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Holidays and festivals

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    • 769 posts
    December 28, 2017 2:05 PM PST

    There's a thread in the Off-Topic forums about Christmas, and a reply from Iksar (neener neener) that got me thinking. 

    How do people feel about festivals and events, in-game, that coincide with holidays in the real world? Winter festivals around Christmas, halloween events, valentines day nonsense with gnomes running around delivering candy hearts, nonsense like that. That ridiculous flying reindeer in Vanguard comes to mind. 

    I'm not a fan, myself, but I can see how others would be. It's not even close to a game-breaking feature to me, as I just opt to not partake in the festivities, but I'm curious about what others think. 

    • 258 posts
    December 28, 2017 2:17 PM PST

    I'm not really a fan of this. For me it just takes away from the immersion.  Just my opinion...

    • 2752 posts
    • 5 posts
    December 28, 2017 3:14 PM PST

    Kaen said:

    I'm not really a fan of this. For me it just takes away from the immersion.  Just my opinion...


    I Could not agree more with this. Most of these activies throw off an area or section of the map that would need to be re-tooled in order to fullfil the "Holiday" event. (See WoW/Rift/... really most modern MMO's)

    Back when EQ was 1st launched, people would gather in the tunnel in EC and Mages made and passed out MASSIVE amounts of Summoned Bread and Water and we just sat and chatted! Some of the higher level more generous players were passiong out "Gifts" to n00bs like me at the time (My Pally got a Full set of Bronze Armor and a Ghoul Bane!) but it was all player created content in the world, not some forced Server Event. (I know later they did provide items to "celebrate" the Holidays, but it still forced the "Event" to be something players put time and thought into themselves, thus keeping our "world" immersion in tact)


    This was just my experience, but it was still one that solidifed many relationships and made me fall even deeper in love with the MMO experience.

    • 1095 posts
    December 28, 2017 3:15 PM PST

    I like these events, I want my cosmetic santa hat.

    • 51 posts
    December 28, 2017 3:46 PM PST

    Personally, I'd rather see holidays and festivals wrapped around the different cultures in Terminus rather than real world holidays

    • 2886 posts
    December 28, 2017 3:51 PM PST

    everett said:

    Personally, I'd rather see holidays and festivals wrapped around the different cultures in Terminus rather than real world holidays

    Agreed. On that note, in addition to Iksar's link above, I'll also add these: