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Accidents Happen...

    • 753 posts
    December 5, 2017 6:29 PM PST

    There was a guy on the Karana server who had a reputation of pulling stuff he couldn't handle - solo - and then training it to groups yelling for help.  Ran into him two or three times across the years. It usually involved him trying to kill a named.

    • 434 posts
    December 5, 2017 9:23 PM PST

    Kilsin said:

    Have you ever accidentally trained someone? If so, how did it happen and how did you make it up to them? #PRF #communitymatters


    Not gunna lie, i'm a very responsible player. If it ever happened it was probably hysterical and so #allforgiven.


    Why do I feel like Ben would train everyone given the opportunity and then log off and rant on the forums? ;)



    • 839 posts
    December 5, 2017 10:56 PM PST

    As an enchanter i had a pretty good track record of not needing to train much, But one that stands out i remember was in Unrest, soloing the MR and a higher level wanderer came down the stairs and of course as always while soloing this happened as another lower level wanderer walked by and as the MR started to pop again and around about then my pet broke charm while dual wielding with haste.... I was fighting through and was all good until someone elses higher level train started wandering back towards the FP or somehwere like that and I ended up with a ton of mobs locked down and not enough time to pet up and reset and no where near enough mana to keep it up, but being a big headed enchanter i decided to see what happens anyways.. all the while creating the slowest moving train ever... creeping back towards the entrance while charming, fighting and mezzing mobs all the way lol... i got through a few was content to leave it there until a young pally who was I guess waiting at the front for a group or soloing bugs.. he jumped up thinking he was doing the right thing healing me and pet but made the mistake of racking up some serious agro (while mobs were mez'd) in the  process... things got out of hand as they were always going to and i was telling him to bail but he was brave as hell! Because he wouldnt bail, I wouldnt either... so we just fought and fought making minimal progress until a bard came along and of course thinking he was doing the right thing threw up his attack song... well yes.. it of course was that AoE song (Enc's worst nightmare) and I am sure you can imagine how that ended...  a very dead lower level Paladin, a very dead lower leve Bard and an Enchanter who zoned into DC unconcious but alive... I felt so bad for the pally, gave him some cash for his efforts because i couldnt get a res for him and explained to the bard mez and AoE dont get along very well :p

    Not quite a terrible train story, but a memorable one lol!

    • 160 posts
    December 6, 2017 1:20 AM PST
    What a question to ask.... Can I plead the 5th? No? Well okay, if we must.

    So as a preface I would like to say that I've never not had access to a class that could not ress through some capacity. Paladin in eq1. Cleric in Wow (didn't play this game enough to train people). Then necro/cleric on P99.

    Given that, I've always been very daring with my endeavors. I'm the cat that curiosity kills over and over again. There is no mountain to tall, room too full, or challenge too hard for me to attempt over and over until I pick it apart to find the successful strategy.

    This leads to the question at hand. Nowadays I am generally in a position where I can handle my situation even when things go awry. Root the mobs and reset (fd or gate).

    I've created countless trains in my years, due to my curiosity. I don't recall ever training someone with I'll intent. In the early days with my paladin I learned I could outrun the trains, so long as there was not anyone in the path between me and the ZL. If there was I would, generally, round the corner, see them, and try to hurry back behind it and die before the mobs aggro the people/persons I just discovered. It took a while to get past that reaction when I got close to the ZL. I found if I kept running I could hit the ZL before the mobs got aggro on the people there. Then zone back in and see if anyone was curious, like me, to see what I was running from and brought it all the way or not and died from it. Most people are pretty reasonable and accept the ress with appreciation. Once in a great while you find the sour apple, but you move on without taking anything personal.

    Really the only time that sticks out to me with creating trains was on my paladin, back in the velious/luclin days, trying to solo frenzy in LGuk. I found I could, generally, just barely make it to the ZL before I died, when I lost control of the room. I was pretty happy with that discovery.

    Like someone earlier said, training was a (n), unintentional, part of that game. You learn to expect it from others and from yourself from time to time.


    P.S. There was a pretty rockstar train in kael the night velious opened on P99. There were mobs from all corners of the zone in it. The king, stuff from arena, every giant along the path from EW to WL. It lasted for hours. Rampaging through the zone killing the people that were unlucky. It was a spectacle to watch and listen.

    • 801 posts
    December 6, 2017 7:25 AM PST

    Beefcake said: Whenever I train, it's always an "accident".


    LOL beefcake

    • 9 posts
    December 6, 2017 9:27 AM PST

    Okay, so my story is from Vanguard in the T1 section of the Pantheon.  This was just after "POTA" became a level 50+ area, and my husband and I were trying to do the T1 trials with our guild.  We had no idea what we were doing.  So we tried the Finch trial.  Now for those not in the know, the Finch Trial had you pick one of a certain number of chests. (not going into all the details here).  The trial required that you get a sword to spawn, kill the sword, and return the sword to Finch. The sword was really hard to kill if you weren't well prepared (We weren't).  The sword had a timer on it, I can't remember exactly what it was, but I think you only had 2 minutes to kill it. After that, it would start killing random players with one shot.   Well, we got the sword, awesome, we started killing it, not so awesome. We didn't have the DPS to take it down in time.  So instead of risking losing all our buffs, we decided to run it off, let it reset and we'd try with more DPS in the group.

    Normally in Vanguard, quest spawned mobs like this had a golden shield, meaning only you and your group could pull/aggro them. They would ignore everyone else (To prevent people from taking your quest-required spawn).  We found out that the sword did not behave this way - we found this out because we ran it into a guild that was killing Zaseh, one of the infamous "chickens".  Now keeping in mind this was shortly after POTA opened, people didn't know the "quick way" (exploit) to kill the chickens.  Let me briefly explain this for people that didn't have to go through this hellish raid. Zaseh put up rune buffs, so that as you worked up the runes, more and more of your damage was mitigated.  After the 10th rune, it would spawn some mobs, you had to kill them, then drag the chicken over to a big crystal and the crystal would do all the damage to the chicken.  This process literally took hours - at least it did for the raid that was working on it.

    We ran that sword right through their raid as we had no idea that guilds killed the chickens on the sides of the hall (The way we were running).  As soon as the sword leashed on us, it started, literally, one shotting their raiders.  They couldn't even stop what they were doing to kill the sword as it was locked to 6 random players in their raid (I guess the first six to hit it? or get on the aggro list?) and it was mostly the healers that got the aggro.  So then it killed their healers. And it just started working its way through their whole raid - wasting hours of their time.

    I still feel bad about it.

    • 3016 posts
    December 6, 2017 6:58 PM PST

    If I have a train on my tail,  I shout it right away,  Train to zone!!!   That's something I would never do on purpose.  :)



    • 1095 posts
    December 9, 2017 2:33 PM PST

    Kilsin said:

    Have you ever accidentally trained someone? If so, how did it happen and how did you make it up to them? #PRF #communitymatters

    I remember on a Kael raid a long time ago we were going down to the arena area and we pulled too many giants and we all were running back to the zone out. I being a monk used my whirlwind discpline that riposted every front attack for 9 seconds. I remember I told everyone to keep running while I stood there, poped my disc and held off 20+ giants giving people 9 seconds to run away. The combat spam was insane lol. I hit FD right after the disc ended. I felt like a true legend.

    This post was edited by Aich at December 9, 2017 2:34 PM PST
    • 3016 posts
    December 9, 2017 2:41 PM PST

    Zeem said:

    Kilsin said:

    Have you ever accidentally trained someone? If so, how did it happen and how did you make it up to them? #PRF #communitymatters

    I remember on a Kael raid a long time ago we were going down to the arena area and we pulled too many giants and we all were running back to the zone out. I being a monk used my whirlwind discpline that riposted every front attack for 9 seconds. I remember I told everyone to keep running while I stood there, poped my disc and held off 20+ giants giving people 9 seconds to run away. The combat spam was insane lol. I hit FD right after the disc ended. I felt like a true legend.


    Bravo!!! :)