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Have you played P99, P1999, Project 1999

    • 1020 posts
    November 14, 2017 2:11 PM PST

    On the basic server, it's EQ like the day it was released.  Wow.  It's rough.  But it's fun, and you know why?  I've been playing for about 3 hours and I'm level 3.  I makes me want it.  It makes me enjoy it more.  It'll only get worse, I know, but strangly enough I want that work, that stuggle, that pain of dieing and have to go find my corpse.  This is a blast...god it's soo bad


    Edit:  Oh, and you wouldn't believe how happy find a cruddy backpack sack on a decaying skeleton make me...

    This post was edited by Kittik at November 14, 2017 2:13 PM PST
    • 2130 posts
    November 14, 2017 2:13 PM PST

    P99 is great as long as you quit once you hit level 60.

    • 1020 posts
    November 14, 2017 2:20 PM PST

    I'm sure I'll quit well before then.  I'm just playing a little to waste time. It's a little too rough looking for my tastes.

    But it does remind me how fun difficult is.

    • 321 posts
    November 14, 2017 2:21 PM PST

    Yes I have .It is as awesomeas eq was at launch. Although the economy is a little slanted to thehigher level players who are able to camp the good drops it is still a fun time. I have played project 1999 since it was released but I will admit that I play sparingly. Sometimes I do not log in for months at a time, even a little more than a year once. They only are releasing 2 expansions and are currently on the second one. 


    • 2886 posts
    • 753 posts
    November 14, 2017 2:40 PM PST

    There was a guild of us Pantheon folks in P99 back around kickstarter time.

    Fun fact:

    At the top of this thread, Liav says it's great as long as you stop at 60.  In the first thread Bazgrim linked Liav says its fun until you hit 45+.

    P99 has gained 15 levels of Liav approval!


    This post was edited by Wandidar at November 14, 2017 2:41 PM PST
    • 2886 posts
    November 14, 2017 2:41 PM PST

    Wandidar said:

    Fun fact:

    At the top of this thread, Liav says it's great as long as you stop at 60.  In the first thread Bazgrim linked Liav says its great as long as you quit at 45+.

    P99 has gained 15 levels of Liav approval!

    Lol! good call!

    • 2130 posts
    November 14, 2017 2:41 PM PST

    Wandidar said:

    There was a guild of us Pantheon folks in P99 back around kickstarter time.

    Fun fact:

    At the top of this thread, Liav says it's great as long as you stop at 60.  In the first thread Bazgrim linked Liav says its great as long as you quit at 45.

    P99 has gained 15 levels of Liav approval!

    Stranger things have happened! I can't remember my logic behind 45 honestly, probably because it's around where I got bored. Either way, the raiding is trash.

    Edit: I'm not sure how I feel about being the subject of fun facts. >.>;

    This post was edited by Liav at November 14, 2017 2:43 PM PST
    • 281 posts
    November 14, 2017 3:48 PM PST

    I've heard of it, but haven't played.  Played standard EQ up until Daybreak bought it and annouced no more customer service (not that I even use customer service, but it was writing on the wall).

    • 234 posts
    November 14, 2017 4:30 PM PST

    Been playing for about 3 years now. 

    It is fun, and really the only game that gives me my MMO fix.

    I have taken long breaks and returned a few times now.

    Seems like I always end up back in EQ.

    Hoping pantheon can replace it. 


    • 2130 posts
    November 14, 2017 4:33 PM PST

    DragonFist said:

    I've heard of it, but haven't played.  Played standard EQ up until Daybreak bought it and annouced no more customer service (not that I even use customer service, but it was writing on the wall).

    Honestly, customer service has beeen one of the better parts of EQ for me recently. The game itself just isn't fun to play, though.

    • 2419 posts
    November 14, 2017 5:17 PM PST

    What stops me from revisiting early EQ1 is that there isn't a zone, mob, quest, item, crafting or activity that I haven't engaged in a dozen times across 10 characters over the years.  There isn't anything fun about repeating the same thing over and over again. It is difficult to go from a lvl 85 Shaman wearing some of the best gear in the game (at the time) to a lvl 1 anything, smacking rats or spiderlings outside the city gates.

    While that level of content will be part of the Pantheon experience, it will at least be in a new world, in a new zone with (hopefully) new creatures, items, spells, etc.

    • 287 posts
    November 14, 2017 7:37 PM PST
    I had a blast on p1999. But it has turned into named camps bring permanently camped which really sucks. I am back to EQ1 live.
    • 281 posts
    November 14, 2017 7:47 PM PST

    Liav said:

    DragonFist said:

    I've heard of it, but haven't played.  Played standard EQ up until Daybreak bought it and annouced no more customer service (not that I even use customer service, but it was writing on the wall).

    Honestly, customer service has beeen one of the better parts of EQ for me recently. The game itself just isn't fun to play, though.

    Can't talk about where it is now, since I stopped then.  But after buying out SOE, I was mid a raid when they spammed a yellow text system message about how there would no longer be in-game support for various things like getting stuck in the world.  There were already a number of other issues, including the fact that I was getting rather bored with the game myself and an in game friend was having troubles with his account and someone else I knew could no longer pay his account because some change in supported countries after playing for 16 years and a good half of them playing from the country he was in and the whole EQ Next thing and I decided that Daybreak really wasn't a company that I wanted to be giving money to. (a lot of "and"s in that sentence.)

    But if things have turned around, I'm glad to hear it.  The video for the (then) new expansion didn't up my hopes for an improved game experience either.

    • 423 posts
    November 15, 2017 6:28 AM PST

    DragonFist said:

    Liav said:

    DragonFist said:

    I've heard of it, but haven't played.  Played standard EQ up until Daybreak bought it and annouced no more customer service (not that I even use customer service, but it was writing on the wall).

    Honestly, customer service has beeen one of the better parts of EQ for me recently. The game itself just isn't fun to play, though.

    Can't talk about where it is now, since I stopped then.  But after buying out SOE, I was mid a raid when they spammed a yellow text system message about how there would no longer be in-game support for various things like getting stuck in the world.  There were already a number of other issues, including the fact that I was getting rather bored with the game myself and an in game friend was having troubles with his account and someone else I knew could no longer pay his account because some change in supported countries after playing for 16 years and a good half of them playing from the country he was in and the whole EQ Next thing and I decided that Daybreak really wasn't a company that I wanted to be giving money to. (a lot of "and"s in that sentence.)

    But if things have turned around, I'm glad to hear it.  The video for the (then) new expansion didn't up my hopes for an improved game experience either.


    All they stopped was GM's and such actively taking and handling requests through the game in /tells and such. What they meant was, you now have to exit the game and send in a ticket and wait for help. Poorly worded messages and the tendancy for players to blow things out of proportion lead to misunderstandings.

    I have submitted several tickets and had the issue resolved within hours. Seems to be faster CS than before.

    On P99, never played it myself because I hear the community there is Toxic on epic levels. No thanks.

    • 98 posts
    November 15, 2017 8:50 AM PST

    I am pretty active on p99.

    I guess that's an understatement. I am the 'leader' of the Department of Fun, which is basically a bunch of volunteers who help with and put on player events (making up for the complete lack of GM events on p99); I retouched all the faces of all the player toons for the EQClassicHD graphics upscale project; and I research various topics to help make the server more historically accurate. Been on it since about 2010. If you stick to the game and don't raid (or only raid occasionally), it's pretty fun. I often help others when I can and I have made some great friends along the way. I've even managed to reconnect with an old guildmate from EQLive. P99 is most fun doing group activities with friends, hands down.

    Regarding the bad stuff:
    The raid scene is super competitive, but I think what makes it toxic is how bitter everyone gets about not getting their pixels and how far some are willing to go to win the FTE races. The top two guilds are trading bans constantly these days, though a year ago there was seemingly no intervention and GMs were just adding to a lengthy list of rules 'til it looked like an apartment lease and you needed an actual lawyer to understand the intricacies. I'm not a particular advocate for raid instances but I think p99 would benefit from at least one, up on Plane of Sky.

    There's also a fair lack of civil discourse about raid targets, but some of the things I've seen make me think it's possible things can get better. Unfortunately we have way too many trolls and self-serving players, which makes most of the rest never want to work with each other. In the end, once you start raiding, you aren't playing EQ anymore. You are playing lawyerquest. Some of the members no longer play and simply troll the forums, and if you spend too much time around them they'll turn you into one of them because the negative atmosphere and abusive culture they cultivate is just that bad. If I see any of them running around in Terminus, I'll know it's the beginning of the end. Of course, I despise them so perhaps I'm biased, but I have seen what they did to two people I know and I don't ever want to see that sort of thing happen to anyone else. (Those two were by no means innocent to begin with, but they made a choice to hang out with the trolls and it did not serve them well in the personality department.)

    Basically, just avoid the raid scene and the forums and you'll have a lot of fun on p99.

    This post was edited by sorn at November 15, 2017 8:50 AM PST
    • 769 posts
    November 15, 2017 11:34 AM PST

    sorn said:

    I am pretty active on p99.

    I guess that's an understatement. I am the 'leader' of the Department of Fun, which is basically a bunch of volunteers who help with and put on player events (making up for the complete lack of GM events on p99); I retouched all the faces of all the player toons for the EQClassicHD graphics upscale project; and I research various topics to help make the server more historically accurate. Been on it since about 2010. If you stick to the game and don't raid (or only raid occasionally), it's pretty fun. I often help others when I can and I have made some great friends along the way. I've even managed to reconnect with an old guildmate from EQLive. P99 is most fun doing group activities with friends, hands down.

    Regarding the bad stuff:
    The raid scene is super competitive, but I think what makes it toxic is how bitter everyone gets about not getting their pixels and how far some are willing to go to win the FTE races. The top two guilds are trading bans constantly these days, though a year ago there was seemingly no intervention and GMs were just adding to a lengthy list of rules 'til it looked like an apartment lease and you needed an actual lawyer to understand the intricacies. I'm not a particular advocate for raid instances but I think p99 would benefit from at least one, up on Plane of Sky.

    There's also a fair lack of civil discourse about raid targets, but some of the things I've seen make me think it's possible things can get better. Unfortunately we have way too many trolls and self-serving players, which makes most of the rest never want to work with each other. In the end, once you start raiding, you aren't playing EQ anymore. You are playing lawyerquest. Some of the members no longer play and simply troll the forums, and if you spend too much time around them they'll turn you into one of them because the negative atmosphere and abusive culture they cultivate is just that bad. If I see any of them running around in Terminus, I'll know it's the beginning of the end. Of course, I despise them so perhaps I'm biased, but I have seen what they did to two people I know and I don't ever want to see that sort of thing happen to anyone else. (Those two were by no means innocent to begin with, but they made a choice to hang out with the trolls and it did not serve them well in the personality department.)

    Basically, just avoid the raid scene and the forums and you'll have a lot of fun on p99.

    I thought your name and avatar looked familiar. Pretty sure I've seen you on the forums from time to time in server chat. 

    Anyone interested in grouping with a Lvl ~20 Paladin, Rogue, or Wizard (and other lower alts) let me know! I never did any tanking in classic EQ, so it would be nice to learn how with a group of friends. So far I've just been soloing willowisps on my Paladin because I can't remember where else to solo, and as Sorn mentioned, the forums being such a toxic scene as they are it's made me wary about grouping with strangers. 

    Ketilron (Rogue

    Vaynard (Paladin)

    Firos (Wizard)

    Alyr (Ranger)

    For those interested. 


    This post was edited by Tralyan at November 15, 2017 11:35 AM PST
    • 98 posts
    November 15, 2017 1:50 PM PST

    Tralyan, at 20 you can go to Unrest to find some groups (it's usually busy, beware of trains), or try LOIO near the windmill. Highpass Hold has two camps on either end you can try as well. The orcs are more difficult than the gnolls, so I'd stick with the gnolls for now. Most random strangers in game are actually quite nice :) Be brave, yell that you're LFG or ask for tips on where to go!