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Brainstorming Player driven content options

    • 1785 posts
    March 22, 2019 9:28 AM PDT

    Caine said:

    I was often accused of not playing EQ correctly.  As I would just explore, talk and hang out,  Looked behind every waterfall (Surefall Glade is my favorite).  Search the whole floor of the ocean of tears (there aint crap down there only a shark or two.  I don't know what that NPC guard was talking about in the EC, he was full of it.)


    That's not entirely true.  There was that underwater chessboard if I remember correctly :)  I mean, not that I also got an enduring breath and swam around down there to see what I could find...

    • 413 posts
    March 22, 2019 9:37 AM PDT

    Nephele said:

    Caine said:

    I was often accused of not playing EQ correctly.  As I would just explore, talk and hang out,  Looked behind every waterfall (Surefall Glade is my favorite).  Search the whole floor of the ocean of tears (there aint crap down there only a shark or two.  I don't know what that NPC guard was talking about in the EC, he was full of it.)


    That's not entirely true.  There was that underwater chessboard if I remember correctly :)  I mean, not that I also got an enduring breath and swam around down there to see what I could find...

    I missed it?  man... you got a /loc?

    • 1785 posts
    March 22, 2019 9:56 AM PDT

    Caine said:

    I missed it?  man... you got a /loc?

    LOL, sadly i do not.  I even went to look on the old EQAtlast maps to see if it was there.  I might have dreamed it or something.  I mean the last time I played EQ was in 2004ish.  But I totally remember swimming around down there one day and finding it sitting on the seabed, somewhere on the butcherblock side i think.

    • 1315 posts
    March 22, 2019 10:09 AM PDT


    So I get two ideas coming from you guys.

    1)      A picnic basket consumable you can take out somewhere and set up

    2)      The ability to get a guard drunk and convince him of some crazy rumor so that he tells newbies and sends them off on snipe hunts.

    • 413 posts
    March 22, 2019 10:18 AM PDT



    • 1785 posts
    March 22, 2019 10:44 AM PDT

    Trasak said:


    So I get two ideas coming from you guys.

    1)      A picnic basket consumable you can take out somewhere and set up

    2)      The ability to get a guard drunk and convince him of some crazy rumor so that he tells newbies and sends them off on snipe hunts.

    Muahaha.  Now you understand :)

    • 1315 posts
    January 14, 2020 5:38 AM PST

    I pledged to Pantheon two and a quarter years ago and have remained pretty active on the boards.  I have tried to keep my posts relevant and productive but I am not immune to getting pulled into bickering. 

    Of all the threads I have started and really posted in this Brainstorming thread has still been my personal favorite.  For my 1000th post I thought I would both bring back this thread and bring up an idea that is more about the people behind the keyboard than the character on the screen.

    Tool:  Memorial Garden

    Purpose:  Sometimes the realities of life break apart our online families.  Sometimes its just the reality of work over taking leisure, bundles of joy becoming bundles of kill-joy, or just the game just looses its luster and people move on.  Other times though tragedy can strike our online families just as brutally as our real life families.  I have personally lost two people from my online family over the years, one to cancer and the other to a car accident and we all have suffered from the loss of Brad in November.  The purpose of this tool is to create a space where players can come together and create a marker in a special zone within the game to remember their lost ones by.

    Game Mechanics:  A specific park or cemetery within Terminus is created where players can come together and fill out a form to have a marker created.  Due to the more solemn nature of the area the markers would need to be audited in some way before being implemented.  The markers could include memory books where players could come in and write their memories down and share their stories for others to see.  Some form of anti trolling measures will need to be included in the memories book but due to the social nature of the game and meaning of the space I doubt many will attempt to violate it.  The look and feel of the marker could be a modular art object set with the ability to add a short message.


    Ideally there would be no real in-game cost to this but due to the audit nature there may need to be a fee involved with the service.  To those who this would matter to though a small fee is worth it.

    • 1430 posts
    January 14, 2020 9:04 AM PST

    yea never have this on pvp server rofl.  welcome to the 1k club sir XD

    • 2111 posts
    January 14, 2020 9:28 AM PST

    That is a wonderful, touching idea that I greatly appreciate.

    Sadly, I haven't the slightest hope that it will ever be implemented as you suggest. A memorial garden, perhaps. Players leaving permanent messages there, no.

    Thanks for suggesting it anyway, though.


    (Congrats on 1000)

    • 1404 posts
    January 14, 2020 2:18 PM PST

    An off the top of my head question about your suggestion Trasak.

    Say they have 15 servers, is this Memorial Garden the same on the 14 servers that player didn't play on, or is it exclusive to the one server?

    What if he had multiple characters with multiple names on multiple servers?

    This post was edited by Zorkon at January 14, 2020 2:19 PM PST
    • 1315 posts
    January 14, 2020 3:34 PM PST

    @stellarmind – I almost included “On PvP servers this would be the rare no combat zone” in the original write up just for you.

    @Jothany – My goal for this thread in general is just to throw rough concepts out there and if you look at the full thread some of my ideas could have used a little more thought before I even posted the rough idea. As per the notes there could be some form of permissions and the behavior policies would still apply to memorial posts. It may even be a thing where messages need to be submitted to the one who commissioned the marker before they become visible so troll messages would never show up.

    @Zorkon – depending on the size of each server and the total number of servers I could actually see this zone possibly being a joint server zone where everyone sees a copy of the same zone with all the same markers. The markers need not be only for the players who have passed on but possibly just general remembrances of notable things or guilds saying goodbye. Its really just a rough idea at this point and as with 99% of this thread these are post launch ideas that will need to be polished if they are deemed not a turd.


    • 1404 posts
    January 14, 2020 7:26 PM PST

    Trasak said:

    @Zorkon – depending on the size of each server and the total number of servers I could actually see this zone possibly being a joint server zone where everyone sees a copy of the same zone with all the same markers. The markers need not be only for the players who have passed on but possibly just general remembrances of notable things or guilds saying goodbye. Its really just a rough idea at this point and as with 99% of this thread these are post launch ideas that will need to be polished if they are deemed not a turd.

    While they have always said this wouldn't be an instanced game, I've noticed they also always seem to put a bit of a disclaimer that there could be reasons.where they might. This as a non combat shared zone could be one of those reasons. The monument/headstone could read theplayers name based on what server the viewing character was from.