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Player/NPC Sickness

    • 1095 posts
    December 26, 2017 4:24 PM PST

    I think it might add a layer of immersion if players caught colds and the flu or other various types of stuff while adventuring. Certain healers could be found in town, as another reason to go back to town or a higher level healer could maybe heal it. Also healers could perform healng events in citites on NPC's as well.

    This could be more enviromental conditions that move around with the weather or due to certain spots like the Ogre city may be toxic or infect Elves or Humans who have the faction to go into the Ogre city.


    • 1281 posts
    December 26, 2017 5:35 PM PST

    They had this a little bit in Vanguard.  It wasn't something that randomnly cropped up, but certain encounters would leave you "diseased" until you got a cure for them, although I think that there might have also been a time limit on the disease.  I think it was Vanguard.  It might have been EQ2.  Because I played both of them for so short of a period, and was majorly disappointed in both, they sort of blend together in my mind.

    It would have to depend on how it is implemented in-game before I could say "yes or no" to it.

    • 557 posts
    December 26, 2017 7:52 PM PST

    I think in a game where the focus is on group play that this would be a interesting game mechanic to explore.  We're used to having mobs disease us during group or raid play.  Why not the environment?

    I'd like to see disease be more than just a debuff.  It should have symptoms that get emoted.  You're sneezing, breaking out in a cold sweat, develop a rash, begin to scratch and lose combat/casting focus...

    Some disease should be hard to cure, but these should have ways to prevent or mitigate their onset.   Maybe you have to stealth past specific mobs or risk major infection that will slow your party down until they deal with it.   It shouldn't just be one cure disease cast and you're fixed up from all that ails you.  Maybe your shammy has to stop and brew something on the spot or your party has to make a campfire while your members recover.

    • 1714 posts
    December 27, 2017 7:56 AM PST

    Zeem said:

    I think it might add a layer of immersion if players caught colds and the flu or other various types of stuff while adventuring. Certain healers could be found in town, as another reason to go back to town or a higher level healer could maybe heal it. Also healers could perform healng events in citites on NPC's as well.

    This could be more enviromental conditions that move around with the weather or due to certain spots like the Ogre city may be toxic or infect Elves or Humans who have the faction to go into the Ogre city.



    I know it's slow and you're just riffing on something, so I'm not hating, but the thought of having to return to town to find a healer sounds...less than fun. 


    I think it is possible to take class interdependency too far. This kind of sickness would have to be balanced. It was an absolute NIGHTMARE for certain classes at certain levels in certain zones to get diseased because there was nobody around to cure you and you were effectively unable to do any combat for the entire duration. Meanwhile some other class just plops down and mems cure and goes about their business. There's class interdependency, and there's screwing people over. 

    This post was edited by Keno Monster at December 27, 2017 8:49 AM PST
    • 1281 posts
    December 27, 2017 8:18 AM PST

    Krixus said:

    I think it is possible to take class interdependency too far. This kind of sickness would have to be balanced. It was an absolute NIGHTMARE for certain classes at certain levels in certain zones to get diseased because there was nobody around to cure you and you were effectively unable to do any combat for the entire duration. Meanwhile some other class just plops down and mems cure and goes about their business. There's class interdependency, and there's screwing people over. 

    That could be solved with healing potions.  You're going into an area known for givning 'Raging Creeping Crud'.  You stock up on a few potions before you go.  You already have encounter specific gear/weapons/resists.  Just an additional facet.

    • 1714 posts
    December 27, 2017 8:31 AM PST

    Kalok said:

    Krixus said:

    I think it is possible to take class interdependency too far. This kind of sickness would have to be balanced. It was an absolute NIGHTMARE for certain classes at certain levels in certain zones to get diseased because there was nobody around to cure you and you were effectively unable to do any combat for the entire duration. Meanwhile some other class just plops down and mems cure and goes about their business. There's class interdependency, and there's screwing people over. 

    That could be solved with healing potions.  You're going into an area known for givning 'Raging Creeping Crud'.  You stock up on a few potions before you go.  You already have encounter specific gear/weapons/resists.  Just an additional facet.

    Sure, so now the classes that can't cure disease have to stock up on pots. It's all about balance. One class or group of classes should not arbitrarily be put at a disadvantage for an unecessary reason. A time and money sink was just created for one group but not another, why? What does it balance out? 

    In EQ, melee characters could only bind in cities or special areas to balance the fact that they could jump right back into combat, whereas a caster came back to life with no mana. It was a mechanic that not a lot of people appreciated, but it wasn't arbitrary. It had a very good reason for a severe disadvantage. 

    This post was edited by Keno Monster at December 27, 2017 8:59 AM PST
    • 1281 posts
    December 27, 2017 9:02 AM PST

    Krixus said:

    Kalok said:

    Krixus said:

    I think it is possible to take class interdependency too far. This kind of sickness would have to be balanced. It was an absolute NIGHTMARE for certain classes at certain levels in certain zones to get diseased because there was nobody around to cure you and you were effectively unable to do any combat for the entire duration. Meanwhile some other class just plops down and mems cure and goes about their business. There's class interdependency, and there's screwing people over. 

    That could be solved with healing potions.  You're going into an area known for givning 'Raging Creeping Crud'.  You stock up on a few potions before you go.  You already have encounter specific gear/weapons/resists.  Just an additional facet.

    Sure, so now the classes that can't cure disease have to stock up on pots. It's all about balance. One class or group of classes should not arbitrarily be put at a disadvantage for an unecessary reason. A time and money sink was just created for one group but not another, why? What does it balance out? 

    Now you're just being disagreeable to be disagreeable.  You had a "complaint".  I offered a solution.  Now you're complaining about that.

    This game isn't WoW, dude, where everything is just handed to you on a silver platter.  If that's what you're looking for, you picked the wrong MMO.

    • 1714 posts
    December 27, 2017 10:15 AM PST

    Kalok said:

    Krixus said:

    Kalok said:

    Krixus said:

    I think it is possible to take class interdependency too far. This kind of sickness would have to be balanced. It was an absolute NIGHTMARE for certain classes at certain levels in certain zones to get diseased because there was nobody around to cure you and you were effectively unable to do any combat for the entire duration. Meanwhile some other class just plops down and mems cure and goes about their business. There's class interdependency, and there's screwing people over. 

    That could be solved with healing potions.  You're going into an area known for givning 'Raging Creeping Crud'.  You stock up on a few potions before you go.  You already have encounter specific gear/weapons/resists.  Just an additional facet.

    Sure, so now the classes that can't cure disease have to stock up on pots. It's all about balance. One class or group of classes should not arbitrarily be put at a disadvantage for an unecessary reason. A time and money sink was just created for one group but not another, why? What does it balance out? 

    Now you're just being disagreeable to be disagreeable.  You had a "complaint".  I offered a solution.  Now you're complaining about that.

    This game isn't WoW, dude, where everything is just handed to you on a silver platter.  If that's what you're looking for, you picked the wrong MMO.


    lol, a hilariously off target reply. And, of course, you refuse to answer my question or address my points. /ignore

    This post was edited by Keno Monster at December 27, 2017 10:15 AM PST
    • 1281 posts
    December 27, 2017 10:27 AM PST

    Krixus said:

    Kalok said:

    Krixus said:

    Kalok said:

    Krixus said:

    I think it is possible to take class interdependency too far. This kind of sickness would have to be balanced. It was an absolute NIGHTMARE for certain classes at certain levels in certain zones to get diseased because there was nobody around to cure you and you were effectively unable to do any combat for the entire duration. Meanwhile some other class just plops down and mems cure and goes about their business. There's class interdependency, and there's screwing people over. 

    That could be solved with healing potions.  You're going into an area known for givning 'Raging Creeping Crud'.  You stock up on a few potions before you go.  You already have encounter specific gear/weapons/resists.  Just an additional facet.

    Sure, so now the classes that can't cure disease have to stock up on pots. It's all about balance. One class or group of classes should not arbitrarily be put at a disadvantage for an unecessary reason. A time and money sink was just created for one group but not another, why? What does it balance out? 

    Now you're just being disagreeable to be disagreeable.  You had a "complaint".  I offered a solution.  Now you're complaining about that.

    This game isn't WoW, dude, where everything is just handed to you on a silver platter.  If that's what you're looking for, you picked the wrong MMO.


    lol, a hilariously off target reply. And, of course, you refuse to answer my question or address my points. /ignore

    Actually I answered them quite nicely.  Just because you didn't like the answer doesn't mean that there wasn't one.

    • 1095 posts
    December 27, 2017 10:53 AM PST

    Krixus said:

    Sure, so now the classes that can't cure disease have to stock up on pots. It's all about balance. One class or group of classes should not arbitrarily be put at a disadvantage for an unecessary reason. A time and money sink was just created for one group but not another, why? What does it balance out? 

    In EQ, melee characters could only bind in cities or special areas to balance the fact that they could jump right back into combat, whereas a caster came back to life with no mana. It was a mechanic that not a lot of people appreciated, but it wasn't arbitrary. It had a very good reason for a severe disadvantage. 

    Maybe the flaw lies in how those Cure spelsl work, maybe they should be more strict then cure all diseases unless it a higher level one. My initial idea was just another reason to maybe go back to cities and find an apothacary to heal heal the flu or some regional floating enviroment that has a chance to inflect people liek the flu etc. Another aspect was another layer to cities other then faction based entry. An Ogre cty may have a disease they are immune too but other races could be vunerable. You cna find that theme in alot of star trek episodes and star gate as the locla population has a childhood disease that the people form earth arn;t immune too. Lot to play on with floating/seasonl enviroments that do more then immediate damage to a player.

    I so see the concern in some classes won;t be effected as the others but that is the nature fo the beast somtimes, clerics can rez themselves and necros never had to worry about losing a corpse. I would to see the cure lines reworked.

    • 1095 posts
    December 27, 2017 10:53 AM PST

    Krixus said:

    Sure, so now the classes that can't cure disease have to stock up on pots. It's all about balance. One class or group of classes should not arbitrarily be put at a disadvantage for an unecessary reason. A time and money sink was just created for one group but not another, why? What does it balance out? 

    In EQ, melee characters could only bind in cities or special areas to balance the fact that they could jump right back into combat, whereas a caster came back to life with no mana. It was a mechanic that not a lot of people appreciated, but it wasn't arbitrary. It had a very good reason for a severe disadvantage. 

    Maybe the flaw lies in how those Cure spells work, maybe they should be more strict then cure all diseases unless it a higher level one. My initial idea was just another reason to maybe go back to cities and find an apothacary to heal heal the flu or some regional floating enviroment that has a chance to inflect people liek the flu etc. Another aspect was another layer to cities other then faction based entry. An Ogre cty may have a disease they are immune too but other races could be vunerable. You cna find that theme in alot of star trek episodes and star gate as the locla population has a childhood disease that the people form earth arn;t immune too. Lot to play on with floating/seasonl enviroments that do more then immediate damage to a player.

    I so see the concern in some classes won;t be effected as the others but that is the nature fo the beast somtimes, clerics can rez themselves and necros never had to worry about losing a corpse. I would like to see the cure lines reworked so they arn't a one shot cureall. Would add an additional element to raid if cures worked differently.

    I put a post on the Spell rank thread about spells being skills, I can see this as an opptunity to have different cures per say across classes, even no healing bases classes that use a herb mixture or something.

    This post was edited by Aich at December 27, 2017 10:55 AM PST
    • 2752 posts
    December 27, 2017 11:38 AM PST

    I don't know if adding random illness to the game would be an enjoyable answer for getting players to use cities/towns. Generally players don't like systems that punish them when they have no means of avoidance, so having players randomly become ill with a cold or flu etc wouldn't be a fun experience (especially if they had to run to town to find a cure). 


    Sounds like we'd just end up with Cure Poison, Cure Disease, and Cure Infection. If it were something that had to be bought like an herb mix or something and no spell worked it would strike me as rather odd (but all things are possible in fantasy I suppose) being that healers can bring someone back in pristine shape from being cleaved in two by a minotaur but they couldn't cure some sniffles, an upset stomach, or fever? 

    • 1095 posts
    December 27, 2017 11:50 AM PST

    Iksar said:

    I don't know if adding random illness to the game would be an enjoyable answer for getting players to use cities/towns. Generally players don't like systems that punish them when they have no means of avoidance, so having players randomly become ill with a cold or flu etc wouldn't be a fun experience (especially if they had to run to town to find a cure). 

    I never said random. I am looking at the enviromental system as a dynamtic area reguardless of what it does. The seasonal flu or cold could be an example to add to a living world. Elevation could have an alttiude sickness element. All fo those could a player build up a resistance. Maybe it could play into players resistance to such element. 

    I like your views though because I woun't want it to just be an annoyance. It would need to either add immersion to the world or have a benefit to the player in the long run.


    This post was edited by Aich at December 27, 2017 11:59 AM PST
    • 172 posts
    December 27, 2017 12:29 PM PST

    I think it's a fun idea. The devs have said there should be more to PVE than just mobs, so they have the different climates and the acclimation system. I don't see why a sickness couldn't be another part of the environment that can hinder your progress.

    Someone mentioned earlier that some classes could plop down and mem, boom cure, go about their way. I disagree with that, it should be an NPC imo. Or it could have a time limit.

    Does that make it tedious to have to find said NPC healer to heal you? I suppose, but I don't think the sickness should be something that has such an affect it prevents you from being effective.. maybe having the 'raging creeping crud' only affects your agility -2. A simple addition to player vs 'environment'.


    Edit: You might apply it to the tiered acclimation system.. say we are in a windshear climate.. I'm tier 4 windshear which allows me in this specific area but I get a sickness that is -5 to agility and -5 to constitution.  But if I'm tier 5 and those sicknesses do not effect me, like I'm vaccinated.  And these sicknesses may last until you get them cured, time runs out etc.

    This post was edited by Aayden at December 27, 2017 12:36 PM PST
    • 2752 posts
    December 27, 2017 2:39 PM PST

    Zeem said:

    I never said random. I am looking at the enviromental system as a dynamtic area reguardless of what it does. The seasonal flu or cold could be an example to add to a living world. Elevation could have an alttiude sickness element. All fo those could a player build up a resistance. Maybe it could play into players resistance to such element. 

    I like your views though because I woun't want it to just be an annoyance. It would need to either add immersion to the world or have a benefit to the player in the long run.


    It could be interesting if sparingly used in very specific zones/places but not so much as a means to drive players to town as a means of adding life and flavor to a location. If they had a virulent zone of some kind I could see it being an interesting addition by giving random but very brief kinds of sickness to players, sort of in the same vein that EverQuest had with Plane of Hate giving the player random emotes/flavor text in their chat box with things like "You really hate this place..." or "You're suddenly paranoid. You glance around at your party members and begin to wonder; Who will betray me first? Who will be the first to die?"


    I can't think of anything that will drive players to cities (beyond the usual) though. I suspect it will be the same old story of a couple popular cities (Freeport/GFay) always full of people and then a bunch of Erudin ghost towns. 

    • 1020 posts
    December 28, 2017 12:00 PM PST

    Hopefully putting points into Constitution would prevent me from getting this sickness.  IRL I have only missed 1 day of work in 20 years.  I never get sick, so it would be annoying if my in game avatar got sick all the time.

    • 258 posts
    December 28, 2017 2:05 PM PST

    Very cool idea! Personally, I'd like to have it be a relatively short duration. 10-15 minutes at most. If you have to return to town or something to fix it, that's no good. Maybe player-made elixirs can cure these afflictions.

    All sorts of different afflictions that might impair:
    - Attack speed
    - Defense
    - HP regen
    - Mana regen
    - All stats
    - Str/Con
    - Int/Wis

    It would also be interesting to see certain areas be known for causing these sorts of issues. Maybe certain rooms in dungeons, certain cave systems, etc... Could also be used as another mechanism to prevent bottle-necks and overcrowding in certain areas. Better XP/Loot + more PITA afflictions vs. slightly less desirable areas that aren't going to be significantly affected by environmental factors.

    Lots of things could be done with this!