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Channeling (casting spells)

    • 39 posts
    December 18, 2017 10:08 PM PST

    For those spells that are not instant cast followed by a cooldown, how should channeling (concentrating while casting) be handled?

    We have a number of methods:

    The classic EQ Method: You CANNOT move. There is a tiny chance you can recover when being pushed by melee via Channeling skill. There is a decent chance you can recover when being hit by melee via the Channeling skill.

    The EQ2 Method: For the majority of spells you may not move while casting or you will be interrupted. When you do recieve combat damage your channeling bar goes backward with a small chance to be interrupted entirely based on Channeling skill and AAs.

    The Vanguard Method: My personal favorite--While channeling a spell your movement speed is reduced to 10%. You are not going anywhere fast while channeling but you CAN move a bit. This small amount of movement can be enhanced with certain movement buffs and levitation. Movement buff you maybe can get up to 20% of your movement rate while channeling. Levitation means you can move backward as quickly as you can move foward. Being hit while channeling has a decent chance to make your channeling bar go backward some, but being completely interrupted is rare. Defense and defensive abilities are lowered or even removed entirely when channeling.

    What is your favorite method?

    Let's discuss!

    • 194 posts
    December 18, 2017 10:59 PM PST

    Jordan said:

    For those spells that are not instant cast followed by a cooldown, how should channeling (concentrating while casting) be handled?

    We have a number of methods:

    The classic EQ Method: You CANNOT move. There is a tiny chance you can recover when being pushed by melee via Channeling skill. There is a decent chance you can recover when being hit by melee via the Channeling skill.

    The EQ2 Method: For the majority of spells you may not move while casting or you will be interrupted. When you do recieve combat damage your channeling bar goes backward with a small chance to be interrupted entirely based on Channeling skill and AAs.

    The Vanguard Method: My personal favorite--While channeling a spell your movement speed is reduced to 10%. You are not going anywhere fast while channeling but you CAN move a bit. This small amount of movement can be enhanced with certain movement buffs and levitation. Movement buff you maybe can get up to 20% of your movement rate while channeling. Levitation means you can move backward as quickly as you can move foward. Being hit while channeling has a decent chance to make your channeling bar go backward some, but being completely interrupted is rare. Defense and defensive abilities are lowered or even removed entirely when channeling.

    What is your favorite method?

    Let's discuss!


    It looks like we'll see a combination of all 3 methods.  This is straight out of the FAQ:

    2.5 Tell me more about spells. Can you move while casting a spell?

    Most spells can be cast when you are moving, however they will more often than not slow down your movement speed. Some spells will require you to stand and not move; likewise, some spells may not slow your movement speed. Additionally, while most spells are spoken, some are gestured, the latter being very handy when an area is silenced by a player or NPC.

    • 557 posts
    December 19, 2017 5:47 AM PST

    Which begs the question as to how they'll distinguish between spoken and gestured spells.  Instead of magical twinkly sounds during casting, will we hear the caster mumbling an incantation?

    • 3852 posts
    December 19, 2017 8:16 AM PST

    This is also something where there is wide room for different class specializations that do NOT risk blurring the lines between the classes and the roles each class has.

    Thus, a mage or hunter/archer or healer type of class may get a choice between abilities that allow more movement but perhaps are less powerful or abilities that do not permit movement but are more powerful.

    I've seen debates over class specializations where many of the negative comments focused on the downside to blurring class/role lines. Letting a class choose a "movement spec" is one of the ways to allow specialization without a real risk of this downside.

    • 646 posts
    December 19, 2017 9:43 AM PST

    Jordan said:...

    The classic EQ Method: You CANNOT move. There is a tiny chance you can recover when being pushed by melee via Channeling skill. There is a decent chance you can recover when being hit by melee via the Channeling skill.....


    That is not how EQ worked.  Casting a spell never stopped your movement.  EQ1 worked the way you described EQ2.  EQ1 would simply cause an "interruption" if you were moving while casting.

    If standing stil and hit by melee, it saw your resulting movement as movement and you would be interrrupted.

    The higher your channeling, the better your chance to cast through movement but the more movement the worse your chance.







    This post was edited by fazool at December 19, 2017 9:46 AM PST
    • 1714 posts
    December 19, 2017 10:15 AM PST

    Jordan said:

    For those spells that are not instant cast followed by a cooldown, how should channeling (concentrating while casting) be handled?

    We have a number of methods:

    The classic EQ Method: You CANNOT move. There is a tiny chance you can recover when being pushed by melee via Channeling skill. There is a decent chance you can recover when being hit by melee via the Channeling skill.

    The EQ2 Method: For the majority of spells you may not move while casting or you will be interrupted. When you do recieve combat damage your channeling bar goes backward with a small chance to be interrupted entirely based on Channeling skill and AAs.

    The Vanguard Method: My personal favorite--While channeling a spell your movement speed is reduced to 10%. You are not going anywhere fast while channeling but you CAN move a bit. This small amount of movement can be enhanced with certain movement buffs and levitation. Movement buff you maybe can get up to 20% of your movement rate while channeling. Levitation means you can move backward as quickly as you can move foward. Being hit while channeling has a decent chance to make your channeling bar go backward some, but being completely interrupted is rare. Defense and defensive abilities are lowered or even removed entirely when channeling.

    What is your favorite method?

    Let's discuss!

    In a vacuum I like option 3, however I'd need to know more about how this mechanic will impact and be impacted by other gameplay elements in Pantheon. 

    • 1714 posts
    December 19, 2017 10:18 AM PST

    fazool said:

    Jordan said:...

    The classic EQ Method: You CANNOT move. There is a tiny chance you can recover when being pushed by melee via Channeling skill. There is a decent chance you can recover when being hit by melee via the Channeling skill.....


    That is not how EQ worked.  Casting a spell never stopped your movement.  EQ1 worked the way you described EQ2.  EQ1 would simply cause an "interruption" if you were moving while casting.

    If standing stil and hit by melee, it saw your resulting movement as movement and you would be interrrupted.

    The higher your channeling, the better your chance to cast through movement but the more movement the worse your chance.

    Where did he say casting stopped movement? I'm uncertain what you're disagreeing with. You couldn't be moving, aka pressing WASD, and cast a spell in EQ, it would be interrupted. He said that. You could take a hit and based on your channeling recover or be interrupted. He said that. 

    • 646 posts
    December 19, 2017 10:20 AM PST

    Krixus said:...

    Where did he say casting stopped movement? I'm uncertain what you're disagreeing with. You couldn't be moving, aka pressing WASD, and cast a spell in EQ, it would be interrupted. He said that. You could take a hit and based on your channeling recover or be interrupted. He said that. 



    Ahhhh OK I went back and re-read Jordan's post.


    When he said "you cannot move"   he was meaning " you are not ALLOWED to move"   


    I read it as if he was saying "when you cast you are UNABLE to move"



    My apologies......sigh the limits of online communications




    • 1714 posts
    December 19, 2017 10:57 AM PST

    fazool said:

    Krixus said:...

    Where did he say casting stopped movement? I'm uncertain what you're disagreeing with. You couldn't be moving, aka pressing WASD, and cast a spell in EQ, it would be interrupted. He said that. You could take a hit and based on your channeling recover or be interrupted. He said that. 



    Ahhhh OK I went back and re-read Jordan's post.


    When he said "you cannot move"   he was meaning " you are not ALLOWED to move"   


    I read it as if he was saying "when you cast you are UNABLE to move"



    My apologies......sigh the limits of online communications





    I should have just said "I think you misunderstood". It's all good. 

    • 999 posts
    December 19, 2017 6:01 PM PST

    I'd go with a combo of EQ + VG method - provides more dynamics in combat without being gamebreaking. 

    Example: Ghetto CC roots a mob during combat thats whacking a healer mid-heal - healer can move slightly out the way mid-cast.  But, have the EQ method where they could be interrupted 100% through attacks, slams, stuns, etc. but also I did like how VG would eliminate some of your channeled cast versus fully interrupting it.  So, perhaps, you lost 25% of your spell-cast, mob was rooted while you were at 50% and you were able to move out of the way to not be interrupted further or fully interrupted.


    • 646 posts
    December 22, 2017 10:20 AM PST

    I'd like to see a pro-rated effects cast:


    If you start casting a long cast spell (say a DD with 10 second cast) its like you are building up a charge  to release.   If you see the mob about to hit you or kill your healer or something you can release the spell early for a reduced damage.  Sort of like interrupting yourself deliberately and sending a fraciton of the damage but if you do so intentionally you aren't interrupting yourself.  In the traditional model, it is all or nothing.


    Pretend we have a DD spell for 100 HP damage but it takes 10 seconds to cast

    Old traditional way 

    0 sec = 0 damage
    1 sec = 0 damage
    2 sec = 0 damage
    3 sec = 0 damage
    4 sec = 0 damage
    5 sec = 0 damage
    6 sec = 0 damage
    7 sec = 0 damage
    8 sec = 0 damage
    9 sec = 0 damage
    10sec=100 damage


    Deliberate timed way (exponential or some other non linear incentive to cast full duration)

    0 sec = 0 damage
    1 sec = 1 damage
    2 sec = 4 damage
    3 sec = 9 damage
    4 sec = 16 damage
    5 sec = 25 damage
    6 sec = 36 damage
    7 sec = 49 damage
    8 sec = 64 damage
    9 sec = 81 damage
    10sec=100 damage


    Instead of just having long cast and short cast spells, one spell could serve a lot of purposes and give players more abilities to hone their skills and adapt on the fly

    This post was edited by fazool at December 22, 2017 10:21 AM PST
    • 18 posts
    December 22, 2017 8:45 PM PST

    fazool said:

    I'd like to see a pro-rated effects cast:


    If you start casting a long cast spell (say a DD with 10 second cast) its like you are building up a charge  to release.   If you see the mob about to hit you or kill your healer or something you can release the spell early for a reduced damage.  Sort of like interrupting yourself deliberately and sending a fraciton of the damage but if you do so intentionally you aren't interrupting yourself.  In the traditional model, it is all or nothing.


    Pretend we have a DD spell for 100 HP damage but it takes 10 seconds to cast

    Old traditional way 

    0 sec = 0 damage
    1 sec = 0 damage
    2 sec = 0 damage
    3 sec = 0 damage
    4 sec = 0 damage
    5 sec = 0 damage
    6 sec = 0 damage
    7 sec = 0 damage
    8 sec = 0 damage
    9 sec = 0 damage
    10sec=100 damage


    Deliberate timed way (exponential or some other non linear incentive to cast full duration)

    0 sec = 0 damage
    1 sec = 1 damage
    2 sec = 4 damage
    3 sec = 9 damage
    4 sec = 16 damage
    5 sec = 25 damage
    6 sec = 36 damage
    7 sec = 49 damage
    8 sec = 64 damage
    9 sec = 81 damage
    10sec=100 damage


    Instead of just having long cast and short cast spells, one spell could serve a lot of purposes and give players more abilities to hone their skills and adapt on the fly

    Would mana cost be reduced if you executed your cast at 6 seconds. Would the mana cost be 60% of the cost of the full 10 second cast? Should the cost be linear or exponential?

    • 249 posts
    December 23, 2017 1:24 AM PST
    Some cool ideas here. I missed that faq question and answer. Makes me think we're going to see a lot of dnd effects and not just the generic mmo stuff
    • 70 posts
    December 23, 2017 1:35 PM PST

    Seems like it'd get very confusing trying to remember which spells you can use while moving and those you cannot move when casting.  Combat is quite hectic.  Should keep it from being boring.!

    • 646 posts
    December 24, 2017 1:09 PM PST

    Destry said:

    fazool said:

    I'd like to see a pro-rated effects cast:


    Deliberate timed way (exponential or some other non linear incentive to cast full duration)

    0 sec = 0 damage
    1 sec = 1 damage
    2 sec = 4 damage
    3 sec = 9 damage
    4 sec = 16 damage
    5 sec = 25 damage
    6 sec = 36 damage
    7 sec = 49 damage
    8 sec = 64 damage
    9 sec = 81 damage
    10sec=100 damage


    Instead of just having long cast and short cast spells, one spell could serve a lot of purposes and give players more abilities to hone their skills and adapt on the fly

    Would mana cost be reduced if you executed your cast at 6 seconds. Would the mana cost be 60% of the cost of the full 10 second cast? Should the cost be linear or exponential?


    Interesting question - I hadn't thought that out.....maybe it could be pro-rated.

    • 39 posts
    December 25, 2017 12:35 PM PST

    fazool said:

    Krixus said:...

    Where did he say casting stopped movement? I'm uncertain what you're disagreeing with. You couldn't be moving, aka pressing WASD, and cast a spell in EQ, it would be interrupted. He said that. You could take a hit and based on your channeling recover or be interrupted. He said that. 


    Ahhhh OK I went back and re-read Jordan's post.

    When he said "you cannot move"   he was meaning " you are not ALLOWED to move"   

    I read it as if he was saying "when you cast you are UNABLE to move"

    My apologies......sigh the limits of online communications


    I did phrase that funny. What I meant was that if you move (WASD) you are nearly guaranteed to be interrupted.