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Shareable Quests

    • 1714 posts
    December 22, 2017 8:41 AM PST

    fazool said:

    Shared quests were a staple in WoW


    I hate them.


    They cheapen the personal aspect of the quest, dumb down the game, and are a concession to instant gratification



    This post was edited by Keno Monster at December 22, 2017 8:41 AM PST
    • 3852 posts
    December 23, 2017 8:13 PM PST

    If ignorance is bliss we are all exceedingly happy about this topic.

    No that isn't an attack and I include myself in that "we" - how can we have a useful opinion until we know a bit about how quests will work.

    I agree that to the extent quests work like tasks (bring Fred 10 rat noses and he rewards you, without the bother of having tasked you to de-nose the rats) the topic is moot. No need to share a quest since there *is* no quest. Just a seriously sick puppy with this thing about rat noses.

    To the extent quests work the way they do in most MMOs (and this goes back *way* before WoW) Fred asks you to do something and you get credit only if you do that thing *after* he asks you (normally this puts a quest in your log). We know that quests won't drive experience point gain as much as in most current MMOs but that is very very far from them being useless. And one can safely assume that in Pantheon some, many or most quests will require or be a lot easier with a group.

    That being the case, suppose 5  of us have nothing much to do and someone mentions that we can get decent experience not too far from where we are killing rats. If the quest is sharable it is shared and we head over  to slaughter the vermin (and maybe a chipmunk or two). Thus producing a happy hour of grouping, which is rather the point of Pantheon. 

    In this context and under these assumptions what is the downside to letting the quest be shared if there  were no prerequisites? The desire to encourage people to explore and find Fred for themselves? Not an invalid argument but for a simple "kill 100" type quest I think the benefit of encouraging grouping outweighs it. Especially since there is even more encouragement to explore once one has killed the rats and one needs to find Fred to get rid of the bloody, stinking noses. Uchhhhhh!!

    This post was edited by dorotea at December 23, 2017 8:16 PM PST
    • 1714 posts
    December 24, 2017 10:21 AM PST

    dorotea said:

    That being the case, suppose 5  of us have nothing much to do and someone mentions that we can get decent experience not too far from where we are killing rats. If the quest is sharable it is shared and we head over  to slaughter the vermin (and maybe a chipmunk or two). Thus producing a happy hour of grouping, which is rather the point of Pantheon. 


    OR you just play the dang game because it's amazing and doesn't need stupid little fetch quests for people to feel connected to the world. Maybe instead of sharing a kill 10 rats quest your party decides to, you know, make their own quest by going out and doing something together.