to pay for a years subs at a time that woudl include any expansion release during this time. if you stop this plan and go to a shorter subs plan then you gotta pay for the expansion?



    • 217 posts
    March 5, 2018 7:38 PM PST

    Buy game, pay sub and buy expansions... I would love it if they had some sort of season pass type deal where you could pay a slightly lower price if buying muliple expansions.. ifI love the release version and/or its potential, then Im in for the long haul.. 

    • 483 posts
    March 6, 2018 5:06 AM PST

    My preffered method to pay for an MMO is buy to play with a monthly subscription (10-15€) and early expansion releases that cost around (30-50€)

    I draw the line at any sort of micro-transaction or cash-shop, it has no place in subscription based video games, even cosmetic only items should stay out of the cash shop, I'm paying a subscription so those items should be earned through ingame means (farming reps, farming drops, crafting etc), puting cosmetics in the the form of micro-transactions or in the cash-shop is just taking away content that could have been part of the main game, (for exemple a reputation grind that rewards a mount, or tabbard etc).

    I'm fine with occasional charity companions/mounts thought.

    This post was edited by jpedrote at March 6, 2018 8:13 AM PST
    • 103 posts
    March 6, 2018 8:05 AM PST

    Cash shops, plain and simple. So sick an tired of them, it just cheapens the game for me and I have zero tolerance for it anymore. Frankly, I think it builds an environment for the game that just isnt pleasant for me, and I believe (for this game at least) it breaks away from the principles this game is building on.

    Ill pay a higher sub that keeps up with inflation from MMO's early days $22.03 according to:

    Ill also happily pay-per-hour like in asian MMOs (which I really think would benefit western audiences now more than ever), or even a B2P/DLC setup where you have to buy (quality!) content patches or mini-expansion and everything that comes with it.

    A cash shop that directly sells anything useable or wearable in game is instant regret and even resentment towards the developer. Especially those that "change their mind" after a certain time. Sell transfers, sell recustomizations, sell real life merchandise for all I care... anything in game should be aquired by playing the game as far as im concerned. No and, if, or buts.

    • 15 posts
    March 7, 2018 1:32 PM PST

    Kilsin said:

    Season Passes, DLC's, Subscriptions, Free to Play, Buy to Play, Pay to Play, Expansions, Early Access, Micro-transactions, Cash Shops - where do you draw the line in all of this and what is your preferred method to pay for an MMORPG? #PRF #MMORPG #MMO #communitymatters

    My preference is buy the game, pay the sub and pay for major expansions (I'd expect lots of content and power increases in these).

    The only type of cash shop I'm ok with is appearance items (no special traits to illusions etc, that's for in game drops only). I have no problem with those with the caveat that all those items are available in game for in game currency/drops. I'd even be OK if cash appearance items could be sold for in game currency although it wouldn't be my first choice.

    • 7 posts
    March 8, 2018 5:15 PM PST

    Buy game, pay sub, buy expansions. That is the drawn line. I can tolerate shops for cosmetics to an extent.

    • 15 posts
    March 10, 2018 3:46 AM PST
    Buy game
    Pay sub
    Buy expansion

    Pay for Server transfer, racial change, name change and change appearence (sex change)