Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

Solo and Cooperative Gameplay.

    • 557 posts
    January 16, 2018 9:22 AM PST

    Mathir said:

    The closer they get to copying EQ1's methodology with soloing v. grouping, the better off the game will be.  The closer they get to copying Vanguard, the worse off the game will be.  And if soloing is easier than both of those games, Pantheon is dead in the water.  You just don't want to make soloing harder than EQ1 (See: EQ2 at launch), nobody wants true forced grouping and restricted zones starting at seemingly Level 1.  Too frustrating.  

    I have to disagree.  It was far too easy to solo in vintage EQ.  While I don't want to be forced to find a group every single time I log in, I do expect that the emphasis for combat activities will be on content for groups.  I'd say give the players just enough intro level content to learn a few basic mechanics for their class, then put them into group content soon after.  A large part of playing Pantheon classes is going to be handling various group dynamics.  I don't want to work with a level 50 cleric who soloed from 1-49, which was an all too common scenario in EQ.


    • 2756 posts
    January 16, 2018 10:20 AM PST

    Celandor said:

    Kaen said:


    This is pretty much my opinion too. One thing I wasn't fond of though was quadding. It was really slow and obnoxious for other people looking to kill stuff. Took people 15+ minutes because they wouldn't even START to kill the mobs until they had 4. So they would be running around for 10 minutes just letting mobs chase them. Then it would take another 5-10 minutes for them to actually kill the mobs. Then you factor in respawns, and that's another 10 minutes. Really dumb when you have 10+ people in a zone (or even a couple in a certain area) doing this. That's when you start to get people who will tag mobs just to tag them even if they have no mana, and it takes them forever to kill the freakin' mobs because they are running around medding for 30+ minutes just to get the mana to start attacking... Really hope this isn't a thing in Pantheon.

    If you found quadding to be objectionable, I'm surprised you didn't mention bard swarm kiting.  It's bad enough when one player has 4 mobs.  It's another thing altogether when they're very slowly killing 40.

    That stuff was horribly selfish and obnoxious.

    • 1404 posts
    January 16, 2018 1:55 PM PST

    disposalist said:

    Celandor said:

    Kaen said:


    This is pretty much my opinion too. One thing I wasn't fond of though was quadding. It was really slow and obnoxious for other people looking to kill stuff. Took people 15+ minutes because they wouldn't even START to kill the mobs until they had 4. So they would be running around for 10 minutes just letting mobs chase them. Then it would take another 5-10 minutes for them to actually kill the mobs. Then you factor in respawns, and that's another 10 minutes. Really dumb when you have 10+ people in a zone (or even a couple in a certain area) doing this. That's when you start to get people who will tag mobs just to tag them even if they have no mana, and it takes them forever to kill the freakin' mobs because they are running around medding for 30+ minutes just to get the mana to start attacking... Really hope this isn't a thing in Pantheon.

    If you found quadding to be objectionable, I'm surprised you didn't mention bard swarm kiting.  It's bad enough when one player has 4 mobs.  It's another thing altogether when they're very slowly killing 40.

    That stuff was horribly selfish and obnoxious.

    Nonsense. Yes like anything there were for sure some that were selfish and otherwise abused it but that wasent the norm. As one that quaded many levels I can honestly say I seldom if ever intruded on other players space or mobs. Quadding took a lot of room and I always found deserted spaces or zones for it. The west side of split paw was where I learned it, there was never anybody over there, on out to the raptors in OOT I think it was. 

    I would think this kind of fits with what Brad says about some game features... the idea (quadding) wasn't bad, the execution by some players might have been.