Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

1 Hotbar

    • 1020 posts
    December 1, 2017 11:59 AM PST

    If you decide to go with 1 hotbar 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,-,=

    Can I reassign 6,7,8,9,0,-,= ?

    My hands are only so big, I can't reach past 5 while leaving my hand in the WASD position and my other hand is always on the mouse.  So keys 6-= are dead to me.

    But if I can reassign 6,7,8,9 to Alt1, Alt2, Alt3 and Alt4 thats honeslty about all the hotbar I need.  If that can't happin, imma need 2 hotbars.

    • 189 posts
    December 1, 2017 12:01 PM PST

    i hope its not just 1 hotbar. Would defeat the purpose of the challenge of having multiple things to click on and worry about. Although the reassigning thing really helps. I'm sure they do that themselves lol


    • 3016 posts
    December 1, 2017 12:20 PM PST

    The idea is to be prepared with the spells/skills needed for the job ahead,  that means switching out to get the appropriate ones on your hotbar.   After awhile, it becomes habit. :)  And the hotbars we saw in the livestream...or the UI..could be quite different as we go along in the testing process.   Some things we are looking at currently,  are placeholders for the time being.    



    This post was edited by CanadinaXegony at December 1, 2017 12:22 PM PST
    • 2886 posts
    December 1, 2017 12:21 PM PST

    Yes, you can reassign things however you want. 

    @fancy You will likely be limited to the amount of abilities you can have memorized (probably about 1 hotbar's worth), but that doesn't mean you can't create more hotbars for clickies, slash commands, etc. Note: not sure if this is already in the game, but it's a pretty standard feature and still wouldn't really detract from their goal of making you think ahead and focus on what's going on in the world around you. So if it's not already in, I would expect it to be later.

    And just for those that haven't already seen it.... the FAQ:

    2.2 Will there be a limitation to the number of abilities we can use at a given time?

    You may be limited to a subset of your abilities for the next encounter, causing you to have to intelligently plan ahead and memorize the spells most effective against the upcoming enemy. Likewise, you'll want to memorize spells that counter the upcoming mob’s abilities. Lastly, you may have some abilities that work synergistically with others in your group. But the key point here is that these tactical decisions can be made right before the actual encounter. Then, say you move on deeper into the dungeon and are about to confront a different boss with different abilities and a different disposition, it may make tactical sense to prep different abilities. So yes, you are limited to that extent (you cannot simply use any of your 80+ abilities whenever you wish) because planning for the battle ahead and doing so effectively is key to Pantheon. The exact number of spells, abilities, feats and actions one can prep is TBD and won’t likely be finalized until Beta. What’s depicted in screenshots showing the UI is not final.

    This post was edited by Bazgrim at December 1, 2017 12:28 PM PST
    • 3016 posts
    December 1, 2017 12:24 PM PST

    Bazgrim said:

    Yes, you can reassign things however you want. 

    @fancy You will likely be limited to the amount of abilities you can have memorized (probably about 1 hotbar's worth), but that doesn't mean you can't create more hotbars for clickies, slash commands, etc.


    And just for those that haven't already seen it.... the FAQ:

    2.2 Will there be a limitation to the number of abilities we can use at a given time?

    You may be limited to a subset of your abilities for the next encounter, causing you to have to intelligently plan ahead and memorize the spells most effective against the upcoming enemy. Likewise, you'll want to memorize spells that counter the upcoming mob’s abilities. Lastly, you may have some abilities that work synergistically with others in your group. But the key point here is that these tactical decisions can be made right before the actual encounter. Then, say you move on deeper into the dungeon and are about to confront a different boss with different abilities and a different disposition, it may make tactical sense to prep different abilities. So yes, you are limited to that extent (you cannot simply use any of your 80+ abilities whenever you wish) because planning for the battle ahead and doing so effectively is key to Pantheon. The exact number of spells, abilities, feats and actions one can prep is TBD and won’t likely be finalized until Beta. What’s depicted in screenshots showing the UI is not final.


    Things like what Baz is referring to..give me hope that Pantheon will be the "thinking gamer's"  game. :)  And its all in what you get used to,  perhaps a bit of a learning curve at first. :)

    • 278 posts
    December 1, 2017 12:30 PM PST

    This is ussually what PA and A is for.... adjust main mechanics and tune in A and B

    • 947 posts
    December 1, 2017 12:54 PM PST

    I'm sure there will be multiple "hotbars" but with a limited number of skills/spells available to have access to at one time.  I believe in EQ1 the vanilla number of memorized skills was like 8 and could be increased slightly with alternate advancement points later.  This forced players to strategize, allowing two players of the same class to coordinate and synergize (like two bards twisting 8 songs together, or two necros stacking DoTs that didn't overwrite the others).  Adversely, in EQ2 the abaility to have every skill memorized at once turned the game into a button mashing fiasco that I would be glad to avoid.  (In EQ2 most people just assigned multiple skills of the same type to a single macro, not knowing exactly what their skills did which removed the need to be knowledgeable of your own skills.)  One feature every MMORPG available to PC that I've ever seen is multiple hotbars; I think its a very safe bet that this will be the same :)



    This post was edited by Darch at December 1, 2017 12:56 PM PST
    • 633 posts
    December 1, 2017 2:26 PM PST

    I really hope they do like in EQ1, where you could hit Shift+1, Shift+2, etc to switch between hotbars.  In EQ I had 50 hotkeys at my fingertips just from my left hand alone that way.

    • 801 posts
    December 1, 2017 2:33 PM PST

    Ok then i understand this being a locked phase hotbar after you enter an area. You can not change those abilities out while in the encounter.


    Question i have is this? what if we do not want to use the mouse to keypress on the UI but instead the old ruleset num+1 or G15 key /cast 1. Some of us have a hard time with the mouse clicks. Right hand goes numb after awhile.


    Much easier to not move the mouse for some of us. So i was just curious if we have or possible some handycapped abilities with the keyboard? Since consoles will have some quick buttons at thier fingertips.

    • 278 posts
    December 1, 2017 2:39 PM PST

    Myabe an ESO kind of thing? Cbt in ESO is realy vivid and funn imo..

    • 384 posts
    December 1, 2017 4:50 PM PST

    After using this for years, there's no way I could go back to a regular mouse. Can reach all the numbers. :)


    • 1618 posts
    December 1, 2017 5:05 PM PST

    I lack thumbal dexterity, I could never hit those buttons accurately and consistently.

    • 3852 posts
    December 1, 2017 5:09 PM PST

    Limitations on the number of abilities does NOT necessarily mean limitations on the hotbars. It just means that some hotbarred abilities are grayed out or otherwise unusable for a while.

    I see no reason why you cannot have abilities that you haven't memorized for the day on a hotbar, and therefore no need to limit the number of hotbars.

    If I want to mkae life easy by having a hotbar for heat abilities, a different hotbar for cold abilities, a different hotbar for lightning abilities why not? Even if 2/3 of the hotbar positions are grayed out at any one time.

    Sure beats having to create a new hotbar configuration in addition to deciding what abilities you want.

    • 370 posts
    December 1, 2017 6:19 PM PST

    Crazzie said:

    Ok then i understand this being a locked phase hotbar after you enter an area. You can not change those abilities out while in the encounter.


    Question i have is this? what if we do not want to use the mouse to keypress on the UI but instead the old ruleset num+1 or G15 key /cast 1. Some of us have a hard time with the mouse clicks. Right hand goes numb after awhile.


    Much easier to not move the mouse for some of us. So i was just curious if we have or possible some handycapped abilities with the keyboard? Since consoles will have some quick buttons at thier fingertips.


    You should have as many abilities/spells as you can learn for your class. But can only have 1 hotbar worth of abilities available to use at a time. Think EQ1, where you could change it at anytime outside of combat. I believe that is how Pantheon will work.

    This post was edited by arazons at December 1, 2017 6:20 PM PST
    • 2419 posts
    December 1, 2017 6:31 PM PST

    arazons said:

    You should have as many abilities/spells as you can learn for your class. But can only have 1 hotbar worth of abilities available to use at a time. Think EQ1, where you could change it at anytime outside of combat. I believe that is how Pantheon will work.

    That appears to be correct, yes, from everything we've seen in the streams so far.  While your spellbook can hold any number of spells that you obtain for your class, you can only have 8 of them memorized (appearing on your hotbars) at any one time.  Thus if you need a spell you current do not have memorized, you need to remove one spell from your hotbar, open your spell book and memorize the new spell into that now empty spot.


    • 1020 posts
    December 1, 2017 6:55 PM PST

    Vandraad said:

    That appears to be correct, yes, from everything we've seen in the streams so far.  While your spellbook can hold any number of spells that you obtain for your class, you can only have 8 of them memorized (appearing on your hotbars) at any one time.  Thus if you need a spell you current do not have memorized, you need to remove one spell from your hotbar, open your spell book and memorize the new spell into that now empty spot.

    Thats cool and all, I'm just hoping there is the ability to remap keys.  Like I said, I always WASD and use my mouse to move, kyte, strafe and at the same time any abilities I use are mapped to 12345 and ALT1234.  

    I know they have said "most likely" 1 hotbar so I'm just hoping I can remap 6,7,8,9 to Alt1, Alt2, Alt3 and Alt4.

    This post was edited by Kittik at December 1, 2017 6:56 PM PST
    • 257 posts
    December 2, 2017 5:56 AM PST

    Options are nice. I like them, BUT

    Facerolling over the atrocious UI of WoW and EQ2 has burned me out. I'll take a cleaner UI like Guild Wars 2 any day of the week.

    • 999 posts
    December 2, 2017 6:17 AM PST

    arazons said:

    You should have as many abilities/spells as you can learn for your class. But can only have 1 hotbar worth of abilities available to use at a time. Think EQ1, where you could change it at anytime outside of combat. I believe that is how Pantheon will work.

    This isn't entirely correct, even in EQ you could memorize spells mid-combat and not just out of combat, and I did do it often when grouping as a necromancer - needed a 9th slot for maybe one of my self-drain, group heals but didn't want to give up dots, etc.  I would swap it out mid-combat if need be.

    However, there was also a risk to memorizing the spell mid-combat as well as if you sat and were high on the agro meter, you drew it and couldn't memorize spells, or even if you weren't and the tank didn't have sufficient agro drawn.

    I would also be ok with that system as well again as it punished soloers more than groupers because without a root or fear type spell, or if you forgot to memorize an ability, you were usually SOL (especially if that spell was root and/or fear).

    • 801 posts
    December 2, 2017 7:32 AM PST

    Raidan said:

    arazons said:

    You should have as many abilities/spells as you can learn for your class. But can only have 1 hotbar worth of abilities available to use at a time. Think EQ1, where you could change it at anytime outside of combat. I believe that is how Pantheon will work.

    This isn't entirely correct, even in EQ you could memorize spells mid-combat and not just out of combat, and I did do it often when grouping as a necromancer - needed a 9th slot for maybe one of my self-drain, group heals but didn't want to give up dots, etc.  I would swap it out mid-combat if need be.

    However, there was also a risk to memorizing the spell mid-combat as well as if you sat and were high on the agro meter, you drew it and couldn't memorize spells, or even if you weren't and the tank didn't have sufficient agro drawn.

    I would also be ok with that system as well again as it punished soloers more than groupers because without a root or fear type spell, or if you forgot to memorize an ability, you were usually SOL (especially if that spell was root and/or fear).


    AH yes i remember those days.... but one thing you where usually Forced to swap out because of limitations such as the hotbar. So they gave you 1>2>3 bars and more Spell gems.

    So really it was the overwelming use of spells, abilities, etc that made the spell caster work like a dog.


    Not that 1 bar will be enough, just spell gems / number of required spells loaded maybe the biggest issue with that one wouldnt you say?


    P.s those thumb mice, i have used, tested 9/10 ended up disable the buttons and never purchased again. I agree with Beef, they are not for everyone.

    • 334 posts
    December 2, 2017 8:19 AM PST

    You don't have 4 arms or carry all stuff at once either.
    A balance between spells memorized, spells used simultanuously and spells applied.
    Then a limit on things you can do (jump, sit, kneel, etc.) or use at the same time (stab, peel, draw, etc.)
    That would limit number of ("programmable") hotkeys on a hot bar aside spells.
    Stuff from memory using your tongue is something else then physical stuff. (though a shoulder mounted crossbow would leave a hand free when you want to 'nod' off a mob in front at the same time)
    3 sorts for 3 hotbars?
    Or just more "recast" time if the item you didn't have "at the ready"-hotbar is on the "it's at the bottom of my backpack"-hotbar

    • 39 posts
    December 2, 2017 10:32 AM PST
    As others have stated, anything besides the face roll button making frenzy of "I have every skill on a hot bar ready to go at all times" that wow and other have had would be great.

    ESO for all it's faults was very good with it's 2 bars that you could swap between with a click, but each only contained 5 abilities.

    This format made it easy to use the abilities (keys 1-5) while giving you a good number of total abilities. It also made for interesting designs in how each bar was set up (was one all defense? One all buffs? Did each have a balance? Etc)

    The number one thing that I like about a limited number of skills bring active at any one time though was that from the developer standpoint there was a real drive to have each skill matter, to make it a real choice which skill to prioritize since they couldn't all be used at once
    • 2419 posts
    December 2, 2017 11:50 AM PST

    Kittik said:

    Vandraad said:

    That appears to be correct, yes, from everything we've seen in the streams so far.  While your spellbook can hold any number of spells that you obtain for your class, you can only have 8 of them memorized (appearing on your hotbars) at any one time.  Thus if you need a spell you current do not have memorized, you need to remove one spell from your hotbar, open your spell book and memorize the new spell into that now empty spot.

    Thats cool and all, I'm just hoping there is the ability to remap keys.  Like I said, I always WASD and use my mouse to move, kyte, strafe and at the same time any abilities I use are mapped to 12345 and ALT1234.  

    I know they have said "most likely" 1 hotbar so I'm just hoping I can remap 6,7,8,9 to Alt1, Alt2, Alt3 and Alt4.

    In EQ1 I did the same thing. All of my Shaman's spells, abilities, clickies, etc were mapped to 1-6 with each subsequent hotbar triggered with Shift.  So I might have an action on in the 3rd slot on the 3rd hobar.  To trigger it I'd have to hit Shift+3 to switch to that hotbar then click 3 again to activate that hotkey.  Once I got used to that method accessing the various hotbars and abilities was extremely quick.

    • 118 posts
    December 2, 2017 12:51 PM PST

    Vandraad said:

    In EQ1 I did the same thing. All of my Shaman's spells, abilities, clickies, etc were mapped to 1-6 with each subsequent hotbar triggered with Shift.  So I might have an action on in the 3rd slot on the 3rd hobar.  To trigger it I'd have to hit Shift+3 to switch to that hotbar then click 3 again to activate that hotkey.  Once I got used to that method accessing the various hotbars and abilities was extremely quick.

    Aye. That's exactly how I do it too.

    • 1618 posts
    December 2, 2017 2:13 PM PST

    If I remember the streams correctly, there will be a few bars available. There is one that just shows which limited number of spells you have memorized at the moment. Then, you have other bars that you can make shortcuts from the primary bar and also add other clickies or something else.

    Of course, I could be remembering wrong.

    • 753 posts
    December 2, 2017 6:32 PM PST

    I love limited bars - and I really hope we end up witih them.  8 billion spells, pick any 10 (or whatever) at at time.

    I do hope that they allow you to memorize sets. i.e. I have a set of buffs I can load together, a set I use if I'm group healing, etc...