Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

Server First

    • 1404 posts
    December 12, 2017 6:22 PM PST

    So assuming VR embraces the whole "Server First" achievements, (likely I would think) I would also think there would be nearly an entire new level of them with the implementation of Progeny 

    "Server First: Second Generation level 50 Dwarf" 

    "Server First: Third Generation level 50 Dwarf" 

    Etc. etc.

    For those that want to be "server first something" (I'll never see one, not my thing) how much of an incentive would these additional levels of "Server First" be ?

    "Server First 5th Generation Wizard"

    • 98 posts
    December 12, 2017 6:41 PM PST

    Server First Darwin Award Winner? That should definitely be a thing.

    Honestly I don't really care if other people are getting server firsts. That kinda makes things a race when we should all be having our own adventures.

    • 17 posts
    December 12, 2017 7:06 PM PST

    I do see how it could be a race for some things, but others perhaps not.  An example would be finding a rare item and then finding out that you're the first person to get one.  It also builds community and allows people to discuss it.  Assuming there's a zone/global chat people can choose to be a part of that is.

    • 1281 posts
    December 12, 2017 7:09 PM PST

    I'm not sure howw I feel about this yet....

    On the one hand, it is always nice to be acknowledged for accomplishing something outstanding.  On the other hand, it encourages dicks to be dicks to be "the first {insert thing here}".  All said and told, in my mind, I would tend to agree that this should be a thing from a statistics perspective, but not that they should get something special out of it.

    It won't affect me because I plan on taking my time to do things.  Not that I will be a "casual" player, just that I am not in a rush to be "the first" at anything.

    • 160 posts
    December 12, 2017 8:26 PM PST

    As long as they do it both ways, "Server first person banned for hacking," "Server first for exploiting pathing," etc. The negatives create a lot of laughs, plus i believe in name and shame.

    • 261 posts
    December 12, 2017 10:48 PM PST

    Server First Death.. That'll be me..

    Server First falling death. That'll be Kilsin.

    • 470 posts
    December 13, 2017 1:57 AM PST

    Boulda said:

    Server First Death.. That'll be me..

    Server First falling death. That'll be Kilsin.

    Challenge accepted.

    • 999 posts
    December 13, 2017 5:40 AM PST

    Zorkon - 

    There’s been previous discussion on server firsts here, but I do agree the progeny system could put a unique spin on it.  There are other threads, than just the one I’ve linked, but hard to search on mobile.  More can be found by searching “server first/firsts”



    • 1020 posts
    December 13, 2017 5:45 AM PST

    Accomplishments, acheivments, competition.  I'm going to be about as casual a player that Pantheon will see, but all these things are still good.  Hopefully, they are incorporated to some extent.

    • 74 posts
    December 13, 2017 6:06 AM PST

    I'm mixed on the physical "Achiement" thing like WoW has.


    I remember an era when "Server firsts" were actually recorded and announced by players. It was a better time.

    • 1095 posts
    December 13, 2017 6:34 AM PST

    eq2 had server first messages for raid content and item discoveries would be announced. Being on the top raiidng guild I had several of these messages and it was nice to use my dkp to be the first person on the server to get a drop. good times.

    • 627 posts
    December 13, 2017 7:17 AM PST

    Ill take care of the Server first "Train to zone" dont worry i got this covered guys :)

    • 1404 posts
    December 13, 2017 8:03 AM PST

    Raidan said:

    Zorkon - 

    There’s been previous discussion on server firsts here, but I do agree the progeny system could put a unique spin on it.  There are other threads, than just the one I’ve linked, but hard to search on mobile.  More can be found by searching “server first/firsts”

    How in the hell do you do that... I searched several combinations of Server first several times and came up with nothing. NOW I get 71 hits.  Wtf?

    It was my preference to add this to an existing server first thread as my OP was more to do with the Progeny spin on it and how the two would relate and less to do with the pros and cons of the Server First themselves.

    • 999 posts
    December 13, 2017 8:32 AM PST

    Haha @Zorkon - like your avatar - it's magic :).  Would have linked more, but it's a PIA to trying to copy/paste old threads from mobile devices.

    One thing though for future searches the quotations helps narrow down searches similar to an internet inquiry and I always try to search through Everything on the Search options drop down.  If you just use the search from the initial option under Forums (without the drop down capability), it only searches topic headers/titles, not the content of the postings, etc.

    • 2752 posts
    December 13, 2017 10:48 AM PST

    Server First: Master Alcoholic

    • 2886 posts
    December 13, 2017 12:49 PM PST

    Raidan said:

    Haha @Zorkon - like your avatar - it's magic :).  Would have linked more, but it's a PIA to trying to copy/paste old threads from mobile devices.

    One thing though for future searches the quotations helps narrow down searches similar to an internet inquiry and I always try to search through Everything on the Search options drop down.  If you just use the search from the initial option under Forums (without the drop down capability), it only searches topic headers/titles, not the content of the postings, etc.

    Shhh you're gonna put me outta business ;P

    • 3852 posts
    December 13, 2017 2:28 PM PST

    Those who like to compete for achievements can do so to their heart's content. Won't hurt me a bit. As they scream out in joy "World's first kill of a mob" I will be sniffing the roses. Playing a healer class so if a bee stings I can handle it.

    • 2 posts
    December 13, 2017 7:14 PM PST


    • 159 posts
    December 14, 2017 3:06 AM PST

    To be honest, I don't like server firsts or any kind of one-off or time-limited content or achievements (such as festival exclusives). They promote elitism, rushing to end-game, and playing as a chore.

    The community can still know if you or your guild are bad-asses and if you or your guild were first to finish a raid. No need to feed players' egos beyond those bragging rights IMHO. As for time-limited content, what I've seen in countless games is that when a festival or equivalent comes up, many players drop all other activities and grind the festival. When you have limited time to play, it becomes a chore and takes away from the game. If Pantheon can steer clear of dailies (eugh!) then I hope it can also steer clear of these other chore-like activities.

    • 801 posts
    December 14, 2017 4:27 AM PST

    daemonios said:

    To be honest, I don't like server firsts or any kind of one-off or time-limited content or achievements (such as festival exclusives). They promote elitism, rushing to end-game, and playing as a chore.

    The community can still know if you or your guild are bad-asses and if you or your guild were first to finish a raid. No need to feed players' egos beyond those bragging rights IMHO. As for time-limited content, what I've seen in countless games is that when a festival or equivalent comes up, many players drop all other activities and grind the festival. When you have limited time to play, it becomes a chore and takes away from the game. If Pantheon can steer clear of dailies (eugh!) then I hope it can also steer clear of these other chore-like activities.


    Very good points Daemonios.

    I however have to say, it does not matter if they announce it via server wide, because others search out this information and spread it... SO and SO just took down XXX boss, server first!!! i have seen it since EQ, WOW, RIFT etc... because it became a norm for elite players.

    WE can not stop players from becoming elite, they will do it without our help.


    I however would love to have the EQ achievements recorded in your profiles. We could also have achievements built within the guild structure for others to see. If we have a small msg server wide i am not against it, i am only against a ton of spam.

    • 21 posts
    December 19, 2017 12:47 AM PST

    If I remember EQ2 had server first achieves when it first came out, and remember it being a race from the get go to see how many you could get because your accounts could be viewed online.

    I was one of these people trying to get every first i could, whether it be first to craft, first to find, first to discover.

    To be honest I would not want this to be in Pantheon, as it almost creates that MINE! character trait wanting to get those things for yourself and not as a team because you would worry someone in your group may get it instead of you.

    I feel it creates an environment where you had to get in early or you lost the chance, and all the achieves only go the first ones on and those who can stay on the longest.

    I think personal achievements are great but first come first serve, I think takes away from playing as a team.

    Even if you extend this type of thinking to groups or guilds, the same type of thinking applies, such as not grouping with others to keep the achieves for the group or guild.

    • 13 posts
    December 19, 2017 7:44 AM PST

    I totally disagree with individual server first 'cheeves. Leave that for Raiding Guilds and raid items because thats where competition makes players step their game.

    • 3852 posts
    December 19, 2017 7:59 AM PST

    Server firsts tend to promote racing to gain levels and skipping any content that is not known to give them. Seems rather antithical to the design philosophy of "take your time" and "enjoy the content".

    We cannot and should not prevent players racing to maximum level but we don't exactly need to encourage it.

    One minor analogy - titles for not dying. LOTRO had those to level 20 then stopped because they discouraged grouping and exploration. Whether titles or achievements we don't need incentives for playing only with friends and guildmates or solo, or speed-leveling.

    ((did I just *say * that? I'm usually arguing for putting in more things for soloers and my goal in any game is to see how high I can get before dying))

    • 97 posts
    December 19, 2017 9:32 AM PST

    daemonios said:

    To be honest, I don't like server firsts or any kind of one-off or time-limited content or achievements (such as festival exclusives). They promote elitism, rushing to end-game, and playing as a chore.

    The community can still know if you or your guild are bad-asses and if you or your guild were first to finish a raid. No need to feed players' egos beyond those bragging rights IMHO. As for time-limited content, what I've seen in countless games is that when a festival or equivalent comes up, many players drop all other activities and grind the festival. When you have limited time to play, it becomes a chore and takes away from the game. If Pantheon can steer clear of dailies (eugh!) then I hope it can also steer clear of these other chore-like activities.

    I'm in the same boat and I know there are plenty of people who disagree as well. Personally I would eventually like to experience most if not all content in the game, I'm just in no rush to do so. So I wouldn't mind if I don't get to see the end game zone for xpac #2 until xpac #4 is already out. There are already going to be those people who rush to the end game... hell some guilds have their static leveling groups set and are going to play 20 hours a day for 2 weeks after launch. I don't think that's fun, but to each their own. I just hope there is enough of a community that's in the slower lane that are interested in doing "yesterdays" high end content simply for the experience.

    • 178 posts
    December 19, 2017 10:23 AM PST

    I don't really care. If I'm not online when it happens then I'll miss the shout out so who cares. If I am online when it happens I'll figure out some way to filter out those announcements since I would be treating it as spam so I won't really care. If it is forcefed to me when I log on sort of as a message of the day it will be relegated to "another useless item" and very little attention will be paid to it.

    If it is something embedded onto a persons character that can follow them around for all eternity I won't really care.

    So, for the most part, most of the ways it can be implemented will be in a fashion that I won't really care and it doesn't matter to me in the least. At worst it becomes a source of "another really useless item that happens when I log on and fills up my info/chat/whatever window."

    To each their own. For me it is a totally useless thing that I don't really care about. For others it will be a source of something very important and a defining moment of their character.