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To Help Or Not To Help?

    • 1281 posts
    November 27, 2017 5:49 PM PST

    Kilsin said:

    If you see someone in trouble while in-game, do you stop and offer them help or do you believe in tough love and watch them learn the hard way? #PRF #communitymatters

    I help.

    • 6 posts
    November 27, 2017 7:00 PM PST

    Rep matters. If that player has been a tool previously he will learn a harsh lesson in community. As others have said a simple "need help?" goes a long way.



    • 1404 posts
    November 27, 2017 7:02 PM PST

    Well, I help. But I have to admit there us a quest in Wow that has made me think twice. I don't recall the name but some guy got seriously pissed when I helped him out. 

    There is a rare spawn in Burning Steppes, near the Alter of Storms. Player was at 10-15% health, Mob was under 50%. I was running by and full health, figured it safe to help him out. Apparently for this quest the player needs to solo this mob... the player appeared in rough shape but he could have healed or LOH (Paliden or SK or?) And so he was fine... I interfered where I wasn't wanted...

    I'll ask first from here on. 

    • 31 posts
    November 27, 2017 7:56 PM PST
    Not if they’re a bard :)
    • 12 posts
    November 27, 2017 8:22 PM PST

    I usually help the person out, I watch for a bit and if it seems to be going bad I usally try to help out. If it's going towards a landslide bad situation I'm gonna join them for the run to the zone line, don't need no train coming back for me!

    • 305 posts
    November 27, 2017 11:46 PM PST

    I always help people out if I'm at all unsure if they will survive the fight. I've made many friends that way actually. It never occured to me before reading this thread that someone might take offense from me helping them. Actually, if someone got angry at me for going out of my way to help them, I would probably put them on ignore and forget about them forever.

    • VR Staff
    • 587 posts
    November 27, 2017 11:48 PM PST

    Btw, we are also considering rewarding vertical interdependence -- which is a fancy way of saying higher level players helping lower level players (and vice versa!) is important to us.  This includes but is not limited to the Mentoring system and the post-launch Outposts.

    • 19 posts
    November 28, 2017 1:14 AM PST
    Earlier tonight, I was on that new Agnarr server eq opened up trying to get my Fix(tm) by rolling a new dark elf wizard. I was level 5, failing miserably in my attempt to kill a yellow snake when a player who conned red to me (he probably could’ve oneshotted the snake judging by his gear) walked up, waited for me to die, then /laughed and walked away. I prayed for innoruuk to punish him soon.
    • 338 posts
    November 28, 2017 5:38 AM PST

    Let's all sit around the campfire singing Kumbaya and roasting marshmallows.


    Conflict is just as important as comraderie...


    A lot of my most memorable moments were brought about by people training, ksing, pvp, and just general shenanigans.



    Here's hoping for a return to the wild west times of MMOs.



    • 3237 posts
    November 28, 2017 5:59 AM PST

    Angrykiz said:

    Let's all sit around the campfire singing Kumbaya and roasting marshmallows.


    Conflict is just as important as comraderie...


    A lot of my most memorable moments were brought about by people training, ksing, pvp, and just general shenanigans.



    Here's hoping for a return to the wild west times of MMOs.



    Yes please, and thank you!  When I think of a high fantasy setting, I imagine bad people doing bad things ... and getting away with it ... for now.  Their evil deeds eventually catch up to them.  The people doing the right things, for the right reasons, eventually band up together.  The idea of having the FBI, Homeland Security, DoD, CIA, NSA, and ATF around every corner with wiretaps and swat vehicles feels ... sterile.  More sandbox, less rails.  A "perfect world" is indeed a "fantasy world" but it's not the fun kind.

    • 334 posts
    November 28, 2017 6:05 AM PST

    Vaarsuvious said: Earlier tonight, I was on that new Agnarr server eq opened up trying to get my Fix(tm) by rolling a new dark elf wizard. I was level 5, failing miserably in my attempt to kill a yellow snake when a player who conned red to me (he probably could’ve oneshotted the snake judging by his gear) walked up, waited for me to die, then /laughed and walked away. I prayed for innoruuk to punish him soon.

    Sometimes when I saw someone play (eq1) and I had yet to decide what to do, I (wizard) just loaded a fight level compatible spell and nuked the mob, taking about 20% off.
    Just to get that player a little off balance and wondering why the hp suddenly dropped, lol. Then send a tell, asking if the player doesn't mind me helping out a bit.
    The thing is, the player playing must do and learn its class skills. So the pulling, fighting, and finishing off have to be the players own. I just helped out making sure the mob died fast and made sure the player didn't accidently die by mistakes. (and throw in tells with sugestions)
    From that player's perspective it would have seemed like fighting a mob with less hp.

    • 57 posts
    November 28, 2017 4:06 PM PST

    oneADseven said:

    Angrykiz said:

    Let's all sit around the campfire singing Kumbaya and roasting marshmallows.


    Conflict is just as important as comraderie...


    A lot of my most memorable moments were brought about by people training, ksing, pvp, and just general shenanigans.



    Here's hoping for a return to the wild west times of MMOs.



    Yes please, and thank you!  When I think of a high fantasy setting, I imagine bad people doing bad things ... and getting away with it ... for now.  Their evil deeds eventually catch up to them.  The people doing the right things, for the right reasons, eventually band up together.  The idea of having the FBI, Homeland Security, DoD, CIA, NSA, and ATF around every corner with wiretaps and swat vehicles feels ... sterile.  More sandbox, less rails.  A "perfect world" is indeed a "fantasy world" but it's not the fun kind.


    When I went back to play on Agnarr recently, I was actually shocked and got pissed over how the game has changed into the WWW (Wild Wild West) atmosphere that I remembered from many years ago. I usually play a class thats more of a tank or healer / utility and these players would bring in there box armys or high dps / pets and camp whole zones and have the timers down and KS the crap out of you. I don't mine lines to get certain things, but if I just waited 3 hours for my turn at a mob because the people ahead of me are leaving, I am not gonna put up with someone butting in and taking my kills just so they could sell a item for profit verse actually needing a item for the character they are on.

    • 112 posts
    November 28, 2017 4:41 PM PST

    Help them ... never know when you make a friend :).


    • 98 posts
    November 28, 2017 6:59 PM PST

    Vaarsuvious said: Earlier tonight, I was on that new Agnarr server eq opened up trying to get my Fix(tm) by rolling a new dark elf wizard. I was level 5, failing miserably in my attempt to kill a yellow snake when a player who conned red to me (he probably could’ve oneshotted the snake judging by his gear) walked up, waited for me to die, then /laughed and walked away. I prayed for innoruuk to punish him soon.

    Now that's how you RP in the DE newbie zone.

    • 109 posts
    November 28, 2017 9:27 PM PST

    ...are they a twink?  Twinks can go rot under a dragon. ...said Vandraad...

    and This is why a Social MMO's die a slow death. 

    Obviously if someone was a dickhole, you may not help them, but to let them die because their gear is too nice for their level ? seriously ??

    I really hope I am not on your same server. I really don't wanna know people that are this shallow. 

    Maybe I got to lev 20 and decided to make a Necro instead of a Wizard and moved all my armor to my Lev 1 Necro and deleted the Wizard. Or since my Cleric can't wear the nice robe I won in a random roll, I gave it to my lev 3 Wizard.... 

    Guess since I have a lev 20 robe, I won't be getting help from people like this...

    Please use your forum name on your in game character so when you are dead, and need a ress,  my Cleric can teabag your corpse and take screenshots, instead of ressing it....  that's being social, right? I don't put my balls on just anyone. ;p 

    This post was edited by Naim at November 28, 2017 9:33 PM PST
    • 109 posts
    November 28, 2017 9:30 PM PST

    Naim said:

    ...deleted, somehow it posted twice


    This post was edited by Naim at November 28, 2017 9:32 PM PST
    • 6 posts
    December 1, 2017 2:08 AM PST

    I always help if I can. Met most of my best in game friends that way.