Forums » General Pantheon Discussion


    • 21 posts
    December 19, 2017 1:50 AM PST

    I have been keeping up with all the stream videos and if I am not mistaken it was noted that macros would not be allowed in Pantheon to keep people from automating skills and such.

    These things I do completely agree with, but I would like to bring up that a very stipped down macro system would be great for role playing or engaging users.  If macros could be limited to strictly chat text and emotes, such as having your charcter say something whitty when resurecting, opening a portal, or summoning a pet for example.

    I feel that these things can add some depth to character personalites.

    On a side note FFXI had the ability to add sound FX to macros which helped for pulls so when people are getting tired of long nights of playing it keeps people alert for when a pull was being made.

    This post is just to find out what the devs thoughts are on this, and if they decide it does not fit into Pantheon feel free to close this thread, but I do think that it would be good to capture the thoughts and decision on this so we all get a clear picture of the Pantheon game mechanics.

    Let me know your thoughts!

    • 557 posts
    December 19, 2017 5:41 AM PST

    I don't think they were saying there wouldn't ANY macros, just that they would be quite limiting.   Please just say "NO" to adding sound effects to the macro system.

    From the FAQ

    10.5 Will players be able to make ‘macros’?

    There will be plenty of / (slash) commands that players can assign to hot keys. Likewise, the GUI will be customizable. However, players will not be able to create hotkeys that automate playing their character nor chain a long list of commands together.

    • 89 posts
    December 19, 2017 5:45 AM PST

    Maybe to sound in macros, if players had a separate volume level for macro sounds and the ability to mute a particular player... I could see some situational uses for sounds in macros, and I think the potential for abuse could be mitigated

    • 3852 posts
    December 19, 2017 8:20 AM PST

    I agree that sound effects have more potential for woe than weal. Unless they adopt a LOTRO type system for playing music in-game.

    I agree that macros for chat/emotes can be convenient but macros for automated use of your combat abilities are undesirable.

    • 21 posts
    December 19, 2017 12:43 PM PST

    The sound macro was only useful in edge case scenariors of late nite grinding and people falling asleep at the keyboard, hehe.

    • 1785 posts
    December 19, 2017 12:51 PM PST

    In FFXIV, we use sound effects in macros to flag important things (like raising someone), or to remind everyone to do a raid mechanic like stack up or stand in the circles (as opposed to not standing in them)

    They *can* be abused or overused but it's very rare to see this.  Just some food for thought there.

    • 281 posts
    December 19, 2017 1:26 PM PST

    Just add a block audio macros list that works like an ignore list but just blocks these.  Anyone added to an /ignore list is automatically blocked from audio macros too.

    • 114 posts
    December 19, 2017 6:21 PM PST


    I always like to have three or four macro emotes.  For when that person runs past dropping SoW on my character.  I can realize this and quickly hit a key to some effect of "Faseti thanks you very much! Safe travels /wave."


    • 610 posts
    December 20, 2017 2:59 AM PST

    I think the Macro system they had in EQ was perfect, could do a lot of things with it but it didnt automate the game for you

    • 1095 posts
    December 20, 2017 2:54 PM PST

    I used macros on EQ1 in groups on ym necro and wizard so I could hit one button and watch TV at the same time. Something like...

    /assist, pause 5

    /pet attack, pause 5

    /cast 1, pause 50

    /cast 2, pause 50

    /useitem 15 (epic clicky) and or /sit

    So I look forward to using these in Pantheon to the limit provided.

    But to channel Bazgrim

    Searched keyword "macro"

    Some posts form Kilsin in there.


    This post was edited by Aich at December 20, 2017 2:57 PM PST
    • 1 posts
    December 26, 2017 7:24 PM PST

    So in a video stream I heard:

    (Mr Brad McQuaid answering on a related topic) "...Actual mods, grabbing information that shouldn't be sent to the clients and things like that, we're definiately against that, we're gonna do what we can to minimize that. You can't stop it 100% of the time but we can make the general statement that running some sort of 3rd party app that gave you an advantage over another player is not something that we approve of."

    (question by Cohh) "Just to be perfectly clear here, there will not be any type of allowed macroing or autoplaying or anything like that, correct?"

    (answer) "No, no, nothing like that that allows you to automate game play, no."

    My take on this:  It's not really possible, like Brad says, to catch people doing this 100% of the time.  Actually, it's pretty hard to catch them at all without installing some malware on their computer. And even then, players can usually skirt around it, especially with a macroing keyboard.

    They will talk a big game so people will feel like there is a level playing field, but actually they don't have to do anything about it, as long as they convince you that the are doing something about it.

    So macroing... yeah.  They cant catch us.

    Oh wait, I posted this on the forums.


    • 1095 posts
    December 27, 2017 8:32 AM PST

    brindylln said:

    So in a video stream I heard:

    (Mr Brad McQuaid answering on a related topic) "...Actual mods, grabbing information that shouldn't be sent to the clients and things like that, we're definiately against that, we're gonna do what we can to minimize that. You can't stop it 100% of the time but we can make the general statement that running some sort of 3rd party app that gave you an advantage over another player is not something that we approve of."

    (question by Cohh) "Just to be perfectly clear here, there will not be any type of allowed macroing or autoplaying or anything like that, correct?"

    (answer) "No, no, nothing like that that allows you to automate game play, no."

    My take on this:  It's not really possible, like Brad says, to catch people doing this 100% of the time.  Actually, it's pretty hard to catch them at all without installing some malware on their computer. And even then, players can usually skirt around it, especially with a macroing keyboard.

    They will talk a big game so people will feel like there is a level playing field, but actually they don't have to do anything about it, as long as they convince you that the are doing something about it.

    So macroing... yeah.  They cant catch us.

    Oh wait, I posted this on the forums.


    Your mixing apples and oranges. A macro like those in EQ and my example is not "automating gameplay"  whereas making my character do things on its own aka a bot script is.

    Now if you take my example and use a 3rd party tool, say autoclicker to click said macro to say, fish while you go wash the dishes or something then that is automating but using a macro like my example and a human clicking the button is not.

    This post was edited by Aich at December 27, 2017 8:34 AM PST
    • 57 posts
    December 30, 2017 8:58 PM PST
    I like the macro use for chat and emotes type thing
    I. E. Pulling "--incoming-- %T -- Please assist
    Mezzing- --Mezzed a -- %T -- please do not break it, assist the tank for proper target.
    Heals- Complete heal on %T, try to stay alive for 9 more seconds, please
    The other macros what you can chain actions like spells for the Necro and Shaman (and yes, I used the crap out of these macros also) I do see why they should not be allowed. Make you earn it, play smart to be better, play lazy or dumb to suck at the game. It's on you how well you do in the game, not how well you copy a macro to achieve ideal results.