Forums » General Pantheon Discussion

What operating system would you prefer to play Pantheon?

    • 93 posts
    November 17, 2017 8:32 PM PST




    This poll was created to give the developers a general idea of:

    • How many people are using a different operating system besides Windows?
    • How many would prefer to use a different operating system to play Pantheon? 

    After voting, please list your current operating system used for gaming.


    Hopefully the devs will provide us with a more professional poll in the future.


    This post was edited by halflingwarrior at November 17, 2017 8:33 PM PST
    • 2130 posts
    November 17, 2017 8:35 PM PST



    • 1921 posts
    November 17, 2017 8:40 PM PST

    With Vulkan?  Linux.  If it runs fine under Wine? Linux.  If it runs fine in a VM?  Linux.

    Otherwise, Windows, unfortunately.  The only reason I still have windows is for most MMO's.

    • 753 posts
    November 17, 2017 9:44 PM PST

    I'll be on Windows 10 Pro.

    This post was edited by Wandidar at November 17, 2017 9:45 PM PST
    • 1785 posts
    November 17, 2017 10:34 PM PST

    Contrary to what the forums might lead you to believe, the vast majority of MMO players (and PC gamers in general) are *not* technically inclined.  A windows client is probably a given just due to market share :)  It would be sort of like making a phone app and not releasing it for Android-based phones.  You'd be ignoring a huge percentage of your potential market.

    That being said, it is a good idea to figure out how much demand their might be for Mac/Linux clients.  Is it just a super niche thing, or is there a double digit percentage of respondants who would like a client on those platforms?  (From my perspective, if you can show that an individual OS is represented in more than around 15% of the target market, it's probably worth the investment, even if that's a post-launch investment).

    • 2419 posts
    November 17, 2017 10:41 PM PST


    • 34 posts
    November 17, 2017 11:01 PM PST

    I know it's far more generic and is what do you use (not what would you prefer to use) than specifically asking the Pantheon community, but Steam's latest stats show 98.04% of their users are running some variant of Windows, 1.56% Mac and 0.32% Linux. I hope, if there is enough demand to justify it, that PRF can go multi-platform, but I'd hate to see the level of resources needed to do so mean the game itself suffered in other areas.

    • 28 posts
    November 18, 2017 5:55 AM PST

    Windows 10

    • 57 posts
    November 18, 2017 5:58 AM PST

    Win 10 64-bit

    • 56 posts
    November 18, 2017 9:20 AM PST

    Vandraad said:


    Plan 9.

    Realistically though as long as I can continue to use Windows 7 and i'm not forced to upgrade to Windows 10 i'll be happy. I know Linux support it's a stretch.

    This post was edited by Wyatt at November 18, 2017 9:26 AM PST
    • 278 posts
    November 18, 2017 9:29 AM PST

    As im getting old and lacy I only use win10 now even if win 10 in linux done right is better. Its more a Latency question now day's and not a operativ one and that depends on server geographic.

    • 557 posts
    November 18, 2017 10:31 AM PST

    MacOS native client preferred.

    If that doesn't work, then hopefully the game performance in a Fusion VM under Win10 will be OK.  My machine has lots of hamsters under the hood, so it will probably be fine.

    Barring all else, dual boot into Win10 and put a post-it note over my Apple logo.


    • 1281 posts
    November 18, 2017 10:43 AM PST

    Windows, but only because good video drivers for L:inux are a big afterhtought for the video card companies.  The performance lags HORRIBLY between Windows drivers and Linux drivers for the same video cards.

    • 98 posts
    November 18, 2017 3:24 PM PST

    I use Mac for my graphics and now have a Windows machine I can burn out with gaming :D Playing games on my Macbook Pro has led to issues with the graphics card, although maybe that's just its age showing.

    I'd say Windows just because it's so customizable and often cheaper than Mac, but plenty of people are Mac users. What I'd prefer is the ability for Mac and Windows (and Linux) users to play on the same server. We can all be friends no matter what OS we champion!

    • 363 posts
    November 18, 2017 3:59 PM PST

    Flak said:

    Vandraad said:


    Plan 9.

    Realistically though as long as I can continue to use Windows 7 and i'm not forced to upgrade to Windows 10 i'll be happy. I know Linux support it's a stretch.


    I was a Windows 7 poster child...until I installed Windows 10. 10 is faster than 7, seems to have fewer issues and is, all around, a vast improvement on Windows 7. plus, I got to upgrade to 10 for free on 2 desktops and 3 laptops. I consider Windows 10 a win...

    Used a Mac for 6 months...never again! But I hope that Mac users get good support for Pantheon!

    This post was edited by Anistosoles at November 18, 2017 4:01 PM PST
    • 793 posts
    November 19, 2017 3:23 AM PST

    Windows 10 user here. While I like the idea of a linux home machine, it just wasn't worth the effort since most everything I use it for is windows anyway.


    This post was edited by Fulton at November 19, 2017 3:24 AM PST
    • 500 posts
    November 19, 2017 4:46 AM PST

    Windows 10 64 bit here.

    • 32 posts
    November 19, 2017 6:33 AM PST
    I'd prefer Linux, but I can play on Windows 10.
    • 93 posts
    November 19, 2017 10:33 AM PST

    I really appreciate the feedback! Please do not forget to vote by clicking on the strawpoll link.

    • 334 posts
    November 19, 2017 3:15 PM PST

    Windows (for lots of reasons)
    (O&O ShutUp10 combined with W10Privacy for additonal reasons; among them performance)

    good poll site, unfortunatly does not use secure http
    get results without voting:

    • 10 posts
    November 19, 2017 4:55 PM PST

    Win 10

    • 3016 posts
    November 21, 2017 3:19 PM PST

    Win 3.1 ..I am kidding. (Win 10)   If I remember right,  Windows will be their main OS..with some vague mention of possibly Mac after release sometime.   As to other platforms no idea,  depends I guess on how popular Pantheon becomes and what their finances look like then. :)

    This post was edited by CanadinaXegony at November 21, 2017 3:21 PM PST
    • 3016 posts
    November 21, 2017 3:23 PM PST

    Khabarakh said:

    I know it's far more generic and is what do you use (not what would you prefer to use) than specifically asking the Pantheon community, but Steam's latest stats show 98.04% of their users are running some variant of Windows, 1.56% Mac and 0.32% Linux. I hope, if there is enough demand to justify it, that PRF can go multi-platform, but I'd hate to see the level of resources needed to do so mean the game itself suffered in other areas.


    Demand but mostly financial will probably direct what happens.  Remembering this company relies upon us and angel fund their progress.    No deep pockets like Blizzard.

    • 234 posts
    November 21, 2017 5:17 PM PST


    • 3016 posts
    November 21, 2017 5:33 PM PST

    azaya said:



    Oh Wow..Radio Shack..lmao!