Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

If The Choice Was Yours?

    • 69 posts
    February 20, 2018 11:23 AM PST
    RP server (doesn't have to be strict)

    Language barriers and learning, no common tongue.
    Faction kos, maybe pvp too if enough interest but I'm cool with pve. Maybe just restrict grouping unless neutral faction guilded or something?
    No zone/global type ooc chat.
    Anonymous settings - hide char info from menus.
    • 116 posts
    February 20, 2018 12:26 PM PST

    First I second the motion of having all trial accounts on a special server and then automating the process of transferring off that server once they setup a subscription.  I agree with others that this would alleviate a rather typical method of gold sellers using free accounts to bother players.


    Second, I would personally be willing to pay for a 'deluxe member' server like they used to do in EQ1.  For a higher fee you get a much higher ratio of customer support to players, higher frequency of live events / GM quests / etc.  Included expansions in your monthly fee...  But you'd have to be able to transfer off the server if populations become low so all other rules would have to be standard ruleset I think...


    Third, maybe some PVP variants, like isntead of world wide open PVP, maybe faction / race based PVP, or specific zones, etc.



    • 294 posts
    February 20, 2018 2:01 PM PST

    I like having to learn the languages of other races to be able to speak with them.


    I also don't want to see insta-click travel unless a player who has learned specific teleport spells(extremely limited) does the actual teleporting.

    • 20 posts
    February 20, 2018 2:45 PM PST

    No fast travel, except regular game mechanics (port from a caster for instance)

    No offline selling ****. Bring back the glory days of Bazaar

    A method to avoid griefing and harassement on PVP servers. 

    No boxing allowed! 

    • 13 posts
    February 20, 2018 2:56 PM PST

    I liked the old Stormhammer premium server from EQ days.

    • 20 posts
    February 20, 2018 3:43 PM PST

    Klumpedge said:

    I like having to learn the languages of other races to be able to speak with them.


    I also don't want to see insta-click travel unless a player who has learned specific teleport spells(extremely limited) does the actual teleporting.


    Ohhh yes. That was a pretty cool feature in the original EQ

    • 20 posts
    February 20, 2018 3:47 PM PST

    Mornroc said:

    First I second the motion of having all trial accounts on a special server and then automating the process of transferring off that server once they setup a subscription.  I agree with others that this would alleviate a rather typical method of gold sellers using free accounts to bother players.


    Second, I would personally be willing to pay for a 'deluxe member' server like they used to do in EQ1.  For a higher fee you get a much higher ratio of customer support to players, higher frequency of live events / GM quests / etc.  Included expansions in your monthly fee...  But you'd have to be able to transfer off the server if populations become low so all other rules would have to be standard ruleset I think...


    Third, maybe some PVP variants, like isntead of world wide open PVP, maybe faction / race based PVP, or specific zones, etc.




    I think that's a bad idea. Not too much a fan of the whole "pay more, have more fun" type of server. I don't mind premium servers but these shouldn't include more "support or event" than the other servers. I find it insulting that some players would get more support from GM than others just because they throw money at them. 

    • 431 posts
    February 20, 2018 5:22 PM PST
    I agree with ArtCore , sounds like if you have more cash then others you get more GM or Developers support . so if I have the most most cash I am most supported. Bad idea .
    • 432 posts
    February 21, 2018 1:05 AM PST

    The questions seems to be what WE think would be popular for THE COMMUNITY .

    I have no data allowing to answer this question and nobody having posted here has them either . The only objective way to get answers would be a poll asking for individual preferences what is something that everybody knows .

    The only semi objective answer I can see is based on experience with EQ and is related to boxing . Clearly the question of boxing separates the community in 2 relatively incompatible camps . Seeing the success of P99 and true box servers in EQ , I think that a server forbidding boxing would be popular . Of course when the game grows old and the population is top heavy there may be no other way to play a group centric game than to box but we are not yet there and when we will be there , these questions won't matter anyway .

    That would mean only 1 account per IP and possibly in an RP variant only 1 character per account . I am pretty sure that such a server would have a quite large and stable population .

    • 12 posts
    February 21, 2018 3:42 AM PST

    The 'new server' experience

    One thing that people generally don't get much of in MMORPGs, even of the old school variety is to enjoy the fresh server and leveling environment for more than just the initial time (and if new servers open).

    So, why not make two servers to emulate the experience of new servers every so often? It goes like this: One server that resets every x amounts of months (adjustable), and another server where characters are moved over to, after the other server resets. If a character move exceeds the character cap on the 'storage' server, you are prompted to delete characters until you're at the cap (there should be a way to warn people that they're about to exceed the limit, so they can move items and money around on characters, so they don't necessarily lose anything).

    This way, you get the best of both worlds: A new server experience every so often, without losing your characters when the server resets. Every once in a full moon, a new storage server can be created, when the old one has too much active population on it.

    • 1315 posts
    February 21, 2018 4:40 AM PST

    Havesh said:

    The 'new server' experience

    One thing that people generally don't get much of in MMORPGs, even of the old school variety is to enjoy the fresh server and leveling environment for more than just the initial time (and if new servers open).

    So, why not make two servers to emulate the experience of new servers every so often? It goes like this: One server that resets every x amounts of months (adjustable), and another server where characters are moved over to, after the other server resets. If a character move exceeds the character cap on the 'storage' server, you are prompted to delete characters until you're at the cap (there should be a way to warn people that they're about to exceed the limit, so they can move items and money around on characters, so they don't necessarily lose anything).

    This way, you get the best of both worlds: A new server experience every so often, without losing your characters when the server resets. Every once in a full moon, a new storage server can be created, when the old one has too much active population on it.

    Another implementation could be that you copy an existing character to the Race server.  On the Race server the characters name would be Trasak of Karana and starts at level 1.  That way your skill at leveling and reaching certain goals will tied back to a permanent character, as will your reputation.  All the transferable items/achievements go back to the main character and you can continue to send digital clones out each reset.

    Could turn into a bit of an e-sport in and of itself.

    This post was edited by Trasak at February 21, 2018 4:41 AM PST
    • 801 posts
    February 21, 2018 6:23 AM PST

    I forgot to mention, if we had zones, or Instances on a special ruleset server i would be ok with that, allowing people to raid more, have more interaction as a guild function and get away with multiguilds i would be on board with this. Hardcore server with litttle to no safe points in the game, like revive and recover your body fast, no serious porting, long term raiding much like we had with Plane of Fear type raids. Yet no restrictions or lock outs if you fail or win. Maybe 24 hrs for the same raid tops.


    • 1404 posts
    February 21, 2018 8:08 AM PST

    I would like to see a RP server, with languages, lack of maps, lack of fast travel except by players, you need food and water, Coin weight causing encumbrance, and anything that would make it more Immersive.

    I would also add player collision to it as well (immersion). And your Spells could hit yourself and other players (immersion). To counter the griefing that is so common with those two and also other ways players grief I would like to see Discouraged PVP. (for sake of a better name for it)

     By Discouraged PVP I mean there would be major consequences to repeatedly killing other players, yet it can be done if needed. Somebody grifing you using Player Collision?  The "Ogre blocking the doorway" kill him, Or call in a guild mate that has +100 Player Faction to spend a point.  Root and Dot that FD player that keeps training your group, you may take a "Player Faction" hit for it, if the training player is positive faction, but if your already +100 PF no big deal and the Training problem is solved.

     There would be the normal Race Factions of course and if you decided as an Ogre you wanted to EAT Gnome players you would eventually be KOS to Gnomes, but you would also take a Player Faction hit as well. 

    •  All players start with neutral 0 player faction.
    •  If they attack and kill a player with neutral or positive faction they are given -1 to Player Faction.
    •  If they attack or are attacked by, and kill a negative faction player (wanted for murder) they are given +1 to Player Faction (as bounty).
    •  If they were attacked first and they kill the player in self defense they take no faction hit unless the player that attacked them had negative faction then they get the +1 faction bounty.
    •  If a Negative Faction player is killed they would get one of there negative points removed (so +1 Player Faction) This gives a player a means to redeem themselves. each time they are killed moves them closer to neutral.

     Docile PVE type players would only ever get positive faction and would eventually get up to hundreds of stored points to use when there were those players that needed "taken care of" or taught a lesson about blocking the way to the bank. or training there group.

     Aggressive PVP'ers that want to run around Ganking innocents would move into negatave PF and be flagged KOS and be a source of people wanting to improve there Player Faction.

     The intent would be NOT to make it a gank fest PVP server but to allow the players that want to police there own Griefing the ability to do so.



    To get to this place where PVP was available to control griefing but unwise to also control the Ganksters could be done by in increasing or decreasing the Point distribution (a PK'er is killed they only get reddemed by .5 for each time they are killed,

    Or if more was needed by adding an actual Plat bounty on there head. A player kill on a Player with negative 20 PF would give the bounty hunter 20 of that players Platinum if they had it on them. That negative player would then move to -19 PF, so if the bounty hunter working on raising there PF wanted to corpse camp the PK'er there would be another 19plat in it for him next kill.

    The Plat Bounty could be supported by the game (possable exploit) 

    There could be quest "kill 15 player killers"

    There could be titles for hero's that hunt down PK'ers "Protector of Innocents"  

    The Goal NOT to be a PVP server, but to allow the immersion things often left out because "they can be used to Grief" and a way for the players to police this themselves.


    I think this would indeed go over good if, or once people got past the idea of the bad stigma behind PVP servers and the Gank fest they generally bring.  (as people have there preconceived ideas "THIS is PVE" and "THIS is PVP" and they rarely can conceive there being a middle ground)  What I'm suggesting would technically be a PVP server, but the deck would TOTALLY be stacked against the PVP'er.... it would need a different name to "be popular enough to maintain a servers community". maybe RPVP or whatever,  But once past the "PVP" the stigma I would think it would be very popular.

    • 36 posts
    February 21, 2018 9:16 AM PST

    Dead penalties, which are real penalties:

    XP-debt with deleveling when you die to often. Or some kind of "sign" on your char where you need a crafted reagent to remove it. Not a time based decay like a buff, more a peristent Buff you NEED to remove with another item. Crafting this shouldnt be that cheap or easy to get.

    Items can take damage, when they reach 0 % before they get repaired, they just fade away. When its broken, its broken, you cant repair it.

    Items should stay on corpse.

    At all, just if you die you need to have some effort to fix that dead.

    • 201 posts
    February 21, 2018 9:28 AM PST

    Mornroc said:

    First I second the motion of having all trial accounts on a special server and then automating the process of transferring off that server once they setup a subscription.  I agree with others that this would alleviate a rather typical method of gold sellers using free accounts to bother players.


    I totally agree with this.  I do not think this is pay more, get more...this is "all new accounts that are temporary free trials" go here so that until they spend actual money, they can't get into the server with the rest of us.  Since this is a subscription game and everyone will be paying, there is no segregation by who pays more.  There is no free server or free players long term...there are no free players other than a very short trial period.  It is just a matter of not letting spam bots and such annoy people with waves of free trial accounts.  Real players will ALL have to pay, even if they start free, so keeping the free accounts blocked off in some way before they sub is a great idea to me.  That pretty much completely stops spam machines and gold sellers because they won't pay the money to get onto the regular server.


    Mornroc said:

    Second, I would personally be willing to pay for a 'deluxe member' server like they used to do in EQ1.  For a higher fee you get a much higher ratio of customer support to players, higher frequency of live events / GM quests / etc.  Included expansions in your monthly fee...  But you'd have to be able to transfer off the server if populations become low so all other rules would have to be standard ruleset I think... 


    I do not like this at all.  This is exactly what IS pay more, get more.  I do not like any type of incentive to get better service or a better more developed gaming experience because you pay more than someone else.  Everyone should pay the same 15, or 17 or 20 bucks a month and everyone should get the same experience.  The real world is already enough of a "have more money, you are more valuable as a person" place, so I would prefer to avoid that in game.

    • 111 posts
    February 21, 2018 9:51 AM PST

    i know pantheon is a pve game...

    still i'm a pvper at heart and especially like RvR.

    So i'd love to see a darkies vs lighties vs shorties server ruleset (vallon zek....) or even cooler a race vs race ruleset (so ogers vs elves vs gnomes vs dark myrs vs...etc).

    • 769 posts
    February 21, 2018 11:01 AM PST

    Xbachs said:

    I dislike the idea of special "easy" servers. If you intentionally create a path of least resistance you had better believe that a significant number of players will choose that path. Do you really want to spend years creating and balancing a game only to watch a large portion of players choose the easy server, solo their way to 50, beat all the content in two months, and then cancel their subscription? How do you think other players will react to this? To me, watching other players rush through the game on easy mode destroys the foundational risk vs. reward balance that makes the game enjoyable in the first place.


    This is an interesting point - but I'm not 100% I agree with it. 

    I've played a lot of Path of Exile. They have two base modes. Hardcore and "regular" mode. In Hardcore, if you died, your character would immediately be transferred to the regular server, which is essentially permadeath on the hardcore. You could argue that the regular server was the path of least resistance you're talking about, but it certainly didn't stop people from playing on the hardcore server. Maybe this would be different in MMO's? But I don't see how or why. 

    Perhaps they could take a book from POE. Have a hardcore server with permadeath, but your characters don't die completely - rather they go straight to a different server. Call it the "Exiled Server", where every character that dies on hardcore goes. 

    • 116 posts
    February 21, 2018 2:49 PM PST

    antonius said:

    Mornroc said:

    First I second the motion of having all trial accounts on a special server and then automating the process of transferring off that server once they setup a subscription.  I agree with others that this would alleviate a rather typical method of gold sellers using free accounts to bother players.


    I totally agree with this.  I do not think this is pay more, get more...this is "all new accounts that are temporary free trials" go here so that until they spend actual money, they can't get into the server with the rest of us.  Since this is a subscription game and everyone will be paying, there is no segregation by who pays more.  There is no free server or free players long term...there are no free players other than a very short trial period.  It is just a matter of not letting spam bots and such annoy people with waves of free trial accounts.  Real players will ALL have to pay, even if they start free, so keeping the free accounts blocked off in some way before they sub is a great idea to me.  That pretty much completely stops spam machines and gold sellers because they won't pay the money to get onto the regular server.


    Mornroc said:

    Second, I would personally be willing to pay for a 'deluxe member' server like they used to do in EQ1.  For a higher fee you get a much higher ratio of customer support to players, higher frequency of live events / GM quests / etc.  Included expansions in your monthly fee...  But you'd have to be able to transfer off the server if populations become low so all other rules would have to be standard ruleset I think... 


    I do not like this at all.  This is exactly what IS pay more, get more.  I do not like any type of incentive to get better service or a better more developed gaming experience because you pay more than someone else.  Everyone should pay the same 15, or 17 or 20 bucks a month and everyone should get the same experience.  The real world is already enough of a "have more money, you are more valuable as a person" place, so I would prefer to avoid that in game.


    'Pay more get more' is ingrained in most businesses across the planet.  And yes, that includes Panthoen already even before adding a premium server...  Just look at the different tiers of pledges and you'll see examples of paying more and getting more.  Or as I expect they will, charging for expansions.  You can choose to buy the expansion or not, so in effect, those who DO buy the expansion paid more and got more. I frankly don't see a problem with it.  When I was younger I couldn't afford the premium EQ1 server, but I'm older now and have a few bucks and I'm willing to spend them to obtain a better experience.  I don't think it detracts in any way from the experience of others on regular servers. 

    Personally I'd even be happy with only the enhanced customer support and nothing else.  It wouldn't even require a seperate server really.  Let me pay for that 'gold membership' and get a seperate dedicated queue of customer support folks and I'd gladly pay the extra fee.  Nothing drives me more nuts than to have a problem in an MMO and wait days if not weeks for a support rep. to respond, especially one that doesn't really have the authority to help me anyway...  If I'm knee deep in a raid with my friends and the encounter is bugged, I want a support person right then to reset it, not a week from now.  And if I am willing and able to pay for that extra attention, I think it's fair.  Game or not, it is a business after all.

    Now 'pay to win' I think would be a different arguement which I would not like, but pay to win and pay more get more aren't really the same thing.

    • 261 posts
    February 22, 2018 3:48 AM PST

    I would like a "Hard" server where the mobs are say 10% harder and the exp is someting like 30% more each level. Or  just the exp required is more by 30%.

    Although would need to see what the normal server progression is going to be like. How about a sneeky peek so I can make up my mind :)


    How about a Classic server :) Oh yeah they will all be classic to start.

    This post was edited by Boulda at February 22, 2018 3:56 AM PST
    • 12 posts
    February 22, 2018 6:48 PM PST

    Extremely easy question for me to answer with very few words: Vanguard's Varking server - Team PvP (race-based / Order vs Shadow / territory control as an added element). I would select server and never turn back. RIP Vanguard, RIP Varking.

    This post was edited by Talemire at February 22, 2018 6:49 PM PST