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Have we seen this yet?

    • 514 posts
    November 4, 2017 3:27 PM PDT

    Looking for media showing thunderstorm over the sea at dusk - have we seen it yet?  I was fortunate enough to experience 2 typhoons while aboard a ship in 1989 and to me it was nothing short of magical.  Would love to see something like that in a stream, pic, whatever.  Coastal storms would be fine as well.

    • 1404 posts
    November 5, 2017 9:52 AM PST

    Do you mean in game? 

    I haven't even seen a gentle sprinkle yet.

    • 334 posts
    November 5, 2017 10:02 AM PST

    I would love a good weather for immersion, lol.. imagine rain, wind or fog. 'You have been killed by a falling tree' .. though maybe too nasty a undesired corpse run
    Such would\could change environment if trees grew real time. (floodings too; have to swim where not needing before...)
    imagine the moon i wondered about.. planetary axis thing, but also adds to tides.. (you;re stuck in quicksand trying to crossing coastal mudflats)
    getting sucked into a twiser, depositing you somwhere else in the zone (or getting stuck in it for a while being perceived as being too nasty)

    • 399 posts
    November 5, 2017 10:26 AM PST

    Well you very well may see stuff like that. Clouds are already dynamic and we've seen rain and snow.  Certainly the level of snow, rain, hail etc. could be dynamic.

    Could/should hail damage you? Should (walking through) snow affect your stamina?  Should rain affect endurance?  Could you potentially be hit by lightning?

    If you go into the water with all your armor, should it have/need time to dry and affect stamina until it is?

    When running in the forest, and there's a tree and you don't jump over it, do you lose hitpoints?  Or do you fall, trip, and have to stand up?

    Can you get damaged by rock slides?  Could there be cave-ins in a dungeon?

    • 334 posts
    November 5, 2017 12:23 PM PST

    could you die because an orc troupe followed your snowy footsteps? ... icky

    • 1095 posts
    December 9, 2017 2:58 PM PST

    That would be awesom to see squall lines coming in for the dynamtic storms if they add that level in the weather system.

    • 1281 posts
    December 9, 2017 3:09 PM PST

    I know that fog is in there.  It showed up in the technical previeww.

    • 1095 posts
    December 9, 2017 3:13 PM PST

    Kalok said:

    I know that fog is in there.  It showed up in the technical previeww.

    yeap thats gonna look real good around graveyard areas and swamps.

    • 1281 posts
    December 9, 2017 3:27 PM PST

    Zeem said:

    Kalok said:

    I know that fog is in there.  It showed up in the technical previeww.

    yeap thats gonna look real good around graveyard areas and swamps.

    Especially if they can do fog with vertical limits....  For instance, fog that is only knee high.  Or perhals, thick up to the knee-ish, and whispy above that say to cwaist or chest level.

    Same for snow and mud.  I would like to see snow and mud that you can walk through that has depth to it.  We already know that grass and water will have depth.

    I REALLY want to see seasons as well.  That's onew thing that EQ didn't really do well, but given the limitations of the game, I can understand that.

    • 1095 posts
    December 9, 2017 3:30 PM PST

    Kalok said:

    Zeem said:

    Kalok said:

    I know that fog is in there.  It showed up in the technical previeww.

    yeap thats gonna look real good around graveyard areas and swamps.

    Especially if they can do fog with vertical limits....  For instance, fog that is only knee high.  Or perhals, thick up to the knee-ish, and whispy above that say to cwaist or chest level.

    Same for snow and mud.  I would like to see snow and mud that you can walk through that has depth to it.  We already know that grass and water will have depth.

    I REALLY want to see seasons as well.  That's onew thing that EQ didn't really do well, but given the limitations of the game, I can understand that.

    yeah and mud and snow should have a negative movement modifier. Should be just another enviroment effect for the system they have in place.