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Favorite Non-Combat Items You'd Like to See

    • 1281 posts
    November 24, 2017 9:56 AM PST

    What are your favorite non-combat items tha that you would like to see resurrected in some form in Pantheon.  By non-combat, I am meaning not weapons, armor, combat spell based clickies, etc.

    Mine areas follows:

    • Guise of the Deciever (the various masks that a Rogue could get to "impersonate" other races)
    • Journeyman Boots


    What are yours?

    • 3016 posts
    November 24, 2017 10:14 AM PST

    Manastone (I know that probably won't happen..from what I understand it was over powered.)    Definitely journey man boots,  not as fast as sow,  but still saved my behind as a caster at times.  Pets that give temporary buffs/shields, nothing game breaking.

    • 1303 posts
    November 24, 2017 10:15 AM PST

    Circlet of Shadows ! For my necro! ... 


    • 769 posts
    November 24, 2017 10:30 AM PST

    Fireworks! Potions of Illusion, so I can turn strangers into shrubbery.

    Or are we just referring to EQ non-combat items?

    • 1281 posts
    November 24, 2017 10:32 AM PST

    Tralyan said:

    Fireworks! Potions of Illusion, so I can turn strangers into shrubbery.

    Or are we just referring to EQ non-combat items?

    I was talking about EQ, EQ2, and Vanguard, bnut only because those are the only6 MMOs that I played.  I have no heartbvurn with non-EQ items....hehehehehhe

    • 557 posts
    November 24, 2017 10:45 AM PST

    I'd like to see fireworks, but maybe give them a bit of a purpose.   "Our group is down by the river.  Send me a tell when you get close and I'll send up a flare."

    LoTRO had musical instruments that were equipable for the music system they had in game.  It was  quite refreshing to see characters in town that weren't constantly waving their sword in your face.   I'm sure we won't see a complex music system, but some cosmetic items like instruments and clothing that exist primarily for roleplay would be nice.  Everything in the game doesn't have to have an obvious function.

    Telescopes would be a nice thing.  Something that didn't just zoom your screen, but required you to stop moving to use it and gave you that round field of view that you see in movies.  

    Crafting and resource gathering tools would be high up my list.  I'd rather see us need to equip the correct tools and have relevant animations for crafting rather than just walk up to a crafting station and open a dialogue box like in EQ.

    Stat foods would also go on my list.  Player made of course.

    • 26 posts
    November 24, 2017 10:52 AM PST

    I'm a big fan of illusion items/spells that change your faction (how the world reacts to you) while in the false form. Would like a bigger variety (that makes sense of course), and for them to be harder to get. You could even add in a check on certain mobs for them to see through it, like Invis.

    • 769 posts
    November 24, 2017 10:54 AM PST

    Celandor said:

    I'd like to see fireworks, but maybe give them a bit of a purpose.   "Our group is down by the river.  Send me a tell when you get close and I'll send up a flare."

    LoTRO had musical instruments that were equipable for the music system they had in game.  It was  quite refreshing to see characters in town that weren't constantly waving their sword in your face.   I'm sure we won't see a complex music system, but some cosmetic items like instruments and clothing that exist primarily for roleplay would be nice.  Everything in the game doesn't have to have an obvious function.

    Telescopes would be a nice thing.  Something that didn't just zoom your screen, but required you to stop moving to use it and gave you that round field of view that you see in movies.  

    Crafting and resource gathering tools would be high up my list.  I'd rather see us need to equip the correct tools and have relevant animations for crafting rather than just walk up to a crafting station and open a dialogue box like in EQ.

    Stat foods would also go on my list.  Player made of course.

    I completely forgot about the musical instruments in LoTRO. 

    That game did a lot of things right. It was, in so many ways, a carbon copy of WoW playability, but they had so many little additions (not to mention the lore itself) that gave it its own unique character. I loved walking through Bree and seeing a group of musicians jamming out just outside of the Prancing Pony. 

    The fireworks as flares is a pretty neat idea, too. Instead of having /loc, we'd have flares. Having both may be slightly redundant. 

    Also, I think having a caster(s) with the "flare" ability would be a good alternative instead of fireworks as an item. Just to give classes more utility. 

    Or maybe having them made only by Rogues or Rangers. 

    • 1020 posts
    November 24, 2017 12:12 PM PST

    I'd like to see a type of Journeyman Boots also, as long as they provide no AC, but were merely there for running to and from town.

    I'd also like to see more potions.  I've watched a lot of the videos and never see potions for mana or health and so at the end of a battle, sometimes (Joppa) in the middle of battle all we see is people sitting around for a few mins.

    • 2419 posts
    November 24, 2017 12:32 PM PST

    Definitely Journeyman Boots if casting of run speed enhancers is disabled indoors...and assuming the buff system works better than in EQ1 so we won't need to deal with front loading your buffs with insta-clicks.


    • 154 posts
    November 24, 2017 2:55 PM PST

    Journeyman Boots and Manastone (it was not overpowered in EQ2 at all).

    I do not think they can bring back the most famous items from the Everquest universe (probably protected by copyright) but items could have similar properties and different names :) 

    • 3237 posts
    November 24, 2017 2:58 PM PST

    I'm hoping that illusions are something unique to the enchanter class, personally.  I don't mind journeymen boots at all but hope they stack with movement enhancing buffs rather than replace them in any way.

    • 40 posts
    November 24, 2017 3:17 PM PST

    Nifty clickies I enjoyed:

    Jboots - High demand for non runspeed casters. Enjoyed the Outdoor only factor as well.
    VP SoW Sword - Highly sought after in the raid scene.
    Lev Cloak
    Guise line (Illusions Rogue/Bard Only - Faction modified as well)
    Manastone (Health -> Mana Old World Only)
    AoN (Skelly Illusion)
    PoM Flowers (Resists)

    Definitely forgetting a few.

    I enjoyed how your buff slot order had meaning in EQ, and how insta-clicks played a vital role as well.

    • 753 posts
    November 24, 2017 3:21 PM PST

    It's sort of a combat item, but the Worker's Sledgemallet was always one of my favorites.  Whack a mob, hope it proc's a gate out to the Overthere... then hope the mobs there don't see you and kill you before you can get an invis up.

    Similar (and safer), Tolan's Darkwood Breastplate - which had a clicky gate for rangers.

    Pegasus Feather Cloak - Provided Levitation

    Fishbone Earring - Provided Enduring Breath

    Evil Eye Bag - Weight reduction bag

    I'm sure there's more if I give it some thought :)


    This post was edited by Wandidar at November 24, 2017 3:22 PM PST
    • 1095 posts
    November 24, 2017 3:26 PM PST

    Can't wait till I can use my Create an Item pledge perk. It will be a utility item for sure. Maybe it will summon a Aradune pet.

    This post was edited by Aich at November 24, 2017 3:27 PM PST
    • 1020 posts
    November 24, 2017 3:36 PM PST

    Zeem said:

    Can't wait till I can use my Create an Item pledge perk. It will be a utility item for sure. Maybe it will summon a Aradune pet.


    What are you leaning towards?

    • 207 posts
    November 24, 2017 3:36 PM PST

    Alcohol....would love to have my character stumbling out of a tavern barely coherent!

    • 1095 posts
    November 24, 2017 3:44 PM PST

    Kittik said:

    Zeem said:

    Can't wait till I can use my Create an Item pledge perk. It will be a utility item for sure. Maybe it will summon a Aradune pet.


    What are you leaning towards?

    Man I'm not sure, depends on how much freedom they let us have lol. Clicky effect for sure lol. If i combine it with my create a questline or boss perk then it shold be fun. I'll need to explore the whole world during testing to see how I can utilize Terminus to the max. I want to make it difficult so I can have a nice item, given they allow it etc. This is the thing keeping em from upgrading to VIP for pre-alpha, don;t wanna lose it.

    This post was edited by Aich at November 24, 2017 3:50 PM PST
    • 98 posts
    November 24, 2017 4:06 PM PST

    Spinning Bottle, Fireworks, pies we can throw at people, birthday cake and wedding cake (and maybe 'retirement cake' or 'baby shower cake')...and hilarious descriptions on all spells and items.

    Not an item but still want to have bards be able to play music out of combat...and then also we should have rotten vegetables to throw at the bad ones.

    • 278 posts
    November 24, 2017 4:11 PM PST

    ok i whant gnomish spring boots great for Pantheon's climbing skill and halarious char movement and i whant Guild stuff cloack,banner that type of stuff.

    Gnomish springboots is a EQ2 thing

    This post was edited by Grizzly at November 24, 2017 4:12 PM PST
    • 2138 posts
    November 24, 2017 5:24 PM PST

    Wandidar said:

    Pegasus Feather Cloak - Provided Levitation



    *mages eye twitches maniacly* 

    • 399 posts
    November 24, 2017 5:49 PM PST

    Zeem said:

    Can't wait till I can use my Create an Item pledge perk. It will be a utility item for sure. Maybe it will summon a Aradune pet.


    What is this "Create an Item pledge perk" you speak of?

    • 118 posts
    November 24, 2017 6:13 PM PST

    Zeem said:

    Can't wait till I can use my Create an Item pledge perk. It will be a utility item for sure. Maybe it will summon a Aradune pet.


    your what now?

    • 3016 posts
    November 24, 2017 6:46 PM PST

    Zeem said:

    Can't wait till I can use my Create an Item pledge perk. It will be a utility item for sure. Maybe it will summon a Aradune pet.


    Humm Ranger pet? :D

    • 3237 posts
    November 24, 2017 7:12 PM PST

    Pretty sure that's one of the old kickstarter perks.